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Democrats Declare 'Open-Season' On Republicans: How To Survive The Coming Civil Unrest...

No I'm not
Who started the civil war?

WTF are you talking about?
Simple question who started the civil war?
The south, when they attacked a U.S. fort after declaring themselves separate from the U.S.
The south lead by democrats got it.
So? They were conservative back then.
No they were all about control just like democrats of today
Try another one.
It's clear the Democrats have now declared Republicans 'Prey.' They're openly inciting attacks on them. Recent stories about kids being attacked by Democrat mobs for merely wearing Trump hats, are very disturbing. But this is where we're at folks. The Democrats have always wanted mass civil unrest chaos. And it looks like they're gonna get it.

Here's some tips on how to survive the rough road ahead...

The rhetoric in the United States is heating up and we’re sounding anything but…well…united. It seems to most media pundits like we are too far down the path to Civil War 2.0 to turn back now. Activists are laying siege to government offices. Threats toward people who disagree are growing in ferocity. It’s ugly and getting uglier. It’s a powder keg that is about to erupt. (Here are some thoughts on what a full-fledged Civil War might look like.)

It is only a matter of time before civil unrest begins to escalate and spread throughout the country. Many people are wondering, how do you keep your family safe during widespread unrest? It’s not about being fearful. It’s about being prepared.

My thoughts on this manipulated division are fodder for another article. (You can find it here.) This article is apolitical (to the best of my ability, anyway) and focuses strictly on what you need to know to survive should the unrest come to your neighborhood.

You need to understand how riots unfold...

Read More:
How To Survive the Civil Unrest - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

Self-pity and playing the victim is pretty pathetic.

When white cops start shooting unarmed white youths for wearing a red MAGA hat, let us know.

Please start posting stories of white conservative people having the cops called on them for everyday things.
When people stop trying to disarm a cop they might not get shot regardless if they are unarmed or not.
It's clear the Democrats have now declared Republicans 'Prey.' They're openly inciting attacks on them. Recent stories about kids being attacked by Democrat mobs for merely wearing Trump hats, are very disturbing. But this is where we're at folks. The Democrats have always wanted mass civil unrest chaos. And it looks like they're gonna get it.

Here's some tips on how to survive the rough road ahead...

The rhetoric in the United States is heating up and we’re sounding anything but…well…united. It seems to most media pundits like we are too far down the path to Civil War 2.0 to turn back now. Activists are laying siege to government offices. Threats toward people who disagree are growing in ferocity. It’s ugly and getting uglier. It’s a powder keg that is about to erupt. (Here are some thoughts on what a full-fledged Civil War might look like.)

It is only a matter of time before civil unrest begins to escalate and spread throughout the country. Many people are wondering, how do you keep your family safe during widespread unrest? It’s not about being fearful. It’s about being prepared.

My thoughts on this manipulated division are fodder for another article. (You can find it here.) This article is apolitical (to the best of my ability, anyway) and focuses strictly on what you need to know to survive should the unrest come to your neighborhood.

You need to understand how riots unfold...

Read More:
How To Survive the Civil Unrest - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

Self-pity and playing the victim is pretty pathetic.

When white cops start shooting unarmed white youths for wearing a red MAGA hat, let us know.

Please start posting stories of white conservative people having the cops called on them for everyday things.

Oh you mean like the ambush and murder of LaVoy Finicum?
Or the attack and murder of the Weavers when Randy Weaver failed to appear at a court date that he was never made aware of?
Oh, WELL, then that makes it okay for Fonda to say what he did.
Does it? Is that what you think? I know you supported pedophile Roy Moore, so maybe you do.

No, that's either what YOU think, or your Tourette's is kicking in and you're just babbling unrelated words for no reason.

I took a chance and assumed you were actually attempting to relate to the conversation. Pardon me if your post was utterly meaningless and I missed it.

Also, your assumption that you "know" anything at all is grossly inaccurate.
No. I just saw the opportunity to let everyone know that trump thinks his son Barron is a retard.

Because conservative family values.

There was no "opportunity". You just decided to shoehorn something utterly unrelated into a discussion to try to derail it.

Well, guess what, ass napkin. Not happening.

Either you think Trump allegedly saying something bad about the kid justifies Fonda's behavior, OR you think Trump's alleged words are worse/more important, and thus should be the topic.

