Democrats Attempt To Glorify Their Soviet Spy, Lt Col Vindman, And Feature Mayor Pete-Closet Commie


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
It's beginning to spread......this rubbish about what amounts to a spy who revealed Top Secret communications to the not-so-secret Whistleblower. Joe Biden said last night during the debate that the Soviet born spy, Lt Col Vindman, is a hero. How much more ironic can you get. The Democrats tried to impeach Trump over Russian collusion....and yet here they are glorifying a Soviet born naturalized citizen who broke the law by spying on the president. THIS is why the Democrats are losing. They have entered the realm of madness.....and they think the rest of the country is willing to go right along with them.

Mr Vindman and his twin brother were fired and removed from the White House yesterday

But I think it's just another phase of the fraud that they keep perpetrating on America. Clearly, last night was the coronation of the left's new establishment candidate, Mayor Pete. A young, decent looking former mayor who screwed up his only chance at leadership when he was mayor of South Bend Indiana. His military experience was fairly pedestrian. He was deployed to Afghanistan for only 7 if he was being groomed by the left. He was a driver for his unit commander.

The secret candidate was really just hiding in plain sight all along

He was born in South Bend...but was raised, like Barack Obama, outside of the United States (in Malta). And yes, his father was a Marxist professor who often spoke fondly of the Communist Manifesto. (Shades of Barack H. Obama) Pete Buttigieg's father was a Marxist professor who lauded the Communist Manifesto

So he checks all of the boxes. He's Gay, has communist ties, has just enough military service to attack Trump on the issue, he's young, and he doesn't sound like a lunatic like the rest of the Democrat pack. However, regardless how calm he sounds....he's just Barack Obama Phase 2. His leadership skills are highly questionable and his ideology is a non-starter. Thus....he's the perfect candidate for a Democrat Party that is barrelling down the hill into Socialism like a runaway Mack Truck .

So this all pretty much explains the mess in the Iowa Caucus. The DNC wasn't about to let their new golden boy get defeated by a crotchety old Communist (Bernie Sanders). They held onto the results for a couple of days so they could rig the results. What appeared to be a huge screw-up was really just a way for the Democrat Party to undermine the will of the people and place their candidate at the front of the line. Several other states have announced that they have the same issues with the program they used in expect more mishaps in the future.
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It's beginning to spread......this rubbish about what amounts to a spy who revealed Top Secret communications to the not-so-secret Whistleblower. Joe Biden said last night during the debate that the Soviet born spy, Lt Col Vindman, is a hero. How much more ironic can you get. The Democrats tried to impeach Trump over Russian collusion....and yet here they are glorifying a Soviet born naturalized citizen who broke the law by spying on the president. THIS is why the Democrats are losing. They have entered the realm of madness.....and they think the rest of the country is willing to go right along with them.

Mr Vindman and his twin brother were fired and removed from the White House yesterday

But I think it's just another phase of the fraud that they keep perpetrating on America. Clearly, last night was the coronation of the left's new establishment candidate, Mayor Pete. A young, decent looking former mayor who screwed up his only chance at leadership when he was mayor of South Bend Indiana. His military experience was fairly pedestrian. He was deployed to Afghanistan for only 7 if he was being groomed by the left. He was a driver for his unit commander.

The secret candidate was really just hiding in plain sight all along

He was born in South Bend...but was raised, like Barack Obama, outside of the United States (in Malta). And yes, his father was a Marxist professor who often spoke fondly of the Communist Manifesto. (Shades of Barack H. Obama) Pete Buttigieg's father was a Marxist professor who lauded the Communist Manifesto

So he checks all of the boxes. He's Gay, has communist ties, has just enough military service to attack Trump on the issue, he's young, and he doesn't sound like a lunatic like the rest of the Democrat pack. However, regardless how calm he sounds....he's just Barack Obama Phase 2. His leadership skills are highly questionable and his ideology is a non-starter. Thus....he's the perfect candidate for a Democrat Party that is barrelling down the hill into Socialism like a runaway Mack Truck .

So this all pretty much explains the mess in the Iowa Caucus. The DNC wasn't about to let their new golden boy get defeated by a crotchety old Communist (Bernie Sanders). They held onto the results for a couple of days so they could rig the results. What appeared to be a huge screw-up was really just a way for the Democrat Party to undermine the will of the people and place their candidate at the front of the line.
Every time I think I've seen the height of conservative stupidity someone like you comes along and proves me wrong.

