Democrats and Ghetto's, They own them

Blacks elect Dems because they are uneducated--especially when it comes to politics.

Ask a black man how he votes, and he will tell you Democrat. Ask him why, and he will tell you because the Republican party is for the rich. Ask him who told him that, and he will tell you the Democrats.

Why do Democrat run cities turn into ghettos? Because they are mini socialist entities. Imagine if they are able to turn our entire country that way. Bernie Sanders would be so proud.
Pubs are turning the whole country into a ghetto, blacks just lead that effect. Blacks are right about the GOP then dupe. Plus it's full of racists...

Please explain how "pubs" are turning the country into a ghetto when it's Democrat cities that are the ghettos--totally run by Democrat politicians. "Pub" areas are those suburbs outside of those ghettos where crime is low, schools are successful and business thrives.
The middle class and the poor have been getting killed the last 30 years. The blacks get it the worst because of discrimination...

Be honest. The Blacks have it worst because of lack of education and training. It is the Democrat policies that have created a dependency society.
Not a chance GOP racism and Reaganist tax rates have wrecked the middle class and the nonrich the last 30 years, blacks most of all.. Plus 1/3 of blacks are non violent felons. Brilliant.

Blacks most of all? What group of people are the most hurt with all this Obama amnesty stuff? The rich white CEO's?
Ghetto's form because there isn't enough funding for education, isn't enough high paying jobs and the infrastructure is turning to shit.

Also not enough police. Op, do you believe in Police?

We spend more money on education per student than any other nation on the planet! Stop being a fucking moron!!

We spend that money to destroy the minds of inner city kids, they can't read or write or function in society, all they can do is collect their EBT, stay trapped in inter-generational poverty and keep letting Democrats vote for them

Welfare and the educational system is how LBJ made good on his promise to "have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years"

I am not saying that we should increase it one more cent, but my point is that we should reform it into a system that works. Maybe we should steal Japans, Norways or south Korea's educational system and mold it to fit our own country??? Maybe we should consider what we're doing wrong and seek to fix it.

I understand your point with the inner-city kids and it is a national disgrace what is occurring. But Europe or eastern asia doesn't suffer from these problems and I believe it comes down to reforms.

why shouldn't we reform our educational system so we can compete with the rest of the world??

It will never happen because Democrats are in bed with the unions and the unions won't let them go. Much of our education problems start at home. If the kid is allowed to be unruly at home, he or she sure as hell will be that way in the schools as well. We can't force parents to stay together for the sake of their children so they can get educated, but what we can do is severely cut down on our social programs so the father cannot so easily be replaced by a welfare check.
We should invest in science, R&D and infrastructure, I've never said we shouldn't. Granted, Obama has been pathetic on all 3 and higher paying jobs and plenty more of them would certainly help. Did you notice how much debt and federal unfunded liabilities we're all stuck with thanks to Obama, Democrats and the establishment Republicans??

Yup, remember all those shovel-ready jobs that were supposed to fix our roads and crumbling bridges? Most of the stim money was wasted or went to improve roads and bridges that weren't all that bad. One newer bridge had fencing put along the sides so no one could jump off. While that is nice, it wasn't as nearly as pressing as the bridges that people use every day and are at risk of collapsing. That was one huge pile of money and we didn't see improvement after going farther in debt. It was all show and mostly a way to repay some favors, but little else.

Sick of people talking about how this or that needs improvement, but we don't see that improvement billions of dollars later. Where the hell is all that money going? We've poured billions into education alone and yet the same schools are just as crappy as they were 20 years ago.

Despite schools not being the best, half the responsibility for students graduating falls on parents. When you have dysfunctional parents on top of overwhelmed schools, you have another group of welfare recipients being churned out. Some kids drop out of nice schools. I've seen that enough times. All goes back to the lack of morals and lack of discipline by parents. No amount of money will fix that. In fact, welfare often serves to prevent change.

