Democrats and Ghetto's, They own them

Yup, Democrats control every ghetto in America...They are the proud Party of Ghetto life and no hope..


Democrats have long since realized that people who are poor and dependent on the government will vote for them, even if it is their liberal policies that created the poverty and dependency. That's why every ghetto in America is controlled lock, stock, and barrel by liberal Democrats. Unfortunately, so many destitute Americans have yet to realize that liberal policies don't fight poverty; they maintain it.

Perhaps the worst thing about that is the betrayal of the poor people involved. Most of them are just having a hard time and looking for a little help to make life easier for themselves and their families. Little do they realize that the "help" the liberals are offering is akin to a drug dealer offering them a free sample. Not every liberal intends to "hook" the people they're "helping" on poverty, but they're certainly not very upset when it happens. The more poor dependent Americans there are, the more votes liberals get; the more needed they feel, the larger the budget becomes for the non-functional, big government programs they support.

Liberals have a lot of perverse incentives to keep as many Americans poor as possible and they respond to those incentives in a big way.

- 5 Ways Liberals Hurt The Poor
And your WORTHLESS ASS REDNECKS in the pathetic weak ass South that is the poorest in the country have been voting for Repugs for 40 years now and still poor as dirt and lack health insurance..


I'm kind of sick of kicking your cowardly ass ... move along little vulgar puppy.
You really are a low energy worthless pile of shit spammer, hopefully the worthless assholes are at least paying you enough, so you can retire your mom from blowing the Trailer park, so you Rednecks can make your rent money..

Lemme guess your checks are signed by Trump or the Kock Bros.??

Goofy inbred cocksucker..

:laugh: .. See, you've already lost.. emotional adolescence over intelligence and common sense. You are a loser and always will be..
Dude get REAL, a LOSER is a person who puts 29 thousand posts on a website and that is you, very pathetic and weak that you can't get off a keyboard and do something more productive with your life..

Yup, Democrats control every ghetto in America...They are the proud Party of Ghetto life and no hope..


Democrats have long since realized that people who are poor and dependent on the government will vote for them, even if it is their liberal policies that created the poverty and dependency. That's why every ghetto in America is controlled lock, stock, and barrel by liberal Democrats. Unfortunately, so many destitute Americans have yet to realize that liberal policies don't fight poverty; they maintain it.

Perhaps the worst thing about that is the betrayal of the poor people involved. Most of them are just having a hard time and looking for a little help to make life easier for themselves and their families. Little do they realize that the "help" the liberals are offering is akin to a drug dealer offering them a free sample. Not every liberal intends to "hook" the people they're "helping" on poverty, but they're certainly not very upset when it happens. The more poor dependent Americans there are, the more votes liberals get; the more needed they feel, the larger the budget becomes for the non-functional, big government programs they support.

Liberals have a lot of perverse incentives to keep as many Americans poor as possible and they respond to those incentives in a big way.

- 5 Ways Liberals Hurt The Poor
And your WORTHLESS ASS REDNECKS in the pathetic weak ass South that is the poorest in the country have been voting for Repugs for 40 years now and still poor as dirt and lack health insurance..


I'm kind of sick of kicking your cowardly ass ... move along little vulgar puppy.
You really are a low energy worthless pile of shit spammer, hopefully the worthless assholes are at least paying you enough, so you can retire your mom from blowing the Trailer park, so you Rednecks can make your rent money..

Lemme guess your checks are signed by Trump or the Kock Bros.??

Goofy inbred cocksucker..

:laugh: .. See, you've already lost.. emotional adolescence over intelligence and common sense. You are a loser and always will be..
Dude get REAL, a LOSER is a person who puts 29 thousand posts on a website and that is you, very pathetic and weak that you can't get off a keyboard and do something more productive with your life..

Hey!! The problem is he hasn't learned anything. I've proven every bs Pub point wrong. Read my book. HEY!
Yup, Democrats control every ghetto in America...They are the proud Party of Ghetto life and no hope..