Doesn't matter which, really, because the topic is NOT what Trump did or didn't say about Barron. If you want to talk about that, go start a thread about it. THIS thread is about the escalation of uncivil and even violent behavior between political factions, and right at this moment, it is about Peter Fonda calling for the President's son to be imprisoned with pedophiles.

Your posts will address the thread topic; if they do not address the thread topic, they will be taken as an admission by you that you know Fonda's behavior was unacceptable and vile, but you don't care because you consider political partisanship to be more important than human decency.

There will not be a third option. Make your choice.
Yeah, like when that conservative psycho tried to assassinate all those Democrat Senators....
-- Oh wait....that was a Liberal extremist snowflake, incited to violence by Democratic Party Leadership violent rhetoric, like Maxine Waters is spewing now....

Yeah, ok...but how about that insane conservative called for the child of Michele Obama to be kidnapped, caged, and raped.....
-- Oh wait, that was liberal douche-bag Peter Fonda...

Ok, well how about how conservatives like to call themselves 'tolerant' but routinely physically assault, beat, and bloody Democratic Party candidates / Presidents?
-- Dang, hold on....that was Hillary paying thugs to beat up Trump supporters AT TRUMP RALLIES during the election and snowflakes attacking a KID for wearing a hat supporting the President of the United States......


Ummm...what were you saying again...?


1. For every ball park shooter, there is a Vegas shooter,
2. For every Peter Fonda, there is a Rush Limbaugh.
3. You're gonna have to point out which president has been assaulted, beaten, and bloodied.
4. Hillary paid someone to attack a kid for wearing a hat? That's an insane accusation.
Violent and insane. Typical RWNJ

you are an idiot. Did Rush ever call for a pedophile to rape someone's kid? The left is calling for and perpetrating violence all over the country dumbass.
Oh? Examples of the left calling for this....?

Peter Fonda apologizes for tweet saying Trump's son should be taken from his mother

"Peter Fonda is apologizing for an overnight tweet that suggested people “rip Barron Trump from his mother's arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles.”"

Dude, you REALLY gotta use the Internet for something other than porn and left-wing blogs assuring you of your "moral superiority".
Dumbshit... “Peter Fonda” is not “the left” nor does he speak for the left; anymore than psychos like Michael Savage, who’s had his shares of crazed violence, is “the right” or speaks for “the right.”

Dumbshit, that hypocrisy ain't gonna fly. Every example of a leftist behaving egregiously is ALWAYS "not the left" and/or "not speaking for the left", while any isolated wackjob no one ever heard of before is "the right" if he's not actually wearing a "Hillary 2016" t-shirt on his Facebook page.

You don't get to demand an official, unanimous vote of every single registered member of the Democrat Party and dismiss anything else as "not the left".

WTF are you talking about?
Simple question who started the civil war?
The south, when they attacked a U.S. fort after declaring themselves separate from the U.S.
The south lead by democrats got it.
So? They were conservative back then.
No they were all about control just like democrats of today
Try another one.
Moron, the south has always been more conservative than the north. Unless you’re really so brain-dead, you think the Bible Belt is either not conservative or is locates in the north.
First things first, you need to understand how this kind of unrest unfolds so that you can see the warning signs earlier. Never underestimate the power, rage, and motivation of a mob.

Here’s the pattern:

An outrage occurs.
  • Good people react and protest the outrage.
  • Those perpetrating the outrage try to quell the protest because they don’t think that the outrage was actually outrageous. (And whether it was or not can fluctuate – in some cases, force is necessitated, but in more and more cases, it is flagrantly gratuitous.)
    • Others react to the quelling and join the protest.
    • A mob mentality erupts. Thugs say, “Hey, it’s a free for all. I’m gonna get some Doritos and while I’m at it, beat the crap out of some folks for fun.”...

  • How To Survive the Civil Unrest - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

Hillary Clinton was caught rigging primaries, cheating in debates, breaking election and campaign finance laws, collaborating with foreign spies and Russians, ran the worst political campaign in US history, and was soundly defeated.

Liberal extremists went b@t-shidt Crazy, manipulated and incited snowflakes - who also lost their minds.

