Democrats actually only hold 48 seats in the Senate:


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2020
From the Depths of Hell
After the news broke about the Arizona Senator switching to independent many on the left have yet to realize that the Democrats control on the Senate is because of three Senators willing to caucus with them but if Manchin and the Arizona Senator flip to Republican then the GOP gain the Senate.

So Democrats you should be very worried about this because the control of the Senate isn’t set in stone and if another Democrat flips to independent and talks the Arizona Senator into joint the GOP, well now you know the rest of the story.

Damn, how shit can turn really fast!
Where does that leave Republicans?

49 seats minus Susan Collins, Murkowsky, Mitt Romney = 46
After the news broke about the Arizona Senator switching to independent many on the left have yet to realize that the Democrats control on the Senate is because of three Senators willing to caucus with them but if Manchin and the Arizona Senator flip to Republican then the GOP gain the Senate.

So Democrats you should be very worried about this because the control of the Senate isn’t set in stone and if another Democrat flips to independent and talks the Arizona Senator into joint the GOP, well now you know the rest of the story.

Damn, how shit can turn really fast!

Sinema already said she's not planning on caucasing with the Republicans and Manchin has rebuffed many attempts to switch parties, although, I'm guessing he won't run for reelection in 2024.
Sinema already said she's not planning on caucasing with the Republicans and Manchin has rebuffed many attempts to switch parties, although, I'm guessing he won't run for reelection in 2024.
I get that Taz but her switch made it where the actual seat count is 49 Republicans and 48 Democrats and three Independents.

Sanders will stay Democrat along with the other one but Sinema will sway and holds more power now for sure to make Democrats life hell and allow Manchin to hold more power again.

This is fun!
They haven’t left their party, so what is your point?

There are three independents as of now that leave the Democrats with 48 seats but you most likely believe Democrats actually have 51 seats.
They are more likely to vote with the Dems than Manchin and Sinema to vote with Republicans
True or at least they will never go MAGA for sure but you do understand Democrats control on the Senate is so slight and anymore switching could flip the balance of power.

The Republicans don't exactly have a strong hold on the House either. They have a bare majority and several of those newly elected Republicans in places like New York aren't going to go along with the far right.
The Republicans don't exactly have a strong hold on the House either. They have a bare majority and several of those newly elected Republicans in places like New York aren't going to go along with the far right.
Oh, I agree with you on that!

GOP goes full MAGA you can bet there will be a massive revolt!

In the House you only need ten to flip independent and one more in the Senate to drive both parties insane!
True or at least they will never go MAGA for sure but you do understand Democrats control on the Senate is so slight and anymore switching could flip the balance of power.
Not when they caucus with the Dems
I get that Taz but her switch made it where the actual seat count is 49 Republicans and 48 Democrats and three Independents.

Sanders will stay Democrat along with the other one but Sinema will sway and holds more power now for sure to make Democrats life hell and allow Manchin to hold more power again.

This is fun!
Old Joe put a sexual toy up Manchin's rectum with false promises for his sell out. Progs do that. West Virginia is conservative however lags in some ways. Long term growth is not guaranteed with Progs and Manchin knows this. Free money is an addiction. The Republicans offer long term growth. Foundation that may be slower than printed Fiat currency that Progs live off of. The modern Waltons is just a matter of time.
The thread title is technically correct; there are only 48 registered Democrats in the Senate now. Angus King of Maine and Bernie Sanders of Vermont are both registered Independent, but they formally caucus with the Democrats, giving them a functional total of 50. If I had to guess, I would say Sinema won't caucus with either, leaving the Senate at 50-49. I would also say that this torpedoes any chance of her re-election; in fact, if she runs third-party (which is entirely in character for her) she could hand the seat to a Republican, even an extreme far right one.

Joe Manchin is probably sending her a thank-you card right about now.
That s always the case
Even with Republicans

Collins, Murkowsky and Romney are already more likely to flip
We have left the planation of each party having left, center and right a long time ago. We are beyond politics and live with good versus not so good. I do not know civil discourse. We have people on these forums daring each other. I do know people will slow down and produce inferior products or make costs extremely more expensive as nature has proven this over and over. then all of this frivolity will have a more serious effect on us. And it is now.
The thread title is technically correct; there are only 48 registered Democrats in the Senate now. Angus King of Maine and Bernie Sanders of Vermont are both registered Independent, but they formally caucus with the Democrats, giving them a functional total of 50. If I had to guess, I would say Sinema won't caucus with either, leaving the Senate at 50-49. I would also say that this torpedoes any chance of her re-election; in fact, if she runs third-party (which is entirely in character for her) she could hand the seat to a Republican, even an extreme far right one.

Joe Manchin is probably sending her a thank-you card right about now.
Actually, I believe this move is to secure her seat in her upcoming election. It's all maneuvering!

See, she doesn't want to be primaried with an opponent. Which she feels is a possibility due to the way she has stood ground against the majority of Dems.

By running as an independent, if the Democrats put up a Democratic candidate,

then the election would be three way, a D, another D disguised as an I, and an R.

That would split the democratic vote, between her and the Democrat, and leave it wide open for the Republican candidate to win the plurality!

Sinema, out chessed them....check mate!
The democratic party has no choice but to not put up a Democratic candidate, let her run as an Independent against the R candidate and pray she caucuses with them again!
That there is a growing number (though still small) of politicians not willing to simply get in line and vote for everything their party pushes is a good thing. Hopefully more understand the power in doing this.

Manchin can still win in WV. Even if Justice runs against him and wins, he isn't any different than Manchin. Justice pushed to defeat an Amendment that would have allowed the state to enact corporate tax cuts and it was defeated.

It was defeated by a huge margin. A solid red state does not do that.

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