Democrats Attempt to Destroy America

Di-Fi is rightly pissed about the CIA spying on the Senate, but this was done during the Obama era. Her revenge is misdirected.

This report was started years ago. Long before any evidence of spying was reported. Do you really consider it a form of revenge instead of answering the question of whether we actually tortured people?

Yes, I do. Just watch Di-Fi announce it. She is out for revenge. The report serves absolutely no purpose but to give aid and comfort to terrorists.

Oddly, the intelligence committee voted to do this investigation 14 to 1 with seven republicans voting. Were the republcans who voted for it out for revenge too?

You clearly live in a fact free news bubble. The report is a product of the Democrats on the Committee, with only Olympia Snowe voting in favor.

Both Republicans and former CIA officials will challenge the report's accuracy. Just one Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, joined Democrats in voting to approve it in 2012. The ranking Republican on the committee, Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss, said when the report was approved in 2012 that, "a number of significant errors, omissions, assumptions, and ambiguities--as well as a lot of cherry-picking--were found that call the conclusions into question," partially because it was written without conducting interviews with people involved.

Democrats prepare to release contentious CIA torture report - CBS News

I was referencing the vote to do the report in the first place back in 2009.
Tip O'Neal was not a communist sympathizer....

1. If one loves America, one must hate Liberalism/Progressivism, the Democrat Party.

It's called the Democratic Party.. Are you sure you went to college?

The good old days.

My pal Ms. Truthie used to become incensed when I called it the "Democrat Party."

Glad to see the new replacement for her!

You lair!!!!
You're a rhetorical redundant reiterating propagandist,,,next...
Di-Fi is rightly pissed about the CIA spying on the Senate, but this was done during the Obama era. Her revenge is misdirected.

This report was started years ago. Long before any evidence of spying was reported. Do you really consider it a form of revenge instead of answering the question of whether we actually tortured people?

Yes, I do. Just watch Di-Fi announce it. She is out for revenge. The report serves absolutely no purpose but to give aid and comfort to terrorists.

Oddly, the intelligence committee voted to do this investigation 14 to 1 with seven republicans voting. Were the republcans who voted for it out for revenge too?

You clearly live in a fact free news bubble. The report is a product of the Democrats on the Committee, with only Olympia Snowe voting in favor.

Both Republicans and former CIA officials will challenge the report's accuracy. Just one Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, joined Democrats in voting to approve it in 2012. The ranking Republican on the committee, Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss, said when the report was approved in 2012 that, "a number of significant errors, omissions, assumptions, and ambiguities--as well as a lot of cherry-picking--were found that call the conclusions into question," partially because it was written without conducting interviews with people involved.

Democrats prepare to release contentious CIA torture report - CBS News

I was referencing the vote to do the report in the first place back in 2009.

Then you are being incredibly disingenous. That final report violated the Terms of Reference voted on in 2009.

“The lack of interviews violated the Committee’s bipartisan Terms of Reference that were approved by an overwhelming 14-1 vote in March 2009. The Terms of Reference describe the purpose, scope, and methodology of the Review, and they include the following statement: “The Committee will use the tools of oversight necessary to complete a thorough review including, but not limited to, document reviews and requests, interviews, testimony at closed and open hearings, as appropriate, and preparation of findings and recommendations.” Yet, there were no interviews, no hearings, and no recommendations. By comparison, the SASC’s 2008 Inquiry into the Treatment of Detainees in U.S. Custody included 70 interviews, written responses from more than 200 individuals in response to written questions, two hearings, and at least two subpoenas.

New Sen. Collins Views on Senate Intelligence Committee Report on CIA Interrogation Program
So you are good with our country carrying out war crimes? I thought The USA was supposed to be better than that, you know.........honorable......... but I guess you just don't care about such things.

In this particular case the enhanced interrogation techniques were approved by the Justice Department so I am not convinced they are "war crimes". The towel heads tortured were considered by both Bush and Obama administrations as unlawful combatant and not POWs. In any event I really don't give a crap if some towel head gets tortured or not. It doesn't even registered on my "giveashit O'meter".

I think if you are concerned about war possible crimes then you should be condemning Obama for his indiscriminate use of drones, which have murdered innocent civilians. Don't you think he should be arrested and tried as a war criminal? I do.

