Democrats are harrassing Trump with civil lawsuits and criminal actions. Will this thwarting of democracy work?

No one did, liar. It's all in your brainwashed head....
So pulling ballots out of suitcases after all the Republican poll watchers were forced out of the room, is just a big lie?

Only fucking liar is you, now get your lying ass out of Florida. This state doesnt like assholes like you...
So pulling ballots out of suitcases after all the Republican poll watchers were forced out of the room, is just a big lie?

Only fucking liar is you, now get your lying ass out of Florida. This state doesnt like assholes like you...

Maybe a sink hole will consume that skank.
I do.
I can't help it if you're too stupid to realize it.
Trump is anything BUT
“ of the people “

He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and daddy gave him millions to get started.

He’s never gotten his hands dirty

He’s never worked hard enough to break a sweat

If you believe that you’re a fool
So pulling ballots out of suitcases after all the Republican poll watchers were forced out of the room, is just a big lie?

Only fucking liar is you, now get your lying ass out of Florida. This state doesnt like assholes like you...

Yes Mike, those two MADE UP STORIES are lies, and have been debunked....

In the suitcase one, Giuliani admitted in civil court it was a lie about the suitcase story and it was shown through evidence in court to be a total fabrication and for that suitcase lie, he was responsible for defamation of the two election workers he defamed and owes them $148 million for it.

You are not a liar as I had said....sorry for that, but you are passing along LIES that you've been told, that you still believe, because the TRUTH is kept from you, in your maga media circle, that you live in.
Trump is anything BUT
“ of the people “

He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and daddy gave him millions to get started.

He’s never gotten his hands dirty

He’s never worked hard enough to break a sweat

If you believe that you’re a fool
Right, and old Scranton Joe went down into the coal mines and got his hands dirty.

Progs are so fucking stupid and hypocritical it's off the scale.
Heck, Mike. He's been suing the heck out of people for years at the drop of a hat, and being sued almost continuously. They are just playing his game, using the courts.

Your moderator of the "US Message Board", everyone. It's fine; if they have someone they don't like on the ballot, just use unelected reps to have them removed. Oh, and call it "democracy"
Over 90% of murdered blacks were murdered by blacks. Democrats are racist and only care when they can stir up racism and discord, like Obama did. The man could have done so much for blacks and didn't because of politics, the man has no soul

Wow... so wrong.

Most people are murdered by their same race because they are most likely to be killed by people they know, and we have too many fucking guns in this country.

That said, the reason why black people are upset about cops murdering their children isn't because Obama told them to be. It's because they do it, and the worst they get are paid suspensions.

Because when one of these incidents happens, we usually find it's someone like Chauvin or Van Dyke or Loehmann or Wilson, who should have been fired years ago for misconduct and wasn't because the system protected them.
Your moderator of the "US Message Board", everyone. It's fine; if they have someone they don't like on the ballot, just use unelected reps to have them removed. Oh, and call it "democracy"

When they commit treason and get indicted, um, yeah, it's acceptable to remove them under the provisions of the constitution.

Your side tried to claim Obama was illegitimate for 8 years because he was supposedly born in Kenya. In fact, it was the only reason you picked Trump over 10 or so guys who were actually qualified for the job.
Wow... so wrong.

Most people are murdered by their same race because they are most likely to be killed by people they know, and we have too many fucking guns in this country.

That said, the reason why black people are upset about cops murdering their children isn't because Obama told them to be. It's because they do it, and the worst they get are paid suspensions.

Because when one of these incidents happens, we usually find it's someone like Chauvin or Van Dyke or Loehmann or Wilson, who should have been fired years ago for misconduct and wasn't because the system protected them.
Yep, the union protects them. Just like the Teacher unions protect bad teachers.
When they commit treason and get indicted, um, yeah, it's acceptable to remove them under the provisions of the constitution.

Your side tried to claim Obama was illegitimate for 8 years because he was supposedly born in Kenya. In fact, it was the only reason you picked Trump over 10 or so guys who were actually qualified for the job.
Trump is the most popular candidate for President. How do you account for that?
Yes. It is working. No one is willing to stand up with him to save America, After they see him nearly destroyed day by day. What 70+yr old has to sit in a $2 County court over a bank loan or some random Black hag attacks in court over a phone call? Former President to boot.

The best way to save America is to send Trump to prison and destroy him personally so that no one like him ever tries to pull this shit again.

Yes, the country is being destroyed right before your eyes. Fight back now or it will be too late. DeC 2020 should have been all in after the Fraud Election BS.
You lost in 2020 because more people voted against Trump. That's why you lost. There was no fraud. We got out there and voted against him because he was such a danger to the country.
Yep, the union protects them. Just like the Teacher unions protect bad teachers.

The unions are a large part of the problem. So are the politicians (both parties) who wear "Thin blue line" teeshirts and refuse to hold them to account. So are the police departments themselves that don't take complaints from the public seriously.

For instance, Timothy Loehmann, the guy who shot 12 year old Tamir Rice when he was playing with a toy, was fired by Independence, OH PD because of his emotional immaturity. The guy literally had an emotional breakdown on a firing range and had to be disarmed by the range officer. Cleveland PD just hired him, didn't even bother to do a background check. Within weeks of starting the job, he blows away a kid playing with a toy in a park.

Trump is the most popular candidate for President. How do you account for that?

I don't. The polls are wrong. More people are against him than for him. The biggest problem in the last few election cycles is because Trump caught the pollster by "Surprise" in 2016, they are overcounting rural and Republican voters.

Trump will get drubbed in 2024 just like he did in 2020. The only reason he's a threat at all is because we are still using a bizarre system to pick presidents where someone can be soundly rejected by the people and still get the job.
Yes Mike, those two MADE UP STORIES are lies, and have been debunked....

In the suitcase one, Giuliani admitted in civil court it was a lie about the suitcase story and it was shown through evidence in court to be a total fabrication and for that suitcase lie, he was responsible for defamation of the two election workers he defamed and owes them $148 million for it.

You are not a liar as I had said....sorry for that, but you are passing along LIES that you've been told, that you still believe, because the TRUTH is kept from you, in your maga media circle, that you live in.
No moron, they are not made up stories, but your denial of the facts, just proves how intelligent you are not.

Right, and old Scranton Joe went down into the coal mines and got his hands dirty.

Progs are so fucking stupid and hypocritical it's off the scale.
Hey dumbass, you morons are claiming Trump is “of the people”
No moron, they are not made up stories, but your denial of the facts, just proves how intelligent you are not.

View attachment 881261
Can you debate the argument without your insults?

Yes Mike the story premise, was FAKE NEWS.

Jenna Ellis plead guilty in the Georgia indictment just recently....did you see her video apology?

The post office trucker claim was also unproven...

Last edited:
Can you debate the argument without your insults?

Yes Mike the story premise, was FAKE NEWS.

Jenna Ellis plead guilty in the Georgia indictment just recently....did you see her video apology?

The post office trucker claim was also unproven...

Link to come

Stuff it ignorant lowIQ demwitt. It is go along or be bankrupted or Jailed by the Police state (as anyone can see) you simple minded corrupted salsa brain goofball.

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