Congratulations on the dumbest OP to date.

You should get some kinda award.
Was not Vindman appointed to the NSC by the Trump administration itself? They chose him. Col.Vindman did his duty. He saw an abuse of power and told the truth about it while under oath. Now the Trumpers come with the smear. Trumpers are not content with the smear they also want to destroy his career because of this one offense: He had the audacity to tell the truth.
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It's beginning to spread......this rubbish about what amounts to a spy who revealed Top Secret communications to the not-so-secret Whistleblower. Joe Biden said last night during the debate that the Soviet born spy, Lt Col Vindman, is a hero. How much more ironic can you get. The Democrats tried to impeach Trump over Russian collusion....and yet here they are glorifying a Soviet born naturalized citizen who broke the law by spying on the president. THIS is why the Democrats are losing. They have entered the realm of madness.....and they think the rest of the country is willing to go right along with them.

Mr Vindman and his twin brother were fired and removed from the White House yesterday

But I think it's just another phase of the fraud that they keep perpetrating on America. Clearly, last night was the coronation of the left's new establishment candidate, Mayor Pete. A young, decent looking former mayor who screwed up his only chance at leadership when he was mayor of South Bend Indiana. His military experience was fairly pedestrian. He was deployed to Afghanistan for only 7 if he was being groomed by the left. He was a driver for his unit commander.

The secret candidate was really just hiding in plain sight all along

He was born in South Bend...but was raised, like Barack Obama, outside of the United States (in Malta). And yes, his father was a Marxist professor who often spoke fondly of the Communist Manifesto. (Shades of Barack H. Obama) Pete Buttigieg's father was a Marxist professor who lauded the Communist Manifesto

So he checks all of the boxes. He's Gay, has communist ties, has just enough military service to attack Trump on the issue, he's young, and he doesn't sound like a lunatic like the rest of the Democrat pack. However, regardless how calm he sounds....he's just Barack Obama Phase 2. His leadership skills are highly questionable and his ideology is a non-starter. Thus....he's the perfect candidate for a Democrat Party that is barrelling down the hill into Socialism like a runaway Mack Truck .

So this all pretty much explains the mess in the Iowa Caucus. The DNC wasn't about to let their new golden boy get defeated by a crotchety old Communist (Bernie Sanders). They held onto the results for a couple of days so they could rig the results. What appeared to be a huge screw-up was really just a way for the Democrat Party to undermine the will of the people and place their candidate at the front of the line.
Every time I think I've seen the height of conservative stupidity someone like you comes along and proves me wrong.

Congratulations on the dumbest OP to date.

You should get some kinda award.
Yup.....because you're so much into this herd mentality that a novel idea and a little insightful commentary seems crazy to you.
Was not Vindman appointed the NSC by the Trump administration itself? They chose him. Col.Vindman did his duty. He saw an abuse of power and told the truth about it while under oath. Now the Trumpers come with the smear. Trumpers are not content with the smear they lsonwant to destroy his career because of this one offense: He had the audacity to tell the truth.
And you assume that everyone that works for Trump is 100% on the level?

I had a TS-SCI White House Level Security Clearance when I was in the Army.
If I had been assigned to the White you think the president would have known everything about me? Not hardly. But the people that assigned me there would have checked my record and by background and placed me there because they felt they could trust me. I talked to a fellow soldier who actually was assigned the White House....and he barely met the presidents he served under.(Ford and Carter).
Yup.....because you're so much into this herd mentality

My god, man! Really do not possess the slightest trace of self-awareness, do you? :lol:
On the contrary.....people who follow the lead of the establishment tend to follow our corrupt media religiously.....and they never question anything...unless the media itself decides it's time to change the direction of the debate. Then you folks all follow each other around like a herd of sheep..lapping up their rubbish like it's steaming hot pancakes.

Yup.....because you're so much into this herd mentality

My god, man! Really do not possess the slightest trace of self-awareness, do you? :lol:
On the contrary.....people who follow the lead of the establishment tend to follow our corrupt media religiously.....and they never question anything...unless the media itself decides it's time to change the direction of the debate. Then you folks all follow each other around like a herd of sheep..lapping up their rubbish like it's steaming hot pancakes.

