Democrats Attempt to Destroy America

Good to see that you are mulling over the education that I've provided.

I sense that from your silence.

And....silence suits you.
You are doing a fantastic job of demonstrating exactly what I explained about Nazi wannabes. Torture apologists. Thanks very much for cooperating.

Now if you could just write a post downplaying the harm done by the torture committed by the US, this topic will be complete.

I understand you are dying to swear fealty to the forces of evil, the Liberals, and, as such, require no education, knowledge, or insight, other than muttering "Yes, master!"

But, for my guilty pleasure, would you state what you consider torture, and compare it to the example I gave from "Magnifico."

Do so, so that I may rip you a new one.
Waterboarding, slapping, walling, beating. All torture. Only a monster would have to have this explained to them.

And now comes the downplaying portion of our program, boys and girls.
"I can show you a guy who ripped out the nails of his victims during interrogation, and skinned them alive. Therefore, waterboarding is not torture."

Words to that effect. That's the twisted thinking of a Nazi wannabe torture apologist.
Waterboarding was considered to be torture as a matter of official US policy...until Bush.

Defendant: Asano, Yukio

Docket Date: 53/ May 1 - 28, 1947, Yokohama, Japan

Charge: Violation of the Laws and Customs of War: 1. Did willfully and unlawfully mistreat and torture PWs. 2. Did unlawfully take and convert to his own use Red Cross packages and supplies intended for PWs.

Specifications:beating using hands, fists, club; kicking; water torture; burning using cigarettes; strapping on a stretcher head downward

Verdict: 15 years CHL

15 years hard labor.

Yokohama Reviews - Asano
Democrat Feinstein and the rest of the Liberal/Progressive clique are liars.

3. " Lesley Stahl interviews the former head of the CIA's Clandestine Service about waterboarding and other methods he says were essential to getting information from suspected terrorists, and he denies claims that these harsh measures caused detainees to provide false or unreliable information that misled the CIA. In fact, Rodriguez says that high-level detainees Khalid Sheik Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah provided their best information only after harsh treatment, a claim that the CIA's own investigator general has challenged."
Hard Measures Ex-CIA head defends post-9 11 tactics - CBS News

4. " WASHINGTON -- Congressional leaders were briefed in detail about techniques used in the Central Intelligence Agency's interrogation program, according to a new intelligence document.

The document appears to conflict with recent statements from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was then the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee. Ms. Pelosi has said she hadn't been told that the CIA was using the technique known as waterboarding, or simulated drowning. According to the document, Ms. Pelosi was one of the first lawmakers briefed on the interrogations in 2002." CIA Says It Briefed Congressional Leaders - WSJ

a. "The leaders of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees and of both parties in Congress were briefed on the program more than 40 times between 2002 and 2009. But Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)tried to denythat she was told in 2002 that detainees had been waterboarded. That is simply not true. I was among those who briefed her." Today s CIA critics once urged the agency to do anything to fight al-Qaeda - The Washington Post

' The Constitution is not a"suicide pact."So wrote Robert Jackson in 1949.'
Constitution Is Not a Suicide Pact Charles J. Reid Jr.

It is if the Liberals/Progressives of the Democrat Party have their way.

Answering only yes or no,

would you object to Americans being tortured by an enemy? Would you withdraw your objection if the enemy could demonstrate that they had obtained actionable intelligence from the tortured Americans?

Americans don't torture.

I'd like to water board you just for the fun of it.

Please keep your fantasies to yourself.
1947: Victim of Japanese Waterboarding Relates Story to US War Crimes Tribunal

“When Yuki could not get anything out of me, he wanted the interpreter to place me down below,” he tells the court. “And I was told by Yuki to take off all my clothes, so what I did was to take off my clothes as ordered. I was ordered to lay on a bench and Yuki tied my feet, hands, and neck to that bench, lying with my face upward. After I was tied to the bench,
Yuki placed some cloth on my face. And then with water from the faucet, they poured on me until I became unconscious. He repeated that four or five times.” Asked if he could breathe, Navarro says: “No, I could not, and so I, for a time, lost consciousness. I found my consciousness came back again and found Yuki was sitting on my stomach. And then I vomited the water from my stomach, and the consciousness came back again for me. [The water came f]rom my mouth and all openings of my face… and then Yuki would repeat the same treatment and the same procedure to me until I became unconscious again.” Navarro recalls he was tortured like this “four or five times.” He says he lied to Yuki to end the torment: “When I was not able to endure his punishment which I received, I told a lie to Yuki.… I could not really show anything to Yuki, because I was really lying just to stop the torture.” He describes the waterboarding as “[n]ot so painful, but one becomes unconscious—like drowning in the water.… Drowning. You could hardly breathe.” Yuki is sentenced to life in prison for a variety of war crimes, including his torture of Navarro.

