Democrats Attempt to Destroy America

The provenance of this thread is the invidious "CIA Report" released by the Democrat Party.

It is so very false, and detrimental to America that the vicious Democrat Feinstein is getting far more push-back than she anticipated in her attempt to smear the CIA, and weaken America.

Even from other Democrats.....[" Richard Engel, the Far Left MSNBC Baghdad correspondent..."] couldn't stomach it!

8. " Appearing on MSNBC's NewsNation on Tuesday, NBC's chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel took the Democrat-controlled Senate Intelligence Committee to task for its so-called "torture report" slamming CIA interrogation tactics used against terrorist detainees:
"I think this is really about changing the narrative of American history....everyone in the world knew what was going on, including by the way, the Senate, which is now pretending to be a bit of a babe in the woods."
NBC Reporter Sees Dem Senate Report Rewriting History and Settling Scores

What a nice way to say the Liberal/Progressive Democrats are liars.

Way to go, Engel!

a. " "They knew what was going on at the time and in many cases were quite happy with the intelligence they were getting. I think this is about rewriting the narrative of history."
1. If one loves America, one must hate Liberalism/Progressivism, the Democrat Party.

No two ways about it.

Every day, in every way, they strike a blow against this great nation.

Make no mistake, this is not merely the unrealistic desires that they turn into laws and regulations, it is the outright attempts to weaken America!

In this thread, I will document the Democrat Party's associations with communism, and the efforts of the Democrat Party to emasculate the intelligence community that protects all of us.

2. What brought this into focus most recently is Democrat Frankenfeinstein's odious "CIA" report.
Yesterday (12/9), the Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party aimed their slash and burn tactics at the agency which is designed to anticipate and blunt future attacks on the nation.

a. " The CIA "provided inaccurate information to the White House, Congress, the Justice Department, the CIA inspector general, the media and the American public" about the "brutal" interrogation techniques it used on terrorism suspects, a long-held Senate intelligence committee report finds.."
Report Says CIA Misled Congress White House On Interrogation Program The Two-Way NPR

The liars from the Left attacking America again.

And the lie is central here:

b. "....aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks ....Nobody wants to do something that is going to bring on any kind of attack,” Ms. Feinstein, the committee’s chairwoman, told reporters after her hourlong speech from the Senate floor on Tuesday describing the report and its harsh criticism of the Central Intelligence Agency’s interrogation program."

I will show that the efforts of the Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party, are meant to do exactly that: ".... bring on any kind of attack,".....and are responsible for the 9/11 attacks themselves.

c. " At times, she had seemed to waver when pressure mounted against disclosing the report, which was assembled over five years by committee Democrats."

If there is some reason for the incessant attacks on the intelligence agencies by Democrats, other than the desire to weaken America.....what is it?

It should be obvious. They are attempting to be transparent as long as they are shining the light on something that happened during the Bush Administration. Is it any wonder that they were kicked to the curb last month?


Actually, the United States doesn't torture.

It's even easier to smear with finger paints than cartoons, dope.
The provenance of this thread is the invidious "CIA Report" released by the Democrat Party.

It is so very false, and detrimental to America that the vicious Democrat Feinstein is getting far more push-back than she anticipated in her attempt to smear the CIA, and weaken America.

Answering only yes or no, have you read the report?
The provenance of this thread is the invidious "CIA Report" released by the Democrat Party.

It is so very false, and detrimental to America that the vicious Democrat Feinstein is getting far more push-back than she anticipated in her attempt to smear the CIA, and weaken America.

Answering only yes or no, have you read the report?

Answering only yes or no, are you a lying, America-hating Leftist?
The provenance of this thread is the invidious "CIA Report" released by the Democrat Party.

It is so very false, and detrimental to America that the vicious Democrat Feinstein is getting far more push-back than she anticipated in her attempt to smear the CIA, and weaken America.

Answering only yes or no, have you read the report?

Answering only yes or no, are you a lying, America-hating Leftist?


Now back on topic:

Okay, so you haven't read the report,

how did you determine that it is 'very false'?
The provenance of this thread is the invidious "CIA Report" released by the Democrat Party.

It is so very false, and detrimental to America that the vicious Democrat Feinstein is getting far more push-back than she anticipated in her attempt to smear the CIA, and weaken America.

Answering only yes or no, have you read the report?

Answering only yes or no, are you a lying, America-hating Leftist?


Now back on topic:

Okay, so you haven't read the report,

how did you determine that it is 'very false'?

By posting "No," and falling face first into the trap I have lied, and therefore are "a lying, America-hating Leftist."

You are such a simple simpleton.
The provenance of this thread is the invidious "CIA Report" released by the Democrat Party.

It is so very false, and detrimental to America that the vicious Democrat Feinstein is getting far more push-back than she anticipated in her attempt to smear the CIA, and weaken America.

Answering only yes or no, have you read the report?

Answering only yes or no, are you a lying, America-hating Leftist?