Democrats have long since realized that people who are poor and dependent on the government will vote for them, even if it is their liberal policies that created the poverty and dependency. That's why every ghetto in America is controlled lock, stock, and barrel by liberal Democrats. Unfortunately, so many destitute Americans have yet to realize that liberal policies don't fight poverty; they maintain it.

Perhaps the worst thing about that is the betrayal of the poor people involved. Most of them are just having a hard time and looking for a little help to make life easier for themselves and their families. Little do they realize that the "help" the liberals are offering is akin to a drug dealer offering them a free sample. Not every liberal intends to "hook" the people they're "helping" on poverty, but they're certainly not very upset when it happens. The more poor dependent Americans there are, the more votes liberals get; the more needed they feel, the larger the budget becomes for the non-functional, big government programs they support.

Liberals have a lot of perverse incentives to keep as many Americans poor as possible and they respond to those incentives in a big way.

- 5 Ways Liberals Hurt The Poor
And your WORTHLESS ASS REDNECKS in the pathetic weak ass South that is the poorest in the country have been voting for Repugs for 40 years now and still poor as dirt and lack health insurance..


I'm kind of sick of kicking your cowardly ass ... move along little vulgar puppy.
You really are a low energy worthless pile of shit spammer, hopefully the worthless assholes are at least paying you enough, so you can retire your mom from blowing the Trailer park, so you Rednecks can make your rent money..

Lemme guess your checks are signed by Trump or the Kock Bros.??

Goofy inbred cocksucker..

:laugh: .. See, you've already lost.. emotional adolescence over intelligence and common sense. You are a loser and always will be..
Dude get REAL, a LOSER is a person who puts 29 thousand posts on a website and that is you, very pathetic and weak that you can't get off a keyboard and do something more productive with your life..


..and in all that time and posting I have never reduced myself to your low class level... so much hate and stupidity, you must have received your pathetic liberal education bent over a desk.
Oh no memory loss, I remember it quite well.

You know what I always say ---- the memory is the second thing to go. Can't remember what the first is.

But do go on, I'm so looking forward to reading about how "Democrats developed penile warts", "Democrats caused the Johnstown flood" and "Democrats invented cancer".

History for Limpy is like a child's coloring book. "Lines? What lines?"

I see, selective memory loss does sound more likely for a Democratic Socialist Party member...:poke:

Merry Christmas Pogo and to the ones you love as well.

btw. I post mostly for the fun Pogo, my hard feelings last around 2 seconds...You're a fun joust ole friend.

"Hard feelin's"? I knew it. You're just here for the porn.

Murray Christmas to you 'n' your'n as well Lumpers.

I have no reason for hard feelings and porn certainly isn't the the kind of crap I'm interested in. If you prefer being a putz no problem with me, I'll deal with it.

There's plenty of failures/issues I could pin on Democrats without your silly suggestions, national debt, race baiting and divisive politics for votes, failures of domestic policies, failures of economic policies, failures to keep America secure, constant lies from Obama and Hillary .. the list is endless..and you winning a discussion even though you're desperate to do so is unimportant and not the least bit possible, you're far to easy to manipulate.

So there you go, Pogy-oh-gy-oh ... :laugh:

Oh no, I mean "porn" in the broad sense, no pun intentional. i.e. "political porn", such as you like to traffic in here. You know -- all that superficial sensationalist whiny-porn that has no redeeming historical value, like "Democrats invented slavery" or "Democrats invented The Bends" or whatever. That stuff. It's not sex-type porn but it goes to the same place for the same purpose.

Well, when you start a thread that members have any interest in discussing, I'll consider taking your opinions seriously. For you it's the free expression of the obvious truths and the pointing out of the hypocrisies of the left by me and other members that you find so offensive.

Sorry Bub, you don't get to control free expression at the USMB, you have to come up with reasonable counter points instead of whines and personal attacks in regards to me or other members.

