Democrats Are Killing Jobs


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
President Obama was on the road this week touting the need for infrastructure jobs, and he’s got the story half right. America does have a gaping infrastructure crisis, but fixing this problem wouldn’t cost a penny of taxpayer dollars, never mind hundreds of billions of dollars added to the debt, so the White House probably won’t be interested.

The infrastructure crisis I’m talking about is the shortage of pipelines across America. This one snuck up on us: The drilling revolution that started so unpredictably about five or six years ago is only accelerating and spreading to nearly half the states across the country. Thanks to fracking, horizontal drilling, and other such innovative breakthroughs that enable us to extract a monumental amount of shale oil and gas, our recoverable energy resources have nearly tripled overnight. And some states like Texas and North Dakota have tripled their production.

But if you visit the drilling sites in Williston, N.D., you discover an amazing phenomenon: At night, this little energy town of fewer than 30,000 people lights up like Manhattan on New Year’s Eve. All these lights are flares burning off the natural gas that was drilled that day. Why on earth would the drillers do that? Because they want oil, which sells at $100 a barrel, as opposed to natural gas, which is now so abundant that it’s cheap.

But why don’t they sell the natural gas too? Because they don’t have the pipeline capacity to bring it to the markets where it’s needed. So they are burning off an energy source, without capturing the power. What a waste.

The pipelines aren’t getting built, simply because the government isn’t letting them get built. It has been an eye-opening experience to watch liberals block an infrastructure project — the Keystone XL pipeline — that two of three Americans (and even a plurality of Democrats) support. Pew had an amazing poll last month reporting that just about every demographic group in America supports the Keystone pipeline, except for Democrats with Ph.D.s and Democrats who earn more than $100,000.

But this problem goes well beyond the Keystone pipeline. We need to build in America a national network of pipelines from coast to coast, much as Eisenhower built the interstate highway system. Unlike the highways, the private sector will gladly build the pipelines; they just need the permits. And Uncle Sam won’t give them out.

We are talking about a lot of jobs here — and really high-paying, often union, jobs. Welders and pipe fitters and construction workers and truckers earn $70,000 or more — well above the median salary in America.

The Future of the Keystone Pipeline
President Obama was on the road this week touting the need for infrastructure jobs, and he’s got the story half right. America does have a gaping infrastructure crisis, but fixing this problem wouldn’t cost a penny of taxpayer dollars, never mind hundreds of billions of dollars added to the debt, so the White House probably won’t be interested.

The infrastructure crisis I’m talking about is the shortage of pipelines across America. This one snuck up on us: The drilling revolution that started so unpredictably about five or six years ago is only accelerating and spreading to nearly half the states across the country. Thanks to fracking, horizontal drilling, and other such innovative breakthroughs that enable us to extract a monumental amount of shale oil and gas, our recoverable energy resources have nearly tripled overnight. And some states like Texas and North Dakota have tripled their production.

But if you visit the drilling sites in Williston, N.D., you discover an amazing phenomenon: At night, this little energy town of fewer than 30,000 people lights up like Manhattan on New Year’s Eve. All these lights are flares burning off the natural gas that was drilled that day. Why on earth would the drillers do that? Because they want oil, which sells at $100 a barrel, as opposed to natural gas, which is now so abundant that it’s cheap.

But why don’t they sell the natural gas too? Because they don’t have the pipeline capacity to bring it to the markets where it’s needed. So they are burning off an energy source, without capturing the power. What a waste.

The pipelines aren’t getting built, simply because the government isn’t letting them get built. It has been an eye-opening experience to watch liberals block an infrastructure project — the Keystone XL pipeline — that two of three Americans (and even a plurality of Democrats) support. Pew had an amazing poll last month reporting that just about every demographic group in America supports the Keystone pipeline, except for Democrats with Ph.D.s and Democrats who earn more than $100,000.