The other thing that is hypocritical about this mess is the fact that Obama tried to claim credit for the killing of BinLaden but yet John Brennan said today that the EI resulted in catching BinLaden. By the way in case you are confused Brennan has an appointed position and is part of the Obama Administration.
If democrats are trying to destroy America then republicans are trying to destroy the middle and lower class. They want cuts on entitlements and tax breaks for the wealthy. They want business not to have to provide benefits for their employees. They want less gov't intervention yet will intervene if they don't agree..ala gay marriage. So neither party has Americas best interests at heart. As one can attack the deems one can also attack the repubs for wanting America as their cash cow. They have a huge hatred of the middle and lower class and really despise the poor, yet are afraid to say it. I would have more respect for them if they would simply say this and run on it. I am seriously thinking of sitting the next election out. What difference does it make? At 76 years of age I've seen it all and I believe I speak the truth. Neither party knows what they are doing.
Democrat Feinstein and the rest of the Liberal/Progressive clique are liars.

3. " Lesley Stahl interviews the former head of the CIA's Clandestine Service about waterboarding and other methods he says were essential to getting information from suspected terrorists, and he denies claims that these harsh measures caused detainees to provide false or unreliable information that misled the CIA. In fact, Rodriguez says that high-level detainees Khalid Sheik Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah provided their best information only after harsh treatment, a claim that the CIA's own investigator general has challenged."
Hard Measures Ex-CIA head defends post-9 11 tactics - CBS News

4. " WASHINGTON -- Congressional leaders were briefed in detail about techniques used in the Central Intelligence Agency's interrogation program, according to a new intelligence document.

The document appears to conflict with recent statements from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was then the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee. Ms. Pelosi has said she hadn't been told that the CIA was using the technique known as waterboarding, or simulated drowning. According to the document, Ms. Pelosi was one of the first lawmakers briefed on the interrogations in 2002." CIA Says It Briefed Congressional Leaders - WSJ

a. "The leaders of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees and of both parties in Congress were briefed on the program more than 40 times between 2002 and 2009. But Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)tried to denythat she was told in 2002 that detainees had been waterboarded. That is simply not true. I was among those who briefed her." Today s CIA critics once urged the agency to do anything to fight al-Qaeda - The Washington Post

' The Constitution is not a"suicide pact."So wrote Robert Jackson in 1949.'
Constitution Is Not a Suicide Pact Charles J. Reid Jr.

It is if the Liberals/Progressives of the Democrat Party have their way.

Answering only yes or no,

would you object to Americans being tortured by an enemy? Would you withdraw your objection if the enemy could demonstrate that they had obtained actionable intelligence from the tortured Americans?

Americans don't torture.

I'm sure the guys who were water boarded, or the one who had stuff stuffed up his butt would disagree. That one who died while being chained up in the cold probably wouldn't say anything. He's dead.

Well, if you insist, let's go over the alleged "tortures."

First of all....the same "tortures" are used to train our own military forces.
Petty much reveals you to be a moron.
NYTimes outline of “torture techniques:"
Interrogation Techniques - Interactive Graphic -

But let's go further.
Every one of those "tortures" are faced- voluntarily- by lots of civilians in their college careers!


And below, is pretty much the way I remember the ‘torture.’

1. Walling: "A flexible false wall will be constructed. The individual is placed with his heels touching the wall: The interrogator pulls the individual forward and then quickly and firmly pushes the individual into the wall. It is the individual's shoulder blades that hit the wall."
Anyone who’s been at a concert, or a sale at Nordstrom’s has been through this one. Any permanent injuries?

2. The Facial (or Insult) Slap (Bybee memo, August 1, 2002)

"With the facial slap or insult slap, the interrogator slaps the individual's face with fingers slightly spread. The hand makes contact with the area directly between the tip of the individual's chin and the bottom of the corresponding earlobe. The interrogator invades the individual's personal space.”

This one is a toughie, since women today will put up with any behavior, but you guys who have gone out with ladies, may have had to contend with this ‘torture.’