Democrats attempted to affect a treasonous coup while b@t-shidt crazy snowflakes have
- Attempted the assassination of GOP politicians practicing softball
- Called for the kidnapping, caging, and raping by Pedophiles the child of the President and women in his administration
- Elected Liberal politicians have aggressively acted to incite criminal stalking, harassment, and mob violence against the President and his administration
- Liberals are criminally, violently physically attacking Trump reporters (just like how they did when Hillary paid them to do that during the election campaign)

Attempting to apply your 'theory' here, The proven Felon / criminal candidate Hillary losing the election, having been rejected a 2nd time by Americans, is the 'outrage' that occurs...the one that drives Liberal extremists and snowflakes b@t-shidt crazy...

I can only assume the 'good people' you say have 'reacted to and protested' her loss by physically attacking, calling for the physical attacks, are the Liberal Extremists and snowflakes.

The mob mentality is being incited by high-ranking members of the Democratic Party....

How do you survive - or prevent - such violence from happening?

1. Bring to justice the proven criminal Co-Conspirators in the Obama administration who acted to prevent Trump from winning and vowed to affect a coup to remove him if he did. The evidence is there - do it. Show all Americans that not only is THIS the REAL story but this level of crime, conspiracy, sedition, and even treason within the US govt at such high levels will not ever be tolerated again.

2. As soon as an elected official like Maxine Waters begins to incite violence, calling for mob violence, you cut off her microphone, you have Congressional Security walk up ands escort her out of the building, then you call for meeting to CENSURE her ass for irresponsible / criminal behavior.

You are so inane. The Democrat primaries were not rigged. Clinton got 54 percent of the primary vote and got the nomination. She did not collaborate with foreign spies.

The fact is that Republicans and Trump supporters have used incendiary language as well. You are a good example. You people use the word coup and treason to attack anyone who disagrees with Trump. People who work in government are allowed to have a opinion yet that is dirty to you people unless they are a Trump supporter. If a Democrat had done what Pruitt had done, you people would be calling for him to be arrested and hung.

Look at what happened in the attack on the newspaper. Trump has called them the enemy of the people. That is incendiary language and it is not difficult to see some extremely crazy person taking what he said to heart. Then we had what went on with Charlottesville
where a person was killed.

1. Using incendiary language to lock people up when no crime has happened is doing what you accuse Democrats of doing. There is no evidence of any crimes and certainly no sedition. You are the criminal.

2. Waters said you should get others together to confront public officials and let them know how they feel. There was no violence mentioned and the first one to threaten violence was a veiled threat by Trump. She has now received death threats as did other people who spoke against Trump during the campaign. Even his campaign manager physically attacked several people.

Mad Max SAYS she received a death threat....oh well hell, that bitch would NEVER lie.

Trump and his supporters would never lie either. The fact is that they are as bad and maybe even worse. It was Trump who issued a veiled threat of violence against Waters. Trump is a pig as are his cult followers.

Yeah, so "veiled" that the only people who could see it where leftist jackwads like you who are determined to see everything Trump says in the worst and most extreme light.

Let me clue you in to reality, Sparkles: "She should be careful what she wishes for" is NOT "as bad or maybe even worse" than “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them! And you tell them that they are not welcome, anymore, anywhere."

And you have no room to call anyone else "pig" OR "cult follower" when you are trying to defend and explain away that sort of behavior. If your nose got any farther up Maxine Waters' ass, you'd be able to check her colon for polyps.
It's clear the Democrats have now declared Republicans 'Prey.' They're openly inciting attacks on them. Recent stories about kids being attacked by Democrat mobs for merely wearing Trump hats, are very disturbing. But this is where we're at folks. The Democrats have always wanted mass civil unrest chaos. And it looks like they're gonna get it.

Here's some tips on how to survive the rough road ahead...

The rhetoric in the United States is heating up and we’re sounding anything but…well…united. It seems to most media pundits like we are too far down the path to Civil War 2.0 to turn back now. Activists are laying siege to government offices. Threats toward people who disagree are growing in ferocity. It’s ugly and getting uglier. It’s a powder keg that is about to erupt. (Here are some thoughts on what a full-fledged Civil War might look like.)

It is only a matter of time before civil unrest begins to escalate and spread throughout the country. Many people are wondering, how do you keep your family safe during widespread unrest? It’s not about being fearful. It’s about being prepared.