How many of you here were told by your parents that you need to keep your act together or your future will be grim? I remember hearing that I better study hard and finish school or I'd end up on welfare or in a crappy job forever. That motivates more than being told you are entitled to a subsidized life no matter how many stupid things you do. Some of the young people today need a kick in the ass, not someone who makes excuses for their lack of effort. The left is quick to protect their dependents and claim that they have no choice because of some big bad racist. Guess what, no racist can stop a person from succeeding and it's not an excuse for quitting school, breaking the law and having a nasty attitude.

I couldn't agree more--especially now.

Right now I'm in the process of getting one of my apartments back together. I rented it to a single mother with two children that stayed here two years. When she moved out and I went to look at the apartment, it was a disaster.

She let those little brats draw and write on nearly every single wall in the house. You can't just paint over that. It has to be cleaned as much as possible, have primer cover the crayon, magic markers and paint, and then you have to repaint everything.

The carpets in all the rooms were shot because of the paint she let them use, and there are even marks on the ceiling when they threw (whatever) up in the air.

When children are raised that way, what are the chances they will become good adults? At the very least, you would think the mother had some shame and offer money to help pay for the repairs. She didn't offer a dime. I'm sure she will wait until I take her to court before she pays anything.

I'm sure those children have a fine future ahead of them.
We should invest in science, R&D and infrastructure, I've never said we shouldn't. Granted, Obama has been pathetic on all 3 and higher paying jobs and plenty more of them would certainly help. Did you notice how much debt and federal unfunded liabilities we're all stuck with thanks to Obama, Democrats and the establishment Republicans??

Yup, remember all those shovel-ready jobs that were supposed to fix our roads and crumbling bridges? Most of the stim money was wasted or went to improve roads and bridges that weren't all that bad. One newer bridge had fencing put along the sides so no one could jump off. While that is nice, it wasn't as nearly as pressing as the bridges that people use every day and are at risk of collapsing. That was one huge pile of money and we didn't see improvement after going farther in debt. It was all show and mostly a way to repay some favors, but little else.

Sick of people talking about how this or that needs improvement, but we don't see that improvement billions of dollars later. Where the hell is all that money going? We've poured billions into education alone and yet the same schools are just as crappy as they were 20 years ago.

Despite schools not being the best, half the responsibility for students graduating falls on parents. When you have dysfunctional parents on top of overwhelmed schools, you have another group of welfare recipients being churned out. Some kids drop out of nice schools. I've seen that enough times. All goes back to the lack of morals and lack of discipline by parents. No amount of money will fix that. In fact, welfare often serves to prevent change.

How many of you here were told by your parents that you need to keep your act together or your future will be grim? I remember hearing that I better study hard and finish school or I'd end up on welfare or in a crappy job forever. That motivates more than being told you are entitled to a subsidized life no matter how many stupid things you do. Some of the young people today need a kick in the ass, not someone who makes excuses for their lack of effort. The left is quick to protect their dependents and claim that they have no choice because of some big bad racist. Guess what, no racist can stop a person from succeeding and it's not an excuse for quitting school, breaking the law and having a nasty attitude.

I couldn't agree more--especially now.

Right now I'm in the process of getting one of my apartments back together. I rented it to a single mother with two children that stayed here two years. When she moved out and I went to look at the apartment, it was a disaster.

She let those little brats draw and write on nearly every single wall in the house. You can't just paint over that. It has to be cleaned as much as possible, have primer cover the crayon, magic markers and paint, and then you have to repaint everything.

The carpets in all the rooms were shot because of the paint she let them use, and there are even marks on the ceiling when they threw (whatever) up in the air.

When children are raised that way, what are the chances they will become good adults? At the very least, you would think the mother had some shame and offer money to help pay for the repairs. She didn't offer a dime. I'm sure she will wait until I take her to court before she pays anything.

I'm sure those children have a fine future ahead of them.

Almost as dim as a landlord who didn't get a deposit to pay for the costs of getting the property back to move-in-ready status.
We should invest in science, R&D and infrastructure, I've never said we shouldn't. Granted, Obama has been pathetic on all 3 and higher paying jobs and plenty more of them would certainly help. Did you notice how much debt and federal unfunded liabilities we're all stuck with thanks to Obama, Democrats and the establishment Republicans??

