Democrats accuse president of being crazy.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
After the unexpected loss of a presidential election the Democratic Party has devolved into a rudderless, ridiculous political Titanic that if nothing else is offering comic relief to the citizens. Instead of putting forth efforts to get on board with placing the country back on track to prosperity the party is failing to muzzle a strident faction of buffoons who are leading a laughable charge to declare the new president mentally unfit to lead the country. Twenty five members from the lunatic fringe of the House of Representatives are calling for the president’s ouster because they believe that if he doesn’t think like they do he must be crazy.

Even with a sycophantic, servile national press, the democratic candidate lost the election because the people had had enough of a do-nothing, change-nothing political establishment on both sides of the aisle. The shock of the loss apparently threw some segments of the party into atavistic fits reminiscent of the front row of a professional wrestling match as they scream for the winner to be thrown out of the ring.

It’s bizarre to watch the Democratic Party succumb to the post-traumatic stress of an election that installed a leader who is immune to the corporate prostitution that financed their losing candidate. A leader that wants to implement real change and put America first is like the Devil incarnate to some democrats who don’t really follow leadership but just blindly obey directives from bureaucrats who dictate to them what’s best for them.

The new president and his policies have some lawmakers in the Democratic Party acting like shell-shocked refugees as they walk the streets aimlessly muttering, frothing at the mouth and calling for impeachment due to insanity. It’s a sad sight to watch as a long-standing political party disintegrates into an asylum for the crazed disciples of a losing cause.

When the President goes to the Twitterverse and executes an end-run around the press that enables and incites the savages it inevitably results in stampedes of doomsayers predicting the end of the world. We need to take pity on these people and realize that their derangement is a condition brought on by disbelief, disappointment and a feeling that the counterfeit world built for them by the Democratic leadership is collapsing around them.

The rest of us just need to keep our heads as this plays out.

House bill that would allow Congress to remove Trump from office gains momentum after Trump's feud with 'Morning Joe'
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The story of the election is the failure, corruption, and criminal acts of the D Party...but few know of it.
The story of the election is the failure, corruption, and criminal acts of the D Party...but few know of it.

Are you one of the few? It seems you know much more than us poor ignorant fools, so its your duty to educate us.
  • What failures, in detail
  • What corruption, in detail
  • What criminal acts, in detail
Please don't offer instances already vetted and dismissed; conspiracy theories abound and are the product of character assassinations x propaganda which = zero; which is exactly the product of your post.
The story of the election is the failure, corruption, and criminal acts of the D Party...but few know of it.

Are you one of the few? It seems you know much more than us poor ignorant fools, so its your duty to educate us.
  • What failures, in detail
  • What corruption, in detail
  • What criminal acts, in detail
Please don't offer instances already vetted and dismissed; conspiracy theories abound and are the product of character assassinations x propaganda which = zero; which is exactly the product of your post.
Sorry. Not my job.

I much prefer people like you living in blissful ignorance.
The big problem is where can they go with their craziness? What is their end game? Trump won't be impeached. Is there a plan B? When Trump is reelected will there me mass suicides or mass murder?

Democrats are marginalizing themselves. After adopting such soothing voices in patiently explaining the importance of accepting the results of an election they won, they will not accept the results of an election they lost. They should be mercifully put out down and out of their misery.
After the unexpected loss of a presidential election the Democratic Party has devolved into a rudderless, ridiculous political Titanic that if nothing else is offering comic relief to the citizens. Instead of putting forth efforts to get on board with placing the country back on track to prosperity the party is failing to muzzle a strident faction of buffoons who are leading a laughable charge to declare the new president mentally unfit to lead the country. Twenty five members from the lunatic fringe of the House of Representatives are calling for the president’s ouster because they believe that if he doesn’t think like they do he must be crazy.

Even with a sycophantic, servile national press, the democratic candidate lost the election because the people had had enough of a do-nothing, change-nothing political establishment on both sides of the aisle. The shock of the loss apparently threw some segments of the party into atavistic fits reminiscent of the front row of a professional wrestling match as they scream for the winner to be thrown out of the ring.

It’s bizarre to watch the Democratic Party succumb to the post-traumatic stress of an election that installed a leader who is immune to the corporate prostitution that financed their losing candidate. A leader that wants to implement real change and put America first is like the Devil incarnate to some democrats who don’t really follow leadership but just blindly obey directives from bureaucrats who dictate to them what’s best for them.