But this problem goes well beyond the Keystone pipeline. We need to build in America a national network of pipelines from coast to coast, much as Eisenhower built the interstate highway system. Unlike the highways, the private sector will gladly build the pipelines; they just need the permits. And Uncle Sam won’t give them out.

We are talking about a lot of jobs here — and really high-paying, often union, jobs. Welders and pipe fitters and construction workers and truckers earn $70,000 or more — well above the median salary in America.

The Future of the Keystone Pipeline

It just proves that Democrats are trying to keep as many people as possible dependent on the government plantation.

Energy companies have had a lot of high profile spills and sundry other disasters in recent years, they need to do more to prevent that kind of thing rather than just lawyering up and hiring lobbyists, maybe then it would not be so scary to let them put their leaky pipes in places that they have not fucked up yet.

The ultimate aim of petroleum pipelines is to move crude to port to sell on the world market, is the environmental risk worth helping energy companies that barely pay taxes in this country? For some reason helping Exxon get richer is job number one on republican's energy agenda.
In his State of the Union address earlier this year, President Obama vowed to wield his executive powers when faced with congressional resistance to his legislative agenda: “America does not stand still – and neither will I. So wherever and whenever I can take steps without legislation … that’s what I am going to do.”

This provocative declaration was startling in its bluntness, but it was hardly a new development. For the last five years, the president has aggressively exploited regulation to get his way. In fact, the Obama administration is very likely the most regulatory in history, issuing 157 new major rules at a cost to Americans approaching $73 billion annually.

But even this substantial figure is seriously understated. A dismaying number of regulations undergo no cost-benefit analysis. And bureaucrats also have a penchant for downplaying the costs of their initiatives.

A Wall of Red Tape
Obama is the greatest natural disaster ever visited upon America

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Energy companies have had a lot of high profile spills and sundry other disasters in recent years, they need to do more to prevent that kind of thing rather than just lawyering up and hiring lobbyists, maybe then it would not be so scary to let them put their leaky pipes in places that they have not fucked up yet.

The ultimate aim of petroleum pipelines is to move crude to port to sell on the world market, is the environmental risk worth helping energy companies that barely pay taxes in this country? For some reason helping Exxon get richer is job number one on republican's energy agenda.

If nothing else, "helping Exxon get richer" creates jobs. Why are you so dead-set against job creation? Afraid the Dumbocrats will lose their voter-base if people become independent?
Energy companies have had a lot of high profile spills and sundry other disasters in recent years, they need to do more to prevent that kind of thing rather than just lawyering up and hiring lobbyists, maybe then it would not be so scary to let them put their leaky pipes in places that they have not fucked up yet.

The ultimate aim of petroleum pipelines is to move crude to port to sell on the world market, is the environmental risk worth helping energy companies that barely pay taxes in this country? For some reason helping Exxon get richer is job number one on republican's energy agenda.

If nothing else, "helping Exxon get richer" creates jobs. Why are you so dead-set against job creation? Afraid the Dumbocrats will lose their voter-base if people become independent?

We could just cut out the middle man and pay people to dump toxic shit in the rivers. At what point does the environment become a consideration with you fossil fuel whores?
Energy companies have had a lot of high profile spills and sundry other disasters in recent years

Those disasters are nothing compared to the disaster Obama and the Dumbocrats have created out of our economy.

This isn't rocket science:

  • Harvest energy to create jobs and drive down costs on it

  • Lower taxes

  • Simplify the tax code with a flat rate and eliminate loopholes

  • Eliminate senseless, costly regulation

  • Simplify necessary regulation and streamline it
Within 6 months, unemployment would be 5% or less. And yet the Dumbocrats do the exact opposite of these simple and proven steps. They raise taxes, increase regulations, and block energy production. It's very clear why. They need to increase the people dependent on government in order to expand their voter base.
Energy companies have had a lot of high profile spills and sundry other disasters in recent years, they need to do more to prevent that kind of thing rather than just lawyering up and hiring lobbyists, maybe then it would not be so scary to let them put their leaky pipes in places that they have not fucked up yet.