My thoughts on this manipulated division are fodder for another article. (You can find it here.) This article is apolitical (to the best of my ability, anyway) and focuses strictly on what you need to know to survive should the unrest come to your neighborhood.

You need to understand how riots unfold...

Read More:
How To Survive the Civil Unrest - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

Self-pity and playing the victim is pretty pathetic.

When white cops start shooting unarmed white youths for wearing a red MAGA hat, let us know.

Please start posting stories of white conservative people having the cops called on them for everyday things.

Oh you mean like the ambush and murder of LaVoy Finicum?
Or the attack and murder of the Weavers when Randy Weaver failed to appear at a court date that he was never made aware of?
Finicum committed suicide by cop. Had he wanted to live, all he had to do was stay in the vehicle and he’d be alive today like everyone else in that car. He even said before that fateful drive, he’d be taken dead before going to jail.

He got exactly what he wanted.
1. For every ball park shooter, there is a Vegas shooter,
2. For every Peter Fonda, there is a Rush Limbaugh.
3. You're gonna have to point out which president has been assaulted, beaten, and bloodied.
4. Hillary paid someone to attack a kid for wearing a hat? That's an insane accusation.
Violent and insane. Typical RWNJ

you are an idiot. Did Rush ever call for a pedophile to rape someone's kid? The left is calling for and perpetrating violence all over the country dumbass.
Oh? Examples of the left calling for this....?

Peter Fonda apologizes for tweet saying Trump's son should be taken from his mother

"Peter Fonda is apologizing for an overnight tweet that suggested people “rip Barron Trump from his mother's arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles.”"

Dude, you REALLY gotta use the Internet for something other than porn and left-wing blogs assuring you of your "moral superiority".
Dumbshit... “Peter Fonda” is not “the left” nor does he speak for the left; anymore than psychos like Michael Savage, who’s had his shares of crazed violence, is “the right” or speaks for “the right.”

Dumbshit, that hypocrisy ain't gonna fly. Every example of a leftist behaving egregiously is ALWAYS "not the left" and/or "not speaking for the left", while any isolated wackjob no one ever heard of before is "the right" if he's not actually wearing a "Hillary 2016" t-shirt on his Facebook page.

You don't get to demand an official, unanimous vote of every single registered member of the Democrat Party and dismiss anything else as "not the left".

Oh, for fuck’s sake. Individuals like Fonda, et.al., do not speak for a third of this nation, I don’t care how fucked in the head you are. :cuckoo:

That might hold true for party leaders maybe even party members, but that’s pushing it. But not for random assholes with a twitter account.
you are an idiot. Did Rush ever call for a pedophile to rape someone's kid? The left is calling for and perpetrating violence all over the country dumbass.
Oh? Examples of the left calling for this....?

Peter Fonda apologizes for tweet saying Trump's son should be taken from his mother

"Peter Fonda is apologizing for an overnight tweet that suggested people “rip Barron Trump from his mother's arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles.”"

Dude, you REALLY gotta use the Internet for something other than porn and left-wing blogs assuring you of your "moral superiority".
Dumbshit... “Peter Fonda” is not “the left” nor does he speak for the left; anymore than psychos like Michael Savage, who’s had his shares of crazed violence, is “the right” or speaks for “the right.”

Dumbshit, that hypocrisy ain't gonna fly. Every example of a leftist behaving egregiously is ALWAYS "not the left" and/or "not speaking for the left", while any isolated wackjob no one ever heard of before is "the right" if he's not actually wearing a "Hillary 2016" t-shirt on his Facebook page.

You don't get to demand an official, unanimous vote of every single registered member of the Democrat Party and dismiss anything else as "not the left".

Oh, for fuck’s sake. Individuals like Fonda, et.al., do not speak for a third of this nation, I don’t care how fucked in the head you are. :cuckoo:

That might hold true for party leaders maybe even party members, but that’s pushing it. But not for random assholes with a twitter account.

Oh, for fuck's sake, remember that the next time you want to paint some handful of asshats like Westboro Baptist Church or lone nuts who kill abortion doctors or lunatics who shoot up schools or anyone else you want to seize on at the moment as "the right".

Oh? Examples of the left calling for this....?

Peter Fonda apologizes for tweet saying Trump's son should be taken from his mother

"Peter Fonda is apologizing for an overnight tweet that suggested people “rip Barron Trump from his mother's arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles.”"

