Democratic Party is very smart

By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

Only problem with that is that Trump received the highest percentage of minority votes of any GOP President. He also received the most votes in history of any sitting president running for re-election.

So how did DemNazis win? Same as the Nazis in Germany. They stuffed ballot boxes with fraudulent votes and counted them as legitimate.

Biden Inc is a fraud.
He still got less than 15%

Biden got many more votes than was needed to kick trump's ass.
If there is no brainwashing of the black vote, Trump wins by 15mil. Democrats have done a good job stealing the black vote. For my entire life this has been the case and yet here we are with you crying systemic racism as our black friends don’t have near the wealth of many. But they keep voting Democrat so it’s a self fulfilling prophecy.

Again you complain because you believe black folk are brainwashed and stupid. Keep up the good work. I'm sure they will eventually come around to your way of thinking if you keep telling them they are brainwashed and stupid. What could go wrong?
Brainwashed and stupid aren't synonyms. You're stupid but you're not brainwashed. You still cannot refute my point. Pretty sad.
I have no need or desire to refute your point. Reality refutes your point. You're just too dumb to see that.
LMAO...'re a moron. Blacks are still struggling. But they keep voting Democrat. But I am in need of a reality check? You're a loser, old man.

So? Lots of diabetics still have diabetes, but they still take their medicine and watch their diet. You don't quit doing what is best for you just because the problem didn't completely go away yet.
Those medicines work. Voting Democrat has not. I am 40. Coincidentally Elijah Cummings was the congressman for Baltimore for my entire life and Baltimore always was and remains a shit hole. One would think the voters would give another party a shot. Maybe 3rd party like VT did. But no, they keep voting for the same guy and they didn't have one proficient student in math out of 13 high schools. Self fulfilling prophecy. But it's my fault because I am a white Jew? Racism is the low hanging fruit that unintelligent people (you) grab when they can't figure out what the real reason this shit exists.

Seems most of the people in your state disagree with you. Are all those people too stupid to know what is best for them?
My state is full of teachers and students so they vote for their best interests..unions and students are naturally very liberal. I was until I hit my early 30s. Now I am more moderate. Our state was smart enough to at least have some checks and balances with a Republican governor although he is GOP Lite. We also have Liz Warren, who is an utter embarrassment.

Do you oppose people voting in their own best interest?
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

So wait, wait, wait, let me get this straight.

The Democratic party has
-held the Presidency for almost the last 30 years, except Bush and Dumbfuck McGee for 4 years
- Just won the election

Whereas the Republican party has
- said Democracy is a fraud and "dead zombies voted"
- their politicians flying down to Florida to kiss the ring of a demented fatass blob

And you're going to come here and make a topic sarcastically saying the Democratic party are the "smart ones". No, dude, you're the smart ones.
It's just good to see Chairman Xiden supporters uniting the country.

Very touching.

The country is pretty much united against trumpism. His few crazy followers are the only ones not on board.
Hun, there are FUCK BIDEN signs/flags etc all over the place out here..

Sure, There will always be fringe nut jobs drawing attention.
Not Fringe hun---------------upper middle class large mix of transplants from all over the country----Fuck Biden! Fuck biden: Fuck Biden--------

Biden is a hated a man---a very hated man.

Yes, lots of crazies hate him. That's why they attempted a coup.
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

So wait, wait, wait, let me get this straight.

The Democratic party has
-held the Presidency for almost the last 30 years, except Bush and Dumbfuck McGee for 4 years
- Just won the election

Whereas the Republican party has
- said Democracy is a fraud and "dead zombies voted"
- their politicians flying down to Florida to kiss the ring of a demented fatass blob

And you're going to come here and make a topic sarcastically saying the Democratic party are the "smart ones". No, dude, you're the smart ones.
It's just good to see Chairman Xiden supporters uniting the country.

Very touching.

The country is pretty much united against trumpism. His few crazy followers are the only ones not on board.
Hun, there are FUCK BIDEN signs/flags etc all over the place out here..

