Democrats: Best Interests of America At Heart?

What sort of promises did Biden and Kerry have to make to China to get this…..

11. “There was a second known meeting with many of the same Chinese financial titans in Taiwan in May 2011. For a small firm like Rosemont Seneca with no track record, it was an impressive level of access to China’s largest financial players. And it was just two weeks after Joe Biden had opened up the US-China strategic dialogue with Chinese officials in Washington.

…the trip coincided with a major deal that Rosemont Seneca was striking with the state-owned Bank of China. From his perspective, the timing couldn’t have been better.

Rosemont Seneca Partners had been negotiating an exclusive deal with Chinese officials, which they signed approximately 10 days after Hunter visited China with his father. The most powerful financial institution in China, the government’s Bank of China, was setting up a joint venture with Rosemont Seneca.

Often those foreign entities gained favorable policy actions from the United States government just as the sons were securing favorable financial deals from those same entities.

The Bank of China is an enormously powerful financial institution. But the Bank of China is very different from the Bank of America. The Bank of China is government-owned, which means that its role as a bank blurs into its role as a tool of the government. The Bank of China provides capital for “China’s economic statecraft,” as scholar James Reilly puts it. Bank loans and deals often occur within the context of a government goal.”

“….a $1 billion investment fund ….In short, the Chinese government was literally funding a business that it co-owned along with the sons of two of America’s most powerful decision makers.”

Democrat politicians…..the ones you voters give control of government.

Whose interests do they have at heart?????
12. The Kerry and Biden boys “joined forces with the automotive subsidiary of the Chinese state-owned military aviation contractor Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) to buy American “dual-use” parts manufacturer Henniges.

AVIC is a major military contractor in China. It operates “under the direct control of the State Council” and produces a wide array of fighter and bomber aircraft, transports, and drones — primarily designed to compete with the United States.

The company also has a long history of stealing Western technology and applying it to military systems. The year before BHR joined with AVIC, the Wall Street Journal reported that the aviation company had stolen technologies related to the US F-35 stealth fighter and incorporated them in their own stealth fighter, the J-31. AVIC has also been accused of stealing US drone systems and using them to produce their own.

The technology is also on the restricted Commerce Control List used by the federal government to limit the exports of certain technologies. For that reason, the Henniges deal would require the approval of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), which reviews sensitive business transactions that may have a national security implication.

According to BHR internal documents, the Henniges deal included “arduous and often-times challenging negotiations.” The CFIUS review in 2015 included representatives from numerous government agencies including John Kerry’s State Department.”

How many American pilots would have to die to provide oodles of bucks to the Biden and Kerry families??? What the heck…..

13. BTW….Hillary controlled the CFIUS when it rubber stamped the uranium deal.

“Clinton at the time was secretary of state in the Obama administration…and represented the State Department on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) that approved the 2010 deal. Only the president had the power to suspend or stop the deal.” Clinton extorted nuclear officials in the uranium deal, a Breitbart editor says on Fox News

Vote Democrat if you want to support the Chinese Air Force, and Russian uranium industry.

They sell out America for a paycheck.
"Exclusive — 2016 Arizona Police Report: Cocaine Pipe Found in Car Rented by Joe Biden’s Son Hunter Biden, Authorities Declined to Prosecute

Also found in the vehicle were several personal effects of Hunter Biden, then-Vice President Joe Biden’s son, like two of his DC driver’s licenses, multiple credit cards, and personally identifying information like a Delaware Attorney General badge and a U.S. Secret Service business card that police said bore his name. Hunter Biden, according to the police report, had rented the vehicle from a location in California with the intent to return it to the Prescott, Arizona, location, where it was discovered the morning after it was dropped off with the drug paraphernalia and Hunter Biden’s personal effects inside."
2016 Police Report: Cocaine Pipe Found in Car Rented by Hunter Biden
Of course not. Democrats have the interests of the lowest dregs of the Third World at heart (to give a virtue-signaling illusion of charity & compassion that's faker than a $7 bill). And always at America's expense.
“…Hunter Biden, the son of America’s vice president, and Christopher Heinz, the stepson of [John Kerry] were creating was an international private equity firm…. positioned to strike profitable deals overseas with foreign governments and officials with whom the US government was negotiating.”