The new president and his policies have some lawmakers in the Democratic Party acting like shell-shocked refugees as they walk the streets aimlessly muttering, frothing at the mouth and calling for impeachment due to insanity. It’s a sad sight to watch as a long-standing political party disintegrates into an asylum for the crazed disciples of a losing cause.

When the President goes to the Twitterverse and executes an end-run around the press that enables and incites the savages it inevitably results in stampedes of doomsayers predicting the end of the world. We need to take pity on these people and realize that their derangement is a condition brought on by disbelief, disappointment and a feeling that the counterfeit world built for them by the Democratic leadership is collapsing around them.

The rest of us just need to keep our heads as this plays out

Thank you for offering a bombastic post. It is not concise, but an excellent example of circumlocution.
After the unexpected loss of a presidential election the Democratic Party has devolved into a rudderless, ridiculous political Titanic that if nothing else is offering comic relief to the citizens. Instead of putting forth efforts to get on board with placing the country back on track to prosperity the party is failing to muzzle a strident faction of buffoons who are leading a laughable charge to declare the new president mentally unfit to lead the country. Twenty five members from the lunatic fringe of the House of Representatives are calling for the president’s ouster because they believe that if he doesn’t think like they do he must be crazy.

Even with a sycophantic, servile national press, the democratic candidate lost the election because the people had had enough of a do-nothing, change-nothing political establishment on both sides of the aisle. The shock of the loss apparently threw some segments of the party into atavistic fits reminiscent of the front row of a professional wrestling match as they scream for the winner to be thrown out of the ring.

It’s bizarre to watch the Democratic Party succumb to the post-traumatic stress of an election that installed a leader who is immune to the corporate prostitution that financed their losing candidate. A leader that wants to implement real change and put America first is like the Devil incarnate to some democrats who don’t really follow leadership but just blindly obey directives from bureaucrats who dictate to them what’s best for them.

The new president and his policies have some lawmakers in the Democratic Party acting like shell-shocked refugees as they walk the streets aimlessly muttering, frothing at the mouth and calling for impeachment due to insanity. It’s a sad sight to watch as a long-standing political party disintegrates into an asylum for the crazed disciples of a losing cause.

When the President goes to the Twitterverse and executes an end-run around the press that enables and incites the savages it inevitably results in stampedes of doomsayers predicting the end of the world. We need to take pity on these people and realize that their derangement is a condition brought on by disbelief, disappointment and a feeling that the counterfeit world built for them by the Democratic leadership is collapsing around them.

The rest of us just need to keep our heads as this plays out

Thank you for offering a bombastic post. It is not concise, but an excellent example of circumlocution.

However, he did speak the truth.
The story of the election is the failure, corruption, and criminal acts of the D Party...but few know of it.

Are you one of the few? It seems you know much more than us poor ignorant fools, so its your duty to educate us.
  • What failures, in detail
  • What corruption, in detail
  • What criminal acts, in detail
Please don't offer instances already vetted and dismissed; conspiracy theories abound and are the product of character assassinations x propaganda which = zero; which is exactly the product of your post.
Sorry. Not my job.

I much prefer people like you living in blissful ignorance.

As I thought. Why do you post? You make a claim but fail to support serous allegations of wrong doing with facts and evidence. It is you duty to support your claims, and when you don't your are dismissed as a hack.

When that failure is punctuated with a personal attack, it suggests your claim was a fabrication and the mendacious should never be taken seriously.
After the unexpected loss of a presidential election the Democratic Party has devolved into a rudderless, ridiculous political Titanic that if nothing else is offering comic relief to the citizens. Instead of putting forth efforts to get on board with placing the country back on track to prosperity the party is failing to muzzle a strident faction of buffoons who are leading a laughable charge to declare the new president mentally unfit to lead the country. Twenty five members from the lunatic fringe of the House of Representatives are calling for the president’s ouster because they believe that if he doesn’t think like they do he must be crazy.

Even with a sycophantic, servile national press, the democratic candidate lost the election because the people had had enough of a do-nothing, change-nothing political establishment on both sides of the aisle. The shock of the loss apparently threw some segments of the party into atavistic fits reminiscent of the front row of a professional wrestling match as they scream for the winner to be thrown out of the ring.