Sure, There will always be fringe nut jobs drawing attention.
Stop talking about yourself like that. Trump got a lot of votes whether you like it or not and if not for the African American vote (brainwashed) he wins by 15mil. Eventually the African American community will wake up. But you won't be around then, old man
And what are you doing to "wake them up"? Telling them they are stupid?
Nothing. Don’t care if they wake up but don’t blame me for your voting decisions and outcomes. Low hanging fruit.
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

Only problem with that is that Trump received the highest percentage of minority votes of any GOP President. He also received the most votes in history of any sitting president running for re-election.

So how did DemNazis win? Same as the Nazis in Germany. They stuffed ballot boxes with fraudulent votes and counted them as legitimate.

Biden Inc is a fraud.
He still got less than 15%

Biden got many more votes than was needed to kick trump's ass.
If there is no brainwashing of the black vote, Trump wins by 15mil. Democrats have done a good job stealing the black vote. For my entire life this has been the case and yet here we are with you crying systemic racism as our black friends don’t have near the wealth of many. But they keep voting Democrat so it’s a self fulfilling prophecy.

Again you complain because you believe black folk are brainwashed and stupid. Keep up the good work. I'm sure they will eventually come around to your way of thinking if you keep telling them they are brainwashed and stupid. What could go wrong?
Brainwashed and stupid aren't synonyms. You're stupid but you're not brainwashed. You still cannot refute my point. Pretty sad.
I have no need or desire to refute your point. Reality refutes your point. You're just too dumb to see that.
LMAO...'re a moron. Blacks are still struggling. But they keep voting Democrat. But I am in need of a reality check? You're a loser, old man.

So? Lots of diabetics still have diabetes, but they still take their medicine and watch their diet. You don't quit doing what is best for you just because the problem didn't completely go away yet.
Those medicines work. Voting Democrat has not. I am 40. Coincidentally Elijah Cummings was the congressman for Baltimore for my entire life and Baltimore always was and remains a shit hole. One would think the voters would give another party a shot. Maybe 3rd party like VT did. But no, they keep voting for the same guy and they didn't have one proficient student in math out of 13 high schools. Self fulfilling prophecy. But it's my fault because I am a white Jew? Racism is the low hanging fruit that unintelligent people (you) grab when they can't figure out what the real reason this shit exists.

Seems most of the people in your state disagree with you. Are all those people too stupid to know what is best for them?
My state is full of teachers and students so they vote for their best interests..unions and students are naturally very liberal. I was until I hit my early 30s. Now I am more moderate. Our state was smart enough to at least have some checks and balances with a Republican governor although he is GOP Lite. We also have Liz Warren, who is an utter embarrassment.

Do you oppose people voting in their own best interest?
No, I support it. Voting for the same party all the time is in no ones best interest.
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

So wait, wait, wait, let me get this straight.

The Democratic party has
-held the Presidency for almost the last 30 years, except Bush and Dumbfuck McGee for 4 years
- Just won the election

Whereas the Republican party has
- said Democracy is a fraud and "dead zombies voted"
- their politicians flying down to Florida to kiss the ring of a demented fatass blob

And you're going to come here and make a topic sarcastically saying the Democratic party are the "smart ones". No, dude, you're the smart ones.
It's just good to see Chairman Xiden supporters uniting the country.

Very touching.

The country is pretty much united against trumpism. His few crazy followers are the only ones not on board.
Hun, there are FUCK BIDEN signs/flags etc all over the place out here..

Sure, There will always be fringe nut jobs drawing attention.
Not Fringe hun---------------upper middle class large mix of transplants from all over the country----Fuck Biden! Fuck biden: Fuck Biden--------

Biden is a hated a man---a very hated man.

Yes, lots of crazies hate him. That's why they attempted a coup.
Lots of? LOL like 2k people. You’re such a snowflake pussy. I bet You have never been in a real fight in your life.
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

Only problem with that is that Trump received the highest percentage of minority votes of any GOP President. He also received the most votes in history of any sitting president running for re-election.

So how did DemNazis win? Same as the Nazis in Germany. They stuffed ballot boxes with fraudulent votes and counted them as legitimate.

Biden Inc is a fraud.
He still got less than 15%

Biden got many more votes than was needed to kick trump's ass.
If there is no brainwashing of the black vote, Trump wins by 15mil. Democrats have done a good job stealing the black vote. For my entire life this has been the case and yet here we are with you crying systemic racism as our black friends don’t have near the wealth of many. But they keep voting Democrat so it’s a self fulfilling prophecy.

