Democrats Change 181 Year-Old Rule To Allow Ilhan Omar To Wear Hijab In The House

There appears to some smoke-filled back room where a bunch of weirdos make up stuff to disseminate online to the foolish.

Not only is calling someone a "dothead" totally disgusting and repulsive, it also displays the ignorance of the people responsible for it. Wearing a dot on the forehead is a Hindu custom. This freshman rep is a Muslim.

I find it interesting that among several Ethiopians living in my neighborhood, some of the older women have the Ethiopian Cross tattooed on their foreheads.

I guess that I'm supposed to quake in fear as the woman in a hijab bags my groceries at the Giant.
Republicans are racist.

They don't know much about different religions because they simply don't know much about anything at all.

These are people who believe the earth is thousands of years old and we were shimmered into being from dirt. If you believe that, you can be brainwashed into believing anything.

Republicans prove that point.

What the fuck?

What they are doing is promoting one religion over another..

And your ok with it. Of course you are dot head .

What a stupid comment. Go look up the word "promote." She could be sitting next to a guy wearing a yarmulke. And I'm not a Hindu, moron, not that there is any problem with being Hindu.


It's against the law for her to wear her dot head shit in Congress..

Congress shall establishe no religion .

If you don't think lawyers don't ghost read this your crazy..

The left is trying to end Christianity.

You dumbfuck, there is no such law


... don’t you ever tire of making an imbecile of yourself??

So what's this shit about separation of church and state, you fucking dot head?


Karthik Balakrishnan, Illegal Dot Head dies during first solo skydive - Pulled his turban instead of his parachute rip cord

Company offers the family a 1/2 refund on trip price. "We did get him up in the air, it's not our fault how he landed!"


Karthik Balakrishnan was to return to his native India next week to help support his parents.

But before he left, the software engineer wanted to follow his passion and parachute solo for the first time.

“None of us liked it because we knew the dangers involved,” said his brother-in-law, Rajalingam Arunachalam. “But he was very passionate about it.”

His worst fears were realized when the 30-year-old Balakrishman died Sunday after encountering trouble shortly after his chute opened in the skies over downstate Ottawa. Witnesses say Balakrishnan went into "several radical turns" before he lost control and slammed to the ground, according to the LaSalle County sheriff's office.

Balakrishnan had skydived several times, but always in tandem with an instructor, Arnachalam said. Sunday was his first solo outing.

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Read the first amendment and get back to me

How is allowing a head scarf showing preference?
It's giving an exemption to a religion that none other has.
I thought that was obvious. "Okay, we'll let you ignore the rules everyone else must follow".
What is it about the word preference that you don't understand?

Why do you want to be such a prick a about a woman exercising her religion?
Why do you want to be a prick about respecting the rules of congress that have stood for nearly two hundred years?
Because the rules were written for men wearing headgear at a time they never envisioned s Muslim woman being elected

Congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

What is not clear?

We thought dot heads Founded This country according to the Messiah?

You are very mixed up. There is a country called "India," which is in Asia. The predominant religion there is Hinduism. Look for it on a globe. Columbus got confused when he bumped into North America on his way to India and he thought that the people he found living in North America must be "Indians." They were really Native Americans, but the name stuck.

BTW: What the House changed was a House rule, not a law.

What are they teaching you folks out there?
Read the first amendment and get back to me

How is allowing a head scarf showing preference?
It's giving an exemption to a religion that none other has.
I thought that was obvious. "Okay, we'll let you ignore the rules everyone else must follow".
What is it about the word preference that you don't understand?

Why do you want to be such a prick a about a woman exercising her religion?
Why do you want to be a prick about respecting the rules of congress that have stood for nearly two hundred years?
Because the rules were written for men wearing headgear at a time they never envisioned s Muslim woman being elected

Congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

What is not clear?
And the rule was never established for religious purposes. It was just a general rule for showing respect in the chamber that people shouldn’t wear hats.

Let us guess your a dot head ?

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

How many times do you need to be taught the difference between “your” and “you’re?”

Your ignorance is showing.

You’re a moron.

Republicans are racist.

They don't know much about different religions because they simply don't know much about anything at all.

These are people who believe the earth is thousands of years old and we were shimmered into being from dirt. If you believe that, you can be brainwashed into believing anything.

Republicans prove that point.

What the fuck?

What they are doing is promoting one religion over another..

And your ok with it. Of course you are dot head .

What a stupid comment. Go look up the word "promote." She could be sitting next to a guy wearing a yarmulke. And I'm not a Hindu, moron, not that there is any problem with being Hindu.


It's against the law for her to wear her dot head shit in Congress..

