Democrats Covered Up A Hacking Scandal On Their Watch And Exposes The Hypocrisy Of Their Russia Fix


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats have been declaring how the Russian Hacking before and during the election was a HUGE attack on the US and how we must track down those responsible and hold them accountable, that this must be a national priority....

...while simultaneously doing everything they can to hide / ignore the massive terrorist-connected Pakistani Spy Ring run by former DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and protected by House Democrats.

“The House policy says if you’re going to give someone super user permissions on the House network, meaning they can read all of the members emails, you’ve got to do a background check,” Rosiak said. “But they hired this guy Imran Awan and his brother, and soon they brought other relatives, too. And these guys had criminal records, they had a dozen lawsuits, they had ties to foreign officials, and they never even checked their backgrounds. “In other words, Congress was hacked. “You never heard about this. This is a shocking revelation.”

A simple background check, which Democrats did not do before hiring these Pakistani spies, revealed they were connected to terrorists, were into kidnapping, possibly murder, had committed dozens of crimes, and were being sued by dozens of people. Without making any effort to find out who they were, Democrats gove them full access to House SECRET classified servers, files, and e-mails. DWS not only gave them access to all DNC e-mails but also gave them the DNC Members' usernames and passwords.

AFTER it was discovered that the Pakistanis were stealing computers, illegally accessing secret house files and e-mails, and were downloading / stealing terabytes of data from the secret House server....AFTER they were banned from the House and an Espionage investigation was opened against them... DWS RE-HIRED one of the Pakistani spies and AGAIN gave him illegal access to House servers and House / DNC e-mails.

AFTER this was discovered, DWS was fired as Chairman of the DNC, immediately hired by Hillary to be part of her election campaign, several of the Pakistanis fled back to Pakistan where they are under the protection of their country, Awan's passport was seized so he could not leave the country, and the 'victimized' Democrats whose e-mails were hacked and whose damaging e-mails were released refused to press charges of cooperate with authorities. Instead, the Democrats have circled the wagons and have tried to bury the story, hoping it will pass.

DWS remains free, has not been indicted or charged with her crimes yet, and she - like Hillary in 2016 - despite being a criminal and proven threat to the US remains on the ballot for her upcoming re-election race instead of being in prison right now.


“These are the Democrats that are constantly lecturing us about cyber security. They basically brought the fox into the hen house and the worst happened. Congress was hacked.”

“This is something that the Democrats basically covered up. They actually let them stay on the network for four months after the inspector general informed them of unauthorized access being made. So you have to think that it comes back to the narrative for Democrats. They don’t actually care about hacking. They have this Russia thing. They want it to keep going.”

“It was an inconvenient truth that Congress was hacked by Pakistanis at the same time. And so they withheld it from the public and there was a lot of cover-ups in the 2016 election, but this is the most successful one.”

Luke Rosiak Wrecks Democrats For Covering Up Imran Awan Scandal
The DNC and Hillary Clinton intentionally avoided background checks on these guys, because they knew they were hiring hackers for the purpose of hacking.

They got burnt though when they helped Seth Rich get Podesta’s emails to Assange and brought attention to the corruption, racism, and intolerance of The DNC.

Funny that no one has seen The DNC Server despite claims of Russian Hacking and despite the fact The DNC has known Criminal hackers on their payroll.
The DNC and Hillary Clinton intentionally avoided background checks on these guys, because they knew they were hiring hackers for the purpose of hacking.

It is not a coincidence Hillary hired Wasserman-Schultz, Chairwoman of the DNC, immediately after she was fired for running the terrorist-connected Pakistani spy ring - the very same day she was fired.

Remember the Bill Clinton FBI File scandal back when he was President? Barry wasn't the 1st President to illegally spy on Americans - to include US Senators and USSC Justices - and collect files on them. Slick Willy did that, collecting FBI files on his political enemies...both Democrats and Republicans.

I would bet Hillary was amassing her own 'political enemies' list through those personal e-mails being hacked by the Pakistanis working for DWS.

Also Hillary had already BOUGHT the DNC that Barry left $24 million in debt, and that included buying its chairwoman DWS.

When she stepped down as Secretary of State Hillary was 'Read Out' of all the TOP SECRET Compartmentalized programs she had access to. From that point on she did not have access to any of the files, could not legally have in her possession any of the material, and could not even discuss any of it. At one point during her server investigation, when it was revealed she did have classified on her server, the WH said about several files discovered on her server that the documents would not be released in any context because TO DO SO WOULD CAUSE GRAVE DAMAGE TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY. Those exact words are used in reference to TOP SECRET Compartmentalized Information. If Hillary did not send those documents to herself / to her own server, then I would be dollars to doughnuts she had DWS and the Pakistanis accessing the information found in the House Intel files and sending them to her. After all, Hillary owned the DNC and thus DWS - like the FBI, DWS was working for Hillary.
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