Yup, remember all those shovel-ready jobs that were supposed to fix our roads and crumbling bridges? Most of the stim money was wasted or went to improve roads and bridges that weren't all that bad. One newer bridge had fencing put along the sides so no one could jump off. While that is nice, it wasn't as nearly as pressing as the bridges that people use every day and are at risk of collapsing. That was one huge pile of money and we didn't see improvement after going farther in debt. It was all show and mostly a way to repay some favors, but little else.

Sick of people talking about how this or that needs improvement, but we don't see that improvement billions of dollars later. Where the hell is all that money going? We've poured billions into education alone and yet the same schools are just as crappy as they were 20 years ago.

Despite schools not being the best, half the responsibility for students graduating falls on parents. When you have dysfunctional parents on top of overwhelmed schools, you have another group of welfare recipients being churned out. Some kids drop out of nice schools. I've seen that enough times. All goes back to the lack of morals and lack of discipline by parents. No amount of money will fix that. In fact, welfare often serves to prevent change.

How many of you here were told by your parents that you need to keep your act together or your future will be grim? I remember hearing that I better study hard and finish school or I'd end up on welfare or in a crappy job forever. That motivates more than being told you are entitled to a subsidized life no matter how many stupid things you do. Some of the young people today need a kick in the ass, not someone who makes excuses for their lack of effort. The left is quick to protect their dependents and claim that they have no choice because of some big bad racist. Guess what, no racist can stop a person from succeeding and it's not an excuse for quitting school, breaking the law and having a nasty attitude.

I couldn't agree more--especially now.

Right now I'm in the process of getting one of my apartments back together. I rented it to a single mother with two children that stayed here two years. When she moved out and I went to look at the apartment, it was a disaster.

She let those little brats draw and write on nearly every single wall in the house. You can't just paint over that. It has to be cleaned as much as possible, have primer cover the crayon, magic markers and paint, and then you have to repaint everything.

The carpets in all the rooms were shot because of the paint she let them use, and there are even marks on the ceiling when they threw (whatever) up in the air.

When children are raised that way, what are the chances they will become good adults? At the very least, you would think the mother had some shame and offer money to help pay for the repairs. She didn't offer a dime. I'm sure she will wait until I take her to court before she pays anything.

I'm sure those children have a fine future ahead of them.

Almost as dim as a landlord who didn't get a deposit to pay for the costs of getting the property back to move-in-ready status.

Thanks genius, but it's very typical of tenants to not pay the last months rent and force us to use the deposit instead. It makes no sense to evict them at that point as a tenant needs to be late with rent at least a week, then it takes another month to get a court date for an eviction, and then the court gives them two weeks after that to move on their own.

I've been a landlord for over 20 years now, if I need help from the peanut gallery, I'll be sure to contact you for landlord help.
We should invest in science, R&D and infrastructure, I've never said we shouldn't. Granted, Obama has been pathetic on all 3 and higher paying jobs and plenty more of them would certainly help. Did you notice how much debt and federal unfunded liabilities we're all stuck with thanks to Obama, Democrats and the establishment Republicans??

Yup, remember all those shovel-ready jobs that were supposed to fix our roads and crumbling bridges? Most of the stim money was wasted or went to improve roads and bridges that weren't all that bad. One newer bridge had fencing put along the sides so no one could jump off. While that is nice, it wasn't as nearly as pressing as the bridges that people use every day and are at risk of collapsing. That was one huge pile of money and we didn't see improvement after going farther in debt. It was all show and mostly a way to repay some favors, but little else.

Sick of people talking about how this or that needs improvement, but we don't see that improvement billions of dollars later. Where the hell is all that money going? We've poured billions into education alone and yet the same schools are just as crappy as they were 20 years ago.