Congress shall establishe no religion .

If you don't think lawyers don't ghost read this your crazy..

The left is trying to end Christianity.

You dumbfuck, there is no such law


... don’t you ever tire of making an imbecile of yourself??

So what's this shit about separation of church and state, you fucking dot head?


Karthik Balakrishnan, Illegal Dot Head dies during first solo skydive - Pulled his turban instead of his parachute rip cord

Company offers the family a 1/2 refund on trip price. "We did get him up in the air, it's not our fault how he landed!"


Karthik Balakrishnan was to return to his native India next week to help support his parents.

But before he left, the software engineer wanted to follow his passion and parachute solo for the first time.

“None of us liked it because we knew the dangers involved,” said his brother-in-law, Rajalingam Arunachalam. “But he was very passionate about it.”

His worst fears were realized when the 30-year-old Balakrishman died Sunday after encountering trouble shortly after his chute opened in the skies over downstate Ottawa. Witnesses say Balakrishnan went into "several radical turns" before he lost control and slammed to the ground, according to the LaSalle County sheriff's office.

Balakrishnan had skydived several times, but always in tandem with an instructor, Arnachalam said. Sunday was his first solo outing.


Oh look, turns out bear513 likes shavedlongcock. Well that explains a lot.

Burqa Bans: Which Countries Outlaw Face Coverings?

PARIS — The Canadian province of Quebec is the latest place to make it a crime to wear a face-covering garment in public, a move that critics derided as discriminatory against Muslim women.

Quebec’s law, enacted on Wednesday, is the first of its kind in North America, but similar measures — sometimes referred to as burqa bans — have existed in Europe for years.


The French-speaking province of Quebec has barred people with face coverings from receiving public services or from working in government jobs.

Sigh !
You do know there is a difference between a hijab and a burqa dont you ?

Same thing to a half German half polack like me born in Chicago..

Once again I thought there was supposed to be separation of church and state in America?
I cant see that this makes Islam the state religion. Are politicians allowed to wear crucifix in congress ?

Two completely different topics.

Apples and oranges.

This is the West, not the East.

For centuries it has been the culture in this nation that it is disrespectful to have head coverings inside a building.

It has nothing to do with respect to be wearing jewelry.

Thus, your comparison is a false analogy.

Now, if you want to compare a nun's habit or a veil, then you have an adequate analogy.

Actually, the comparison works pretty well. If allowing someone to wear a religious head covering violates the separation of church and state, allowing someone to wear religious jewelry would seem to do the same. In both cases it's a form of religious apparel.

Try, just TRY to leave the religion component out of it for a moment.

I know it is hard, but just TRY.
"In public buildings such as a school, library, courthouse, or town hall"

Respect that culture of the nation you are in, or go home.
What the fuck?

What they are doing is promoting one religion over another..

And your ok with it. Of course you are dot head .

What a stupid comment. Go look up the word "promote." She could be sitting next to a guy wearing a yarmulke. And I'm not a Hindu, moron, not that there is any problem with being Hindu.


It's against the law for her to wear her dot head shit in Congress..

Congress shall establishe no religion .

If you don't think lawyers don't ghost read this your crazy..

The left is trying to end Christianity.

You dumbfuck, there is no such law


... don’t you ever tire of making an imbecile of yourself??

So what's this shit about separation of church and state, you fucking dot head?


Karthik Balakrishnan, Illegal Dot Head dies during first solo skydive - Pulled his turban instead of his parachute rip cord

Company offers the family a 1/2 refund on trip price. "We did get him up in the air, it's not our fault how he landed!"


Karthik Balakrishnan was to return to his native India next week to help support his parents.

But before he left, the software engineer wanted to follow his passion and parachute solo for the first time.

“None of us liked it because we knew the dangers involved,” said his brother-in-law, Rajalingam Arunachalam. “But he was very passionate about it.”

His worst fears were realized when the 30-year-old Balakrishman died Sunday after encountering trouble shortly after his chute opened in the skies over downstate Ottawa. Witnesses say Balakrishnan went into "several radical turns" before he lost control and slammed to the ground, according to the LaSalle County sheriff's office.

Balakrishnan had skydived several times, but always in tandem with an instructor, Arnachalam said. Sunday was his first solo outing.


Oh look, turns out bear513 likes shavedlongcock. Well that explains a lot.


Still want to say their is no separation of church and state , dot head?

Read the first amendment and get back to me

How is allowing a head scarf showing preference?
It's giving an exemption to a religion that none other has.
I thought that was obvious. "Okay, we'll let you ignore the rules everyone else must follow".
What is it about the word preference that you don't understand?

