Democrats Are Endangering America


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Can anyone dispute that Democrats are endangering the American people ? Why don't we count the ways this is happening ?

1. They argue in favor of gun-free zones. That opens up many places to be prime targets for terrorists, chock full of defenseless citizens. (as was the case in the Chattanoga recruiting center and armory shootings, and Fort Hood)

2. They want to take in tens of thousands of alleged refugees, of which, some are that, and some are ISIS fighters, finding a clear path into the US.

3. They stymie national security tightening every chance they get, typically arguing in favor of civil rights, which in too many cases, often involves giving terrorists openings to commit terrorism.

4. They oppose voter ID, designed to keep illegal voters from voting.

5. They bash cops, to feed Obama/Sharpton race hustler campaign.

6. They release dangerous criminals in the US and from Gitmo.

This is more than enough for a list, for me right now. I'll let the posters post others if they wish.
You named 3 military installations as being "chock full of defenseless citizens". Hat doesn't make sense .
as for the rest of the shit. Yeah dems endanger America , but conservatives endanger our freedom .
Can anyone dispute that republicans are endangering America?

1. They flood the country with guns, ensuring they get into the hands of criminals.

2. They want to send our soldiers to die for nothing on the other side of the planet, many wanting them to commit genocide.

3. They demand we surrender our freedoms for security

4. They demand that we create unnecessary obstacles to prevent citizens from voting.

5. They demand that we bestow unlimited power on the police.

6. They demand that we ignore human rights.

This is more than enough for a list, for me right now. I'll let the posters post others if they wish.
as for the rest of the shit. Yeah dems endanger America , but conservatives endanger our freedom .
Well...again, you should have kept quiet. Are you in the 4th grade or something?
Can anyone dispute that republicans are endangering America?

1. They flood the country with guns, ensuring they get into the hands of criminals.

2. They want to send our soldiers to die for nothing on the other side of the planet, many wanting them to commit genocide.

3. They demand we surrender our freedoms for security

4. They demand that we create unnecessary obstacles to prevent citizens from voting.

5. They demand that we bestow unlimited power on the police.

6. They demand that we ignore human rights.

This is more than enough for a list, for me right now. I'll let the posters post others if they wish.
Well s0n, you make no sense at all with the above...:alcoholic:
Why has the republicans cut back mental illness so bad that you have to be suicidal in order to be assessed and then let go in 48 hours? Mental Illness is our Biggest problem when it comes to mass shootings.

Bashing cops happens on all political platforms. Cops Life's matter, it is a hard job. So do the life's of the innocent that get bashed by cops.

As far as the refugee's , until the slimy candidates could us it to their political advantage the right was all for it too, except for Trump.
I really do believe Obama wants to turn America into a third-world nation so bad that he is fully willing to cause the Democrat Party to lose the 2016 Presidential Election. This move on hiss part to defy the will of the American people once again shows he will do whatever it takes even if it means destroying what little legacy he has and loosing the election for his party. Go figure.
I really do believe Obama wants to turn America into a third-world nation so bad that he is fully willing to cause the Democrat Party to lose the 2016 Presidential Election. This move on hiss part to defy the will of the American people once again shows he will do whatever it takes even if it means destroying what little legacy he has and loosing the election for his party. Go figure.
Wow you believe Obama wants to turn the U.S. into a 3rd world country? That tells us all we need to know about you.
I really do believe Obama wants to turn America into a third-world nation so bad that he is fully willing to cause the Democrat Party to lose the 2016 Presidential Election. This move on hiss part to defy the will of the American people once again shows he will do whatever it takes even if it means destroying what little legacy he has and loosing the election for his party. Go figure.
Wow you believe Obama wants to turn the U.S. into a 3rd world country? That tells us all we need to know about you.

Just vote TRUMP and we'll be OK. That's what all your neighbors will be doing.
Can anyone dispute that Democrats are endangering the American people ? Why don't we count the ways this is happening ?

1. They argue in favor of gun-free zones. That opens up many places to be prime targets for terrorists, chock full of defenseless citizens. (as was the case in the Chattanoga recruiting center and armory shootings, and Fort Hood)

2. They want to take in tens of thousands of alleged refugees, of which, some are that, and some are ISIS fighters, finding a clear path into the US.

3. They stymie national security tightening every chance they get, typically arguing in favor of civil rights, which in too many cases, often involves giving terrorists openings to commit terrorism.

4. They oppose voter ID, designed to keep illegal voters from voting.

5. They bash cops, to feed Obama/Sharpton race hustler campaign.

6. They release dangerous criminals in the US and from Gitmo.

This is more than enough for a list, for me right now. I'll let the posters post others if they wish.
What poppy cock! The Gop every bit as bad.
As for "bashing cops " you mean bad cops who get away with police brutality .

Funny. Conservatives spend all day bashing the government and every agency you can think of . Except they give a pass to their jackboots so long as they are hassling brown faces .
"Democrats Are Endangering America"

Eliminationism, still valiantly holding on in its glorious struggle against running-dog democracy!

EIN Partei! EIN Volk! EIN Ideologie! Heil!


Hey, tell us again how the First Amendment doesn't say what it says. That was hilarious.
as for the rest of the shit. Yeah dems endanger America , but conservatives endanger our freedom .
BS Femmy.
Liberalism is marching forward at a record pace. Us cons haven't stopped anything.
We haven't stopped any of your so called freedoms.
hahahaha... I have never understood your previous avi.... now in the sig line I know!!!!!! Hahahaha!!!! Excellent! I like it!!!!:thup:
You named 3 military installations as being "chock full of defenseless citizens". Hat doesn't make sense .
GITMO is citizens? Got a link to prove that?

I was talking about 1) on your list .

As for gitmo. It's a tax payer sucking draining holding pen wh no due process . Doesn't protect America at all.
Can anyone dispute that Democrats are endangering the American people ? Why don't we count the ways this is happening ?

1. They argue in favor of gun-free zones. That opens up many places to be prime targets for terrorists, chock full of defenseless citizens. (as was the case in the Chattanoga recruiting center and armory shootings, and Fort Hood)

2. They want to take in tens of thousands of alleged refugees, of which, some are that, and some are ISIS fighters, finding a clear path into the US.

3. They stymie national security tightening every chance they get, typically arguing in favor of civil rights, which in too many cases, often involves giving terrorists openings to commit terrorism.

4. They oppose voter ID, designed to keep illegal voters from voting.

5. They bash cops, to feed Obama/Sharpton race hustler campaign.

6. They release dangerous criminals in the US and from Gitmo.

This is more than enough for a list, for me right now. I'll let the posters post others if they wish.

Democrats are always about appeasement. They foolishly think that being nice to enemies will make us safe, but they are wrong. Appeasing evil will only allow it to eventually conquer us.

Now they are trying to shame people into accepting refugees, many of whom might be terrorists. With no way to be certain, the left chooses to blindly trust them and bring them to us. They think it's evil to care about our own people and want to avoid what happened in Paris. And they are planning more. It's downright crazy to make it easy for them.

No enemy ever stopped hating us when we gave in to them. They just laugh at our stupidity and carry on.


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