Democrats Are Pushing America Into Civil War

LOL I love these threads where "patriots" fantasize about mass murdering Americans over mere politics.
Typical leftist liar. Foreseeing danger is not fantasizing it will occur, you dishonest Bolshevik. He wrote nothing that can be construed as fantasizing,
So, why aren't you getting your guns and getting started. Afraid?
You are the one that seems to have some anger issues here. I suggest you seek therapy.

Anger issues? I'm enjoying watching the snowflakes melt down :)

Everything they try not only fails...but it backfires on them. It's like watching a flippin' roadrunner cartoon :)

Anybody else think I am the angry one???
Actually, you are the cowardly one.
The only people seriously talking civil war are gun toting conservatives with violent fantasies.
I saw this meme on one of my libby friends page.

Thought it applied here.

You guys all crack me up.


The military agrees with trump. That the deep state is the enemy of America and they are ready for the call by the commander in chief
Sweet. I always wanted to live in a country governed by a military junta instead of laws.

You got it dead wrong
It’s the liberals as the criminals who are elected by morons

This is why there is a stampede of the wise out of all liberal states

This results in criminals free to harm and the good and wise locked up

Then the liberal states totally destroys themselves
Democrats Are Pushing America Into Civil War
6 Dec 2019 ~~ By William L. Gensert
Civil war becomes likelier with every passing day.
With the failure of the doddering Mueller’s Democrat-inspired coup attempt, the disaster of Schiff’s impeachment hoax, and Nadler’s Wednesday hearing comprised of angry leftist academics, the country has learned a valuable lesson; the Democrats will never accept Trump as the duly elected president -- no matter how much of a landslide he wins by in 2020. And as Michael Walsh has pointed out. “They never stop, they never sleep, they never quit.”
Unbridled hatred will do that.
When Trump wins reelection, look for the “smart” party -- “smart” like Fredo (both the mobster and the media moron) -- to redouble their efforts to depose the president. When the enemy stands between those with blinding hatred in their hearts and the power they crave, there is nowhere else for them to go but to war. There is just one problem with their strategy, Americans see what the Democrats have planned for them. Americans understand what is coming. The left’s tactics have changed, as we’ve seen in the recent actions in Virginia. The Democrats are opening a can of worms and they simply do not understand the consequences. At Nadler’s hearing on Wednesday, Jonathan Turley talked of “rage.” Democrats don’t understand what “rage” is, but they are about to learn.

Indeed, the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists believe that this is just another conspiracy theory, they are wrong. They consider American citizens as sheep and lower in intelligence. They are the deplorables and the Left can manipulate them with the use of disinformation, lies and propaganda from their biased MSM. they the Left believes they are the future and the carnage and terrors of the 20th Century will be repeated if they're not stopped. Do they really want to disturb the sleeping dog?
Perhaps we should all go back and read the cases of the Civil War of 1865. Democrats were the cause and lost the war they tried to keep over 4,000,000 souls in bondage while wasting the lives of over 650,000 Americans both Blue and Grey. Now they're trying to starting another civil war to cover their decades of corruption (which was magnified ten fold under Obama/Biden) and remove a duly elected president they cannot defeat in a just contest before the American people.
Certainly those of the PMS/DSA Democrat Left will claim that those Democrats of the past are today Republicans. However, we all have to face the fact that the PMS/DSA were and still are the perpetrators of the past and present issues of unrest, violence and abject racism.
How Ironic when the only ones bringing up civil war are righties, CRCs, and trumpanzees.

The righties are the wise and knows liberals are criminals that are supported by morons voting causing a stampede out of the wise and making all liberal states weak as water

The conservatives will call for civil war action because they can see how easily it will be to lock up the crooked and the morons who try to interfere
Nadler should be arrested if he refuses to comply with The Law!

View attachment 293594

Democrats Are Pushing America Into Civil War
6 Dec 2019 ~~ By William L. Gensert
Civil war becomes likelier with every passing day.
With the failure of the doddering Mueller’s Democrat-inspired coup attempt, the disaster of Schiff’s impeachment hoax, and Nadler’s Wednesday hearing comprised of angry leftist academics, the country has learned a valuable lesson; the Democrats will never accept Trump as the duly elected president -- no matter how much of a landslide he wins by in 2020. And as Michael Walsh has pointed out. “They never stop, they never sleep, they never quit.”
Unbridled hatred will do that.
When Trump wins reelection, look for the “smart” party -- “smart” like Fredo (both the mobster and the media moron) -- to redouble their efforts to depose the president. When the enemy stands between those with blinding hatred in their hearts and the power they crave, there is nowhere else for them to go but to war. There is just one problem with their strategy, Americans see what the Democrats have planned for them. Americans understand what is coming. The left’s tactics have changed, as we’ve seen in the recent actions in Virginia. The Democrats are opening a can of worms and they simply do not understand the consequences. At Nadler’s hearing on Wednesday, Jonathan Turley talked of “rage.” Democrats don’t understand what “rage” is, but they are about to learn.