Again you complain because you believe black folk are brainwashed and stupid. Keep up the good work. I'm sure they will eventually come around to your way of thinking if you keep telling them they are brainwashed and stupid. What could go wrong?
Brainwashed and stupid aren't synonyms. You're stupid but you're not brainwashed. You still cannot refute my point. Pretty sad.
I have no need or desire to refute your point. Reality refutes your point. You're just too dumb to see that.
LMAO...'re a moron. Blacks are still struggling. But they keep voting Democrat. But I am in need of a reality check? You're a loser, old man.

So? Lots of diabetics still have diabetes, but they still take their medicine and watch their diet. You don't quit doing what is best for you just because the problem didn't completely go away yet.
Those medicines work. Voting Democrat has not. I am 40. Coincidentally Elijah Cummings was the congressman for Baltimore for my entire life and Baltimore always was and remains a shit hole. One would think the voters would give another party a shot. Maybe 3rd party like VT did. But no, they keep voting for the same guy and they didn't have one proficient student in math out of 13 high schools. Self fulfilling prophecy. But it's my fault because I am a white Jew? Racism is the low hanging fruit that unintelligent people (you) grab when they can't figure out what the real reason this shit exists.

Seems most of the people in your state disagree with you. Are all those people too stupid to know what is best for them?
My state is full of teachers and students so they vote for their best interests..unions and students are naturally very liberal. I was until I hit my early 30s. Now I am more moderate. Our state was smart enough to at least have some checks and balances with a Republican governor although he is GOP Lite. We also have Liz Warren, who is an utter embarrassment.

Do you oppose people voting in their own best interest?
No, I support it. Voting for the same party all the time is in no ones best interest.
Not so. It worked great for the former USSR and does just fine in North Korea.

One party all the way baby!
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

Only problem with that is that Trump received the highest percentage of minority votes of any GOP President. He also received the most votes in history of any sitting president running for re-election.

So how did DemNazis win? Same as the Nazis in Germany. They stuffed ballot boxes with fraudulent votes and counted them as legitimate.

Biden Inc is a fraud.
He still got less than 15%

Biden got many more votes than was needed to kick trump's ass.
If there is no brainwashing of the black vote, Trump wins by 15mil. Democrats have done a good job stealing the black vote. For my entire life this has been the case and yet here we are with you crying systemic racism as our black friends don’t have near the wealth of many. But they keep voting Democrat so it’s a self fulfilling prophecy.

Again you complain because you believe black folk are brainwashed and stupid. Keep up the good work. I'm sure they will eventually come around to your way of thinking if you keep telling them they are brainwashed and stupid. What could go wrong?
Brainwashed and stupid aren't synonyms. You're stupid but you're not brainwashed. You still cannot refute my point. Pretty sad.
I have no need or desire to refute your point. Reality refutes your point. You're just too dumb to see that.
LMAO...'re a moron. Blacks are still struggling. But they keep voting Democrat. But I am in need of a reality check? You're a loser, old man.

So? Lots of diabetics still have diabetes, but they still take their medicine and watch their diet. You don't quit doing what is best for you just because the problem didn't completely go away yet.
Those medicines work. Voting Democrat has not. I am 40. Coincidentally Elijah Cummings was the congressman for Baltimore for my entire life and Baltimore always was and remains a shit hole. One would think the voters would give another party a shot. Maybe 3rd party like VT did. But no, they keep voting for the same guy and they didn't have one proficient student in math out of 13 high schools. Self fulfilling prophecy. But it's my fault because I am a white Jew? Racism is the low hanging fruit that unintelligent people (you) grab when they can't figure out what the real reason this shit exists.

Seems most of the people in your state disagree with you. Are all those people too stupid to know what is best for them?
My state is full of teachers and students so they vote for their best interests..unions and students are naturally very liberal. I was until I hit my early 30s. Now I am more moderate. Our state was smart enough to at least have some checks and balances with a Republican governor although he is GOP Lite. We also have Liz Warren, who is an utter embarrassment.

