Democrats Are Stealing the 2024 Election Right Before your Eyes

Isn't the Supreme Court going to fix the problem of Democrats smarming the airwaves with misinformation and other lies about President Trump in order to assassinate his character so they can win? All that false narrative jazz just seems unAmerican to me. :(

Someone would have to bring a case, and then prove that it is unconstitutional. Thats hard
Dems have been trying to steal elections since Al Gore.
Long before that.

Nowhere did voter fraud have a more notorious record than in Tammany-era New York. Tammany Hall's ruthless efficiency in manufacturing votes—especially during the zenith of its power in the second half of the nineteenth century—is legendary. At the time, America didn't yet have privacy-protecting voting machines or official government ballots, so Tammany fixers could ensure that voters would cast ballots as promised. Vote riggers would simply give people pre-marked ballots and watch as they deposited them into the voting box.

Practical Tammany pols preferred to deal with "strikers"—wholesale operatives who would guarantee thick bundles of votes, for a price. One New York candidate who hadn't yet paid his strikers made the mistake of visiting the polls on Election Day. The angry operatives swiftly surrounded him, demanding their cash. Historian Mark Summers recounts that "the politician was nearly torn to pieces . . . and as he fled the pack cursed him for 'a mean cuss' and emptied out the ballot-boxes, tearing up every ticket bearing his name."

The immigrants flooding into New York were easy prey for the Tammany pols. Each state then set its own standards for naturalizing new citizens, and New York's were lax. In 1868, The Nation reported that Tammany Hall had set up a "naturalization mill," instantly certifying folks right off the boat as citizens—and Tammany voters. (In 1996, the Clinton administration similarly sped up the naturalization of up to 1 million new citizens so that they could vote in time for that year's election.)

Tammany was so efficient at election fixing that between 1868 and 1871, the votes cast in the city totaled 8 percent more than the entire voting population—"the dead filling in for the sick," as one contemporary wag put it. Historian Denis Tilden Lynch describes how thugs would go from one polling place to the next, impersonating citizens who hadn't yet voted. One such "repeater" posed as the dignified pastor of a Dutch Reformed church. The election clerks asked him his name.................................................................................................................................. How to Steal an Election
Democrats Are Stealing the 2024 Election Right Before your Eyes. That is correct. Trump is poised to win the GOP nomination and the 2024 election, and democrats know Biden is too feeble to hit the campaign trial. Therefore democrats are doing what democrats do: Breaking the rules. In this case, bombarding Trump with fake bogus indictments to keep him out of the race.

This is what fascists do,. This is what 3rd world Juntas do, jail their opponents. Putin kills his opponents. Is that what is next?

Democrats are scared to death of Trump. Black Americans are supporting Trump now in enough numbers to destroy any hopes the Democrats have. They have no choice but to steal the election. First comes the fake indictments to jail him, and next will come Plandemic II, The Sequel.

The Dem DOJ Is Interfering With the 2024 Election

Stop The Steal 2024 Part Two

Trump isn’t poised for shit, he’s just the most popular amongst the people with no lives who are obsessed with politics. For the normal Americans out there living their lives, he’s a joke.

Wasn’t Jeb! Poised to win around this time in 2015?
I guess all the evidence, photos, videos, texts, emails, documents and sworn testimony provided by REPUBLICANS, TRUMP LAWYERS and TRUMP STAFFERS are fake news.

While Trump and his confederates hide behind the Fifth Amendment.

The orange madness continues.

Your TDS continues.
And what does that have to do with the FACT that democrats are trying to steal the election by jailing the man who will beat Biden? Moron.
Nothing, it was in response to Bluey's map. I notice you approved of that.

But since you asked, there is no fact established. Just triggered Trumphlakes parroting the talking point they were given by Faux "Not" News. They just don't want their (alleged) criminal president to be held accountable and are more than willing to burn the whole shithouse down to stop it.
Someone would have to bring a case, and then prove that it is unconstitutional. Thats hard
I'd rather see the Supremes fix the problem with a decision rather than a bloody war dividing the nation into two countries: country farmers v. big cities.

Something would be better than nothing, but nothing would bring out the worst something. Woe is me because contraindications suck in this undeclared war..
You are accusing Democrats of stealing. It is nothing but lies. And you do know it.

Continue to not care about women, right to vote, right to health care, which is what Republicans have been about.

Democrats GIVE.
Republicans STEAL.

You know that to be true, and your endless threads will not keep any Republican from voting their rights and needs, which is something the GOP stopped caring about 20 years ago and got their wishes with the Trump administration.

Keep cheating about Democrats cheating.
You think Biden's billion dollar extortions of the Foreign Aid Packages he's shown an interest in stealing for 44 years is "giving" and that Republicans sueing voter fraud states is "stealing?" What a limited universe you live in, doll if I do say so.

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