Pfft. "Control" doesn't enter into it. I DO get to shoot down your absurdly desperate premises for the political porn they are, and I shall continue to do so as long as it shows up. You can count on it.

See you next time around, in the next exciting episode of "The Democrat [sic] Party invented aphids".
Ghetto's form because there isn't enough funding for education, isn't enough high paying jobs and the infrastructure is turning to shit.

Also not enough police. Op, do you believe in Police?

Democrats already send millions of young black men to prison and you think the answer is more police?
So what ABOUT Alabama and Miss., etc?

Did you read the article link in the OP Franco, just wondering?
Yes, and it's BS. BOOOOSH!! grew the welfare numbers DUH, not Obama. etc. and Walmart suqs.

Still blaming Bush, you must be desperate...
He just started a world depression is all lol..

No you started that electing Dem tards.
How about the military. And I would argue all of those, and if one suqs, it's because of Pub underfunding (VA). ACA is MUCH better than the old Pub "system" ay caramba and will only get better duh.. Medicaid isn't supposed to be great, but basic. Obama did NOTHING to grow welfare-, that was W wrecking the economy, dupe.

Do you consider food stamps as welfare? Because DumBama expanded it in the Pork Bill. Even under Bush's worst years (towards the end) we still had way more Americans working than DumBama has today.
I see, selective memory loss does sound more likely for a Democratic Socialist Party member...:poke:

Merry Christmas Pogo and to the ones you love as well.

btw. I post mostly for the fun Pogo, my hard feelings last around 2 seconds...You're a fun joust ole friend.

"Hard feelin's"? I knew it. You're just here for the porn.

Murray Christmas to you 'n' your'n as well Lumpers.

I have no reason for hard feelings and porn certainly isn't the the kind of crap I'm interested in. If you prefer being a putz no problem with me, I'll deal with it.

There's plenty of failures/issues I could pin on Democrats without your silly suggestions, national debt, race baiting and divisive politics for votes, failures of domestic policies, failures of economic policies, failures to keep America secure, constant lies from Obama and Hillary .. the list is endless..and you winning a discussion even though you're desperate to do so is unimportant and not the least bit possible, you're far to easy to manipulate.

So there you go, Pogy-oh-gy-oh ... :laugh:

Oh no, I mean "porn" in the broad sense, no pun intentional. i.e. "political porn", such as you like to traffic in here. You know -- all that superficial sensationalist whiny-porn that has no redeeming historical value, like "Democrats invented slavery" or "Democrats invented The Bends" or whatever. That stuff. It's not sex-type porn but it goes to the same place for the same purpose.

Well, when you start a thread that members have any interest in discussing, I'll consider taking your opinions seriously. For you it's the free expression of the obvious truths and the pointing out of the hypocrisies of the left by me and other members that you find so offensive.

Sorry Bub, you don't get to control free expression at the USMB, you have to come up with reasonable counter points instead of whines and personal attacks in regards to me or other members.

Pfft. "Control" doesn't enter into it. I DO get to shoot down your absurdly desperate premises for the political porn they are, and I shall continue to do so as long as it shows up. You can count on it.

See you next time around, in the next exciting episode of "The Democrat [sic] Party invented aphids".

So what, you're stalking me now...?

..and so far you've failed every time...try harder and smarter...:wink_2:
Everyone now pays 20-30% in ALL taxes and fees. Thanks GOP and dupes!
You are an idiot.
Idiot thinks me calling him an idiot is funny. That's idiotic.
I admire and respect your "opinion", Pubtroll. The difference in % of taxes paid by the rich and poor has never been lower, or the % of new wealth going to the 1% never higher. Everyone pays between 29 and 30% in ALL taxes and fees. For 30 years. See sig. Thanks, GOP.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:

Just another brainwashed dupe of the greedy idiot rich GOP...functional moron.
Why are you talking to me about this? I never voiced any opinion on this subject other than the proven fact that you are an idiot.
Pubtroll misses the point totally. Read something and come back with a (misinformed totally) argument ferchrissake.
You are talking to me about a subject I have no interest in and have not commented on and I missed the point?
You really are an idiot. Argue you "point" with someone who actually gives a shit about your position, OK?
"Hard feelin's"? I knew it. You're just here for the porn.