Thanks for accenting my point further.
It's beginning to spread......this rubbish about what amounts to a spy who revealed Top Secret communications to the not-so-secret Whistleblower. Joe Biden said last night during the debate that the Soviet born spy, Lt Col Vindman, is a hero. How much more ironic can you get. The Democrats tried to impeach Trump over Russian collusion....and yet here they are glorifying a Soviet born naturalized citizen who broke the law by spying on the president. THIS is why the Democrats are losing. They have entered the realm of madness.....and they think the rest of the country is willing to go right along with them.

Mr Vindman and his twin brother were fired and removed from the White House yesterday

But I think it's just another phase of the fraud that they keep perpetrating on America. Clearly, last night was the coronation of the left's new establishment candidate, Mayor Pete. A young, decent looking former mayor who screwed up his only chance at leadership when he was mayor of South Bend Indiana. His military experience was fairly pedestrian. He was deployed to Afghanistan for only 7 if he was being groomed by the left. He was a driver for his unit commander.

The secret candidate was really just hiding in plain sight all along

He was born in South Bend...but was raised, like Barack Obama, outside of the United States (in Malta). And yes, his father was a Marxist professor who often spoke fondly of the Communist Manifesto. (Shades of Barack H. Obama) Pete Buttigieg's father was a Marxist professor who lauded the Communist Manifesto

So he checks all of the boxes. He's Gay, has communist ties, has just enough military service to attack Trump on the issue, he's young, and he doesn't sound like a lunatic like the rest of the Democrat pack. However, regardless how calm he sounds....he's just Barack Obama Phase 2. His leadership skills are highly questionable and his ideology is a non-starter. Thus....he's the perfect candidate for a Democrat Party that is barrelling down the hill into Socialism like a runaway Mack Truck .

So this all pretty much explains the mess in the Iowa Caucus. The DNC wasn't about to let their new golden boy get defeated by a crotchety old Communist (Bernie Sanders). They held onto the results for a couple of days so they could rig the results. What appeared to be a huge screw-up was really just a way for the Democrat Party to undermine the will of the people and place their candidate at the front of the line.
Every time I think I've seen the height of conservative stupidity someone like you comes along and proves me wrong.

Congratulations on the dumbest OP to date.

You should get some kinda award.
Yup.....because you're so much into this herd mentality that a novel idea and a little insightful commentary seems crazy to you.

He and his twin "heads are both on the pike"

And Esper said no retaliation, that's the law, but tramp said "vengeance is mine" and he took revenge.
It's beginning to spread......this rubbish about what amounts to a spy who revealed Top Secret communications to the not-so-secret Whistleblower. Joe Biden said last night during the debate that the Soviet born spy, Lt Col Vindman, is a hero. How much more ironic can you get. The Democrats tried to impeach Trump over Russian collusion....and yet here they are glorifying a Soviet born naturalized citizen who broke the law by spying on the president. THIS is why the Democrats are losing. They have entered the realm of madness.....and they think the rest of the country is willing to go right along with them.

Mr Vindman and his twin brother were fired and removed from the White House yesterday

But I think it's just another phase of the fraud that they keep perpetrating on America. Clearly, last night was the coronation of the left's new establishment candidate, Mayor Pete. A young, decent looking former mayor who screwed up his only chance at leadership when he was mayor of South Bend Indiana. His military experience was fairly pedestrian. He was deployed to Afghanistan for only 7 if he was being groomed by the left. He was a driver for his unit commander.

The secret candidate was really just hiding in plain sight all along

He was born in South Bend...but was raised, like Barack Obama, outside of the United States (in Malta). And yes, his father was a Marxist professor who often spoke fondly of the Communist Manifesto. (Shades of Barack H. Obama) Pete Buttigieg's father was a Marxist professor who lauded the Communist Manifesto

So he checks all of the boxes. He's Gay, has communist ties, has just enough military service to attack Trump on the issue, he's young, and he doesn't sound like a lunatic like the rest of the Democrat pack. However, regardless how calm he sounds....he's just Barack Obama Phase 2. His leadership skills are highly questionable and his ideology is a non-starter. Thus....he's the perfect candidate for a Democrat Party that is barrelling down the hill into Socialism like a runaway Mack Truck .

So this all pretty much explains the mess in the Iowa Caucus. The DNC wasn't about to let their new golden boy get defeated by a crotchety old Communist (Bernie Sanders). They held onto the results for a couple of days so they could rig the results. What appeared to be a huge screw-up was really just a way for the Democrat Party to undermine the will of the people and place their candidate at the front of the line.
Every time I think I've seen the height of conservative stupidity someone like you comes along and proves me wrong.