8. “…both Joe Biden and John Kerry negotiated sensitive and high-stakes deals with foreign governments, Rosemont entities secured a series of exclusive deals often with those same foreign governments.

A troubling pattern emerges from this research, showing how profitable deals were struck with foreign governments on the heels of crucial diplomatic missions carried out by their powerful fathers. Often those foreign entities gained favorable policy actions from the United States government just as the sons were securing favorable financial deals from those same entities.

Nowhere is that more true than in their commercial dealings with Chinese government-backed enterprises.”

9. And, the Biden and Kerry kids partnered with “James Bulger, the nephew of the notorious mob hitman James “Whitey” Bulger. Whitey was the leader of the Winter Hill Gang, part of the South Boston mafia. Under indictment for 19 murders, he disappeared. He was later arrested, tried, and convicted….[and] James Bulger’s father, Whitey’s younger brother, Billy Bulger…

10 …Hunter Biden and Devon Archer were in China, having secured access at the highest levels. Thornton Group’s account of the meeting on their Chinese-language website was telling: Chinese executives “extended their warm welcome” to the “Thornton Group, with its US partner Rosemont Seneca chairman Hunter Biden (second son of the now Vice President Joe Biden).”

The purpose of the meetings was to “explore the possibility of commercial cooperation and opportunity.” Curiously, details about the meeting do not appear on their English-language website.

Also, according to the Thornton Group, the three Americans met with the largest and most powerful government fund leaders in China — even though Rosemont was both new and small.

The timing of this meeting was also curious. It occurred just hours before Hunter Biden’s father, the vice president, met with Chinese President Hu in Washington as part of the Nuclear Security Summit.”

Soooo….wadda’ ya’ think…are the Chinese simply inscrutable??? Or….do you see what’s behind the Bamboo Curtain?

Remember when Bill Clinton sold our missile technology to China for Red Army ‘donations’??? “Bill Clinton gave China missile technology” Flashback: Bill Clinton gave China missile technology

What sort of promises did Biden and Kerry have to make to China to get this…..

11. “There was a second known meeting with many of the same Chinese financial titans in Taiwan in May 2011. For a small firm like Rosemont Seneca with no track record, it was an impressive level of access to China’s largest financial players. And it was just two weeks after Joe Biden had opened up the US-China strategic dialogue with Chinese officials in Washington.

…the trip coincided with a major deal that Rosemont Seneca was striking with the state-owned Bank of China. From his perspective, the timing couldn’t have been better.

Rosemont Seneca Partners had been negotiating an exclusive deal with Chinese officials, which they signed approximately 10 days after Hunter visited China with his father. The most powerful financial institution in China, the government’s Bank of China, was setting up a joint venture with Rosemont Seneca.

Often those foreign entities gained favorable policy actions from the United States government just as the sons were securing favorable financial deals from those same entities.

The Bank of China is an enormously powerful financial institution. But the Bank of China is very different from the Bank of America. The Bank of China is government-owned, which means that its role as a bank blurs into its role as a tool of the government. The Bank of China provides capital for “China’s economic statecraft,” as scholar James Reilly puts it. Bank loans and deals often occur within the context of a government goal.”

“….a $1 billion investment fund ….In short, the Chinese government was literally funding a business that it co-owned along with the sons of two of America’s most powerful decision makers.”

Democrat politicians…..the ones you voters give control of government.

Whose interests do they have at heart?????

12. The Kerry and Biden boys “joined forces with the automotive subsidiary of the Chinese state-owned military aviation contractor Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) to buy American “dual-use” parts manufacturer Henniges.