Murray Christmas to you 'n' your'n as well Lumpers.

I have no reason for hard feelings and porn certainly isn't the the kind of crap I'm interested in. If you prefer being a putz no problem with me, I'll deal with it.

There's plenty of failures/issues I could pin on Democrats without your silly suggestions, national debt, race baiting and divisive politics for votes, failures of domestic policies, failures of economic policies, failures to keep America secure, constant lies from Obama and Hillary .. the list is endless..and you winning a discussion even though you're desperate to do so is unimportant and not the least bit possible, you're far to easy to manipulate.

So there you go, Pogy-oh-gy-oh ... :laugh:

Oh no, I mean "porn" in the broad sense, no pun intentional. i.e. "political porn", such as you like to traffic in here. You know -- all that superficial sensationalist whiny-porn that has no redeeming historical value, like "Democrats invented slavery" or "Democrats invented The Bends" or whatever. That stuff. It's not sex-type porn but it goes to the same place for the same purpose.

Well, when you start a thread that members have any interest in discussing, I'll consider taking your opinions seriously. For you it's the free expression of the obvious truths and the pointing out of the hypocrisies of the left by me and other members that you find so offensive.

Sorry Bub, you don't get to control free expression at the USMB, you have to come up with reasonable counter points instead of whines and personal attacks in regards to me or other members.

Pfft. "Control" doesn't enter into it. I DO get to shoot down your absurdly desperate premises for the political porn they are, and I shall continue to do so as long as it shows up. You can count on it.

See you next time around, in the next exciting episode of "The Democrat [sic] Party invented aphids".

So what, you're stalking me now...?

..and so far you've failed every time...try harder and smarter...:wink_2:
Or you could silence the irritating din by putting him on ignore. I laugh less since I did, but I throw my mouse across the room a lot less often.
Last edited:
He just started a world depression is all lol..

yeah right Frank. GWB single handed went around and installed CRA, repealled Glass-Stegal and forced all those banks to make liar loans and other risky loans to un-qualified borrowers.

He alone then changed the rules so they could package those loans into groups and sell them to investors while hiding the true risk. HE alone is so powerful that he then moved this scam world wide.

you folks is crazy..........from Little Feat.
How about the military. And I would argue all of those, and if one suqs, it's because of Pub underfunding (VA). ACA is MUCH better than the old Pub "system" ay caramba and will only get better duh.. Medicaid isn't supposed to be great, but basic. Obama did NOTHING to grow welfare-, that was W wrecking the economy, dupe.

Do you consider food stamps as welfare? Because DumBama expanded it in the Pork Bill. Even under Bush's worst years (towards the end) we still had way more Americans working than DumBama has today.
Link to "pork bill"? Most of it is people getting poorer and poorer and becoming eligible. Thanks GOP.
He just started a world depression is all lol..

yeah right Frank. GWB single handed went around and installed CRA, repealled Glass-Stegal and forced all those banks to make liar loans and other risky loans to un-qualified borrowers.

He alone then changed the rules so they could package those loans into groups and sell them to investors while hiding the true risk. HE alone is so powerful that he then moved this scam world wide.

you folks is crazy..........from Little Feat.
No, the crony regulators he gave us let toxic loans be rated A+- great job! Duh.
How about the military. And I would argue all of those, and if one suqs, it's because of Pub underfunding (VA). ACA is MUCH better than the old Pub "system" ay caramba and will only get better duh.. Medicaid isn't supposed to be great, but basic. Obama did NOTHING to grow welfare-, that was W wrecking the economy, dupe.