Despite schools not being the best, half the responsibility for students graduating falls on parents. When you have dysfunctional parents on top of overwhelmed schools, you have another group of welfare recipients being churned out. Some kids drop out of nice schools. I've seen that enough times. All goes back to the lack of morals and lack of discipline by parents. No amount of money will fix that. In fact, welfare often serves to prevent change.

How many of you here were told by your parents that you need to keep your act together or your future will be grim? I remember hearing that I better study hard and finish school or I'd end up on welfare or in a crappy job forever. That motivates more than being told you are entitled to a subsidized life no matter how many stupid things you do. Some of the young people today need a kick in the ass, not someone who makes excuses for their lack of effort. The left is quick to protect their dependents and claim that they have no choice because of some big bad racist. Guess what, no racist can stop a person from succeeding and it's not an excuse for quitting school, breaking the law and having a nasty attitude.

I couldn't agree more--especially now.

Right now I'm in the process of getting one of my apartments back together. I rented it to a single mother with two children that stayed here two years. When she moved out and I went to look at the apartment, it was a disaster.

She let those little brats draw and write on nearly every single wall in the house. You can't just paint over that. It has to be cleaned as much as possible, have primer cover the crayon, magic markers and paint, and then you have to repaint everything.

The carpets in all the rooms were shot because of the paint she let them use, and there are even marks on the ceiling when they threw (whatever) up in the air.

When children are raised that way, what are the chances they will become good adults? At the very least, you would think the mother had some shame and offer money to help pay for the repairs. She didn't offer a dime. I'm sure she will wait until I take her to court before she pays anything.

I'm sure those children have a fine future ahead of them.

Almost as dim as a landlord who didn't get a deposit to pay for the costs of getting the property back to move-in-ready status.

Thanks genius, but it's very typical of tenants to not pay the last months rent and force us to use the deposit instead. It makes no sense to evict them at that point as a tenant needs to be late with rent at least a week, then it takes another month to get a court date for an eviction, and then the court gives them two weeks after that to move on their own.

I've been a landlord for over 20 years now, if I need help from the peanut gallery, I'll be sure to contact you for landlord help.

Sounds as if you could use some help. Show them your scary avatar....that'll intimidate them; not
Pubs are turning the whole country into a ghetto, blacks just lead that effect. Blacks are right about the GOP then dupe. Plus it's full of racists...

Please explain how "pubs" are turning the country into a ghetto when it's Democrat cities that are the ghettos--totally run by Democrat politicians. "Pub" areas are those suburbs outside of those ghettos where crime is low, schools are successful and business thrives.
The middle class and the poor have been getting killed the last 30 years. The blacks get it the worst because of discrimination...

Be honest. The Blacks have it worst because of lack of education and training. It is the Democrat policies that have created a dependency society.
Not a chance GOP racism and Reaganist tax rates have wrecked the middle class and the nonrich the last 30 years, blacks most of all.. Plus 1/3 of blacks are non violent felons. Brilliant.

Blacks most of all? What group of people are the most hurt with all this Obama amnesty stuff? The rich white CEO's?
The GOP only cares during one of their recessions...amnesty my ass- that was Raygun. Pubs have always caused this by refusing a good SS/ID card. They love the cheap labor- and baffle you dupes with BS.
We should invest in science, R&D and infrastructure, I've never said we shouldn't. Granted, Obama has been pathetic on all 3 and higher paying jobs and plenty more of them would certainly help. Did you notice how much debt and federal unfunded liabilities we're all stuck with thanks to Obama, Democrats and the establishment Republicans??

Yup, remember all those shovel-ready jobs that were supposed to fix our roads and crumbling bridges? Most of the stim money was wasted or went to improve roads and bridges that weren't all that bad. One newer bridge had fencing put along the sides so no one could jump off. While that is nice, it wasn't as nearly as pressing as the bridges that people use every day and are at risk of collapsing. That was one huge pile of money and we didn't see improvement after going farther in debt. It was all show and mostly a way to repay some favors, but little else.