3. Cramped Confinement & insects Placed In a Confinement Box (Bybee memo, August 1, 2002)

"You would like to place (Abu) Zubaydah in a cramped confinement box with an insect. You have informed us that he appears to have a fear of insects. …place a harmless insect in the box."

There was the time we took a cabin in the woods. Yes, I was exposed to this horrid torture!

4. "With respect to the small confinement box, you have informed us that he would spend at most two hours in this box ... For the larger box, in which he can both stand and sit, he may be placed in this box for up to eighteen hours at a time ..."

It’ s also known by it’s alternate title: the dreaded ‘college dorm room!’ In one of the dorm rooms in Columbia, you actually had to have the door open to fit the bed!

5. Dietary Manipulation (Bradbury memo, May 10, 2005)
"This technique involves the substitution of commercial liquid meal replacements for normal food, presenting detainees with a bland, unappetizing, but nutritionally complete diet."

Now, this is torture. I remember after the first two weeks of staying up until 3 in the morning and eating nothing but junk food I was already 10 pounds heavier. You know what came next: the living hell of NutriSystem!

"Medical officers are required to ensure adequate fluid and nutritional intake, and frequent medial monitoring takes place while any detainee is undergoing dietary manipulation."
Plus, I didn’t get any medical officer, although there was this cute pre-med soph…

6. Nudity (Bradury memo, May 10, 2005)

"This technique is used to cause psychological discomfort, particularly if a detainee, for cultural or other reasons, is especially modest. When the technique is employed, clothing can be provided as an instant reward for cooperation... Interrogators can exploit the detainee's fear of being seen naked."

No details here, but I will tell you that at Vassar, we had co-ed bathrooms and showers.

7. Abdominal Slap (Bradbury memo, May 10, 2005)

"In this technique, the interrogator strikes the abdomen of the detainee with the back of his open hand. The interrogator must have no rings or other jewelry on his hand. The interrogator is positioned directly in front of the detainee, generally no more than than 18 inches from the detainees. With his fingers held tightly together and fully extended, and with his palm toward the interrogator's own body, using his elbow as a fixed pivot point, the interrogator slaps the detainee in the detainee's abdomen. The interrogator may not use a fist, and the slap must be delivered above the navel and below the sternum.”

Dreadful! Why, this is almost as bad as Dodge Ball!

8. Water Dousing and "Flicking" (Bradbury memo, May 10, 2005)

"Cold water is poured on the detainee either from a container or from a hose without a nozzle.”
Do you have an older brother? Need I say more?

"… You have also described a variation of water dousing involving much smaller quantities of water; this variation is known as 'flicking.' Flicking of water is achieved by the interrogator wetting his fingers and then flicking them at the detainee, propelling droplets at the detainee."
This can’t be serious.

9. Sleep Deprivation (more than 48 hours) (Bradbury memo, May 10, 2005)
I get the heebie-jeebies just thinking of those No-Doz days, and nights.

"… In lieu of standing sleep deprivation, a detainee may instead be seated on and shackled to a small stool. The stool supports the detainee's weight, but is too small to permit the subject to balance himself sufficiently to go to sleep…
I’ve been in college lectures in similar situations.

10. Waterboarding (Bybee memo, August 1, 2002)
"Finally, you would like to use a technique called the 'waterboard.’ “..air flow is slightly restricted for 20 to 40 seconds."
Here is the biggie, waterboarding, or as we called it, Chug-a-Lug:

Wow, kind of reminds you of that line from “Pulp Fiction,”
"You hear me talking, hill-billy boy? I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'ma get medieval on yer ass."


But, your Leftist masters tell you to scream torture, just as earlier communists of the CPUSA taught their subjects to scream 'McCarthyism!!!"

This is your best post EVAHHHHH!
If democrats are trying to destroy America then republicans are trying to destroy the middle and lower class. They want cuts on entitlements and tax breaks for the wealthy. They want business not to have to provide benefits for their employees. They want less gov't intervention yet will intervene if they don't agree..ala gay marriage. So neither party has Americas best interests at heart. As one can attack the deems one can also attack the repubs for wanting America as their cash cow. They have a huge hatred of the middle and lower class and really despise the poor, yet are afraid to say it. I would have more respect for them if they would simply say this and run on it. I am seriously thinking of sitting the next election out. What difference does it make? At 76 years of age I've seen it all and I believe I speak the truth. Neither party knows what they are doing.