AVIC is a major military contractor in China. It operates “under the direct control of the State Council” and produces a wide array of fighter and bomber aircraft, transports, and drones — primarily designed to compete with the United States.

The company also has a long history of stealing Western technology and applying it to military systems. The year before BHR joined with AVIC, the Wall Street Journal reported that the aviation company had stolen technologies related to the US F-35 stealth fighter and incorporated them in their own stealth fighter, the J-31. AVIC has also been accused of stealing US drone systems and using them to produce their own.

The technology is also on the restricted Commerce Control List used by the federal government to limit the exports of certain technologies. For that reason, the Henniges deal would require the approval of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), which reviews sensitive business transactions that may have a national security implication.

According to BHR internal documents, the Henniges deal included “arduous and often-times challenging negotiations.” The CFIUS review in 2015 included representatives from numerous government agencies including John Kerry’s State Department.”

How many American pilots would have to die to provide oodles of bucks to the Biden and Kerry families??? What the heck…..

13. BTW….Hillary controlled the CFIUS when it rubber stamped the uranium deal.

“Clinton at the time was secretary of state in the Obama administration…and represented the State Department on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) that approved the 2010 deal. Only the president had the power to suspend or stop the deal.” Clinton extorted nuclear officials in the uranium deal, a Breitbart editor says on Fox News

Vote Democrat if you want to support the Chinese Air Force, and Russian uranium industry.

They sell out America for a paycheck.

You know, my cousin explained this succinctly yesterday. They were members of the CFR and Trilateral commission, and their thinking is that they have to maintain balance in the world. If that means giving China our missile tech so things are on a more even keel, so be it. They want all countries to be equal. I suppose they never figured that they could make a mistake and it could end up disastrous, but that's the reality of the situation.
“…Hunter Biden, the son of America’s vice president, and Christopher Heinz, the stepson of [John Kerry] were creating was an international private equity firm…. positioned to strike profitable deals overseas with foreign governments and officials with whom the US government was negotiating.”

8. “…both Joe Biden and John Kerry negotiated sensitive and high-stakes deals with foreign governments, Rosemont entities secured a series of exclusive deals often with those same foreign governments.

A troubling pattern emerges from this research, showing how profitable deals were struck with foreign governments on the heels of crucial diplomatic missions carried out by their powerful fathers. Often those foreign entities gained favorable policy actions from the United States government just as the sons were securing favorable financial deals from those same entities.

Nowhere is that more true than in their commercial dealings with Chinese government-backed enterprises.”

9. And, the Biden and Kerry kids partnered with “James Bulger, the nephew of the notorious mob hitman James “Whitey” Bulger. Whitey was the leader of the Winter Hill Gang, part of the South Boston mafia. Under indictment for 19 murders, he disappeared. He was later arrested, tried, and convicted….[and] James Bulger’s father, Whitey’s younger brother, Billy Bulger…

10 …Hunter Biden and Devon Archer were in China, having secured access at the highest levels. Thornton Group’s account of the meeting on their Chinese-language website was telling: Chinese executives “extended their warm welcome” to the “Thornton Group, with its US partner Rosemont Seneca chairman Hunter Biden (second son of the now Vice President Joe Biden).”

The purpose of the meetings was to “explore the possibility of commercial cooperation and opportunity.” Curiously, details about the meeting do not appear on their English-language website.

Also, according to the Thornton Group, the three Americans met with the largest and most powerful government fund leaders in China — even though Rosemont was both new and small.

The timing of this meeting was also curious. It occurred just hours before Hunter Biden’s father, the vice president, met with Chinese President Hu in Washington as part of the Nuclear Security Summit.”

Soooo….wadda’ ya’ think…are the Chinese simply inscrutable??? Or….do you see what’s behind the Bamboo Curtain?