It’s bizarre to watch the Democratic Party succumb to the post-traumatic stress of an election that installed a leader who is immune to the corporate prostitution that financed their losing candidate. A leader that wants to implement real change and put America first is like the Devil incarnate to some democrats who don’t really follow leadership but just blindly obey directives from bureaucrats who dictate to them what’s best for them.

The new president and his policies have some lawmakers in the Democratic Party acting like shell-shocked refugees as they walk the streets aimlessly muttering, frothing at the mouth and calling for impeachment due to insanity. It’s a sad sight to watch as a long-standing political party disintegrates into an asylum for the crazed disciples of a losing cause.

When the President goes to the Twitterverse and executes an end-run around the press that enables and incites the savages it inevitably results in stampedes of doomsayers predicting the end of the world. We need to take pity on these people and realize that their derangement is a condition brought on by disbelief, disappointment and a feeling that the counterfeit world built for them by the Democratic leadership is collapsing around them.

The rest of us just need to keep our heads as this plays out

Thank you for offering a bombastic post. It is not concise, but an excellent example of circumlocution.

However, he did speak the truth.

Really? Read the first sentence of each paragraph and then tell me if you still believe he spoke the truth.
Right now he's maintaining, in my eyes, his title as "A Real Character." However, if his comments and actions continue to become more aggressive (as the the Morning Joe and WWF vid indicate) in his actual governmental decisions and official statements, I think it will be time to worry.
The story of the election is the failure, corruption, and criminal acts of the D Party...but few know of it.

Are you one of the few? It seems you know much more than us poor ignorant fools, so its your duty to educate us.
  • What failures, in detail
  • What corruption, in detail
  • What criminal acts, in detail
Please don't offer instances already vetted and dismissed; conspiracy theories abound and are the product of character assassinations x propaganda which = zero; which is exactly the product of your post.
. The straw that broke the camel's back was the failure in thinking that a person could just feel like a non-sexed individual, and go into any restroom that fit the person's thinking that day. Abortion is the other failure that wasn't being addressed properly by the crats. The idea that white people need to be a defeated people was the other failure of the crats who were being brainwashed by those who were pushing that agenda hard and steady.
Hey Wry, just so you don't think the D's can skate on 2016
  • What failures, in detail (buying fireworks instead of a good anti-spyware for H's illegal server, also a crappy campaign by ignoring workers, i.e. "those manufacturing jobs are gone" so says BO.
  • What corruption, in detail (illegal server, illegal "Foundation", Bubba meeting with AG on plane, Debbie screwing Bernie with "super-delegates" etc, Donna giving H the debate questions from CNN, etc.
  • What criminal acts, in detail (Rice using Intel agencies to unmask and spy on Trump campaign, not to mention selling Russia 20% of US uranium and bagging $140m into the Clinton Foundation, destroying 33,000 emails after a subpoena, etc.
There are many many more, but lets just focus on the bogus Trump collusion issue that isn't even a crime. The voters outside the D's plantations know a criminal when we see one.
The story of the election is the failure, corruption, and criminal acts of the D Party...but few know of it.

Are you one of the few? It seems you know much more than us poor ignorant fools, so its your duty to educate us.
  • What failures, in detail
  • What corruption, in detail
  • What criminal acts, in detail
Please don't offer instances already vetted and dismissed; conspiracy theories abound and are the product of character assassinations x propaganda which = zero; which is exactly the product of your post.
Sorry. Not my job.

I much prefer people like you living in blissful ignorance.

As I thought. Why do you post? You make a claim but fail to support serous allegations of wrong doing with facts and evidence. It is you duty to support your claims, and when you don't your are dismissed as a hack.

When that failure is punctuated with a personal attack, it suggests your claim was a fabrication and the mendacious should never be taken seriously.
Really? You don't know anything about this ?