One former POW, Lieutenant Chase Nielsen, testified: “I was given several types of torture.… I was given what they call the water cure.… Well, I felt more or less like I was drowning… just gasping between life and death.”

"Navarro recalls he was tortured like this 'four or five times.'"

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was waterboarded at least 183 times.
Democrat Feinstein and the rest of the Liberal/Progressive clique are liars.

3. " Lesley Stahl interviews the former head of the CIA's Clandestine Service about waterboarding and other methods he says were essential to getting information from suspected terrorists, and he denies claims that these harsh measures caused detainees to provide false or unreliable information that misled the CIA. In fact, Rodriguez says that high-level detainees Khalid Sheik Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah provided their best information only after harsh treatment, a claim that the CIA's own investigator general has challenged."
Hard Measures Ex-CIA head defends post-9 11 tactics - CBS News

4. " WASHINGTON -- Congressional leaders were briefed in detail about techniques used in the Central Intelligence Agency's interrogation program, according to a new intelligence document.

The document appears to conflict with recent statements from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was then the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee. Ms. Pelosi has said she hadn't been told that the CIA was using the technique known as waterboarding, or simulated drowning. According to the document, Ms. Pelosi was one of the first lawmakers briefed on the interrogations in 2002." CIA Says It Briefed Congressional Leaders - WSJ

a. "The leaders of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees and of both parties in Congress were briefed on the program more than 40 times between 2002 and 2009. But Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)tried to denythat she was told in 2002 that detainees had been waterboarded. That is simply not true. I was among those who briefed her." Today s CIA critics once urged the agency to do anything to fight al-Qaeda - The Washington Post

' The Constitution is not a"suicide pact."So wrote Robert Jackson in 1949.'
Constitution Is Not a Suicide Pact Charles J. Reid Jr.

It is if the Liberals/Progressives of the Democrat Party have their way.

Answering only yes or no,

would you object to Americans being tortured by an enemy? Would you withdraw your objection if the enemy could demonstrate that they had obtained actionable intelligence from the tortured Americans?

Americans don't torture.

I'd like to water board you just for the fun of it.

Please keep your fantasies to yourself.

Don't play hard to get now, you know you'd enjoy a little water boarding, maybe some soft cuffs, whip, and dog collar, a little spanking. Come on know you like it like that.
"I can show you a guy who ripped out the nails of his victims during interrogation, and skinned them alive. Therefore, waterboarding is not torture."

Words to that effect. That's the twisted thinking of a Nazi wannabe torture apologist.

So you are unable to give an example of torture that Americans supposedly committed?
You just blubber on with no real information?


Are you suggesting that waterboarding is torture?
Really, girly-man5000?

Eric Holder didn't think so.

1. [Rep. Dan] Lungren [(R., CA) and the state's former attorney general] then switched gears to a line of questioning aimed at clarifying the Obama Justice Department’s definition of torture. In one of the rare times he gave a straight answer, Holder stated at the hearing that in his view waterboarding is torture. Lundgren asked if it was the Justice Department’s position that Navy SEALS subjected to waterboarding as part of their training were being tortured.

Holder: No, it’s not torture in the legal sense because you’re not doing it with the intention of harming these people physically or mentally, all we’re trying to do is train them —

Lungren: So it’s the question of intent?
Eric Holder Waterboarding is not torture

Seems you're tripping over your own feet, huh?
Democrat Feinstein and the rest of the Liberal/Progressive clique are liars.