Both parties are Progressive and they support big government and that screws us all. The Democrats are the worse but the Republicans are close behind.

The Democrats are big on using the government force to steal money from productive taxpayers to be redistributed to their filthy ass greedy special interest groups. The Republicans also have their special interest groups and far too often go along with the Democrats redistribution of wealth and income.

This country is not going to be fixed at the ballot box because all the choices on the ballot are for bad government, no matter what party.

For instance, I live in a very conservative Congressional district with a so called conservative Representative. This so called conservative voted for the current spending bill that continued funding of Obamacare and giving money to the illegals. He also went along with the Republican majority in 2010 to give Obama more debt and to increase taxes. With "conservatives" like that we don't really need Liberals, do we?
Until we find the candidate that sticks up only for the middle and lower class, I won't trust them. I am dumbfounded that the repubs would stick in legislation that would relax regulations so more shoddy investments could be made and small investors could take it on the chin. Anything for the wealthy. They have sold their souls to the almighty dollar and wall street.
Until we find the candidate that sticks up only for the middle and lower class, I won't trust them. I am dumbfounded that the repubs would stick in legislation that would relax regulations so more shoddy investments could be made and small investors could take it on the chin. Anything for the wealthy. They have sold their souls to the almighty dollar and wall street.

I am not envious or concerned about the wealthy. I am not poorer because somebody else is richer.

However, I am concerned about the government forcing me to pay for government payments in the form of welfare, subsidies, and bailouts because that is stealing from me. You know, big government and both parties support it. The Democrats are just a little worse than the Republicans.

By the way the filthy ass unions and the welfare queens that are the core of the Democrat Party also do their share of selling their souls.
This report was started years ago. Long before any evidence of spying was reported. Do you really consider it a form of revenge instead of answering the question of whether we actually tortured people?

Yes, I do. Just watch Di-Fi announce it. She is out for revenge. The report serves absolutely no purpose but to give aid and comfort to terrorists.

Oddly, the intelligence committee voted to do this investigation 14 to 1 with seven republicans voting. Were the republcans who voted for it out for revenge too?

You clearly live in a fact free news bubble. The report is a product of the Democrats on the Committee, with only Olympia Snowe voting in favor.

Both Republicans and former CIA officials will challenge the report's accuracy. Just one Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, joined Democrats in voting to approve it in 2012. The ranking Republican on the committee, Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss, said when the report was approved in 2012 that, "a number of significant errors, omissions, assumptions, and ambiguities--as well as a lot of cherry-picking--were found that call the conclusions into question," partially because it was written without conducting interviews with people involved.

Democrats prepare to release contentious CIA torture report - CBS News

I was referencing the vote to do the report in the first place back in 2009.

Then you are being incredibly disingenous. That final report violated the Terms of Reference voted on in 2009.

“The lack of interviews violated the Committee’s bipartisan Terms of Reference that were approved by an overwhelming 14-1 vote in March 2009. The Terms of Reference describe the purpose, scope, and methodology of the Review, and they include the following statement: “The Committee will use the tools of oversight necessary to complete a thorough review including, but not limited to, document reviews and requests, interviews, testimony at closed and open hearings, as appropriate, and preparation of findings and recommendations.” Yet, there were no interviews, no hearings, and no recommendations. By comparison, the SASC’s 2008 Inquiry into the Treatment of Detainees in U.S. Custody included 70 interviews, written responses from more than 200 individuals in response to written questions, two hearings, and at least two subpoenas.

New Sen. Collins Views on Senate Intelligence Committee Report on CIA Interrogation Program

There were to be interviews and hearings "where appropriate" The committee included members of both parties throughout the period of investigation. I don't remember a single member from either party complaining about not having interviews or hearings. Are you aware of any? We both know that would have been made public if it had happened. There was some explanation about the lack of interviews, but I'm not sure what that amounts to. Were the republicans on the committee out for revenge too? I haven't completely read it yet, but I too would like a list of recommendations, even though it's pretty obvious that a recommendation to not do that any more is implied if not specifically stated.
Yup unions are the problem.... not all the breaks given to the wealthy and the loopholes the corporations make. The problem is some worker making a decent wage.... that is who the republicans want to stick it to. Call it anti worker...a hatred for the middle class worker.
So you are good with our country carrying out war crimes? I thought The USA was supposed to be better than that, you know.........honorable......... but I guess you just don't care about such things.

