Democratic Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon is CARJACKED at gunpoint by two armed men in Philadelphia

How is that instant karma? Has she been hijacking people herself?
She supports the defund policies that help allow such crimes to happen. So yes in a way she did hijack common sense law and order measures. Car jackings were way down for years due to the stiff penalties imposed.

At it's height in the early-mid 90s I was a victim of a attempted car-jacking but being aware of my surroundings and a M1911A1 saved me and mine.

She and those like her need to reap the full measure of the chaos they helped recreate......Deserves has everything to do with it.
LOL.....You want to hear something ironic?

When H.R.4542 - Anti-Car Theft Act of 1992 was passed in the House guess who sponsored it?​

Wait for it......The then House Rep Chuck Schumer (D-NY-10)

LOL.....You want to hear something ironic?

When H.R.4542 - Anti-Car Theft Act of 1992 was passed in the House guess who sponsored it?​

Wait for it......The then House Rep Chuck Schumer (D-NY-10)

That and $5 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks
Are you drunk or just vicious?

This asshat corruptocrat makes the lives of her constituency far more dangerous by her voting record. This woman is indirectly responsible for people dying.

These assholes live in gated communities, surrounded by armed guards while condemning their citizens to lives of fear, and loss.

She deserved every bit of terror she experienced.
I arrest them ... I don't watch them on YouTube.
So you can t produce one. Just as I thought. I'm sure they exist, but IVE NEVER SEEN ONE. You'd think their mugshots would show up on the nighty news, BUT IVE NEVER SEEN ONE. Only African
Something else to ponder on is the "Johnny on the spot" police/fed gov response both looking for her car and "insuring her protection" afterwards.....Don't for a minute think that you or I would have received the same treatment the congress critter did by law enforcement.

Since no injury was involved you might have had someone finally come by and take a report, then it would languish till the remains of your vehicle was discovered someplace weeks after the event, maybe a bit sooner if it was involved in another crime.
I wonder if the carjackers bought their guns legally through a licensed dealer...?

Being 19 he could not have purchased the gun legally but he could possess it in Delaware and even get a permit to carry in Delaware.

For this crime though, he carried the gun illegally; even if he had a Delaware CCW, Pennsylvania does not honor a Delaware CCW so in what the left should be crying about, HE CROSSED STATE LINES . . .

Remember when "crossing state lines" to "commit a crime with a gun" was a thing a couple weeks ago? Where all all those assholes now?

Because I don't see anything she's done that would keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

I'm sure she would disagree . . . She has never seen a gun control law she doesn't enthusiastically support and even after this incident, she returns to familiar talking points and spouts her nonsense.

On the local Fox affiliate she said, (top video at link at the 1:53 mark); "We have all these loopholes in gun purchasing laws which again, will help the police keep our communities safer."

Screw you cop-hating-criminal-coddling leftist authoritarian. . .

Again, this POS who robbed you carried a gun illegally ACROSS STATE LINES to commit his crime . . .

How can leftists go from incessantly mouthing a factually wrong narrative about Rittenhouse to completely ignoring that action when it is an indisputable, absolutely true fact describing the actions of a Black criminal?

Oh, never-mind; I answered my own question.

Leftists could be slightly less disgusting if they tried to maintain a minimum degree of consistency in their outrage.

Those arrested not identified, I noticed.

The adult, the 19 y.o. gunman is named and federally charged for carjacking and carrying and using a firearm during a crime of violence.

The other four involved are juveniles and were charged under state law by Delaware authorities; a 14 y.o. female and three males aged 13, 15 and 16. They were each charged with receiving stolen property; the 15 y.o. was also charged with resisting arrest and criminal mischief.
By the way, you know what they say, a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged. Maybe this woman will now realize her party's platform involving law enforcement, is reckless, dangerous, and stupid.

There is no chance of that happening. She will capitalize on her victimhood and redouble her efforts to enact useless gun control laws that only work to harass law-abiding citizens and do nothing to impact violent, armed criminals.

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