Democrats and Ghetto's, They own them

Santa sure enough is a Republican. He gives stuff away and doesn't ask you to pay higher taxes to fund his generosity. He certainly does care for children. He doesn't snatch them from the womb and sell their parts. Yup he loves people. He doesn't CLAIM to love people in return for their vote.
The nonrich pay more than ever after 30 years of Reaganism, in ALL taxes and fees, the rich less. You are duped.
You are an idiot.
Everyone now pays 20-30% in ALL taxes and fees. Thanks GOP and dupes!
You are an idiot.
Idiot thinks me calling him an idiot is funny. That's idiotic.
I admire and respect your "opinion", Pubtroll. The difference in % of taxes paid by the rich and poor has never been lower, or the % of new wealth going to the 1% never higher. Everyone pays between 29 and 30% in ALL taxes and fees. For 30 years. See sig. Thanks, GOP.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:

Just another brainwashed dupe of the greedy idiot rich GOP...functional moron.
The bulk of Republican voters are on Medicare and Medicaid, collect Social Security, and are the clear majority who collect taxpayer money in the biggest welfare program on the planet: The Department of Defense.

Mostly after 50 years of working and FORCED to pay into each program.
The GOP is in charge of such garden spots as Alabama, Mississippi. Divisive much? Actually the nonrich and the country have been going to hell under Reaganist tax rates for 30 years DUH.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:
lol, and on snopes it's listed on their forum as an urban legend. Jeesh, are you one of those persons of questionable intelligence?
lol, and on snopes it's listed on their forum as an urban legend. Jeesh, are you one of those persons of questionable intelligence?

I am not going to work any harder than to attach below.

[flag of city of Miami,
Adopted 13 Nov 1933
1870 Miami founded.
28 Jul 1896 City of Miami incorporated.
29 Mar 1915 Miami Beach incorporated as a separate city.
21 May 1957 Home-rule for Dade County.

Jul 1896 - Nov 1900 John Bernard Reilly (b. 1870 - d. 1928)
Nov 1900 - Nov 1903 John N. Lummus (b. 1871 - d. 1961)
Nov 1903 - Nov 1907 John Sewell (b. 1867 - d. 1938)
Nov 1907 - Nov 1911 Frank H. Wharton (b. 1870 - d. 1956)
Nov 1911 - 7 Jun 1912 S. Rodman Smith (b. 1841 - d. 1912)
18 Jul 1912 - Nov 1915 John W. Watson, Sr. (1st time) (b. 1859 - d. 1942)
(acting to Nov 1913)
Nov 1915 - Nov 1917 Parker Adair Henderson (1st time) (b. 1875 - d. 1925)
Nov 1917 - Nov 1919 John W. Watson, Sr. (2nd time) (s.a.)
Nov 1919 - Jul 1921 W.P. Smith
Jul 1921 - Jun 1923 Charles D. Leffler (b. 1868 - d. 1939)
Jun 1923 - 25 Jul 1925 Parker Adair Henderson (2nd time) (s.a.)
Aug 1925 - Jun 1927 Edward C. Romfh (b. 1881? - d. 1952)
Jun 1927 - Jun 1929 Everest G. Sewell (1st time) (b. 1874 - d. 1940)
Jun 1929 - Jun 1931 Clifford H. Reeder (1st time) (b. 1882? - d. 1961)
Jun 1931 - Jun 1933 Redmond B. Gautier (b. 1877 - d. 1944)
Jun 1933 - May 1935 Everest G. Sewell (2nd time) (s.a.)
May 1935 - May 1937 Alexander Donald Henry Fossey (b. 1876 - d. 1959)
May 1937 - Mar 1939 Robert R. Williams
Mar 1939 - Apr 1940 Everest G. Sewell (3rd time) (s.a.)
Apr 1940 - 13 May 1941 Alexander Orr, Jr. (b. 1878? - d. 1958)
May 1941 - May 1943 Clifford H. Reeder (2nd time) (s.a.)
May 1943 - May 1945 Leonard K. Thomson
May 1945 - Nov 1947 Perrine Palmer, Jr. (b. 1910? - d. ....)
Nov 1947 - Nov 1949 Robert L. Floyd (b. 1918 - d. 2007) Dem
Nov 1949 - Nov 1951 William M. Wolfarth (b. 1906 - d. 1993)
Nov 1951 - Nov 1953 Chelsie J. Senerchia (b. 1899 - d. 1990)
Nov 1953 - Nov 1955 Abraham "Abe" Aronovitz (b. 1899 - d. 1960) Dem
Nov 1955 - Nov 1957 Randall "Randy" N. Christmas (b. 1920 - d. 1969) Dem
28 Nov 1957 - 30 Aug 1967 Robert King High (b. 1924 - d. 1967) Dem
2 Sep 1967 - 25 Nov 1970 Stephen P. Clark (1st time) (b. 1923 - d. 1996) Dem
25 Nov 1970 - 11 Apr 1973 David T. Kennedy (1st time) (b. 1934) Dem
19 Apr 1973 - Aug 1973 Maurice A. Ferré (1st time) (b. 1935) Dem
Aug 1973 - Nov 1973 David T. Kennedy (2nd time) (s.a.) Dem
8 Nov 1973 - 13 Nov 1985 Maurice A. Ferré (2nd time) (s.a.) Dem
13 Nov 1985 - 9 Nov 1993 Xavier L. Suarez (1st time) (b. 1949) Dem
9 Nov 1993 - 4 Jun 1996 Stephen P. Clark (2nd time) (s.a.) Dem
4 Jun 1996 - 23 Jul 1996 Wilfredo Gort (acting) (b. 1940)
23 Jul 1996 - 13 Nov 1997 Joseph "Joe" Carollo (1st time) (b. 1955) Dem
14 Nov 1997 - 4 Mar 1998 Xavier L. Suarez (2nd time) (s.a.) Dem
12 Mar 1998 - 19 Nov 2001 Joseph "Joe" Carollo (2nd time) (s.a.) Dem
19 Nov 2001 - 11 Nov 2009 Manuel "Manny" Diaz (b. 1954) Ind
11 Nov 2009 - Tomas Regalado (b. 1947) Rep