In this particular case the enhanced interrogation techniques were approved by the Justice Department so I am not convinced they are "war crimes". The towel heads tortured were considered by both Bush and Obama administrations as unlawful combatant and not POWs. In any event I really don't give a crap if some towel head gets tortured or not. It doesn't even registered on my "giveashit O'meter".

I think if you are concerned about war possible crimes then you should be condemning Obama for his indiscriminate use of drones, which have murdered innocent civilians. Don't you think he should be arrested and tried as a war criminal? I do.

The other thing that is hypocritical about this mess is the fact that Obama tried to claim credit for the killing of BinLaden but yet John Brennan said today that the EI resulted in catching BinLaden. By the way in case you are confused Brennan has an appointed position and is part of the Obama Administration.

Brennan said it is "unknowable" what information could specifically be attributed to those techniques. He also said he was unaware of much of what was in the report.
John Brennan defends CIA after torture report -
Until we find the candidate that sticks up only for the middle and lower class, I won't trust them. I am dumbfounded that the repubs would stick in legislation that would relax regulations so more shoddy investments could be made and small investors could take it on the chin. Anything for the wealthy. They have sold their souls to the almighty dollar and wall street.

I am not envious or concerned about the wealthy. I am not poorer because somebody else is richer.

However, I am concerned about the government forcing me to pay for government payments in the form of welfare, subsidies, and bailouts because that is stealing from me. You know, big government and both parties support it. The Democrats are just a little worse than the Republicans.

By the way the filthy ass unions and the welfare queens that are the core of the Democrat Party also do their share of selling their souls.

So you are OK with the massive amount that is given to Oil companies and other corporations every year?
So you are OK with the massive amount that is given to Oil companies and other corporations every year?

I am against all government transfer payments. That includes welfare, subsidies and bailouts. It is immoral for the government to be in the business of taking money from one person and giving to another, no matter what the form.

Liberals are against government transfer payments unless it is for them, then they love it.

The Liberals are also too stupid to understand that tax credits for oil exploration is not a transfer payment. It is nothing more than paying a lesser tax. The same thing a Liberal does when they take a deduction on their Federal tax (if they ever pay any taxes) . Since they think all money should go to the government then they have a hard time distinguishing a tax credit from a government transfer payment. But of course you expect Liberals to be stupid and not ever get anything right.
Oil companies and corporations are what control this country... and our politicians sell out to them. That is a truth that cannot be refuted. This is the united states of corporations... which complain about too many regulations... over and over and over again while they make record profits.
Yup unions are the problem.... not all the breaks given to the wealthy and the loopholes the corporations make. The problem is some worker making a decent wage.... that is who the republicans want to stick it to. Call it anti worker...a hatred for the middle class worker.

The filthy greedy unions have bought and paid for the Democrat Party and Obama has made sure that the sonofabitches have got a great rate of return on their investment. Unions are the greediest SOBs in the country.

By the way genius, the Federal government collects almost a trillion dollars a year from the corporations and every cent of that came from the money that consumers paid for the goods and services. Taxes are a cost of doing business for a corporation and taxing them only takes money from the rank and file consumers so you are confused with your envy and greed. You are screwing yourself.

If you don't like a corporation paying as much tax as you think they should then you need to vote with your feet and simply not buy anything made by them. If you think they should give more money to the government then pay more money for the goods or service and be sure to tell the corporation to pass it on to the government on your behalf. thank you for your patriotism.
Oil companies and corporations are what control this country... and our politicians sell out to them. That is a truth that cannot be refuted. This is the united states of corporations... which complain about too many regulations... over and over and over again while they make record profits.

Then don't vote for the assholes that are controlled by the special interest groups. For instance, Obama with his Wall St bailouts and subsidies to the filthy greedy unions and his interventionist foreign policy that gives hundreds of billions of dollars to the defense companies. .