Why do you want to be such a prick a about a woman exercising her religion?
Why do you want to be a prick about respecting the rules of congress that have stood for nearly two hundred years?
Because the rules were written for men wearing headgear at a time they never envisioned s Muslim woman being elected

Congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

What is not clear?
And the rule was never established for religious purposes. It was just a general rule for showing respect in the chamber that people shouldn’t wear hats.

Let us guess your a dot head ?

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

How many times do you need to be taught the difference between “your” and “you’re?”

Your ignorance is showing.

You’re a moron.


How many times do we have to teach you to pee I the urinal and shit in the toilet?

Dot head?
Burqa Bans: Which Countries Outlaw Face Coverings?

PARIS — The Canadian province of Quebec is the latest place to make it a crime to wear a face-covering garment in public, a move that critics derided as discriminatory against Muslim women.

Quebec’s law, enacted on Wednesday, is the first of its kind in North America, but similar measures — sometimes referred to as burqa bans — have existed in Europe for years.


The French-speaking province of Quebec has barred people with face coverings from receiving public services or from working in government jobs.

Sigh !
You do know there is a difference between a hijab and a burqa dont you ?

Same thing to a half German half polack like me born in Chicago..

Once again I thought there was supposed to be separation of church and state in America?
I cant see that this makes Islam the state religion. Are politicians allowed to wear crucifix in congress ?

Two completely different topics.

Apples and oranges.

This is the West, not the East.

For centuries it has been the culture in this nation that it is disrespectful to have head coverings inside a building.

It has nothing to do with respect to be wearing jewelry.

Thus, your comparison is a false analogy.

Now, if you want to compare a nun's habit or a veil, then you have an adequate analogy.

Actually, the comparison works pretty well. If allowing someone to wear a religious head covering violates the separation of church and state, allowing someone to wear religious jewelry would seem to do the same. In both cases it's a form of religious apparel.

One is flaunting one is not
I am going to have a field day with this one..

You tards want separation of church and state and allow this?


Why don't you have a problem with people who wear christian crosses?

That's a religious symbol but christians wear it every day in our congress. They have crosses as lapel pins and as charms on necklaces, earrings and bracelets.

Yet a muslim can't wear a head scarf.

Seems to me it's you who is violating the first amendment.

If christians can wear a cross, a muslim can wear a head scarf. if that woman can't wear her head scarf then all those christians shouldn't be allowed to wear a cross. By allowing that cross and not the head scarf, the government is putting christianity above other religions and violating the first amendment.

You have proof?

I don't remember seeing anyone wearing one


Just because you don't remember it doesn't men it doesn't happen every day.

It does.

Men wear it on their lapel as a pin and women wear it as jewelry.

I've seen it many times.

Plus, they start the day every day with a christian prayer given by a christian minister.

So. If christian prayers by christian ministers can be said in congress, if crosses can be worn in congress, then a head scarf can be worn in congress.

It doesn't matter what you think. You don't matter to anyone.

What matters is what congress does and our constitution says.

By the way, democrats can't change anything in our congress. They are the minority. The change is being done by republicans who control our congress right now.

So stop lying and being such a hypocrite. What you say and want means absolutely nothing to everyone. She will wear her head scarf to our congress and she will create laws you have to follow.

She has power. You have nothing. LOL. Republicans who control our government right now voted to allow head scarfs.

Deal with it.
Read the first amendment and get back to me

How is allowing a head scarf showing preference?
It's giving an exemption to a religion that none other has.
I thought that was obvious. "Okay, we'll let you ignore the rules everyone else must follow".
What is it about the word preference that you don't understand?

Why do you want to be such a prick a about a woman exercising her religion?
Why do you want to be a prick about respecting the rules of congress that have stood for nearly two hundred years?
Because the rules were written for men wearing headgear at a time they never envisioned s Muslim woman being elected

Congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

What is not clear?

We thought dot heads Founded This country according to the Messiah?

You are very mixed up. There is a country called "India," which is in Asia. The predominant religion there is Hinduism. Look for it on a globe. Columbus got confused when he bumped into North America on his way to India and he thought that the people he found living in North America must be "Indians." They were really Native Americans, but the name stuck.

BTW: What the House changed was a House rule, not a law.

What are they teaching you folks out there?

All dot heads to me..

The left is changing the laws while trying to fight simple Christianity which this country was founded on

We haven't had a female Muslim elected in 181 years

So, that's all she has to offer in your mind? No surprise there.
It is asshole Republicans whining about a head scarf

Nothing to do with the head scarf. It’s changing rules to accommodate people of other cultures. No other country does it except us.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What is the harm?

