Democrats are harrassing Trump with civil lawsuits and criminal actions. Will this thwarting of democracy work?

Stuff it ignorant lowIQ demwitt. It is go along or be bankrupted or Jailed by the Police state (as anyone can see) you simple minded corrupted salsa brain goofball.
Coming from you, a complete deranged Trash Mouth of USMB, that's a compliment!
Coming from you, a complete deranged Trash Mouth of USMB, that's a compliment!

you support the enemies of America (Those using the 2020 takeover to siphon our wealth, install Global Socialism, our rights gone)..

If you and your ilk are not put down hard…..the future is very dark for normal Americans and the poor Children. America hit its’ peak in late 2019. Then the enemies went to work using lowIQ shortsighted old insider DEMWitted DC loons that you support. You are the enemy. You should be hung for Sedition you sick POS.
Hey dumbass, you morons are claiming Trump is “of the people”
I didn' tmake any such claim, douchebag. However, you hav eimplied that Biden is "of the people." whatever that means. Only scumbags use vague meaningless terms like "of the people."
I didn' tmake any such claim, douchebag. However, you hav eimplied that Biden is "of the people." whatever that means. Only scumbags use vague meaningless terms like "of the people."
Hey douchebag, it was your MAGA buddy who made that claim
The unions are a large part of the problem. So are the politicians (both parties) who wear "Thin blue line" teeshirts and refuse to hold them to account. So are the police departments themselves that don't take complaints from the public seriously.

For instance, Timothy Loehmann, the guy who shot 12 year old Tamir Rice when he was playing with a toy, was fired by Independence, OH PD because of his emotional immaturity. The guy literally had an emotional breakdown on a firing range and had to be disarmed by the range officer. Cleveland PD just hired him, didn't even bother to do a background check. Within weeks of starting the job, he blows away a kid playing with a toy in a park.

I don't. The polls are wrong. More people are against him than for him. The biggest problem in the last few election cycles is because Trump caught the pollster by "Surprise" in 2016, they are overcounting rural and Republican voters.

Trump will get drubbed in 2024 just like he did in 2020. The only reason he's a threat at all is because we are still using a bizarre system to pick presidents where someone can be soundly rejected by the people and still get the job.
The Electoral College works. We are a nation of states with their own culture and laws. It's what makes the USA so unique. The Presidency is the only national office. In a democracy you don't always get your way.
No, he wasn't. The Democrats stole the election.
Are you anxiously waiting for retribution when Trump gets back in office OP?
Yes. Do unto Democrats exactly as Democrats have done unto us.

Biden voters keep asking this question. Do you know why? Because they know they're not going to hold the White House and they're scared Republicans will treat them exactly as they treated Republicans. I pray they do. It's payback time
Yes. Do unto Democrats exactly as Democrats have done unto us.

Biden voters keep asking this question. Do you know why? Because they know they're not going to hold the White House and they're scared Republicans will treat them exactly as they treated Republicans. I pray they do. It's payback time
Treat them like what exactly?
The punishing of MAGA criminals, including Orange, is the surest way to make democracy work.

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