Now back on topic:

Okay, so you haven't read the report,

how did you determine that it is 'very false'?

What I read was a completely partisan report that cherry picked memos and did not interview a single person that was involved or in charge of the CIA. I also noticed there were no recommendations on preventing this from happening again. Of course George Bush issued an EO that stopped the EIT's before Obama took office. $40 million spent to blame Bush/Cheney for doing when the Senate was for it before they were against it. It smells like the false rape charges against UVA where they couldn't bother to interview a single one of the accused.
The provenance of this thread is the invidious "CIA Report" released by the Democrat Party.

It is so very false, and detrimental to America that the vicious Democrat Feinstein is getting far more push-back than she anticipated in her attempt to smear the CIA, and weaken America.

Answering only yes or no, have you read the report?

Answering only yes or no, are you a lying, America-hating Leftist?


Now back on topic:

Okay, so you haven't read the report,

how did you determine that it is 'very false'?

What I read was a completely partisan report that cherry picked memos and did not interview a single person that was involved or in charge of the CIA. I also noticed there were no recommendations on preventing this from happening again. Of course George Bush issued an EO that stopped the EIT's before Obama took office. $40 million spent to blame Bush/Cheney for doing when the Senate was for it before they were against it. It smells like the false rape charges against UVA where they couldn't bother to interview a single one of the accused.

And in this thread I will show that exactly the same motivations that produced this report is merely one more part of a pattern involving Liberal/Progressive Democrats.

I promise.
It should be obvious. They are attempting to be transparent as long as they are shining the light on something that happened during the Bush Administration. Is it any wonder that they were kicked to the curb last month?


Actually, the United States doesn't torture.

It's even easier to smear with finger paints than cartoons, dope.

"Actually, the United States doesn't torture" NOW THAT DUBYA IS GONE

Fixed ir for you
It should be obvious. They are attempting to be transparent as long as they are shining the light on something that happened during the Bush Administration. Is it any wonder that they were kicked to the curb last month?


Actually, the United States doesn't torture.

It's even easier to smear with finger paints than cartoons, dope.

"Actually, the United States doesn't torture" NOW THAT DUBYA IS GONE

Fixed ir for you

The only fixing that would prove efficacious would be insertion of a brain into your cranial cavity.
And not just inveterate Liberal Richard Engel who is fed up with the lies that come from the DNC, any Democrat who can recall a time when the Democrat Party had real Americans, folks who believed in our Founders and abhorred communism, is appalled by the Feinstein attack on the intelligence community.

9. Here is another Democrat who has decided that the lies have gone far enough:

"[Democrat] Sen. Bob Kerrey: Partisan torture report fails America

I regret having to write a piece that is critical of the Democratic members of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Most of them are former colleagues and friends. I hope they will remain friends after reading this.

.... I do not have to wait to be certain our interrogation policies and procedures are aligned with our core values.

In the war against global jihadism, human intelligence and interrogation have become more important, and I worry that the partisan nature of this report could make this kind of collection more difficult.

I do not need to read the report to know that the Democratic staff alone wrote it. The Republicans checked out early when they determined that their counterparts started out with the premise that the CIA was guilty and then worked to prove it.

.... remember how unprepared we were for the attacks of September 11, 2001 and how unprepared we were to do the things necessary to keep the country from being attacked again. There was no operating manual to guide the choices and decisions made by the men and women in charge of protecting us. I will continue to read the report to learn of the mistakes we apparently made. I do not need to read the report in full to know this: We have not been attacked since and for that I am very grateful.
Sen. Bob Kerrey Partisan torture report fails America

"...our interrogation policies and procedures are aligned with our core values.....the partisan nature of this report.... unprepared we were for the attacks of September 11, 2001..."

The reason we were unprepared?
The Democrats even a generation ago had begun to dismantle the intelligence apparatus.

Who is left...I mean 'Left'....only the brain-dead dupes and the true believers in communist-based Democrat Party.
It should be obvious. They are attempting to be transparent as long as they are shining the light on something that happened during the Bush Administration. Is it any wonder that they were kicked to the curb last month?


Actually, the United States doesn't torture.

It's even easier to smear with finger paints than cartoons, dope.

"Actually, the United States doesn't torture" NOW THAT DUBYA IS GONE

Fixed ir for you

The only fixing that would prove efficacious would be insertion of a brain into your cranial cavity.

Sorry, that's the position of most right wingers, I'd hate to copy them
It should be obvious. They are attempting to be transparent as long as they are shining the light on something that happened during the Bush Administration. Is it any wonder that they were kicked to the curb last month?


Actually, the United States doesn't torture.

It's even easier to smear with finger paints than cartoons, dope.

"Actually, the United States doesn't torture" NOW THAT DUBYA IS GONE

Fixed ir for you

The only fixing that would prove efficacious would be insertion of a brain into your cranial cavity.

Sorry, that's the position of most right wingers, I'd hate to copy them

Is Richard Engel a Liberal Democrat?

Is Bob Kerrey a Liberal Democrat?