Mayors of U.S. Cities M-W
2 weeks in session, with no possible filibuster.
Oh so you are admitting that Obama isn't a leader? Got it.
I admit Pubs are mindless obstructionists/bought off by greedy idiot billionaires, and the dupes believe anything they say- over and over and over...
What does that have to do with Obama not being a leader?
You can't lead bought off a-holes, DUH dupe.
A true leader doesn't tell the opposition that they can give their ideas, but they would have to sit in the back of the bus.
I live in a Red controlled area. It's gotten so bad that I bought a gun for protection of my home. It's not Blacks or Browns that are running rampant, it's whites. Any place that is ecomonically hurting will end up like this. And whatever the majority of the population for race will be doing the crime. Outside of my Military time, I have never before now to have the need of a handgun. So don't give me this crap that it's all about the Democrats and blue areas.

Blumpy's kind of obsessed that way. He starts these desperation revisionist threads when he finds a way out of his cage. I actually caught him once claiming that the "Democrat Party" (he doesn't seem to know the real name) invented slavery.

Oh that one was hilarious. :rofl:

Memory loss there Pogo schtick .. :spinner:

I admit it, I do like to push Democrats well deserved guilt buttons and watch them try to worm out of their responsibility.

Oh no memory loss, I remember it quite well.

You know what I always say ---- the memory is the second thing to go. Can't remember what the first is.

But do go on, I'm so looking forward to reading about how "Democrats developed penile warts", "Democrats caused the Johnstown flood" and "Democrats invented cancer".

History for Limpy is like a child's coloring book. "Lines? What lines?"

I see, selective memory loss does sound more likely for a Democratic Socialist Party member...:poke:

Merry Christmas Pogo and to the ones you love as well.

btw. I post mostly for the fun Pogo, my hard feelings last around 2 seconds...You're a fun joust ole friend.

"Hard feelin's"? I knew it. You're just here for the porn.

Murray Christmas to you 'n' your'n as well Lumpers.

I have no reason for hard feelings and porn certainly isn't the the kind of crap I'm interested in. If you prefer being a putz no problem with me, I'll deal with it.

There's plenty of failures/issues I could pin on Democrats without your silly suggestions, national debt, race baiting and divisive politics for votes, failures of domestic policies, failures of economic policies, failures to keep America secure, constant lies from Obama and Hillary .. the list is endless..and you winning a discussion even though you're desperate to do so is unimportant and not the least bit possible, you're far to easy to manipulate.

So there you go, Pogy-oh-gy-oh ... :laugh:
Last edited:
Yup, Democrats control every ghetto in America...They are the proud Party of Ghetto life and no hope..


Democrats have long since realized that people who are poor and dependent on the government will vote for them, even if it is their liberal policies that created the poverty and dependency. That's why every ghetto in America is controlled lock, stock, and barrel by liberal Democrats. Unfortunately, so many destitute Americans have yet to realize that liberal policies don't fight poverty; they maintain it.

Perhaps the worst thing about that is the betrayal of the poor people involved. Most of them are just having a hard time and looking for a little help to make life easier for themselves and their families. Little do they realize that the "help" the liberals are offering is akin to a drug dealer offering them a free sample. Not every liberal intends to "hook" the people they're "helping" on poverty, but they're certainly not very upset when it happens. The more poor dependent Americans there are, the more votes liberals get; the more needed they feel, the larger the budget becomes for the non-functional, big government programs they support.

Liberals have a lot of perverse incentives to keep as many Americans poor as possible and they respond to those incentives in a big way.

- 5 Ways Liberals Hurt The Poor
Miami has ghettos and the mayor is republican. Any more things you want to lie about before Xday?

Yup, Miami has a Republican Mayor.

The Liberty City section is ghetto and is represented by Democratic Party political leadership as I recall. I suspect the other ghetto's are controlled by the Democratic Party machine also..
Miami has a Republican Mayor who is responsible for what goes on in the city. Nice fail.