Indeed, the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists believe that this is just another conspiracy theory, they are wrong. They consider American citizens as sheep and lower in intelligence. They are the deplorables and the Left can manipulate them with the use of disinformation, lies and propaganda from their biased MSM. they the Left believes they are the future and the carnage and terrors of the 20th Century will be repeated if they're not stopped. Do they really want to disturb the sleeping dog?
Perhaps we should all go back and read the cases of the Civil War of 1865. Democrats were the cause and lost the war they tried to keep over 4,000,000 souls in bondage while wasting the lives of over 650,000 Americans both Blue and Grey. Now they're trying to starting another civil war to cover their decades of corruption (which was magnified ten fold under Obama/Biden) and remove a duly elected president they cannot defeat in a just contest before the American people.
Certainly those of the PMS/DSA Democrat Left will claim that those Democrats of the past are today Republicans. However, we all have to face the fact that the PMS/DSA were and still are the perpetrators of the past and present issues of unrest, violence and abject racism.
American thinker is a joke, and if anything is pushing a civil war our way it's tRump's handlers in the Kremlin.
I'm sure you Russian trolls at the Farm are pushing this, Comrade.
Nadler should be arrested if he refuses to comply with The Law!

View attachment 293594

Democrats Are Pushing America Into Civil War
6 Dec 2019 ~~ By William L. Gensert
Civil war becomes likelier with every passing day.
With the failure of the doddering Mueller’s Democrat-inspired coup attempt, the disaster of Schiff’s impeachment hoax, and Nadler’s Wednesday hearing comprised of angry leftist academics, the country has learned a valuable lesson; the Democrats will never accept Trump as the duly elected president -- no matter how much of a landslide he wins by in 2020. And as Michael Walsh has pointed out. “They never stop, they never sleep, they never quit.”
Unbridled hatred will do that.
When Trump wins reelection, look for the “smart” party -- “smart” like Fredo (both the mobster and the media moron) -- to redouble their efforts to depose the president. When the enemy stands between those with blinding hatred in their hearts and the power they crave, there is nowhere else for them to go but to war. There is just one problem with their strategy, Americans see what the Democrats have planned for them. Americans understand what is coming. The left’s tactics have changed, as we’ve seen in the recent actions in Virginia. The Democrats are opening a can of worms and they simply do not understand the consequences. At Nadler’s hearing on Wednesday, Jonathan Turley talked of “rage.” Democrats don’t understand what “rage” is, but they are about to learn.

Indeed, the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists believe that this is just another conspiracy theory, they are wrong. They consider American citizens as sheep and lower in intelligence. They are the deplorables and the Left can manipulate them with the use of disinformation, lies and propaganda from their biased MSM. they the Left believes they are the future and the carnage and terrors of the 20th Century will be repeated if they're not stopped. Do they really want to disturb the sleeping dog?
Perhaps we should all go back and read the cases of the Civil War of 1865. Democrats were the cause and lost the war they tried to keep over 4,000,000 souls in bondage while wasting the lives of over 650,000 Americans both Blue and Grey. Now they're trying to starting another civil war to cover their decades of corruption (which was magnified ten fold under Obama/Biden) and remove a duly elected president they cannot defeat in a just contest before the American people.
Certainly those of the PMS/DSA Democrat Left will claim that those Democrats of the past are today Republicans. However, we all have to face the fact that the PMS/DSA were and still are the perpetrators of the past and present issues of unrest, violence and abject racism.
American thinker is a joke, and if anything is pushing a civil war our way it's tRump's handlers in the Kremlin.
I'm sure you Russian trolls at the Farm are pushing this, Comrade.

Wrong dead wrong

Check the polls it’s the majority of the men pushing this by agreeing with trump that the deep state is the enemy of America
The only people seriously talking civil war are gun toting conservatives with violent fantasies.
I saw this meme on one of my libby friends page.

Thought it applied here.

You guys all crack me up.


The military agrees with trump. That the deep state is the enemy of America and they are ready for the call by the commander in chief
Sweet. I always wanted to live in a country governed by a military junta instead of laws.

You got it dead wrong
It’s the liberals as the criminals who are elected by morons

This is why there is a stampede of the wise out of all liberal states

This results in criminals free to harm and the good and wise locked up

Then the liberal states totally destroys themselves
Sure buddy. That’s what’s going to happen.
It'll be known as the 7 minute war!

