Democrats Change 181 Year-Old Rule To Allow Ilhan Omar To Wear Hijab In The House

Because the rules were written for men wearing headgear at a time they never envisioned s Muslim woman being elected

Congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

What is not clear?
So they would have made special exclusions for Muslims had they known?
This rule change is not special just for Muslims.

Of course it is you dumbass. It was not proposed until some district was stupid enough to elect one.
And it covers anyone of any faith requiring a head covering. So no, not special for Muslims. I don’t care how bigoted you are.

Fuck you .

You're promoting dot head shit

So they would have made special exclusions for Muslims had they known?
This rule change is not special just for Muslims.

Of course it is you dumbass. It was not proposed until some district was stupid enough to elect one.
And it covers anyone of any faith requiring a head covering. So no, not special for Muslims. I don’t care how bigoted you are.

Fuck you .

You're promoting dot head shit


We are going to laugh at your hypocrisy..

This is a huge gift ..:)

The hypocrisy you still can’t demonstrate?

The establishment clause you stupid tard

Es·tab·lish·ment Clause
  1. the clause in the First Amendment of the US Constitution that prohibits the establishment of religion by Congress.

This has nothing at all to do with the Establishment Clause. No one is being required to wear anyone else's religious symbol. Islam is not being elevated to be the official religion of the U.S. House of Representatives. Where are you getting this stuff???
Fear...he's afraid of a young woman in a hijab.

There appears to some smoke-filled back room where a bunch of weirdos make up stuff to disseminate online to the foolish.

Not only is calling someone a "dothead" totally disgusting and repulsive, it also displays the ignorance of the people responsible for it. Wearing a dot on the forehead is a Hindu custom. This freshman rep is a Muslim.

I find it interesting that among several Ethiopians living in my neighborhood, some of the older women have the Ethiopian Cross tattooed on their foreheads.

I guess that I'm supposed to quake in fear as the woman in a hijab bags my groceries at the Giant.
Republicans are racist.

They don't know much about different religions because they simply don't know much about anything at all.

These are people who believe the earth is thousands of years old and we were shimmered into being from dirt. If you believe that, you can be brainwashed into believing anything.

Republicans prove that point.

What the fuck?

What they are doing is promoting one religion over another..

And your ok with it. Of course you are dot head .
Nope...they are getting rid of a hat-wearing this guy is ok:
as is this guy:
and these women:
This has nothing at all to do with the Establishment Clause. No one is being required to wear anyone else's religious symbol. Islam is not being elevated to be the official religion of the U.S. House of Representatives. Where are you getting this stuff???
Fear...he's afraid of a young woman in a hijab.

There appears to some smoke-filled back room where a bunch of weirdos make up stuff to disseminate online to the foolish.

Not only is calling someone a "dothead" totally disgusting and repulsive, it also displays the ignorance of the people responsible for it. Wearing a dot on the forehead is a Hindu custom. This freshman rep is a Muslim.

I find it interesting that among several Ethiopians living in my neighborhood, some of the older women have the Ethiopian Cross tattooed on their foreheads.

I guess that I'm supposed to quake in fear as the woman in a hijab bags my groceries at the Giant.
Republicans are racist.

They don't know much about different religions because they simply don't know much about anything at all.

These are people who believe the earth is thousands of years old and we were shimmered into being from dirt. If you believe that, you can be brainwashed into believing anything.

Republicans prove that point.

What the fuck?

What they are doing is promoting one religion over another..

And your ok with it. Of course you are dot head .

What a stupid comment. Go look up the word "promote." She could be sitting next to a guy wearing a yarmulke. And I'm not a Hindu, moron, not that there is any problem with being Hindu.


It's against the law for her to wear her dot head shit in Congress..

Congress shall establishe no religion .

If you don't think lawyers don't ghost read this your crazy..

The left is trying to end Christianity.
I am going to have a field day with this one..

You tards want separation of church and state and allow this?


Why don't you have a problem with people who wear christian crosses?

That's a religious symbol but christians wear it every day in our congress. They have crosses as lapel pins and as charms on necklaces, earrings and bracelets.

Yet a muslim can't wear a head scarf.

Seems to me it's you who is violating the first amendment.

If christians can wear a cross, a muslim can wear a head scarf. if that woman can't wear her head scarf then all those christians shouldn't be allowed to wear a cross. By allowing that cross and not the head scarf, the government is putting christianity above other religions and violating the first amendment.
Minnesota has elected some strange characters.

Wrestler Jesse Ventura, the not funny "comedian" Al Franken, Antifa-fan and woman beater, Keith Ellison, in addition to Omar. And a dog is mayor of one town...
Have you noticed how Texas voted in "Rape Face" Cruz and the ever funny Louie Gohmert?

She is tearing down the establishment clause..