Remember when Bill Clinton sold our missile technology to China for Red Army ‘donations’??? “Bill Clinton gave China missile technology” Flashback: Bill Clinton gave China missile technology

What sort of promises did Biden and Kerry have to make to China to get this…..

11. “There was a second known meeting with many of the same Chinese financial titans in Taiwan in May 2011. For a small firm like Rosemont Seneca with no track record, it was an impressive level of access to China’s largest financial players. And it was just two weeks after Joe Biden had opened up the US-China strategic dialogue with Chinese officials in Washington.

…the trip coincided with a major deal that Rosemont Seneca was striking with the state-owned Bank of China. From his perspective, the timing couldn’t have been better.

Rosemont Seneca Partners had been negotiating an exclusive deal with Chinese officials, which they signed approximately 10 days after Hunter visited China with his father. The most powerful financial institution in China, the government’s Bank of China, was setting up a joint venture with Rosemont Seneca.

Often those foreign entities gained favorable policy actions from the United States government just as the sons were securing favorable financial deals from those same entities.

The Bank of China is an enormously powerful financial institution. But the Bank of China is very different from the Bank of America. The Bank of China is government-owned, which means that its role as a bank blurs into its role as a tool of the government. The Bank of China provides capital for “China’s economic statecraft,” as scholar James Reilly puts it. Bank loans and deals often occur within the context of a government goal.”

“….a $1 billion investment fund ….In short, the Chinese government was literally funding a business that it co-owned along with the sons of two of America’s most powerful decision makers.”

Democrat politicians…..the ones you voters give control of government.

Whose interests do they have at heart?????

12. The Kerry and Biden boys “joined forces with the automotive subsidiary of the Chinese state-owned military aviation contractor Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) to buy American “dual-use” parts manufacturer Henniges.

AVIC is a major military contractor in China. It operates “under the direct control of the State Council” and produces a wide array of fighter and bomber aircraft, transports, and drones — primarily designed to compete with the United States.

The company also has a long history of stealing Western technology and applying it to military systems. The year before BHR joined with AVIC, the Wall Street Journal reported that the aviation company had stolen technologies related to the US F-35 stealth fighter and incorporated them in their own stealth fighter, the J-31. AVIC has also been accused of stealing US drone systems and using them to produce their own.

The technology is also on the restricted Commerce Control List used by the federal government to limit the exports of certain technologies. For that reason, the Henniges deal would require the approval of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), which reviews sensitive business transactions that may have a national security implication.

According to BHR internal documents, the Henniges deal included “arduous and often-times challenging negotiations.” The CFIUS review in 2015 included representatives from numerous government agencies including John Kerry’s State Department.”

How many American pilots would have to die to provide oodles of bucks to the Biden and Kerry families??? What the heck…..

13. BTW….Hillary controlled the CFIUS when it rubber stamped the uranium deal.

“Clinton at the time was secretary of state in the Obama administration…and represented the State Department on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) that approved the 2010 deal. Only the president had the power to suspend or stop the deal.” Clinton extorted nuclear officials in the uranium deal, a Breitbart editor says on Fox News

Vote Democrat if you want to support the Chinese Air Force, and Russian uranium industry.

They sell out America for a paycheck.

You know, my cousin explained this succinctly yesterday. They were members of the CFR and Trilateral commission, and their thinking is that they have to maintain balance in the world. If that means giving China our missile tech so things are on a more even keel, so be it. They want all countries to be equal. I suppose they never figured that they could make a mistake and it could end up disastrous, but that's the reality of the situation.

Exactly the same thinking that sent the Rosenbergs to the electric chairs.
One thing we have going for us is that China has a penchant for producing crap knock-offs. ;)

Their guns don't shoot as good as ours, I highly doubt their missles fly better as well. Now if only we could get the kids to back to shooting! :113:

I'll tell you right now, I have seen some baaaad shooting Americans, and by bad I mean good!

They'll hitcha, boy! I would not bet against it.

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