The anti-gun Vs. The Pro gun. :)

The snowflakes Vs. the MAGA caps :D
I would love to see the look on your face when you find out how many Leftists have guns. :71:

Are you blind

This is men against women

The men will always win over the women

Liberals bluffs by trying to say this is like other wars with men against men

This is NOT men against men

This is a few globalist men with their moron women against the power of the wise men and especially the highest logic ability of all white men

You liars are about to find out just how weak you liberals are

Trump knew what he was doing when he ran he got all the real power on his side

You liberals are really stooopid by not running and hiding like rats now

History tells you do not have any chance or hope

Really foolish
The only people seriously talking civil war are gun toting conservatives with violent fantasies.
I saw this meme on one of my libby friends page.

Thought it applied here.

You guys all crack me up.


The military agrees with trump. That the deep state is the enemy of America and they are ready for the call by the commander in chief
Sweet. I always wanted to live in a country governed by a military junta instead of laws.

You got it dead wrong
It’s the liberals as the criminals who are elected by morons

This is why there is a stampede of the wise out of all liberal states

This results in criminals free to harm and the good and wise locked up

Then the liberal states totally destroys themselves
Sure buddy. That’s what’s going to happen.

Sure will

That monstrous gender divide spells defeat for the liberals because of the lower logic women on their side
China will help in this war

China has already stopped their unwise from voting

Trump will make a logic test for voting where a few women can vote
LOL I love these threads where "patriots" fantasize about mass murdering Americans over mere politics.
Little boys in adult bodies, with big guns and little pee-pees, fantasizing on a hair-trigger, suffering from premature articulation... :21:
It is fun to ridicule these sad deluded "patriots" but The threat they pose is real. It's not so much them because they are cowards but the young people they seriously try to infect with their paranoia.
If it wasn't for PATRIOTS, your filthy commie ass wouldn't have the right to be on here spewing your pathetic anti American trash.

People like you don't deserve to be protected by the likes of true patriots.
Patriotism is a selfless act, there is Nothing selfless about those militia assholes. They fight for their individual rights. They don't give a damn about anyone else.
It was MILITIAS that initially fought for America's independence, so you're just full of SHIT, because keeping our RIGHTS and fighting TYRANNY is why there are still militias.

That is also the reason we have the 2nd Amendment.
The shitheads that call themselves militias these days are nothing like the militias that fought the American revolution. There is a pretty significant overlap with white supremacists/KKK therefore they are hateful scum.
I saw this meme on one of my libby friends page.

Thought it applied here.

You guys all crack me up.


The military agrees with trump. That the deep state is the enemy of America and they are ready for the call by the commander in chief
Sweet. I always wanted to live in a country governed by a military junta instead of laws.

You got it dead wrong
It’s the liberals as the criminals who are elected by morons

This is why there is a stampede of the wise out of all liberal states

This results in criminals free to harm and the good and wise locked up

Then the liberal states totally destroys themselves
Sure buddy. That’s what’s going to happen.

Sure will

That monstrous gender divide spells defeat for the liberals because of the lower logic women on their side
Ah, casual misogyny.
It'll be known as the 7 minute war!

The anti-gun Vs. The Pro gun. :)

The snowflakes Vs. the MAGA caps :D
I would love to see the look on your face when you find out how many Leftists have guns. :71:

Are you blind

This is men against women

The men will always win over the women

Liberals bluffs by trying to say this is like other wars with men against men

This is NOT men against men

This is a few globalist men with their moron women against the power of the wise men and especially the highest logic ability of all white men

You liars are about to find out just how weak you liberals are

Trump knew what he was doing when he ran he got all the real power on his side

You liberals are really stooopid by not running and hiding like rats now

History tells you do not have any chance or hope

Really foolish

Ok boomer.
Little boys in adult bodies, with big guns and little pee-pees, fantasizing on a hair-trigger, suffering from premature articulation... :21:
It is fun to ridicule these sad deluded "patriots" but The threat they pose is real. It's not so much them because they are cowards but the young people they seriously try to infect with their paranoia.
If it wasn't for PATRIOTS, your filthy commie ass wouldn't have the right to be on here spewing your pathetic anti American trash.

People like you don't deserve to be protected by the likes of true patriots.
Patriotism is a selfless act, there is Nothing selfless about those militia assholes. They fight for their individual rights. They don't give a damn about anyone else.
It was MILITIAS that initially fought for America's independence, so you're just full of SHIT, because keeping our RIGHTS and fighting TYRANNY is why there are still militias.

That is also the reason we have the 2nd Amendment.
The shitheads that call themselves militias these days are nothing like the militias that fought the American revolution. There is a pretty significant overlap with white supremacists/KKK therefore they are hateful scum.

The powerful militias of the past would not let women vote in crooks

A logic test for voting will now come after the men rises up and stops the unwise women from voting in crooks

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