Congratulations on the dumbest OP to date.

You should get some kinda award.
Yup.....because you're so much into this herd mentality that a novel idea and a little insightful commentary seems crazy to you.
There's no novel idea there. You copied someone else's conspiracy theory.

It's beginning to spread......this rubbish about what amounts to a spy who revealed Top Secret communications to the not-so-secret Whistleblower. Joe Biden said last night during the debate that the Soviet born spy, Lt Col Vindman, is a hero. How much more ironic can you get. The Democrats tried to impeach Trump over Russian collusion....and yet here they are glorifying a Soviet born naturalized citizen who broke the law by spying on the president. THIS is why the Democrats are losing. They have entered the realm of madness.....and they think the rest of the country is willing to go right along with them.

Mr Vindman and his twin brother were fired and removed from the White House yesterday

But I think it's just another phase of the fraud that they keep perpetrating on America. Clearly, last night was the coronation of the left's new establishment candidate, Mayor Pete. A young, decent looking former mayor who screwed up his only chance at leadership when he was mayor of South Bend Indiana. His military experience was fairly pedestrian. He was deployed to Afghanistan for only 7 if he was being groomed by the left. He was a driver for his unit commander.

The secret candidate was really just hiding in plain sight all along

He was born in South Bend...but was raised, like Barack Obama, outside of the United States (in Malta). And yes, his father was a Marxist professor who often spoke fondly of the Communist Manifesto. (Shades of Barack H. Obama) Pete Buttigieg's father was a Marxist professor who lauded the Communist Manifesto

So he checks all of the boxes. He's Gay, has communist ties, has just enough military service to attack Trump on the issue, he's young, and he doesn't sound like a lunatic like the rest of the Democrat pack. However, regardless how calm he sounds....he's just Barack Obama Phase 2. His leadership skills are highly questionable and his ideology is a non-starter. Thus....he's the perfect candidate for a Democrat Party that is barrelling down the hill into Socialism like a runaway Mack Truck .

So this all pretty much explains the mess in the Iowa Caucus. The DNC wasn't about to let their new golden boy get defeated by a crotchety old Communist (Bernie Sanders). They held onto the results for a couple of days so they could rig the results. What appeared to be a huge screw-up was really just a way for the Democrat Party to undermine the will of the people and place their candidate at the front of the line.
Every time I think I've seen the height of conservative stupidity someone like you comes along and proves me wrong.

Congratulations on the dumbest OP to date.

You should get some kinda award.
Yup.....because you're so much into this herd mentality that a novel idea and a little insightful commentary seems crazy to you.
There's no novel idea there. You copied someone else's conspiracy theory.

Prove it or STFU.
It's beginning to spread......this rubbish about what amounts to a spy who revealed Top Secret communications to the not-so-secret Whistleblower. Joe Biden said last night during the debate that the Soviet born spy, Lt Col Vindman, is a hero. How much more ironic can you get. The Democrats tried to impeach Trump over Russian collusion....and yet here they are glorifying a Soviet born naturalized citizen who broke the law by spying on the president. THIS is why the Democrats are losing. They have entered the realm of madness.....and they think the rest of the country is willing to go right along with them.

Mr Vindman and his twin brother were fired and removed from the White House yesterday

But I think it's just another phase of the fraud that they keep perpetrating on America. Clearly, last night was the coronation of the left's new establishment candidate, Mayor Pete. A young, decent looking former mayor who screwed up his only chance at leadership when he was mayor of South Bend Indiana. His military experience was fairly pedestrian. He was deployed to Afghanistan for only 7 if he was being groomed by the left. He was a driver for his unit commander.

The secret candidate was really just hiding in plain sight all along

He was born in South Bend...but was raised, like Barack Obama, outside of the United States (in Malta). And yes, his father was a Marxist professor who often spoke fondly of the Communist Manifesto. (Shades of Barack H. Obama) Pete Buttigieg's father was a Marxist professor who lauded the Communist Manifesto

So he checks all of the boxes. He's Gay, has communist ties, has just enough military service to attack Trump on the issue, he's young, and he doesn't sound like a lunatic like the rest of the Democrat pack. However, regardless how calm he sounds....he's just Barack Obama Phase 2. His leadership skills are highly questionable and his ideology is a non-starter. Thus....he's the perfect candidate for a Democrat Party that is barrelling down the hill into Socialism like a runaway Mack Truck .