Sick of people talking about how this or that needs improvement, but we don't see that improvement billions of dollars later. Where the hell is all that money going? We've poured billions into education alone and yet the same schools are just as crappy as they were 20 years ago.

Despite schools not being the best, half the responsibility for students graduating falls on parents. When you have dysfunctional parents on top of overwhelmed schools, you have another group of welfare recipients being churned out. Some kids drop out of nice schools. I've seen that enough times. All goes back to the lack of morals and lack of discipline by parents. No amount of money will fix that. In fact, welfare often serves to prevent change.

How many of you here were told by your parents that you need to keep your act together or your future will be grim? I remember hearing that I better study hard and finish school or I'd end up on welfare or in a crappy job forever. That motivates more than being told you are entitled to a subsidized life no matter how many stupid things you do. Some of the young people today need a kick in the ass, not someone who makes excuses for their lack of effort. The left is quick to protect their dependents and claim that they have no choice because of some big bad racist. Guess what, no racist can stop a person from succeeding and it's not an excuse for quitting school, breaking the law and having a nasty attitude.

I couldn't agree more--especially now.

Right now I'm in the process of getting one of my apartments back together. I rented it to a single mother with two children that stayed here two years. When she moved out and I went to look at the apartment, it was a disaster.

She let those little brats draw and write on nearly every single wall in the house. You can't just paint over that. It has to be cleaned as much as possible, have primer cover the crayon, magic markers and paint, and then you have to repaint everything.

The carpets in all the rooms were shot because of the paint she let them use, and there are even marks on the ceiling when they threw (whatever) up in the air.

When children are raised that way, what are the chances they will become good adults? At the very least, you would think the mother had some shame and offer money to help pay for the repairs. She didn't offer a dime. I'm sure she will wait until I take her to court before she pays anything.

I'm sure those children have a fine future ahead of them.

Almost as dim as a landlord who didn't get a deposit to pay for the costs of getting the property back to move-in-ready status.

Thanks genius, but it's very typical of tenants to not pay the last months rent and force us to use the deposit instead. It makes no sense to evict them at that point as a tenant needs to be late with rent at least a week, then it takes another month to get a court date for an eviction, and then the court gives them two weeks after that to move on their own.

I've been a landlord for over 20 years now, if I need help from the peanut gallery, I'll be sure to contact you for landlord help.
You need some of that Dem fair pay thing, dupe.
Ghetto's form because there isn't enough funding for education, isn't enough high paying jobs and the infrastructure is turning to shit.

Also not enough police. Op, do you believe in Police?

We spend more money on education per student than any other nation on the planet! Stop being a fucking moron!!

We spend that money to destroy the minds of inner city kids, they can't read or write or function in society, all they can do is collect their EBT, stay trapped in inter-generational poverty and keep letting Democrats vote for them

Welfare and the educational system is how LBJ made good on his promise to "have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years"

I am not saying that we should increase it one more cent, but my point is that we should reform it into a system that works. Maybe we should steal Japans, Norways or south Korea's educational system and mold it to fit our own country??? Maybe we should consider what we're doing wrong and seek to fix it.

I understand your point with the inner-city kids and it is a national disgrace what is occurring. But Europe or eastern asia doesn't suffer from these problems and I believe it comes down to reforms.

why shouldn't we reform our educational system so we can compete with the rest of the world??

It will never happen because Democrats are in bed with the unions and the unions won't let them go. Much of our education problems start at home. If the kid is allowed to be unruly at home, he or she sure as hell will be that way in the schools as well. We can't force parents to stay together for the sake of their children so they can get educated, but what we can do is severely cut down on our social programs so the father cannot so easily be replaced by a welfare check.
Good schools are impossible in a discriminated against ghetto in feq-the-poor Reaganist America.
Ghetto's form because there isn't enough funding for education, isn't enough high paying jobs and the infrastructure is turning to shit.

Also not enough police. Op, do you believe in Police?

We spend more money on education per student than any other nation on the planet! Stop being a fucking moron!!