Do you oppose people voting in their own best interest?
No, I support it. Voting for the same party all the time is in no ones best interest.
Not so. It worked great for the former USSR and does just fine in North Korea.

One party all the way baby!
These people just refuse to debate honestly
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

Only problem with that is that Trump received the highest percentage of minority votes of any GOP President. He also received the most votes in history of any sitting president running for re-election.

So how did DemNazis win? Same as the Nazis in Germany. They stuffed ballot boxes with fraudulent votes and counted them as legitimate.

Biden Inc is a fraud.
He still got less than 15%

Biden got many more votes than was needed to kick trump's ass.
If there is no brainwashing of the black vote, Trump wins by 15mil. Democrats have done a good job stealing the black vote. For my entire life this has been the case and yet here we are with you crying systemic racism as our black friends don’t have near the wealth of many. But they keep voting Democrat so it’s a self fulfilling prophecy.

Again you complain because you believe black folk are brainwashed and stupid. Keep up the good work. I'm sure they will eventually come around to your way of thinking if you keep telling them they are brainwashed and stupid. What could go wrong?
Brainwashed and stupid aren't synonyms. You're stupid but you're not brainwashed. You still cannot refute my point. Pretty sad.
I have no need or desire to refute your point. Reality refutes your point. You're just too dumb to see that.
LMAO...'re a moron. Blacks are still struggling. But they keep voting Democrat. But I am in need of a reality check? You're a loser, old man.

So? Lots of diabetics still have diabetes, but they still take their medicine and watch their diet. You don't quit doing what is best for you just because the problem didn't completely go away yet.
Those medicines work. Voting Democrat has not. I am 40. Coincidentally Elijah Cummings was the congressman for Baltimore for my entire life and Baltimore always was and remains a shit hole. One would think the voters would give another party a shot. Maybe 3rd party like VT did. But no, they keep voting for the same guy and they didn't have one proficient student in math out of 13 high schools. Self fulfilling prophecy. But it's my fault because I am a white Jew? Racism is the low hanging fruit that unintelligent people (you) grab when they can't figure out what the real reason this shit exists.

Seems most of the people in your state disagree with you. Are all those people too stupid to know what is best for them?
My state is full of teachers and students so they vote for their best interests..unions and students are naturally very liberal. I was until I hit my early 30s. Now I am more moderate. Our state was smart enough to at least have some checks and balances with a Republican governor although he is GOP Lite. We also have Liz Warren, who is an utter embarrassment.

Do you oppose people voting in their own best interest?
No, I support it. Voting for the same party all the time is in no ones best interest.
Not so. It worked great for the former USSR and does just fine in North Korea.

One party all the way baby!
These people just refuse to debate honestly
Cuz they have no interest in debate.

Just power.

They have power, so why debate?
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

Only problem with that is that Trump received the highest percentage of minority votes of any GOP President. He also received the most votes in history of any sitting president running for re-election.

So how did DemNazis win? Same as the Nazis in Germany. They stuffed ballot boxes with fraudulent votes and counted them as legitimate.

Biden Inc is a fraud.
He still got less than 15%

Biden got many more votes than was needed to kick trump's ass.
If there is no brainwashing of the black vote, Trump wins by 15mil. Democrats have done a good job stealing the black vote. For my entire life this has been the case and yet here we are with you crying systemic racism as our black friends don’t have near the wealth of many. But they keep voting Democrat so it’s a self fulfilling prophecy.

Again you complain because you believe black folk are brainwashed and stupid. Keep up the good work. I'm sure they will eventually come around to your way of thinking if you keep telling them they are brainwashed and stupid. What could go wrong?
Brainwashed and stupid aren't synonyms. You're stupid but you're not brainwashed. You still cannot refute my point. Pretty sad.
I have no need or desire to refute your point. Reality refutes your point. You're just too dumb to see that.
LMAO...'re a moron. Blacks are still struggling. But they keep voting Democrat. But I am in need of a reality check? You're a loser, old man.