Don't vote for anybody running for office that believes in taking money from one person and giving to any special interest group. If you are going to talk the talk then walk the walk.
Well I surely can't vote repub either as they sell out to the corporations and have taken the anti middle class and poor route. So who is there to vote for? Blaming some guy making $15 an hour(aka low wage job) who belongs to a union... yes he is the problem. The corporate heads to me are much worse than unions.
Well I surely can't vote repub either as they sell out to the corporations and have taken the anti middle class and poor route. So who is there to vote for? Blaming some guy making $15 an hour(aka low wage job) who belongs to a union... yes he is the problem. The corporate heads to me are much worse than unions.

Why vote for either?

Voting for Democrats is absolutely the worse thing because they also sell out to their special interest groups and all of those groups are despicable. Republicans are better but not much better.

Don't vote for bad government.

If you want wages to go up then get the government off of everybody's back because the bloated combined government in this country takes over 40% of the GNP. The cost of government is usually the single largest expenditure for every household in America so no wonder nobody has anything. On top of taking all that money the filthy government regulates the hell out of everything making it difficult for the average person to make any money.

I don't care how much money somebody makes but I do care when the government gets involved in setting those wages.

The unions are the most greedy SOBs in the country and they poured a billion dollars into the political process to make sure their boy got elected and that boy robbed the American tax payer to pay back the debt. That should piss you off if you pay taxes.

You are confused about a great number of things, aren't you?
Americans don't torture.

I'm sure the guys who were water boarded, or the one who had stuff stuffed up his butt would disagree. That one who died while being chained up in the cold probably wouldn't say anything. He's dead.

Well, if you insist, let's go over the alleged "tortures."

First of all....the same "tortures" are used to train our own military forces.
Petty much reveals you to be a moron.
NYTimes outline of “torture techniques:"
Interrogation Techniques - Interactive Graphic -

But let's go further.
Every one of those "tortures" are faced- voluntarily- by lots of civilians in their college careers!


And below, is pretty much the way I remember the ‘torture.’

1. Walling: "A flexible false wall will be constructed. The individual is placed with his heels touching the wall: The interrogator pulls the individual forward and then quickly and firmly pushes the individual into the wall. It is the individual's shoulder blades that hit the wall."
Anyone who’s been at a concert, or a sale at Nordstrom’s has been through this one. Any permanent injuries?

2. The Facial (or Insult) Slap (Bybee memo, August 1, 2002)

"With the facial slap or insult slap, the interrogator slaps the individual's face with fingers slightly spread. The hand makes contact with the area directly between the tip of the individual's chin and the bottom of the corresponding earlobe. The interrogator invades the individual's personal space.”

This one is a toughie, since women today will put up with any behavior, but you guys who have gone out with ladies, may have had to contend with this ‘torture.’

3. Cramped Confinement & insects Placed In a Confinement Box (Bybee memo, August 1, 2002)

"You would like to place (Abu) Zubaydah in a cramped confinement box with an insect. You have informed us that he appears to have a fear of insects. …place a harmless insect in the box."

There was the time we took a cabin in the woods. Yes, I was exposed to this horrid torture!

4. "With respect to the small confinement box, you have informed us that he would spend at most two hours in this box ... For the larger box, in which he can both stand and sit, he may be placed in this box for up to eighteen hours at a time ..."

It’ s also known by it’s alternate title: the dreaded ‘college dorm room!’ In one of the dorm rooms in Columbia, you actually had to have the door open to fit the bed!

5. Dietary Manipulation (Bradbury memo, May 10, 2005)
"This technique involves the substitution of commercial liquid meal replacements for normal food, presenting detainees with a bland, unappetizing, but nutritionally complete diet."

Now, this is torture. I remember after the first two weeks of staying up until 3 in the morning and eating nothing but junk food I was already 10 pounds heavier. You know what came next: the living hell of NutriSystem!

"Medical officers are required to ensure adequate fluid and nutritional intake, and frequent medial monitoring takes place while any detainee is undergoing dietary manipulation."
Plus, I didn’t get any medical officer, although there was this cute pre-med soph…

6. Nudity (Bradury memo, May 10, 2005)

"This technique is used to cause psychological discomfort, particularly if a detainee, for cultural or other reasons, is especially modest. When the technique is employed, clothing can be provided as an instant reward for cooperation... Interrogators can exploit the detainee's fear of being seen naked."

