Democrats are harrassing Trump with civil lawsuits and criminal actions. Will this thwarting of democracy work?

I doubt it. Trump has already proven many times he can't be taken down by the Democrats.
Remember this, what goes around will come back around to the Democrats. They wonder why America is furious with their endless attacks on President Trump. :Boom2:
Was not a lethal threat situation
It was a violent mob that had stormed the capitol overwhelming police and reaching the doors leading to Congress. The police were heavily outnumbered and many had already been beaten and injured by the mob.

Context matters tough guy.
Cops aren't not supposed to shoot unless their life is at stake. You just admitted that didn't apply here.
You were misled.
No, it all depends on your math. Judges are not "allowed" to consider statistical evidence, they require specifics.

On the other hand, searching for a few million bogus votes in a sea of 150 million is like needle in a haystack, it "requires" statistical methods.

I'll repeat my earlier statement: in our system in it's present form, the election is unprovable. Unauditable.
And the RAGE is for what


Mail in ballots are LEGAL votes. And you are damn right that he lost by 8 million votes and by an electoral bashing of 306 to 232.

You want to steal the election from Democrats, who legally voted the way they were told was legal by authorities and the courts.
Someone who stuffs 8 million ballots into a mail box isnt legally voting....
Trump broke the law. Over and over. Trump is 1930's Germany and the right wing media is the modern nazi propaganda.
You're confused. The Democrat party is 1930s Germany. All media is NAZI propaganda. Nothing is more NAZI like than the JAN 6 persecutions.
Lol. It was a protest got out of hand. Nothing compared to Burn Loot and Murder.

If it had been a real Insurrection you would have known it.
Trump told em to go on down to the Capitol and that he would be right there with em.
I doubt it. Trump has already proven many times he can't be taken down by the Democrats.

Yes. It is working. No one is willing to stand up with him to save America, After they see him nearly destroyed day by day. What 70+yr old has to sit in a $2 County court over a bank loan or some random Black hag attacks in court over a phone call? Former President to boot.

Yes, the country is being destroyed right before your eyes. Fight back now or it will be too late. DeC 2020 should have been all in after the Fraud Election BS.
Remember this, what goes around will come back around to the Democrats. They wonder why America is furious with their endless attacks on President Trump. :Boom2:
And your endless attacks on Biden, beginning with the lie that he stole the election from trump, and the attacks on his son, and attacks on his alleged involvement, and his impeachment inquiry and on and on and on and on....

Or the endless, never ending attacks on Obama?

You are just a bunch of crybaby sissies like your precious whining, girly leader who bitches non stop about his treatment....

Enough already! He's suppose to be a big boy who wears pants.... what would he ever do without you cheerleader bullies?
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