You really need new sources of information.
Hey Wry, just so you don't think the D's can skate on 2016
  • What failures, in detail (buying fireworks instead of a good anti-spyware for H's illegal server, also a crappy campaign by ignoring workers, i.e. "those manufacturing jobs are gone" so says BO.
  • What corruption, in detail (illegal server, illegal "Foundation", Bubba meeting with AG on plane, Debbie screwing Bernie with "super-delegates" etc, Donna giving H the debate questions from CNN, etc.
  • What criminal acts, in detail (Rice using Intel agencies to unmask and spy on Trump campaign, not to mention selling Russia 20% of US uranium and bagging $140m into the Clinton Foundation, destroying 33,000 emails after a subpoena, etc.
There are many many more, but lets just focus on the bogus Trump collusion issue that isn't even a crime. The voters outside the D's plantations know a criminal when we see one.
Do you think Wry could be this clueless?
Never forget the D's long - term strategy: Make more and more people dependent on Government, knowing that 90% Governent teat-suckers vote Democrat...

Maximize Medicaid enrollment;
Maximize SS disability beneficiaries;
Maximize food stamp enrollment;
Maximize government employment;
Maximize immigration of inevitably-dependent peasants;
Maximize college enrollment, coupled with the veiled promise of loan forgiveness;

Ultimately, beneficiaries will comprise more than half of all voters. Then where are we? Obama ' s 20 trillion debt will be rendered chump change.
After the unexpected loss of a presidential election the Democratic Party has devolved into a rudderless, ridiculous political Titanic that if nothing else is offering comic relief to the citizens. Instead of putting forth efforts to get on board with placing the country back on track to prosperity the party is failing to muzzle a strident faction of buffoons who are leading a laughable charge to declare the new president mentally unfit to lead the country. Twenty five members from the lunatic fringe of the House of Representatives are calling for the president’s ouster because they believe that if he doesn’t think like they do he must be crazy.

Even with a sycophantic, servile national press, the democratic candidate lost the election because the people had had enough of a do-nothing, change-nothing political establishment on both sides of the aisle. The shock of the loss apparently threw some segments of the party into atavistic fits reminiscent of the front row of a professional wrestling match as they scream for the winner to be thrown out of the ring.

It’s bizarre to watch the Democratic Party succumb to the post-traumatic stress of an election that installed a leader who is immune to the corporate prostitution that financed their losing candidate. A leader that wants to implement real change and put America first is like the Devil incarnate to some democrats who don’t really follow leadership but just blindly obey directives from bureaucrats who dictate to them what’s best for them.

The new president and his policies have some lawmakers in the Democratic Party acting like shell-shocked refugees as they walk the streets aimlessly muttering, frothing at the mouth and calling for impeachment due to insanity. It’s a sad sight to watch as a long-standing political party disintegrates into an asylum for the crazed disciples of a losing cause.

When the President goes to the Twitterverse and executes an end-run around the press that enables and incites the savages it inevitably results in stampedes of doomsayers predicting the end of the world. We need to take pity on these people and realize that their derangement is a condition brought on by disbelief, disappointment and a feeling that the counterfeit world built for them by the Democratic leadership is collapsing around them.

The rest of us just need to keep our heads as this plays out.

House bill that would allow Congress to remove Trump from office gains momentum after Trump's feud with 'Morning Joe'
You think that is bad, some federalists believe having nothing but social plans instead of the fine capital plans Mr. Trump campaigned on, should be considered, "high crimes and misdemeanors."
The story of the election is the failure, corruption, and criminal acts of the D Party...but few know of it.

Are you one of the few? It seems you know much more than us poor ignorant fools, so its your duty to educate us.
  • What failures, in detail
  • What corruption, in detail
  • What criminal acts, in detail
Please don't offer instances already vetted and dismissed; conspiracy theories abound and are the product of character assassinations x propaganda which = zero; which is exactly the product of your post.
Sorry. Not my job.

I much prefer people like you living in blissful ignorance.

As I thought. Why do you post? You make a claim but fail to support serous allegations of wrong doing with facts and evidence. It is you duty to support your claims, and when you don't your are dismissed as a hack.

When that failure is punctuated with a personal attack, it suggests your claim was a fabrication and the mendacious should never be taken seriously.

Really? You don't know anything about this ?

You really need new sources of information.

Limbaugh? Hannity? Fox&Friends? How about all those conservative blogs, those with the credibility of a Supermarket Tabloid?

Conspiracy theories and character assassinations with half-truths, rumors, innuendos and not an ounce of proof to secure an indictment is the game you are playing.

Only biddable fools believe this crap, and the same fools support the current narcissist and megalomaniac-in-chief.
The dude is breaking down with all of the negative feedback, I could never do that job .