No details here, but I will tell you that at Vassar, we had co-ed bathrooms and showers.

7. Abdominal Slap (Bradbury memo, May 10, 2005)

"In this technique, the interrogator strikes the abdomen of the detainee with the back of his open hand. The interrogator must have no rings or other jewelry on his hand. The interrogator is positioned directly in front of the detainee, generally no more than than 18 inches from the detainees. With his fingers held tightly together and fully extended, and with his palm toward the interrogator's own body, using his elbow as a fixed pivot point, the interrogator slaps the detainee in the detainee's abdomen. The interrogator may not use a fist, and the slap must be delivered above the navel and below the sternum.”

Dreadful! Why, this is almost as bad as Dodge Ball!

8. Water Dousing and "Flicking" (Bradbury memo, May 10, 2005)

"Cold water is poured on the detainee either from a container or from a hose without a nozzle.”
Do you have an older brother? Need I say more?

"… You have also described a variation of water dousing involving much smaller quantities of water; this variation is known as 'flicking.' Flicking of water is achieved by the interrogator wetting his fingers and then flicking them at the detainee, propelling droplets at the detainee."
This can’t be serious.

9. Sleep Deprivation (more than 48 hours) (Bradbury memo, May 10, 2005)
I get the heebie-jeebies just thinking of those No-Doz days, and nights.

"… In lieu of standing sleep deprivation, a detainee may instead be seated on and shackled to a small stool. The stool supports the detainee's weight, but is too small to permit the subject to balance himself sufficiently to go to sleep…
I’ve been in college lectures in similar situations.

10. Waterboarding (Bybee memo, August 1, 2002)
"Finally, you would like to use a technique called the 'waterboard.’ “..air flow is slightly restricted for 20 to 40 seconds."
Here is the biggie, waterboarding, or as we called it, Chug-a-Lug:

Wow, kind of reminds you of that line from “Pulp Fiction,”
"You hear me talking, hill-billy boy? I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'ma get medieval on yer ass."


But, your Leftist masters tell you to scream torture, just as earlier communists of the CPUSA taught their subjects to scream 'McCarthyism!!!"

Sorry but I'll take the word of people who actually experienced it over your silly attempt to gloss over it. Are you saying that McCain and Jessie Ventura are lying about whether it is torture? Didn't the Nuremburg trials sentence people to death for those same techniques? Are you saying the Nuremburg trials were a liberal conspiracy?

"Didn't the Nuremburg (sic) trials sentence people to death for those same techniques?"


I should have recognized earlier how little you actually know.

You're absolutely right. I should have noted the Tokyo War Crimes Trials (1946-1948) instead of Nuremburg. Thanks for the correction. Were the Tokyo War Crimes Trials a liberal conspiracy?

Only a Liberal would pretend that the Japanese and the Americans used the same methods.

" When they waterboarded, they would cane the prisoner's belly while he was being waterboarded. This apparently increased the level of pain and panic exponentially. These are not--in kind or in degree--the same offenses that the Americans are charged with....agree. To be clear to everybody, what the Japanese were doing was like the Americans only in the sense that:
- folks were tied on a board
- there was water.

The basic Japanese approach was to force ingestion of large amounts of water, then beat your distended stomach, causing pain and rupture of organs.

It was not the mental panic approach that we call waterboarding today.

We waterboard those attending SERE training, using the exact same techniques used against KSM, and its not torture when we do it in SERE training. Now to all those saying that the waterboarding is identical to that done by the Japanese, do you think we would ever submit our troops to Japanese style waterboarding? ie filling their bellies with water and then jumping on them and rupturing their organs? Doens't the fact that that would NEVER happen distinguish the two procedures based on that fact alone?

"I was waterboarded at SERE, bamboo caged in stress positions, and slapped around.

Survivors of Swamp Phase of Ranger school note that the hard part is 9 days of sleep deprivation therapy :)

Above comments found here:
Althouse Americans think the Bush adminstration used torture.

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