3. " Lesley Stahl interviews the former head of the CIA's Clandestine Service about waterboarding and other methods he says were essential to getting information from suspected terrorists, and he denies claims that these harsh measures caused detainees to provide false or unreliable information that misled the CIA. In fact, Rodriguez says that high-level detainees Khalid Sheik Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah provided their best information only after harsh treatment, a claim that the CIA's own investigator general has challenged."
Hard Measures Ex-CIA head defends post-9 11 tactics - CBS News

4. " WASHINGTON -- Congressional leaders were briefed in detail about techniques used in the Central Intelligence Agency's interrogation program, according to a new intelligence document.

The document appears to conflict with recent statements from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was then the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee. Ms. Pelosi has said she hadn't been told that the CIA was using the technique known as waterboarding, or simulated drowning. According to the document, Ms. Pelosi was one of the first lawmakers briefed on the interrogations in 2002." CIA Says It Briefed Congressional Leaders - WSJ

a. "The leaders of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees and of both parties in Congress were briefed on the program more than 40 times between 2002 and 2009. But Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)tried to denythat she was told in 2002 that detainees had been waterboarded. That is simply not true. I was among those who briefed her." Today s CIA critics once urged the agency to do anything to fight al-Qaeda - The Washington Post

' The Constitution is not a"suicide pact."So wrote Robert Jackson in 1949.'
Constitution Is Not a Suicide Pact Charles J. Reid Jr.

It is if the Liberals/Progressives of the Democrat Party have their way.

Answering only yes or no,

would you object to Americans being tortured by an enemy? Would you withdraw your objection if the enemy could demonstrate that they had obtained actionable intelligence from the tortured Americans?

Americans don't torture.

I'd like to water board you just for the fun of it.

Please keep your fantasies to yourself.

Don't play hard to get now, you know you'd enjoy a little water boarding, maybe some soft cuffs, whip, and dog collar, a little spanking. Come on know you like it like that.

You just might have something there, but for the marks from 10-foot poles all over you.
"I can show you a guy who ripped out the nails of his victims during interrogation, and skinned them alive. Therefore, waterboarding is not torture."

Words to that effect. That's the twisted thinking of a Nazi wannabe torture apologist.

So you are unable to give an example of torture that Americans supposedly committed?
You just blubber on with no real information?


Actually, I quoted quite extensively yesterday from the torture report, dipshit. You would see the torture for yourself actually LOOKED.

Are you suggesting that waterboarding is torture?

Nope. I am not suggesting. I am stating it as fact. And I just provided plenty of evidence that it was official US policy that it is torture.

Thanks for demonstrating so ably what sick fucks you torture apologists are.

My work is done here.
Good to see that you are mulling over the education that I've provided.

I sense that from your silence.

And....silence suits you.
You are doing a fantastic job of demonstrating exactly what I explained about Nazi wannabes. Torture apologists. Thanks very much for cooperating.

Now if you could just write a post downplaying the harm done by the torture committed by the US, this topic will be complete.

I understand you are dying to swear fealty to the forces of evil, the Liberals, and, as such, require no education, knowledge, or insight, other than muttering "Yes, master!"

But, for my guilty pleasure, would you state what you consider torture, and compare it to the example I gave from "Magnifico."

Do so, so that I may rip you a new one.
Waterboarding, slapping, walling, beating. All torture. Only a monster would have to have this explained to them.

And now comes the downplaying portion of our program, boys and girls.

"All torture. Only a monster would have to have this explained to them."

I can see that viewpoint from a whiny pipsqueak like you, girly-man5000.

Bet you were weeping real tears when the phys-ed teacher said it was time for dodge-ball, huh?

Get a note from mom?
Answering only yes or no,

would you object to Americans being tortured by an enemy? Would you withdraw your objection if the enemy could demonstrate that they had obtained actionable intelligence from the tortured Americans?

Americans don't torture.

I'd like to water board you just for the fun of it.

Please keep your fantasies to yourself.

Don't play hard to get now, you know you'd enjoy a little water boarding, maybe some soft cuffs, whip, and dog collar, a little spanking. Come on know you like it like that.

You just might have something there, but for the marks from 10-foot poles all over you.

I'm intrigued......when can we meet?
"I can show you a guy who ripped out the nails of his victims during interrogation, and skinned them alive. Therefore, waterboarding is not torture."

Words to that effect. That's the twisted thinking of a Nazi wannabe torture apologist.

So you are unable to give an example of torture that Americans supposedly committed?
You just blubber on with no real information?