Yup....both are as depicted.

But, unlike you and Feinstein....they also love and respect America.

Now....get back into the sewer.
It should be obvious. They are attempting to be transparent as long as they are shining the light on something that happened during the Bush Administration. Is it any wonder that they were kicked to the curb last month?


Actually, the United States doesn't torture.

It's even easier to smear with finger paints than cartoons, dope.

"Actually, the United States doesn't torture" NOW THAT DUBYA IS GONE

Fixed ir for you

The only fixing that would prove efficacious would be insertion of a brain into your cranial cavity.

Sorry, that's the position of most right wingers, I'd hate to copy them

Read former Senator Bob Kerry's assessment of the report on post 113 and then call him a 'right winger.'
Good to see that you are mulling over the education that I've provided.

I sense that from your silence.

And....silence suits you.
You are doing a fantastic job of demonstrating exactly what I explained about Nazi wannabes. Torture apologists. Thanks very much for cooperating.

Now if you could just write a post downplaying the harm done by the torture committed by the US, this topic will be complete.
Liberal Tactic #27, *DEFLECT*

However, the facts of the OP remain, without so much as a whimper of valid rebuttal from a progtard.

Liberals/progressives/marxists/socialists/commies, i.e., DEMOCRATS are ruining America. Apparently they won't be satisfied until we look like North Korea or Cuba.
Democrat Feinstein and the rest of the Liberal/Progressive clique are liars.

3. " Lesley Stahl interviews the former head of the CIA's Clandestine Service about waterboarding and other methods he says were essential to getting information from suspected terrorists, and he denies claims that these harsh measures caused detainees to provide false or unreliable information that misled the CIA. In fact, Rodriguez says that high-level detainees Khalid Sheik Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah provided their best information only after harsh treatment, a claim that the CIA's own investigator general has challenged."
Hard Measures Ex-CIA head defends post-9 11 tactics - CBS News

4. " WASHINGTON -- Congressional leaders were briefed in detail about techniques used in the Central Intelligence Agency's interrogation program, according to a new intelligence document.

The document appears to conflict with recent statements from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was then the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee. Ms. Pelosi has said she hadn't been told that the CIA was using the technique known as waterboarding, or simulated drowning. According to the document, Ms. Pelosi was one of the first lawmakers briefed on the interrogations in 2002." CIA Says It Briefed Congressional Leaders - WSJ

a. "The leaders of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees and of both parties in Congress were briefed on the program more than 40 times between 2002 and 2009. But Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)tried to denythat she was told in 2002 that detainees had been waterboarded. That is simply not true. I was among those who briefed her." Today s CIA critics once urged the agency to do anything to fight al-Qaeda - The Washington Post

' The Constitution is not a"suicide pact."So wrote Robert Jackson in 1949.'
Constitution Is Not a Suicide Pact Charles J. Reid Jr.

It is if the Liberals/Progressives of the Democrat Party have their way.

Answering only yes or no,

would you object to Americans being tortured by an enemy? Would you withdraw your objection if the enemy could demonstrate that they had obtained actionable intelligence from the tortured Americans?

is beheading a form of torture?
Democrat Feinstein and the rest of the Liberal/Progressive clique are liars.

3. " Lesley Stahl interviews the former head of the CIA's Clandestine Service about waterboarding and other methods he says were essential to getting information from suspected terrorists, and he denies claims that these harsh measures caused detainees to provide false or unreliable information that misled the CIA. In fact, Rodriguez says that high-level detainees Khalid Sheik Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah provided their best information only after harsh treatment, a claim that the CIA's own investigator general has challenged."
Hard Measures Ex-CIA head defends post-9 11 tactics - CBS News

4. " WASHINGTON -- Congressional leaders were briefed in detail about techniques used in the Central Intelligence Agency's interrogation program, according to a new intelligence document.

The document appears to conflict with recent statements from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was then the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee. Ms. Pelosi has said she hadn't been told that the CIA was using the technique known as waterboarding, or simulated drowning. According to the document, Ms. Pelosi was one of the first lawmakers briefed on the interrogations in 2002." CIA Says It Briefed Congressional Leaders - WSJ

a. "The leaders of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees and of both parties in Congress were briefed on the program more than 40 times between 2002 and 2009. But Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)tried to denythat she was told in 2002 that detainees had been waterboarded. That is simply not true. I was among those who briefed her." Today s CIA critics once urged the agency to do anything to fight al-Qaeda - The Washington Post

' The Constitution is not a"suicide pact."So wrote Robert Jackson in 1949.'
Constitution Is Not a Suicide Pact Charles J. Reid Jr.

It is if the Liberals/Progressives of the Democrat Party have their way.

Answering only yes or no,

would you object to Americans being tortured by an enemy? Would you withdraw your objection if the enemy could demonstrate that they had obtained actionable intelligence from the tortured Americans?

is beheading a form of torture?

If used on the poster in question, it would have zero effect on his posts.

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