Listen Einstein, we have liberals bitching about the ten commandments, crosses on public property and now the liberals change their mind to accommodate some dot head

Dot head? Are you confused again Bear?

Do we need to call the people at the home?
I am going to have a field day with this one..

You tards want separation of church and state and allow this?


Why don't you have a problem with people who wear christian crosses?

That's a religious symbol but christians wear it every day in our congress. They have crosses as lapel pins and as charms on necklaces, earrings and bracelets.

Yet a muslim can't wear a head scarf.

Seems to me it's you who is violating the first amendment.

If christians can wear a cross, a muslim can wear a head scarf. if that woman can't wear her head scarf then all those christians shouldn't be allowed to wear a cross. By allowing that cross and not the head scarf, the government is putting christianity above other religions and violating the first amendment.

You have proof?

I don't remember seeing anyone wearing one


Just because you don't remember it doesn't men it doesn't happen every day.

It does.

Men wear it on their lapel as a pin and women wear it as jewelry.

I've seen it many times.

Plus, they start the day every day with a christian prayer given by a christian minister.

So. If christian prayers by christian ministers can be said in congress, if crosses can be worn in congress, then a head scarf can be worn in congress.

It doesn't matter what you think. You don't matter to anyone.

What matters is what congress does and our constitution says.

By the way, democrats can't change anything in our congress. They are the minority. The change is being done by republicans who control our congress right now.

So stop lying and being such a hypocrite. What you say and want means absolutely nothing to everyone. She will wear her head scarf to our congress and she will create laws you have to follow.

She has power. You have nothing. LOL. Republicans who control our government right now voted to allow head scarfs.

Deal with it.

She will wear her head scarf to our congress and she will create laws you have to follow.

You don't know how this works do you?

Go back to school idiot..

Read the first amendment and get back to me

How is allowing a head scarf showing preference?
It's giving an exemption to a religion that none other has.
I thought that was obvious. "Okay, we'll let you ignore the rules everyone else must follow".
What is it about the word preference that you don't understand?

Why do you want to be such a prick a about a woman exercising her religion?
Why do you want to be a prick about respecting the rules of congress that have stood for nearly two hundred years?
Because the rules were written for men wearing headgear at a time they never envisioned s Muslim woman being elected

Congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

What is not clear?

We thought dot heads Founded This country according to the Messiah?

You are very mixed up. There is a country called "India," which is in Asia. The predominant religion there is Hinduism. Look for it on a globe. Columbus got confused when he bumped into North America on his way to India and he thought that the people he found living in North America must be "Indians." They were really Native Americans, but the name stuck.

BTW: What the House changed was a House rule, not a law.

What are they teaching you folks out there?

All dot heads to me..

The left is changing the laws while trying to fight simple Christianity which this country was founded on

You really are one of the dumbest posters here. You almost make me feel guilty for laughing at you.

Still, no law is changed and Christianity is not compromised. Sadly, bigots like you are simply too retarded to even know what you’re outraged about.
I am going to have a field day with this one..

You tards want separation of church and state and allow this?


Why don't you have a problem with people who wear christian crosses?

That's a religious symbol but christians wear it every day in our congress. They have crosses as lapel pins and as charms on necklaces, earrings and bracelets.

Yet a muslim can't wear a head scarf.

Seems to me it's you who is violating the first amendment.

If christians can wear a cross, a muslim can wear a head scarf. if that woman can't wear her head scarf then all those christians shouldn't be allowed to wear a cross. By allowing that cross and not the head scarf, the government is putting christianity above other religions and violating the first amendment.

You have proof?

I don't remember seeing anyone wearing one


Just because you don't remember it doesn't men it doesn't happen every day.

It does.

Men wear it on their lapel as a pin and women wear it as jewelry.

I've seen it many times.

Plus, they start the day every day with a christian prayer given by a christian minister.

So. If christian prayers by christian ministers can be said in congress, if crosses can be worn in congress, then a head scarf can be worn in congress.

It doesn't matter what you think. You don't matter to anyone.

What matters is what congress does and our constitution says.

By the way, democrats can't change anything in our congress. They are the minority. The change is being done by republicans who control our congress right now.

So stop lying and being such a hypocrite. What you say and want means absolutely nothing to everyone. She will wear her head scarf to our congress and she will create laws you have to follow.

She has power. You have nothing. LOL. Republicans who control our government right now voted to allow head scarfs.

Deal with it.

She will wear her head scarf to our congress and she will create laws you have to follow.

You don't know how this works do you?

Go back to school idiot..


