Democrats Are the Enemy of Freedom

Silly things like "freedom", "individual liberty", and "autonomy" aren't allowed within the hive. Democrats live by the socialist mantra “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few", even though they're actually a minority.

81 million my ass.
Apparently they only believe in "choice" when it comes to murdering your own child


Everything is working out great with Covid. Lots of animals getting removed from society one way or the other.
Bless that nurse! and bless all those who follow her example!

She is a true hero! :clap:
I agree! ALL of those who stand up, knowing they are going to lose income and stability in their lives are the closest thing we have to non-military patriots today. We are seeing western governments overreacting to a viral pandemic in ways that are actually destabilizing our countries. These leaders aren't stupid. There is an underlying goal and it should begin to worry many more people.

For the sake of a case fatality rate of less than 2%, we are removing thousands of cops, nurses, and military members. ALL of these individuals had a level of expertise that was necessary during the initial months of this pandemic but now we are to believe that they can be cut loose without any deficit to our societies. The compliant sheep who are cheering for this to happen will deserve what comes their way in the future. The fools seem convinced that this is an issue revolving around intelligence rather than tribalistic politics and the day they find themselves outside the circle of "trust" is going to be a day for the rest of us to remind them just how idiotic they were.
YOu've never even stepped foot in Chicago, have you? I"m not like you pussy's though. I walk around anywhere I want, anytime I want, and I dont need a gun.

Hell boi. You're probably ineligible to even own a gun, which is fine with me. Dopers and felons shouldn't.

Now go walk around in the ghetto tonight and live up to your name.

John Doe. :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :lmao::21:

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