I know ghost readers lawyers read .
Es·tab·lish·ment Clause
  1. the clause in the First Amendment of the US Constitution that prohibits the establishment of religion by Congres
Freedom of fashion? Thank Goodness Congressional women don't really believe in equality and equal rights and go around as topless as men, in public venues.
Hey, if the rule has been changed I see no reason that this shouldn't be ok...

Assholes, like this one wants to erase American history.....His motto... MAKE MARX GREAT AGAIN....Pathetic piece of shit!
Back to your OP, you seem to think the Muslims are being given preference, when the Congress opens with a prayer and there is a Chaplain.
I don't get why you feel anyone is being slighted by this.
Was there a Muslim that helped in the founding of America...there was a jew! Haym Solomon
”The United States congress is not a public place.”

Congressmen/women are public servants and most of the Capitol is open to the public. Even the House & Senate galleries when not in session and to visitors acquiring a pass from a legislator when it is.

How Do I Tour the U.S. Capitol and See Congress in Session?

But that’s neither here nor there, the salient point is that the rule that is in place has nothing to do with religion. It’s not like that rule was put in place to separate church from state. Furthermore, this only applies to the House as the Senate allows religious head coverings...

...he shall not permit any person to place any object whatsoever--including hats, coats, or other personal apparel--or portion of a person on any railing, or any male to wear a hat, except that where a man's religious beliefs require that he wear a head-cover in such public places as the Senate Gallery, then such head-cover shall be permitted;


... so what is the objection other than this being nothing more than conservative rage where the right presents a knee-jerk response to anything the left promotes?

The establishment clause you stupid tard

Es·tab·lish·ment Clause
  1. the clause in the First Amendment of the US Constitution that prohibits the establishment of religion by Congress.

This has nothing at all to do with the Establishment Clause. No one is being required to wear anyone else's religious symbol. Islam is not being elevated to be the official religion of the U.S. House of Representatives. Where are you getting this stuff???
Fear...he's afraid of a young woman in a hijab.

There appears to some smoke-filled back room where a bunch of weirdos make up stuff to disseminate online to the foolish.

Not only is calling someone a "dothead" totally disgusting and repulsive, it also displays the ignorance of the people responsible for it. Wearing a dot on the forehead is a Hindu custom. This freshman rep is a Muslim.

I find it interesting that among several Ethiopians living in my neighborhood, some of the older women have the Ethiopian Cross tattooed on their foreheads.

I guess that I'm supposed to quake in fear as the woman in a hijab bags my groceries at the Giant.
Republicans are racist.

They don't know much about different religions because they simply don't know much about anything at all.

These are people who believe the earth is thousands of years old and we were shimmered into being from dirt. If you believe that, you can be brainwashed into believing anything.

Republicans prove that point.

Damn your triggered..

Once again separation of church and state .

Yet you want some dot head promoting her religion in Congress.

This is nothing more than the continued identity politics of the radical leftist anarchists that own the Democrat party. Don't give in to it.
Read the first amendment and get back to me

How is allowing a head scarf showing preference?
It's giving an exemption to a religion that none other has.
I thought that was obvious. "Okay, we'll let you ignore the rules everyone else must follow".
What is it about the word preference that you don't understand?

Why do you want to be such a prick a about a woman exercising her religion?
Why do you want to be a prick about respecting the rules of congress that have stood for nearly two hundred years?
Because the rules were written for men wearing headgear at a time they never envisioned s Muslim woman being elected

Congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

What is not clear?
And the rule was never established for religious purposes. It was just a general rule for showing respect in the chamber that people shouldn’t wear hats.

Let us guess your a dot head ?

This has nothing at all to do with the Establishment Clause. No one is being required to wear anyone else's religious symbol. Islam is not being elevated to be the official religion of the U.S. House of Representatives. Where are you getting this stuff???
Fear...he's afraid of a young woman in a hijab.

There appears to some smoke-filled back room where a bunch of weirdos make up stuff to disseminate online to the foolish.

Not only is calling someone a "dothead" totally disgusting and repulsive, it also displays the ignorance of the people responsible for it. Wearing a dot on the forehead is a Hindu custom. This freshman rep is a Muslim.

I find it interesting that among several Ethiopians living in my neighborhood, some of the older women have the Ethiopian Cross tattooed on their foreheads.

I guess that I'm supposed to quake in fear as the woman in a hijab bags my groceries at the Giant.
Republicans are racist.

They don't know much about different religions because they simply don't know much about anything at all.

These are people who believe the earth is thousands of years old and we were shimmered into being from dirt. If you believe that, you can be brainwashed into believing anything.

Republicans prove that point.

What the fuck?

What they are doing is promoting one religion over another..