So? Lots of diabetics still have diabetes, but they still take their medicine and watch their diet. You don't quit doing what is best for you just because the problem didn't completely go away yet.
Those medicines work. Voting Democrat has not. I am 40. Coincidentally Elijah Cummings was the congressman for Baltimore for my entire life and Baltimore always was and remains a shit hole. One would think the voters would give another party a shot. Maybe 3rd party like VT did. But no, they keep voting for the same guy and they didn't have one proficient student in math out of 13 high schools. Self fulfilling prophecy. But it's my fault because I am a white Jew? Racism is the low hanging fruit that unintelligent people (you) grab when they can't figure out what the real reason this shit exists.

Seems most of the people in your state disagree with you. Are all those people too stupid to know what is best for them?
My state is full of teachers and students so they vote for their best interests..unions and students are naturally very liberal. I was until I hit my early 30s. Now I am more moderate. Our state was smart enough to at least have some checks and balances with a Republican governor although he is GOP Lite. We also have Liz Warren, who is an utter embarrassment.

Do you oppose people voting in their own best interest?
No, I support it. Voting for the same party all the time is in no ones best interest.
Yet you are upset, and looking for excuses for why people, especially the black community, did just that.
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

So wait, wait, wait, let me get this straight.

The Democratic party has
-held the Presidency for almost the last 30 years, except Bush and Dumbfuck McGee for 4 years
- Just won the election

Whereas the Republican party has
- said Democracy is a fraud and "dead zombies voted"
- their politicians flying down to Florida to kiss the ring of a demented fatass blob

And you're going to come here and make a topic sarcastically saying the Democratic party are the "smart ones". No, dude, you're the smart ones.
It's just good to see Chairman Xiden supporters uniting the country.

Very touching.

The country is pretty much united against trumpism. His few crazy followers are the only ones not on board.
Hun, there are FUCK BIDEN signs/flags etc all over the place out here..

Sure, There will always be fringe nut jobs drawing attention.
Not Fringe hun---------------upper middle class large mix of transplants from all over the country----Fuck Biden! Fuck biden: Fuck Biden--------

Biden is a hated a man---a very hated man.

Yes, lots of crazies hate him. That's why they attempted a coup.
Lots of? LOL like 2k people. You’re such a snowflake pussy. I bet You have never been in a real fight in your life.
I'm not aware of any political stand in our government that requires physically fighting. When are these fights scheduled, and how are our senators chosen to do battle?
If you want the black folk to quit thinking of the GOP as racist, your best bet would be for the GOP to quit being racist.

Bulldog is the PROG spokesman you know. NEVER FORGET conservatives are racist, cuz PROGS will act it out 24/7 while racism lives in their tiny heads, rent free.

Not a problem. Conservatives will make sure nobody ever forgets that they are racist.

Right, that's what it is. Have an example handy?
Sure, but I've read enough of your posts to know you will deny anything I list. You are a lost cause, and I won't play your game. You can be sure I will continue pointing out the racism of the right, but for you, personally, you will get little more than You are wrong.

All you had to say was you're just a parrot and don't have the material to come to your own conclusions. But if it helps you sleep nights, I'm a racist NAZI white supremacist KKK. Like your POTUS, only I don't protest to be different for political appearances left.
Dude, there is racism but it is not systemic. In Germany the Govt treated Jews poorly led by the leader. Pretty sure our leaders aren’t treating anyone differently than anyone else. Racism is the low hanging fruit that unintelligent and lazy people pick when gauging what they don’t like with America.

Of course it's systemic. White people have all the wealth and all the power. The legal system treats blacks differently all the way from the police to the judges.

America is a racist country. Was from the very start when we exterminated the Native Americans and had black slaves do all the hard work.

Germany had hundreds of years of anti-semitism before Adolf came along. That's why when Hitler said, "Get the Jews", it really didn't sound unreasonable to people.
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

Only problem with that is that Trump received the highest percentage of minority votes of any GOP President. He also received the most votes in history of any sitting president running for re-election.

So how did DemNazis win? Same as the Nazis in Germany. They stuffed ballot boxes with fraudulent votes and counted them as legitimate.

Biden Inc is a fraud.
He still got less than 15%

Biden got many more votes than was needed to kick trump's ass.
If there is no brainwashing of the black vote, Trump wins by 15mil. Democrats have done a good job stealing the black vote. For my entire life this has been the case and yet here we are with you crying systemic racism as our black friends don’t have near the wealth of many. But they keep voting Democrat so it’s a self fulfilling prophecy.