This has to be the most funniest retarded / ignorant post of the day

She will wear her head scarf to our congress and she will create laws you have to follow.
I am going to have a field day with this one..

You tards want separation of church and state and allow this?


Why don't you have a problem with people who wear christian crosses?

That's a religious symbol but christians wear it every day in our congress. They have crosses as lapel pins and as charms on necklaces, earrings and bracelets.

Yet a muslim can't wear a head scarf.

Seems to me it's you who is violating the first amendment.

If christians can wear a cross, a muslim can wear a head scarf. if that woman can't wear her head scarf then all those christians shouldn't be allowed to wear a cross. By allowing that cross and not the head scarf, the government is putting christianity above other religions and violating the first amendment.

You have proof?

I don't remember seeing anyone wearing one


Just because you don't remember it doesn't men it doesn't happen every day.

It does.

Men wear it on their lapel as a pin and women wear it as jewelry.

I've seen it many times.

Plus, they start the day every day with a christian prayer given by a christian minister.

So. If christian prayers by christian ministers can be said in congress, if crosses can be worn in congress, then a head scarf can be worn in congress.

It doesn't matter what you think. You don't matter to anyone.

What matters is what congress does and our constitution says.

By the way, democrats can't change anything in our congress. They are the minority. The change is being done by republicans who control our congress right now.

So stop lying and being such a hypocrite. What you say and want means absolutely nothing to everyone. She will wear her head scarf to our congress and she will create laws you have to follow.

She has power. You have nothing. LOL. Republicans who control our government right now voted to allow head scarfs.

Deal with it.

She will wear her head scarf to our congress and she will create laws you have to follow.

You don't know how this works do you?

Go back to school idiot..


This has to be the most funniest retarded / ignorant post of the day

She will wear her head scarf to our congress and she will create laws you have to follow.

So in your world you think one dumb dot head writes laws and the president signs them ?

It's giving an exemption to a religion that none other has.
I thought that was obvious. "Okay, we'll let you ignore the rules everyone else must follow".
What is it about the word preference that you don't understand?

Why do you want to be a prick about respecting the rules of congress that have stood for nearly two hundred years?
Because the rules were written for men wearing headgear at a time they never envisioned s Muslim woman being elected

Congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

What is not clear?

We thought dot heads Founded This country according to the Messiah?

You are very mixed up. There is a country called "India," which is in Asia. The predominant religion there is Hinduism. Look for it on a globe. Columbus got confused when he bumped into North America on his way to India and he thought that the people he found living in North America must be "Indians." They were really Native Americans, but the name stuck.

BTW: What the House changed was a House rule, not a law.

What are they teaching you folks out there?

All dot heads to me..

The left is changing the laws while trying to fight simple Christianity which this country was founded on

You really are one of the dumbest posters here. You almost make me feel guilty for laughing at you.

Still, no law is changed and Christianity is not compromised. Sadly, bigots like you are simply too retarded to even know what you’re outraged about.

Says the Illegal dot head .

Read the first amendment and get back to me

How is allowing a head scarf showing preference?
It's giving an exemption to a religion that none other has.
I thought that was obvious. "Okay, we'll let you ignore the rules everyone else must follow".
What is it about the word preference that you don't understand?

Why do you want to be such a prick a about a woman exercising her religion?
Why do you want to be a prick about respecting the rules of congress that have stood for nearly two hundred years?
Because the rules were written for men wearing headgear at a time they never envisioned s Muslim woman being elected

Congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

What is not clear?
And the rule was never established for religious purposes. It was just a general rule for showing respect in the chamber that people shouldn’t wear hats.
Not only did they not anticipate a Muslim being elected, they never anticipated a woman being elected
I am enjoying the hell out of this thread.

This is so amusing to me..I am peeing in my pants over the hypocrisy of the left


All this thread is moot anyway

The Democrats will change the rule once they take over the House
Read the first amendment and get back to me

How is allowing a head scarf showing preference?
It's giving an exemption to a religion that none other has.
I thought that was obvious. "Okay, we'll let you ignore the rules everyone else must follow".
What is it about the word preference that you don't understand?

Why do you want to be such a prick a about a woman exercising her religion?
Why do you want to be a prick about respecting the rules of congress that have stood for nearly two hundred years?
Because the rules were written for men wearing headgear at a time they never envisioned s Muslim woman being elected

Congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

What is not clear?
And the rule was never established for religious purposes. It was just a general rule for showing respect in the chamber that people shouldn’t wear hats.
Not only did they not anticipate a Muslim being elected, they never anticipated a woman being elected

No shit the left hates women..

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