And your ok with it. Of course you are dot head .
Nope...they are getting rid of a hat-wearing this guy is ok: View attachment 232489 as is this guy:
and these women:View attachment 232490
Ted Cruz isn't Jewish, is he?
I am going to have a field day with this one..

You tards want separation of church and state and allow this?


Why don't you have a problem with people who wear christian crosses?

That's a religious symbol but christians wear it every day in our congress. They have crosses as lapel pins and as charms on necklaces, earrings and bracelets.

Yet a muslim can't wear a head scarf.

Seems to me it's you who is violating the first amendment.

If christians can wear a cross, a muslim can wear a head scarf. if that woman can't wear her head scarf then all those christians shouldn't be allowed to wear a cross. By allowing that cross and not the head scarf, the government is putting christianity above other religions and violating the first amendment.

You have proof?

I don't remember seeing anyone wearing one

Fear...he's afraid of a young woman in a hijab.

There appears to some smoke-filled back room where a bunch of weirdos make up stuff to disseminate online to the foolish.

Not only is calling someone a "dothead" totally disgusting and repulsive, it also displays the ignorance of the people responsible for it. Wearing a dot on the forehead is a Hindu custom. This freshman rep is a Muslim.

I find it interesting that among several Ethiopians living in my neighborhood, some of the older women have the Ethiopian Cross tattooed on their foreheads.

I guess that I'm supposed to quake in fear as the woman in a hijab bags my groceries at the Giant.
Republicans are racist.

They don't know much about different religions because they simply don't know much about anything at all.

These are people who believe the earth is thousands of years old and we were shimmered into being from dirt. If you believe that, you can be brainwashed into believing anything.

Republicans prove that point.

What the fuck?

What they are doing is promoting one religion over another..

And your ok with it. Of course you are dot head .
Nope...they are getting rid of a hat-wearing this guy is ok: View attachment 232489 as is this guy:
and these women:View attachment 232490
Ted Cruz isn't Jewish, is he?

To ask that question proves my point.

Hey, if the rule has been changed I see no reason that this shouldn't be ok...

Assholes, like this one wants to erase American history.....His motto... MAKE MARX GREAT AGAIN....Pathetic piece of shit!
Back to your OP, you seem to think the Muslims are being given preference, when the Congress opens with a prayer and there is a Chaplain.
I don't get why you feel anyone is being slighted by this.
Was there a Muslim that helped in the founding of America...there was a jew! Haym Solomon
What has that got to do with anything? Answer my question, please:
Congress opens with a prayer and there is a Chaplain.
I don't get why you feel anyone is being slighted by this.
The left changed the rules to let a dot head flaunt her religion ..

Bottom line .

The left are pure assholes..

At first the Islamist only want their oppressed women to cover their heads, but eventually they will demand that all women wear hijabs. This is how Islamization happens.

Fear...he's afraid of a young woman in a hijab.

There appears to some smoke-filled back room where a bunch of weirdos make up stuff to disseminate online to the foolish.

Not only is calling someone a "dothead" totally disgusting and repulsive, it also displays the ignorance of the people responsible for it. Wearing a dot on the forehead is a Hindu custom. This freshman rep is a Muslim.

I find it interesting that among several Ethiopians living in my neighborhood, some of the older women have the Ethiopian Cross tattooed on their foreheads.

I guess that I'm supposed to quake in fear as the woman in a hijab bags my groceries at the Giant.
Republicans are racist.

They don't know much about different religions because they simply don't know much about anything at all.

These are people who believe the earth is thousands of years old and we were shimmered into being from dirt. If you believe that, you can be brainwashed into believing anything.

Republicans prove that point.

What the fuck?

What they are doing is promoting one religion over another..

And your ok with it. Of course you are dot head .

What a stupid comment. Go look up the word "promote." She could be sitting next to a guy wearing a yarmulke. And I'm not a Hindu, moron, not that there is any problem with being Hindu.


It's against the law for her to wear her dot head shit in Congress..

Congress shall establishe no religion .

If you don't think lawyers don't ghost read this your crazy..

The left is trying to end Christianity.

You dumbfuck, there is no such law


... don’t you ever tire of making an imbecile of yourself??
I am going to have a field day with this one..

You tards want separation of church and state and allow this?


Why don't you have a problem with people who wear christian crosses?

That's a religious symbol but christians wear it every day in our congress. They have crosses as lapel pins and as charms on necklaces, earrings and bracelets.

Yet a muslim can't wear a head scarf.

Seems to me it's you who is violating the first amendment.

If christians can wear a cross, a muslim can wear a head scarf. if that woman can't wear her head scarf then all those christians shouldn't be allowed to wear a cross. By allowing that cross and not the head scarf, the government is putting christianity above other religions and violating the first amendment.
5 yard penalty for using logic on a conservative.


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