Again you complain because you believe black folk are brainwashed and stupid. Keep up the good work. I'm sure they will eventually come around to your way of thinking if you keep telling them they are brainwashed and stupid. What could go wrong?
Brainwashed and stupid aren't synonyms. You're stupid but you're not brainwashed. You still cannot refute my point. Pretty sad.
I have no need or desire to refute your point. Reality refutes your point. You're just too dumb to see that.
LMAO...'re a moron. Blacks are still struggling. But they keep voting Democrat. But I am in need of a reality check? You're a loser, old man.

So? Lots of diabetics still have diabetes, but they still take their medicine and watch their diet. You don't quit doing what is best for you just because the problem didn't completely go away yet.
Those medicines work. Voting Democrat has not. I am 40. Coincidentally Elijah Cummings was the congressman for Baltimore for my entire life and Baltimore always was and remains a shit hole. One would think the voters would give another party a shot. Maybe 3rd party like VT did. But no, they keep voting for the same guy and they didn't have one proficient student in math out of 13 high schools. Self fulfilling prophecy. But it's my fault because I am a white Jew? Racism is the low hanging fruit that unintelligent people (you) grab when they can't figure out what the real reason this shit exists.

Seems most of the people in your state disagree with you. Are all those people too stupid to know what is best for them?
My state is full of teachers and students so they vote for their best interests..unions and students are naturally very liberal. I was until I hit my early 30s. Now I am more moderate. Our state was smart enough to at least have some checks and balances with a Republican governor although he is GOP Lite. We also have Liz Warren, who is an utter embarrassment.

Do you oppose people voting in their own best interest?
No, I support it. Voting for the same party all the time is in no ones best interest.
Yet you are upset, and looking for excuses for why people, especially the black community, did just that.
I am curious. I am upset the Celtics aren’t having a better season.
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

So wait, wait, wait, let me get this straight.

The Democratic party has
-held the Presidency for almost the last 30 years, except Bush and Dumbfuck McGee for 4 years
- Just won the election

Whereas the Republican party has
- said Democracy is a fraud and "dead zombies voted"
- their politicians flying down to Florida to kiss the ring of a demented fatass blob

And you're going to come here and make a topic sarcastically saying the Democratic party are the "smart ones". No, dude, you're the smart ones.
It's just good to see Chairman Xiden supporters uniting the country.

Very touching.

The country is pretty much united against trumpism. His few crazy followers are the only ones not on board.
Hun, there are FUCK BIDEN signs/flags etc all over the place out here..

Sure, There will always be fringe nut jobs drawing attention.
Not Fringe hun---------------upper middle class large mix of transplants from all over the country----Fuck Biden! Fuck biden: Fuck Biden--------

Biden is a hated a man---a very hated man.

Yes, lots of crazies hate him. That's why they attempted a coup.
Lots of? LOL like 2k people. You’re such a snowflake pussy. I bet You have never been in a real fight in your life.
I'm not aware of any political stand in our government that requires physically fighting. When are these fights scheduled, and how are our senators chosen to do battle?
According to Chris Cuomo protests aren’t supposed to be peaceful. You’re old, I get it so vote to defund the police so some thug can rob you.
Dude, there is racism but it is not systemic. In Germany the Govt treated Jews poorly led by the leader. Pretty sure our leaders aren’t treating anyone differently than anyone else. Racism is the low hanging fruit that unintelligent and lazy people pick when gauging what they don’t like with America.

Of course it's systemic. White people have all the wealth and all the power. The legal system treats blacks differently all the way from the police to the judges.

America is a racist country. Was from the very start when we exterminated the Native Americans and had black slaves do all the hard work.

Germany had hundreds of years of anti-semitism before Adolf came along. That's why when Hitler said, "Get the Jews", it really didn't sound unreasonable to people.
Nope. Actually Asians earn more than whites. Jews have a lot of wealth and power (you really hate that). You weren’t in Germany, you don’t know. Tell me again how Michael Jordan was a mediocre basketball player. You have zero credibility but your moronic posts do amuse me, fatty.
Nope. Actually Asians earn more than whites.