Actually, I quoted quite extensively yesterday from the torture report, dipshit. You would see the torture for yourself actually LOOKED.

Are you suggesting that waterboarding is torture?

Nope. I am not suggesting. I am stating it as fact. And I just provided plenty of evidence that it was official US policy that it is torture.

Thanks for demonstrating so ably what sick fucks you torture apologists are.

My work is done here.

I've reduced you to vulgarity so quickly?


Now this:
Originally Posted by Holder's Justice Department

[T]orture is defined as “an extreme form of cruel and inhuman treatment and does not include lesser forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. . . . ” 8 C.F.R. § 1208.18(a)(2). Moreover, as has been explained by the Third Circuit, CAT requires “a showing of specific intent before the Court can make a finding that a petitioner will be tortured.”

Pierre v. Attorney General, 528 F.3d 180, 189 (3d Cir. 2008) (en banc); see 8 C.F.R. § 1208.18(a)(5) (requiring that the act “be specifically intended to inflict severe physical or mental pain or suffering”); Auguste v. Ridge, 395 F.3d 123, 139 (3d Cir. 2005) (“This is a ‘specific intent’ requirement and not a ‘general intent’ requirement” [citations omitted.] An applicant for CAT protection therefore must establish that “his prospective torturer will have the motive or purpose” to torture him.

Pierre, 528 F.3d at 189; Auguste, 395 F.3d at 153-54 (“The mere fact that the Haitian authorities have knowledge that severe pain and suffering may result by placing detainees in these conditions does not support a finding that the Haitian authorities intend to inflict severe pain and suffering. The difference goes to the heart of the distinction between general and specific intent.”) . . . .
Holder on Waterboarding Proving It s Not Torture While Insisting It Is
The Justice Department s Torture Hypocrisy National Review Online

Know this, imbecile: the number one job of government is to protect its citizens.

Number one.
Americans don't torture.

I'd like to water board you just for the fun of it.

Please keep your fantasies to yourself.

Don't play hard to get now, you know you'd enjoy a little water boarding, maybe some soft cuffs, whip, and dog collar, a little spanking. Come on know you like it like that.

You just might have something there, but for the marks from 10-foot poles all over you.

I'm intrigued......when can we meet?

Not so fast, buster....the common knowledge is that are so ugly robbers give you their masks to wear.

Still have that paper bag with the chin-strap?
5. Let's make clear the political affiliations of Liberalism/Progressivism, the Democrat Party, as it will explain their antipathy toward the United States.

America, in its founding, was never designed to be a communist nation, with an all-powerful government reaching its tentacles into every area of the private citizen's life.

That plan comes from a very different perspective:

a. Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

The trouble with thinking that the personal is political, as late-1960s feminists taught American radicals to say, ...This fundamental tenet of identity politics, a shorthand way of saying that your personal unhappiness stems from larger political forces—anything from the suffocating nuclear family, the institutionalized oppression of women, or the supposedly ineradicable racism of American society—and that only vast political change can solve your individual problems. Identity Politics Crashes at City Hall by Myron Magnet City Journal 18 November 2014

So, recognizing the essentially communist nature of the identity politics of the Democrat Party, one can understand how truly unAmerican, and anti-American, that party is.
I'd like to water board you just for the fun of it.

Please keep your fantasies to yourself.

Don't play hard to get now, you know you'd enjoy a little water boarding, maybe some soft cuffs, whip, and dog collar, a little spanking. Come on know you like it like that.

You just might have something there, but for the marks from 10-foot poles all over you.

I'm intrigued......when can we meet?

Not so fast, buster....the common knowledge is that are so ugly robbers give you their masks to wear.

Still have that paper bag with the chin-strap?

If you look anything like your avatar I'm about to become extremely aroused.
Please keep your fantasies to yourself.

Don't play hard to get now, you know you'd enjoy a little water boarding, maybe some soft cuffs, whip, and dog collar, a little spanking. Come on know you like it like that.

You just might have something there, but for the marks from 10-foot poles all over you.

I'm intrigued......when can we meet?

Not so fast, buster....the common knowledge is that are so ugly robbers give you their masks to wear.

Still have that paper bag with the chin-strap?

If you look anything like your avatar I'm about to become extremely aroused.

There goes my appetite.

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