Dude, you REALLY gotta use the Internet for something other than porn and left-wing blogs assuring you of your "moral superiority".
Dumbshit... “Peter Fonda” is not “the left” nor does he speak for the left; anymore than psychos like Michael Savage, who’s had his shares of crazed violence, is “the right” or speaks for “the right.”

Dumbshit, that hypocrisy ain't gonna fly. Every example of a leftist behaving egregiously is ALWAYS "not the left" and/or "not speaking for the left", while any isolated wackjob no one ever heard of before is "the right" if he's not actually wearing a "Hillary 2016" t-shirt on his Facebook page.

You don't get to demand an official, unanimous vote of every single registered member of the Democrat Party and dismiss anything else as "not the left".

Oh, for fuck’s sake. Individuals like Fonda, et.al., do not speak for a third of this nation, I don’t care how fucked in the head you are. :cuckoo:

That might hold true for party leaders maybe even party members, but that’s pushing it. But not for random assholes with a twitter account.

Oh, for fuck's sake, remember that the next time you want to paint some handful of asshats like Westboro Baptist Church or lone nuts who kill abortion doctors or lunatics who shoot up schools or anyone else you want to seize on at the moment as "the right".


Fucking yokel, for sanity’s sake, shouldn’t you be posting examples of where I’ve accused such people as speaking for (or even representing) “the right, and not wait for me to do so at some unnamed moment in the future, before calling me a hypocrite?

Last edited:
Sorry, but after the libturds spent the last 30 years indoctrinating children to be hoplophobes, those who embraced bed wetting regressive politics are terrified of guns for the most part. They're utterly stupid on top of it.

The incredible tactical, logistical and territorial advantage we have over these largely city dwelling oxygen thieves who will dehydrate and die within 72 hours of the power going out or be picked off by farmers is insurmountable.



Let these sniveling, mindless, malignant pieces of shit go bat shit crazy and crash civil order. Let them burn all the cop cars, destroy the infrastructure of their cities, cannibalize each other and wander out into our fields and towns so that we can purge the disease of regressive drones from our country and make good use out of the nitrogen they aren't even worth.

Do it soon, so that I can participate while I still have good eyesight.

Lol, riiiiiiiiight.

You're gonna hide in your basement, polishing your guns and eating the overpriced meals you bought from Alex jones, paralised with fear that the liberals are gonna come get you.
It's clear the Democrats have now declared Republicans 'Prey.' They're openly inciting attacks on them. Recent stories about kids being attacked by Democrat mobs for merely wearing Trump hats, are very disturbing. But this is where we're at folks. The Democrats have always wanted mass civil unrest chaos. And it looks like they're gonna get it.

Here's some tips on how to survive the rough road ahead...

The rhetoric in the United States is heating up and we’re sounding anything but…well…united. It seems to most media pundits like we are too far down the path to Civil War 2.0 to turn back now. Activists are laying siege to government offices. Threats toward people who disagree are growing in ferocity. It’s ugly and getting uglier. It’s a powder keg that is about to erupt. (Here are some thoughts on what a full-fledged Civil War might look like.)

It is only a matter of time before civil unrest begins to escalate and spread throughout the country. Many people are wondering, how do you keep your family safe during widespread unrest? It’s not about being fearful. It’s about being prepared.

My thoughts on this manipulated division are fodder for another article. (You can find it here.) This article is apolitical (to the best of my ability, anyway) and focuses strictly on what you need to know to survive should the unrest come to your neighborhood.

You need to understand how riots unfold...

Read More:
How To Survive the Civil Unrest - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
You guys need to make up your minds.

Are Democrats helpless snowflakes or dangerous, violent adversaries?
Democrats are loud mouth wanna be badasses until they get push back. Then they’re just whining little bitches.

Let me ask you this. Do you think any of this stupid democrat shit is gaining you support or losing it?
Lol, I think you are confused. Which side has been crowing about "revolution" and "civil war" for years? Decades even?

Not the democrats, and that's a fact.

I got news for ya kid, liberals get up and do shit. We don't just sit around and bitch like you children.

Keep pushing, you will find out.
It's clear the Democrats have now declared Republicans 'Prey.' They're openly inciting attacks on them. Recent stories about kids being attacked by Democrat mobs for merely wearing Trump hats, are very disturbing. But this is where we're at folks. The Democrats have always wanted mass civil unrest chaos. And it looks like they're gonna get it.