Ah, the Myth of the Good Minority. I'm sure all those ladies who got shot at the Happy Ending Massage Parlors thought they were special.

Jews have a lot of wealth and power (you really hate that).

You weren’t in Germany, you don’t know.

My Grandfather was. His brother actually joined the NSDAP when they took power. (After the war, he was called a Mitlaufer and cleared of any wrongdoing.) Then again, my brothers are Trump supporters, so there's that.

You have zero credibility but your moronic posts do amuse me, fatty.

Man, dude, what is your obsession with fat guys?

Did you spooge over the Chris Farley Chippendales bit?

By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

So wait, wait, wait, let me get this straight.

The Democratic party has
-held the Presidency for almost the last 30 years, except Bush and Dumbfuck McGee for 4 years
- Just won the election

Whereas the Republican party has
- said Democracy is a fraud and "dead zombies voted"
- their politicians flying down to Florida to kiss the ring of a demented fatass blob

And you're going to come here and make a topic sarcastically saying the Democratic party are the "smart ones". No, dude, you're the smart ones.
It's just good to see Chairman Xiden supporters uniting the country.

Very touching.

The country is pretty much united against trumpism. His few crazy followers are the only ones not on board.
Hun, there are FUCK BIDEN signs/flags etc all over the place out here..

Sure, There will always be fringe nut jobs drawing attention.
Not Fringe hun---------------upper middle class large mix of transplants from all over the country----Fuck Biden! Fuck biden: Fuck Biden--------

Biden is a hated a man---a very hated man.

Yes, lots of crazies hate him. That's why they attempted a coup.
Lots of? LOL like 2k people. You’re such a snowflake pussy. I bet You have never been in a real fight in your life.
I'm not aware of any political stand in our government that requires physically fighting. When are these fights scheduled, and how are our senators chosen to do battle?
According to Chris Cuomo protests aren’t supposed to be peaceful. You’re old, I get it so vote to defund the police so some thug can rob you.
To the best of my knowledge, the police aren't a militia.
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

Well, for starters, the "scraps" that the Democratic Party has given to minority voters, are are WHOLE lot better, than what the Republican Party has done and continues to do to them.

The GOP isn't just racist, it's white supremacist, and authoritarian, and it's getting worse, not better. The more than 200 voter suppression laws they're currently trying to pass in red states are proof positive of the racism of the GOP. Donald Trump didn't try to throw out the white votes from Palmer Woods. He tried to throw out the black votes from Wayne County.

So keep trying to pretend that the GOP isn't anti-democratic, authoritarian, and racist, isn't going to cut any ice with anyone other than other Republicans. I don't even think YOU believe this codswallop.
If you want the black folk to quit thinking of the GOP as racist, your best bet would be for the GOP to quit being racist.
I said they (you) paint them as racist then the real racists are you as you see African Americans as inferior and in need of special help. I, an Independent see everyone as equals.

It would seem that most black folk disagree with you. Do you think they are just too stupid to tell the difference?
Not stupid at all. Just doing what the News Media tells them to do. So you believe the 10% that do vote GOP are indeed stupid? Oh

The news media doesn't tell black people what to do. Just like the rest of us on the left, we all assess all of the information from the left and the right, decide which programs will benefit our families more, and vote accordingly.

The problem Republicans have is that black people have been lied to by white people for so long, they are rightfully suspicious of anything they're told, while you fools on the right, who never fact check or question what the right wing media tells you, believe anything they say. Blacks have figured out who is really lying to them and they vote accordingly. 90% of black people know that Republicans are liars who crash the US economy again, and again, and who are currently trying to take their votes away.

Poor white people who don't fact check or verify through multiple sources, get conned by Republicans again, and again. Poor white people vote for the party which has crashed the economy 3 times in the past 40 years and impoverished working Americans. 90% of black voters have figured out who that is. Which group are voting against their own self interest?
If you want the black folk to quit thinking of the GOP as racist, your best bet would be for the GOP to quit being racist.
I said they (you) paint them as racist then the real racists are you as you see African Americans as inferior and in need of special help. I, an Independent, see everyone as equals.
Which is not the case with many Republicans.

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