We spend that money to destroy the minds of inner city kids, they can't read or write or function in society, all they can do is collect their EBT, stay trapped in inter-generational poverty and keep letting Democrats vote for them

Welfare and the educational system is how LBJ made good on his promise to "have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years"

I am not saying that we should increase it one more cent, but my point is that we should reform it into a system that works. Maybe we should steal Japans, Norways or south Korea's educational system and mold it to fit our own country??? Maybe we should consider what we're doing wrong and seek to fix it.

I understand your point with the inner-city kids and it is a national disgrace what is occurring. But Europe or eastern asia doesn't suffer from these problems and I believe it comes down to reforms.

why shouldn't we reform our educational system so we can compete with the rest of the world??

It will never happen because Democrats are in bed with the unions and the unions won't let them go. Much of our education problems start at home. If the kid is allowed to be unruly at home, he or she sure as hell will be that way in the schools as well. We can't force parents to stay together for the sake of their children so they can get educated, but what we can do is severely cut down on our social programs so the father cannot so easily be replaced by a welfare check.
Good schools are impossible in a discriminated against ghetto in feq-the-poor Reaganist America.

Do tell: what exactly is a "discriminated against" ghetto?
We should invest in science, R&D and infrastructure, I've never said we shouldn't. Granted, Obama has been pathetic on all 3 and higher paying jobs and plenty more of them would certainly help. Did you notice how much debt and federal unfunded liabilities we're all stuck with thanks to Obama, Democrats and the establishment Republicans??

Yup, remember all those shovel-ready jobs that were supposed to fix our roads and crumbling bridges? Most of the stim money was wasted or went to improve roads and bridges that weren't all that bad. One newer bridge had fencing put along the sides so no one could jump off. While that is nice, it wasn't as nearly as pressing as the bridges that people use every day and are at risk of collapsing. That was one huge pile of money and we didn't see improvement after going farther in debt. It was all show and mostly a way to repay some favors, but little else.

Sick of people talking about how this or that needs improvement, but we don't see that improvement billions of dollars later. Where the hell is all that money going? We've poured billions into education alone and yet the same schools are just as crappy as they were 20 years ago.

Despite schools not being the best, half the responsibility for students graduating falls on parents. When you have dysfunctional parents on top of overwhelmed schools, you have another group of welfare recipients being churned out. Some kids drop out of nice schools. I've seen that enough times. All goes back to the lack of morals and lack of discipline by parents. No amount of money will fix that. In fact, welfare often serves to prevent change.

How many of you here were told by your parents that you need to keep your act together or your future will be grim? I remember hearing that I better study hard and finish school or I'd end up on welfare or in a crappy job forever. That motivates more than being told you are entitled to a subsidized life no matter how many stupid things you do. Some of the young people today need a kick in the ass, not someone who makes excuses for their lack of effort. The left is quick to protect their dependents and claim that they have no choice because of some big bad racist. Guess what, no racist can stop a person from succeeding and it's not an excuse for quitting school, breaking the law and having a nasty attitude.

I couldn't agree more--especially now.

Right now I'm in the process of getting one of my apartments back together. I rented it to a single mother with two children that stayed here two years. When she moved out and I went to look at the apartment, it was a disaster.

She let those little brats draw and write on nearly every single wall in the house. You can't just paint over that. It has to be cleaned as much as possible, have primer cover the crayon, magic markers and paint, and then you have to repaint everything.

The carpets in all the rooms were shot because of the paint she let them use, and there are even marks on the ceiling when they threw (whatever) up in the air.

When children are raised that way, what are the chances they will become good adults? At the very least, you would think the mother had some shame and offer money to help pay for the repairs. She didn't offer a dime. I'm sure she will wait until I take her to court before she pays anything.

I'm sure those children have a fine future ahead of them.

Almost as dim as a landlord who didn't get a deposit to pay for the costs of getting the property back to move-in-ready status.

Thanks genius, but it's very typical of tenants to not pay the last months rent and force us to use the deposit instead. It makes no sense to evict them at that point as a tenant needs to be late with rent at least a week, then it takes another month to get a court date for an eviction, and then the court gives them two weeks after that to move on their own.