Do you consider food stamps as welfare? Because DumBama expanded it in the Pork Bill. Even under Bush's worst years (towards the end) we still had way more Americans working than DumBama has today.
Link to "pork bill"? Most of it is people getting poorer and poorer and becoming eligible. Thanks GOP.

Hell, I'll even use one of your own Commie sites:

Is Obama the 'food stamp president?'
By Tami Luhby @CNNMoneyJanuary 17, 2012:

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- A record 44.7 million people -- or 1 in 7 Americans -- were on food stamps last year. But does that make Barack Obama the "food stamp president?"

Newt Gingrich once again slapped that label on Obama during a South Carolina debate Monday night, saying: "The fact is that more people have been put on food stamps by Barack Obama than any president in American history."

It's true that the food stamp rolls have swelled more under Obama's tenure than under his recent predecessors. Also, his 2009 Recovery Act allowed even more people to sign up.

Is Obama the 'food stamp president?'
How about the military. And I would argue all of those, and if one suqs, it's because of Pub underfunding (VA). ACA is MUCH better than the old Pub "system" ay caramba and will only get better duh.. Medicaid isn't supposed to be great, but basic. Obama did NOTHING to grow welfare-, that was W wrecking the economy, dupe.

Do you consider food stamps as welfare? Because DumBama expanded it in the Pork Bill. Even under Bush's worst years (towards the end) we still had way more Americans working than DumBama has today.
Link to "pork bill"? Most of it is people getting poorer and poorer and becoming eligible. Thanks GOP.

Hell, I'll even use one of your own Commie sites:

Is Obama the 'food stamp president?'
By Tami Luhby @CNNMoneyJanuary 17, 2012:

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- A record 44.7 million people -- or 1 in 7 Americans -- were on food stamps last year. But does that make Barack Obama the "food stamp president?"

Newt Gingrich once again slapped that label on Obama during a South Carolina debate Monday night, saying: "The fact is that more people have been put on food stamps by Barack Obama than any president in American history."

It's true that the food stamp rolls have swelled more under Obama's tenure than under his recent predecessors. Also, his 2009 Recovery Act allowed even more people to sign up.

Is Obama the 'food stamp president?'
BFD. 90%+ of rise was just new unemployed. Good- thanks for the corrupt depression and pandering to the greedy idiot rich.... So CNN is commie now? You really lose cred with that crappe.
How about the military. And I would argue all of those, and if one suqs, it's because of Pub underfunding (VA). ACA is MUCH better than the old Pub "system" ay caramba and will only get better duh.. Medicaid isn't supposed to be great, but basic. Obama did NOTHING to grow welfare-, that was W wrecking the economy, dupe.

Do you consider food stamps as welfare? Because DumBama expanded it in the Pork Bill. Even under Bush's worst years (towards the end) we still had way more Americans working than DumBama has today.
Link to "pork bill"? Most of it is people getting poorer and poorer and becoming eligible. Thanks GOP.

Hell, I'll even use one of your own Commie sites:

Is Obama the 'food stamp president?'
By Tami Luhby @CNNMoneyJanuary 17, 2012:

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- A record 44.7 million people -- or 1 in 7 Americans -- were on food stamps last year. But does that make Barack Obama the "food stamp president?"

Newt Gingrich once again slapped that label on Obama during a South Carolina debate Monday night, saying: "The fact is that more people have been put on food stamps by Barack Obama than any president in American history."

It's true that the food stamp rolls have swelled more under Obama's tenure than under his recent predecessors. Also, his 2009 Recovery Act allowed even more people to sign up.

Is Obama the 'food stamp president?'
BFD. 90%+ of rise was just new unemployed. Good- thanks for the corrupt depression and pandering to the greedy idiot rich.... So CNN is commie now? You really lose cred with that crappe.

Try again. DumBama lowered the qualifications for food stamps and increased the amount each applicant got.

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