So this all pretty much explains the mess in the Iowa Caucus. The DNC wasn't about to let their new golden boy get defeated by a crotchety old Communist (Bernie Sanders). They held onto the results for a couple of days so they could rig the results. What appeared to be a huge screw-up was really just a way for the Democrat Party to undermine the will of the people and place their candidate at the front of the line.
Every time I think I've seen the height of conservative stupidity someone like you comes along and proves me wrong.

Congratulations on the dumbest OP to date.

You should get some kinda award.
Yup.....because you're so much into this herd mentality that a novel idea and a little insightful commentary seems crazy to you.

He and his twin "heads are both on the pike"

And Esper said no retaliation, that's the law, but tramp said "vengeance is mine" and he took revenge.
Yet you applauded every Obama firing when he was president.
You do understand that even Soviet spies aren't above the law....and aren't totally immune from removal by a lawfully sworn in POTUS carrying out his rightful authority spelled out in detail in the constitution, right?
It's beginning to spread......this rubbish about what amounts to a spy who revealed Top Secret communications to the not-so-secret Whistleblower. Joe Biden said last night during the debate that the Soviet born spy, Lt Col Vindman, is a hero. How much more ironic can you get. The Democrats tried to impeach Trump over Russian collusion....and yet here they are glorifying a Soviet born naturalized citizen who broke the law by spying on the president. THIS is why the Democrats are losing. They have entered the realm of madness.....and they think the rest of the country is willing to go right along with them.

Mr Vindman and his twin brother were fired and removed from the White House yesterday

But I think it's just another phase of the fraud that they keep perpetrating on America. Clearly, last night was the coronation of the left's new establishment candidate, Mayor Pete. A young, decent looking former mayor who screwed up his only chance at leadership when he was mayor of South Bend Indiana. His military experience was fairly pedestrian. He was deployed to Afghanistan for only 7 if he was being groomed by the left. He was a driver for his unit commander.

The secret candidate was really just hiding in plain sight all along

He was born in South Bend...but was raised, like Barack Obama, outside of the United States (in Malta). And yes, his father was a Marxist professor who often spoke fondly of the Communist Manifesto. (Shades of Barack H. Obama) Pete Buttigieg's father was a Marxist professor who lauded the Communist Manifesto

So he checks all of the boxes. He's Gay, has communist ties, has just enough military service to attack Trump on the issue, he's young, and he doesn't sound like a lunatic like the rest of the Democrat pack. However, regardless how calm he sounds....he's just Barack Obama Phase 2. His leadership skills are highly questionable and his ideology is a non-starter. Thus....he's the perfect candidate for a Democrat Party that is barrelling down the hill into Socialism like a runaway Mack Truck .

So this all pretty much explains the mess in the Iowa Caucus. The DNC wasn't about to let their new golden boy get defeated by a crotchety old Communist (Bernie Sanders). They held onto the results for a couple of days so they could rig the results. What appeared to be a huge screw-up was really just a way for the Democrat Party to undermine the will of the people and place their candidate at the front of the line.
Every time I think I've seen the height of conservative stupidity someone like you comes along and proves me wrong.

Congratulations on the dumbest OP to date.

You should get some kinda award.
Yup.....because you're so much into this herd mentality that a novel idea and a little insightful commentary seems crazy to you.
There's no novel idea there. You copied someone else's conspiracy theory.

Prove it or STFU.
Fuck off, twit. I'm right and you know it.
It's beginning to spread......this rubbish about what amounts to a spy who revealed Top Secret communications to the not-so-secret Whistleblower. Joe Biden said last night during the debate that the Soviet born spy, Lt Col Vindman, is a hero. How much more ironic can you get. The Democrats tried to impeach Trump over Russian collusion....and yet here they are glorifying a Soviet born naturalized citizen who broke the law by spying on the president. THIS is why the Democrats are losing. They have entered the realm of madness.....and they think the rest of the country is willing to go right along with them.

Mr Vindman and his twin brother were fired and removed from the White House yesterday

But I think it's just another phase of the fraud that they keep perpetrating on America. Clearly, last night was the coronation of the left's new establishment candidate, Mayor Pete. A young, decent looking former mayor who screwed up his only chance at leadership when he was mayor of South Bend Indiana. His military experience was fairly pedestrian. He was deployed to Afghanistan for only 7 if he was being groomed by the left. He was a driver for his unit commander.