I've been a landlord for over 20 years now, if I need help from the peanut gallery, I'll be sure to contact you for landlord help.

Sounds as if you could use some help. Show them your scary avatar....that'll intimidate them; not

Well thanks for the advice. But if I do need help, it will be from somebody that knows WTF they are talking about.
The bulk of Republican voters are on Medicare and Medicaid, collect Social Security, and are the clear majority who collect taxpayer money in the biggest welfare program on the planet: The Department of Defense.

This is why the states that get far more taxpayer money back than what they contribute are red states.

But please, start another thread about "welfare queens" being black because why not?
I live in a Red controlled area. It's gotten so bad that I bought a gun for protection of my home. It's not Blacks or Browns that are running rampant, it's whites. Any place that is ecomonically hurting will end up like this. And whatever the majority of the population for race will be doing the crime. Outside of my Military time, I have never before now to have the need of a handgun. So don't give me this crap that it's all about the Democrats and blue areas.

Blumpy's kind of obsessed that way. He starts these desperation revisionist threads when he finds a way out of his cage. I actually caught him once claiming that the "Democrat Party" (he doesn't seem to know the real name) invented slavery.

Oh that one was hilarious. :rofl:
The Democratic Socialist Party .. yup, a worthy cause.. :thup:

I do what I can also ...
Socialism is just fair capitalism, dupe.

Well, I suppose if you're an uninformed Democratic Party ... "Dupe"
Tell me how it's communism. dupe

You be smokin the good stuff...:ack-1:

If you believe we shouldn't invest in science, r&d and maintain our infrastructure. Well, you maybe on teh good shit!!!
The bulk of Republican voters are on Medicare and Medicaid, collect Social Security, and are the clear majority who collect taxpayer money in the biggest welfare program on the planet: The Department of Defense.

This is why the states that get far more taxpayer money back than what they contribute are red states.

But please, start another thread about "welfare queens" being black because why not?

The poor red-neck hick republican is the dumbest sob in this entire country. They'd make the Afghani goat herder proud.
I live in a Red controlled area. It's gotten so bad that I bought a gun for protection of my home. It's not Blacks or Browns that are running rampant, it's whites. Any place that is ecomonically hurting will end up like this. And whatever the majority of the population for race will be doing the crime. Outside of my Military time, I have never before now to have the need of a handgun. So don't give me this crap that it's all about the Democrats and blue areas.

Blumpy's kind of obsessed that way. He starts these desperation revisionist threads when he finds a way out of his cage. I actually caught him once claiming that the "Democrat Party" (he doesn't seem to know the real name) invented slavery.

Oh that one was hilarious. :rofl:

Memory loss there Pogo schtick .. :spinner:

I admit it, I do like to push Democrats well deserved guilt buttons and watch them try to worm out of their responsibility.
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I live in a Red controlled area. It's gotten so bad that I bought a gun for protection of my home. It's not Blacks or Browns that are running rampant, it's whites. Any place that is ecomonically hurting will end up like this. And whatever the majority of the population for race will be doing the crime. Outside of my Military time, I have never before now to have the need of a handgun. So don't give me this crap that it's all about the Democrats and blue areas.

Blumpy's kind of obsessed that way. He starts these desperation revisionist threads when he finds a way out of his cage. I actually caught him once claiming that the "Democrat Party" (he doesn't seem to know the real name) invented slavery.

Oh that one was hilarious. :rofl:

Memory loss there Pogo schtick .. :spinner:

I admit it, I do like to push Democrats well deserved guilt buttons and watch them try to worm out of their responsibility.

Oh no memory loss, I remember it quite well.

You know what I always say ---- the memory is the second thing to go. Can't remember what the first is.

But do go on, I'm so looking forward to reading about how "Democrats developed penile warts", "Democrats caused the Johnstown flood" and "Democrats invented cancer".

History for Limpy is like a child's coloring book. "Lines? What lines?"

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