The ultimate aim of petroleum pipelines is to move crude to port to sell on the world market, is the environmental risk worth helping energy companies that barely pay taxes in this country? For some reason helping Exxon get richer is job number one on republican's energy agenda.

If nothing else, "helping Exxon get richer" creates jobs. Why are you so dead-set against job creation? Afraid the Dumbocrats will lose their voter-base if people become independent?

We could just cut out the middle man and pay people to dump toxic shit in the rivers. At what point does the environment become a consideration with you fossil fuel whores?

At what point does homeless and hungry people become a consideration with you immature, idealistic whores?
If nothing else, "helping Exxon get richer" creates jobs. Why are you so dead-set against job creation? Afraid the Dumbocrats will lose their voter-base if people become independent?

We could just cut out the middle man and pay people to dump toxic shit in the rivers. At what point does the environment become a consideration with you fossil fuel whores?

At what point does homeless and hungry people become a consideration with you immature, idealistic whores?

Like you care. Conservatives cheered as manufacturing fled this country for cheap slave labor, you have no moral standing to chide anyone on jobs, the homeless or the hungry, none of them matter when it comes time for big business to make a buck or two. Quit treating a narrow corporate issue as a popular issue, it really makes you look like your big oil pimp daddy sent you out to turn another trick.
Jobs are necessary.

Protecting the world in which we live is necessary.

Occupied and Rottweiler can sit down and work this out, or just shut up.
Jobs are necessary.

Protecting the world in which we live is necessary.

Occupied and Rottweiler can sit down and work this out, or just shut up.

I'm not some sort of extremeist on the environment, I know pipes are necessary, I mainly take offense to the issue being treated like the answer to joblessness and energy dependence. It effects oil company big shots and people who work in the field, that's about it. If the pipeline were completed tomorrow some people would get rich, some people would go to work to be sure but it would make no difference in anyone else's lives until it busts and spills crude all over the landscape, and it will, they all spill eventually.
If nothing else, "helping Exxon get richer" creates jobs. Why are you so dead-set against job creation? Afraid the Dumbocrats will lose their voter-base if people become independent?

We could just cut out the middle man and pay people to dump toxic shit in the rivers. At what point does the environment become a consideration with you fossil fuel whores?

At what point does homeless and hungry people become a consideration with you immature, idealistic whores?

How many jobs will the Keystone XL pipeline create? And how many of those jobs will be maintained once construction is finished?

How does the Keystone XL pipeline benefit the American people?
How many jobs will the Keystone XL pipeline create? And how many of those jobs will be maintained once construction is finished?

How does the Keystone XL pipeline benefit the American people?

Not sure if it does or even can considering how oil is traded, the pipeline is meant to move crude to port for sale on the world market, not to keep it here for us.
It's an integral part of fundamental change; breaking us down - Cloward + Piven
It's an integral part of fundamental change; breaking us down - Cloward + Piven

Quit being a drama queen, if this thing is such a good idea then you should be able to sell it without a stupid ideological slant. What does it cost in fresh water contamination? How many jobs for how long? Who gets rich? Who gets shafted? And most importantly, what's in it for me? It's a harder sell that way isn't it?
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We could just cut out the middle man and pay people to dump toxic shit in the rivers. At what point does the environment become a consideration with you fossil fuel whores?

At what point does homeless and hungry people become a consideration with you immature, idealistic whores?

Like you care. Conservatives cheered as manufacturing fled this country for cheap slave labor, you have no moral standing to chide anyone on jobs, the homeless or the hungry, none of them matter when it comes time for big business to make a buck or two. Quit treating a narrow corporate issue as a popular issue, it really makes you look like your big oil pimp daddy sent you out to turn another trick.

Hey junior, it is your side forcing jobs over seas with your ignorant marxist policies. When you punish job creators and take the results of their labor, they take their jobs somewhere else.

So I ask you again, at what point does homeless and hungry people become a consideration with you immature, idealistic whores?

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