The secret candidate was really just hiding in plain sight all along

He was born in South Bend...but was raised, like Barack Obama, outside of the United States (in Malta). And yes, his father was a Marxist professor who often spoke fondly of the Communist Manifesto. (Shades of Barack H. Obama) Pete Buttigieg's father was a Marxist professor who lauded the Communist Manifesto

So he checks all of the boxes. He's Gay, has communist ties, has just enough military service to attack Trump on the issue, he's young, and he doesn't sound like a lunatic like the rest of the Democrat pack. However, regardless how calm he sounds....he's just Barack Obama Phase 2. His leadership skills are highly questionable and his ideology is a non-starter. Thus....he's the perfect candidate for a Democrat Party that is barrelling down the hill into Socialism like a runaway Mack Truck .

So this all pretty much explains the mess in the Iowa Caucus. The DNC wasn't about to let their new golden boy get defeated by a crotchety old Communist (Bernie Sanders). They held onto the results for a couple of days so they could rig the results. What appeared to be a huge screw-up was really just a way for the Democrat Party to undermine the will of the people and place their candidate at the front of the line.
Every time I think I've seen the height of conservative stupidity someone like you comes along and proves me wrong.

Congratulations on the dumbest OP to date.

You should get some kinda award.
Yup.....because you're so much into this herd mentality that a novel idea and a little insightful commentary seems crazy to you.
There's no novel idea there. You copied someone else's conspiracy theory.

Prove it or STFU.
Fuck off, twit. I'm right and you know it.
You wouldn't know the truth if it kicked you in the crotch.
Every time I think I've seen the height of conservative stupidity someone like you comes along and proves me wrong.

Congratulations on the dumbest OP to date.

You should get some kinda award.
Yup.....because you're so much into this herd mentality that a novel idea and a little insightful commentary seems crazy to you.
There's no novel idea there. You copied someone else's conspiracy theory.

Prove it or STFU.
Fuck off, twit. I'm right and you know it.
You wouldn't know the truth if it kicked you in the crotch.
I'm perfectly safe, you don't have any truth to kick me with.
Yup.....because you're so much into this herd mentality that a novel idea and a little insightful commentary seems crazy to you.
There's no novel idea there. You copied someone else's conspiracy theory.

Prove it or STFU.
Fuck off, twit. I'm right and you know it.
You wouldn't know the truth if it kicked you in the crotch.
I'm perfectly safe, you don't have any truth to kick me with.
I'm waiting on you to post something to back up your claims.....yet you respond with lame school yard banter.
I wish I was there to see him escorted off the White House property
It's beginning to spread......this rubbish about what amounts to a spy who revealed Top Secret communications to the not-so-secret Whistleblower. Joe Biden said last night during the debate that the Soviet born spy, Lt Col Vindman, is a hero. How much more ironic can you get. The Democrats tried to impeach Trump over Russian collusion....and yet here they are glorifying a Soviet born naturalized citizen who broke the law by spying on the president. THIS is why the Democrats are losing. They have entered the realm of madness.....and they think the rest of the country is willing to go right along with them.

Mr Vindman and his twin brother were fired and removed from the White House yesterday

But I think it's just another phase of the fraud that they keep perpetrating on America. Clearly, last night was the coronation of the left's new establishment candidate, Mayor Pete. A young, decent looking former mayor who screwed up his only chance at leadership when he was mayor of South Bend Indiana. His military experience was fairly pedestrian. He was deployed to Afghanistan for only 7 if he was being groomed by the left. He was a driver for his unit commander.

The secret candidate was really just hiding in plain sight all along

He was born in South Bend...but was raised, like Barack Obama, outside of the United States (in Malta). And yes, his father was a Marxist professor who often spoke fondly of the Communist Manifesto. (Shades of Barack H. Obama) Pete Buttigieg's father was a Marxist professor who lauded the Communist Manifesto

So he checks all of the boxes. He's Gay, has communist ties, has just enough military service to attack Trump on the issue, he's young, and he doesn't sound like a lunatic like the rest of the Democrat pack. However, regardless how calm he sounds....he's just Barack Obama Phase 2. His leadership skills are highly questionable and his ideology is a non-starter. Thus....he's the perfect candidate for a Democrat Party that is barrelling down the hill into Socialism like a runaway Mack Truck .