Here's some tips on how to survive the rough road ahead...

The rhetoric in the United States is heating up and we’re sounding anything but…well…united. It seems to most media pundits like we are too far down the path to Civil War 2.0 to turn back now. Activists are laying siege to government offices. Threats toward people who disagree are growing in ferocity. It’s ugly and getting uglier. It’s a powder keg that is about to erupt. (Here are some thoughts on what a full-fledged Civil War might look like.)

It is only a matter of time before civil unrest begins to escalate and spread throughout the country. Many people are wondering, how do you keep your family safe during widespread unrest? It’s not about being fearful. It’s about being prepared.

My thoughts on this manipulated division are fodder for another article. (You can find it here.) This article is apolitical (to the best of my ability, anyway) and focuses strictly on what you need to know to survive should the unrest come to your neighborhood.

You need to understand how riots unfold...

Read More:
How To Survive the Civil Unrest - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
You guys need to make up your minds.

Are Democrats helpless snowflakes or dangerous, violent adversaries?

Who said it was an either/or? Mental patients are helpless to take proper care of themselves and become overly emotional for no reason, but they're also dangerous and violent.

This is just a case of a lot of mental patients wandering around without their asylum.
Lol, we're talking about liberals, not you conservatives. Nice try though.
It's clear the Democrats have now declared Republicans 'Prey.' They're openly inciting attacks on them. Recent stories about kids being attacked by Democrat mobs for merely wearing Trump hats, are very disturbing. But this is where we're at folks. The Democrats have always wanted mass civil unrest chaos. And it looks like they're gonna get it.

Here's some tips on how to survive the rough road ahead...

The rhetoric in the United States is heating up and we’re sounding anything but…well…united. It seems to most media pundits like we are too far down the path to Civil War 2.0 to turn back now. Activists are laying siege to government offices. Threats toward people who disagree are growing in ferocity. It’s ugly and getting uglier. It’s a powder keg that is about to erupt. (Here are some thoughts on what a full-fledged Civil War might look like.)

It is only a matter of time before civil unrest begins to escalate and spread throughout the country. Many people are wondering, how do you keep your family safe during widespread unrest? It’s not about being fearful. It’s about being prepared.

My thoughts on this manipulated division are fodder for another article. (You can find it here.) This article is apolitical (to the best of my ability, anyway) and focuses strictly on what you need to know to survive should the unrest come to your neighborhood.

You need to understand how riots unfold...

Read More:
How To Survive the Civil Unrest - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
You guys need to make up your minds.

Are Democrats helpless snowflakes or dangerous, violent adversaries?
Democrats are loud mouth wanna be badasses until they get push back. Then they’re just whining little bitches.

Let me ask you this. Do you think any of this stupid democrat shit is gaining you support or losing it?
Lol, I think you are confused. Which side has been crowing about "revolution" and "civil war" for years? Decades even?

Not the democrats, and that's a fact.

I got news for ya kid, liberals get up and do shit. We don't just sit around and bitch like you children.

Keep pushing, you will find out.
You’re in a civil war and losing. Have you not figured this out yet? Your stupid virtue signaling and attacking people, and kids, is failing. You’re losing. Thank God.
It's clear the Democrats have now declared Republicans 'Prey.' They're openly inciting attacks on them. Recent stories about kids being attacked by Democrat mobs for merely wearing Trump hats, are very disturbing. But this is where we're at folks. The Democrats have always wanted mass civil unrest chaos. And it looks like they're gonna get it.

Here's some tips on how to survive the rough road ahead...

The rhetoric in the United States is heating up and we’re sounding anything but…well…united. It seems to most media pundits like we are too far down the path to Civil War 2.0 to turn back now. Activists are laying siege to government offices. Threats toward people who disagree are growing in ferocity. It’s ugly and getting uglier. It’s a powder keg that is about to erupt. (Here are some thoughts on what a full-fledged Civil War might look like.)

It is only a matter of time before civil unrest begins to escalate and spread throughout the country. Many people are wondering, how do you keep your family safe during widespread unrest? It’s not about being fearful. It’s about being prepared.

My thoughts on this manipulated division are fodder for another article. (You can find it here.) This article is apolitical (to the best of my ability, anyway) and focuses strictly on what you need to know to survive should the unrest come to your neighborhood.