Eh, if your particular area of the city is controlled by Democrats, no lasting success is remotely possible.
The nonrich pay more than ever after 30 years of Reaganism, in ALL taxes and fees, the rich less. You are duped.
You are an idiot.
Everyone now pays 20-30% in ALL taxes and fees. Thanks GOP and dupes!
You are an idiot.
Idiot thinks me calling him an idiot is funny. That's idiotic.
I admire and respect your "opinion", Pubtroll. The difference in % of taxes paid by the rich and poor has never been lower, or the % of new wealth going to the 1% never higher. Everyone pays between 29 and 30% in ALL taxes and fees. For 30 years. See sig. Thanks, GOP.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:

Just another brainwashed dupe of the greedy idiot rich GOP...functional moron.
Why are you talking to me about this? I never voiced any opinion on this subject other than the proven fact that you are an idiot.
You are an idiot.
Everyone now pays 20-30% in ALL taxes and fees. Thanks GOP and dupes!
You are an idiot.
Idiot thinks me calling him an idiot is funny. That's idiotic.
I admire and respect your "opinion", Pubtroll. The difference in % of taxes paid by the rich and poor has never been lower, or the % of new wealth going to the 1% never higher. Everyone pays between 29 and 30% in ALL taxes and fees. For 30 years. See sig. Thanks, GOP.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:

Just another brainwashed dupe of the greedy idiot rich GOP...functional moron.
Why are you talking to me about this? I never voiced any opinion on this subject other than the proven fact that you are an idiot.
Pubtroll misses the point totally. Read something and come back with a (misinformed totally) argument ferchrissake.
Yup, Democrats control every ghetto in America...They are the proud Party of Ghetto life and no hope..


Democrats have long since realized that people who are poor and dependent on the government will vote for them, even if it is their liberal policies that created the poverty and dependency. That's why every ghetto in America is controlled lock, stock, and barrel by liberal Democrats. Unfortunately, so many destitute Americans have yet to realize that liberal policies don't fight poverty; they maintain it.

Perhaps the worst thing about that is the betrayal of the poor people involved. Most of them are just having a hard time and looking for a little help to make life easier for themselves and their families. Little do they realize that the "help" the liberals are offering is akin to a drug dealer offering them a free sample. Not every liberal intends to "hook" the people they're "helping" on poverty, but they're certainly not very upset when it happens. The more poor dependent Americans there are, the more votes liberals get; the more needed they feel, the larger the budget becomes for the non-functional, big government programs they support.

Liberals have a lot of perverse incentives to keep as many Americans poor as possible and they respond to those incentives in a big way.

- 5 Ways Liberals Hurt The Poor
Miami has ghettos and the mayor is republican. Any more things you want to lie about before Xday?

Yup, Miami has a Republican Mayor.

The Liberty City section is ghetto and is represented by Democratic Party political leadership as I recall. I suspect the other ghetto's are controlled by the Democratic Party machine also..
Miami has a Republican Mayor who is responsible for what goes on in the city. Nice fail.

Eh, if your particular area of the city is controlled by Democrats, no lasting success is remotely possible.
Due to Pub refusal of any programs that would help. "What's wrong with these people?" lol.
Blumpy's kind of obsessed that way. He starts these desperation revisionist threads when he finds a way out of his cage. I actually caught him once claiming that the "Democrat Party" (he doesn't seem to know the real name) invented slavery.

Oh that one was hilarious. :rofl:

Memory loss there Pogo schtick .. :spinner:

I admit it, I do like to push Democrats well deserved guilt buttons and watch them try to worm out of their responsibility.

Oh no memory loss, I remember it quite well.

You know what I always say ---- the memory is the second thing to go. Can't remember what the first is.

But do go on, I'm so looking forward to reading about how "Democrats developed penile warts", "Democrats caused the Johnstown flood" and "Democrats invented cancer".

History for Limpy is like a child's coloring book. "Lines? What lines?"

I see, selective memory loss does sound more likely for a Democratic Socialist Party member...:poke:

Merry Christmas Pogo and to the ones you love as well.

btw. I post mostly for the fun Pogo, my hard feelings last around 2 seconds...You're a fun joust ole friend.

"Hard feelin's"? I knew it. You're just here for the porn.

Murray Christmas to you 'n' your'n as well Lumpers.

I have no reason for hard feelings and porn certainly isn't the the kind of crap I'm interested in. If you prefer being a putz no problem with me, I'll deal with it.

There's plenty of failures/issues I could pin on Democrats without your silly suggestions, national debt, race baiting and divisive politics for votes, failures of domestic policies, failures of economic policies, failures to keep America secure, constant lies from Obama and Hillary .. the list is endless..and you winning a discussion even though you're desperate to do so is unimportant and not the least bit possible, you're far to easy to manipulate.

So there you go, Pogy-oh-gy-oh ... :laugh:

Oh no, I mean "porn" in the broad sense, no pun intentional. i.e. "political porn", such as you like to traffic in here. You know -- all that superficial sensationalist whiny-porn that has no redeeming historical value, like "Democrats invented slavery" or "Democrats invented The Bends" or whatever. That stuff. It's not sex-type porn but it goes to the same place for the same purpose.

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