I actually liked Trump last year and used to watch his show..I was will to give the guy a chance and from day one he has bullied anyone who disagrees with him..And has divided the country that he ran on during his campaign.
After the unexpected loss of a presidential election the Democratic Party has devolved into a rudderless, ridiculous political Titanic that if nothing else is offering comic relief to the citizens. Instead of putting forth efforts to get on board with placing the country back on track to prosperity the party is failing to muzzle a strident faction of buffoons who are leading a laughable charge to declare the new president mentally unfit to lead the country. Twenty five members from the lunatic fringe of the House of Representatives are calling for the president’s ouster because they believe that if he doesn’t think like they do he must be crazy.

Even with a sycophantic, servile national press, the democratic candidate lost the election because the people had had enough of a do-nothing, change-nothing political establishment on both sides of the aisle. The shock of the loss apparently threw some segments of the party into atavistic fits reminiscent of the front row of a professional wrestling match as they scream for the winner to be thrown out of the ring.

It’s bizarre to watch the Democratic Party succumb to the post-traumatic stress of an election that installed a leader who is immune to the corporate prostitution that financed their losing candidate. A leader that wants to implement real change and put America first is like the Devil incarnate to some democrats who don’t really follow leadership but just blindly obey directives from bureaucrats who dictate to them what’s best for them.

The new president and his policies have some lawmakers in the Democratic Party acting like shell-shocked refugees as they walk the streets aimlessly muttering, frothing at the mouth and calling for impeachment due to insanity. It’s a sad sight to watch as a long-standing political party disintegrates into an asylum for the crazed disciples of a losing cause.

When the President goes to the Twitterverse and executes an end-run around the press that enables and incites the savages it inevitably results in stampedes of doomsayers predicting the end of the world. We need to take pity on these people and realize that their derangement is a condition brought on by disbelief, disappointment and a feeling that the counterfeit world built for them by the Democratic leadership is collapsing around them.

The rest of us just need to keep our heads as this plays out.

House bill that would allow Congress to remove Trump from office gains momentum after Trump's feud with 'Morning Joe'

Bravo. This should be an op-ed at RCP or other prominent source.

It is sort of pitiful actually. They tried so hard to demonize him once they realized he was actually a contender to win the nomination. They dug up every bit of dirt they could find in his past and presented it, sometimes dishonestly, as evidence he was the worst person ever to run for political office. There was no possible way he could win the nomination.

And Donald Trump was nominated.

So they turned up the heat. They intensified the dirt digging--it didn't matter how long ago it was or how insignificant, but they kept pouring on the accusations. He cheats, lies, manipulates, throws old people out of their homes. They turned the most innocuous of statements into horrible conclusions--incest, pedophilia, scheming, racism, sexism, homophobia, or whatever other 'ism of the week was assigned. Even after scandal after scandal surfaced re Hillary's more recent blunders, all that paled under how horrible and unacceptable Donald Trump was. Their pollsters kept pushing the disapproval ratings and they said unequivocably that he could never be elected.

So Donald Trump won the election.

And that's when they REALLY went nuts. There was talk of impeachment before the inauguration and fervent irrational hope for it ever since the inauguration. And the shell shocked media, permanent political class (in both parties), the snow flakes, at least one member of the Supreme Court, and the bitter partisan haters turned up the heat and got crazier than ever.

Anybody who follow President Trump sees that there are dozens and dozens of positive, uplifting, grateful, hopeful, uplifting tweets for every one the media plucks out for public scorn. They sure aren't covering those others are they.

So his past didn't sink him.
The cruelest and most unconscionable smears and innuendo didn't sink him.
His tweets aren't sinking him.
The Russia thing fell apart.
And so now they're trying the 'mentally ill' schtick.

Each attempt simply makes them look more angry, bitter, desperate, and dishonest and diminishes them in the eyes of rational people.

And they are doing the country a great deal of disservice and harm in the process.

And he is turning out to be the toughest and most resilient person I think has ever held the office.
The dude is breaking down with all of the negative feedback, I could never do that job .

I actually liked Trump last year and used to watch his show..I was will to give the guy a chance and from day one he has bullied anyone who disagrees with him..And has divided the country that he ran on during his campaign.
. It was high time the liberals got a good dose of their own medicine... It's all good the way you feel though, because it just shows that you have empathy where as if the shoe was on the other foot, well you know what would happen.

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