You need to understand how riots unfold...

Read More:
How To Survive the Civil Unrest - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

The rhetoric already went too far when Republicans voted for a racist creep.

What idiot would vote for someone who talks like this?
It's clear the Democrats have now declared Republicans 'Prey.' They're openly inciting attacks on them. Recent stories about kids being attacked by Democrat mobs for merely wearing Trump hats, are very disturbing. But this is where we're at folks. The Democrats have always wanted mass civil unrest chaos. And it looks like they're gonna get it.

Here's some tips on how to survive the rough road ahead...

The rhetoric in the United States is heating up and we’re sounding anything but…well…united. It seems to most media pundits like we are too far down the path to Civil War 2.0 to turn back now. Activists are laying siege to government offices. Threats toward people who disagree are growing in ferocity. It’s ugly and getting uglier. It’s a powder keg that is about to erupt. (Here are some thoughts on what a full-fledged Civil War might look like.)

It is only a matter of time before civil unrest begins to escalate and spread throughout the country. Many people are wondering, how do you keep your family safe during widespread unrest? It’s not about being fearful. It’s about being prepared.

My thoughts on this manipulated division are fodder for another article. (You can find it here.) This article is apolitical (to the best of my ability, anyway) and focuses strictly on what you need to know to survive should the unrest come to your neighborhood.

You need to understand how riots unfold...

Read More:
How To Survive the Civil Unrest - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
You guys need to make up your minds.

Are Democrats helpless snowflakes or dangerous, violent adversaries?
Democrats are loud mouth wanna be badasses until they get push back. Then they’re just whining little bitches.

Let me ask you this. Do you think any of this stupid democrat shit is gaining you support or losing it?
Lol, I think you are confused. Which side has been crowing about "revolution" and "civil war" for years? Decades even?

Not the democrats, and that's a fact.

I got news for ya kid, liberals get up and do shit. We don't just sit around and bitch like you children.

Keep pushing, you will find out.
You’re in a civil war and losing. Have you not figured this out yet? Your stupid virtue signaling and attacking people, and kids, is failing. You’re losing. Thank God.
Lol, you think is war?

Grow up.
It's clear the Democrats have now declared Republicans 'Prey.' They're openly inciting attacks on them. Recent stories about kids being attacked by Democrat mobs for merely wearing Trump hats, are very disturbing. But this is where we're at folks. The Democrats have always wanted mass civil unrest chaos. And it looks like they're gonna get it.

Here's some tips on how to survive the rough road ahead...

The rhetoric in the United States is heating up and we’re sounding anything but…well…united. It seems to most media pundits like we are too far down the path to Civil War 2.0 to turn back now. Activists are laying siege to government offices. Threats toward people who disagree are growing in ferocity. It’s ugly and getting uglier. It’s a powder keg that is about to erupt. (Here are some thoughts on what a full-fledged Civil War might look like.)

It is only a matter of time before civil unrest begins to escalate and spread throughout the country. Many people are wondering, how do you keep your family safe during widespread unrest? It’s not about being fearful. It’s about being prepared.

My thoughts on this manipulated division are fodder for another article. (You can find it here.) This article is apolitical (to the best of my ability, anyway) and focuses strictly on what you need to know to survive should the unrest come to your neighborhood.

You need to understand how riots unfold...

Read More:
How To Survive the Civil Unrest - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

Self-pity and playing the victim is pretty pathetic.

When white cops start shooting unarmed white youths for wearing a red MAGA hat, let us know.

Please start posting stories of white conservative people having the cops called on them for everyday things.

Oh you mean like the ambush and murder of LaVoy Finicum?
Or the attack and murder of the Weavers when Randy Weaver failed to appear at a court date that he was never made aware of?
LaVoy Tarp Boy? One less loser.
Has anyone looked at these white wing militia's?





I was in the 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division and I NEVER saw guys who looked like these Moby's. These are the Republicans who will fight the Civil War. Quick, hide the snacks. They'll give up.
Has anyone looked at these white wing militia's?





I was in the 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division and I NEVER saw guys who looked like these Moby's. These are the Republicans who will fight the Civil War. Quick, hide the snacks. They'll give up.
It will be a sensational standoff more fantastical than any WWF battle royale



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