So this all pretty much explains the mess in the Iowa Caucus. The DNC wasn't about to let their new golden boy get defeated by a crotchety old Communist (Bernie Sanders). They held onto the results for a couple of days so they could rig the results. What appeared to be a huge screw-up was really just a way for the Democrat Party to undermine the will of the people and place their candidate at the front of the line.
Every time I think I've seen the height of conservative stupidity someone like you comes along and proves me wrong.

Congratulations on the dumbest OP to date.

You should get some kinda award.
Yup.....because you're so much into this herd mentality that a novel idea and a little insightful commentary seems crazy to you.

He and his twin "heads are both on the pike"

And Esper said no retaliation, that's the law, but tramp said "vengeance is mine" and he took revenge.
Yet you applauded every Obama firing when he was president.
You do understand that even Soviet spies aren't above the law....and aren't totally immune from removal by a lawfully sworn in POTUS carrying out his rightful authority spelled out in detail in the constitution, right?

He was not, nor was the rest of testifiers soviet spies, seems tramp and his cult are above the law, worshiping King tramp.

They got their head on a pike, same as Romney, Bolton and all the Democrats.
It's beginning to spread......this rubbish about what amounts to a spy who revealed Top Secret communications to the not-so-secret Whistleblower. Joe Biden said last night during the debate that the Soviet born spy, Lt Col Vindman, is a hero. How much more ironic can you get. The Democrats tried to impeach Trump over Russian collusion....and yet here they are glorifying a Soviet born naturalized citizen who broke the law by spying on the president. THIS is why the Democrats are losing. They have entered the realm of madness.....and they think the rest of the country is willing to go right along with them.

Mr Vindman and his twin brother were fired and removed from the White House yesterday

But I think it's just another phase of the fraud that they keep perpetrating on America. Clearly, last night was the coronation of the left's new establishment candidate, Mayor Pete. A young, decent looking former mayor who screwed up his only chance at leadership when he was mayor of South Bend Indiana. His military experience was fairly pedestrian. He was deployed to Afghanistan for only 7 if he was being groomed by the left. He was a driver for his unit commander.

The secret candidate was really just hiding in plain sight all along

He was born in South Bend...but was raised, like Barack Obama, outside of the United States (in Malta). And yes, his father was a Marxist professor who often spoke fondly of the Communist Manifesto. (Shades of Barack H. Obama) Pete Buttigieg's father was a Marxist professor who lauded the Communist Manifesto

So he checks all of the boxes. He's Gay, has communist ties, has just enough military service to attack Trump on the issue, he's young, and he doesn't sound like a lunatic like the rest of the Democrat pack. However, regardless how calm he sounds....he's just Barack Obama Phase 2. His leadership skills are highly questionable and his ideology is a non-starter. Thus....he's the perfect candidate for a Democrat Party that is barrelling down the hill into Socialism like a runaway Mack Truck .

So this all pretty much explains the mess in the Iowa Caucus. The DNC wasn't about to let their new golden boy get defeated by a crotchety old Communist (Bernie Sanders). They held onto the results for a couple of days so they could rig the results. What appeared to be a huge screw-up was really just a way for the Democrat Party to undermine the will of the people and place their candidate at the front of the line.
Every time I think I've seen the height of conservative stupidity someone like you comes along and proves me wrong.

Congratulations on the dumbest OP to date.

You should get some kinda award.
Yup.....because you're so much into this herd mentality that a novel idea and a little insightful commentary seems crazy to you.

He and his twin "heads are both on the pike"

And Esper said no retaliation, that's the law, but tramp said "vengeance is mine" and he took revenge.
Yet you applauded every Obama firing when he was president.
You do understand that even Soviet spies aren't above the law....and aren't totally immune from removal by a lawfully sworn in POTUS carrying out his rightful authority spelled out in detail in the constitution, right?

He was not, nor was the rest of testifiers soviet spies, seems tramp and his cult are above the law, worshiping King tramp.

They got their head on a pike, same as Romney, Bolton and all the Democrats.
Check the record.
Vindman was born in the Soviet Union in a country now known as Ukraine.
I'd give him a pass on this normally, but he has been officially reprimanded by his chain of command for bad-mouthing the United States to Russian nationals.

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