Democrats Demand Trump Testify At Senate Impeachment Trial

Yet you still must show up and swear in to testify, to comply with the subpoena, which is all i am saying. So you arent arguing against anything i have said. And you can't take the 5th on just any question to avoid answering it. That is at the judge's discretion. For example, if you are subpoenaed to testify and refuse to open your mouth or try to plead the 5th when asked your name, the judge can hold you in contempt.
This is also a civil trial, so the defendant when it comes to the 5th is treated just like a witness. They can only refuse to answer specific questions that might incriminate them. All other questions have to be answered.

In civil suits, this is actually how it always goes. You can be compelled to testify, but if a particular question might expose you to criminal sanctions, you can refuse to answer that question
He won't have to show up. His lawyers need only as for immidiate ruling by Supreme Court on constitutionality of trying to impeach a private citizen. Court will end this circus.
President Trump was impeached.

And the USSC already said the senate could try a private citizen.
I wish the senate would subpoena Trump. And if he refuses to show up, find him in contempt, and sentence him to incarceration until the end of the 117th congress.
I wish the senate would subpoena Trump. And if he refuses to show up, find him in contempt, and sentence him to incarceration until the end of the 117th congress.
Of course he should be subpoenaed. The only reason he hasn't is because he has a significantly large cult, to which nearly half of Congress has staked their political futures. Period.
the senate doesn't have the authority to put anyone in jail.
Wrong again. You can go to jail for up to 12 months. Each time. So they can subpoena you again after your 12 months and charge you again, if you defy the subpoena again.. And,essentially, keep you in jail in perpetuity. By the rules, that is. And we all know how you Trumpers are cool with ANYTHING not explicitly against the rules. So you have nothing to complain about.

All this talk and zero links, provide a link specific to an impeachment. No hurry you've got the rest of you life to keep lying.

What fucking subpoena, there has been no subpoena issued and there won't be. The shit show is scheduled to start Monday. Also it's a political exercise the courts aren't involved. So shove your law and order propaganda up your commie ass.
The USSC has repeatedly upheld congresses subpoena power, the latest being when Trump appealed the subpoena they issued against him as sitting president.

The USSC has also long standing confirmation of congresses power to subpoena private citizens.

For congressional hearings, maybe, not for this and definitely not a defendant. I seriously doubt there will be any witnesses. But why do you commies keep whining, there has been no subpoena issued to Trump and I'd bet there won't be.

You claimed without immunity, a person couldn't be compelled to testify at all. That's not true. They can force you to show up. They can force you to take the oath.
Sorry, but "compelled to testify" has a specific legal meaning to me that is different than it is to you and Fort Fun. I think Fort Fun realizes that we were mainly just miscommunicating.

I did leave a lot of details and caveats out (for example "testify where one might incriminate oneself"), of course, so my bad.

I sat in a bunch of federal grand jury trials this year. Each subpoenaed witness was instructed that they could take the 5th, or leave the courtroom and discuss things with their attorney at any time.

I don't consider showing up for trial equivalent of testifying. That's when one gives testimony.

As a general rule, a court can force you to testify after sending you a subpoena informing you what testimony they need. ... The testimony includes self incriminating evidence: The constitution gives you the right to avoid giving self-incriminating evidence under the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution.

As I said, they can force you to show up, and force you to take the oath. They can force you to answer questions that do not incriminate you. Remember this is a civil, and not a criminal trial.

When are you commies going to realize this shit show has no relation to a court of law?

I wish the senate would subpoena Trump. And if he refuses to show up, find him in contempt, and sentence him to incarceration until the end of the 117th congress.

They don't have that authority dumb ass.

He won't have to show up. His lawyers need only as for immidiate ruling by Supreme Court on constitutionality of trying to impeach a private citizen. Court will end this circus.
President Trump was impeached.

And the USSC already said the senate could try a private citizen.
That would be a lie. Roberts himself won't participate. The case you're likely going to cite was never decided by the SCOTUS. The Senate gave themselves the right to try a private citizen. There is no precedent from the courts. The Senate has ZERO right to try a private citizen.
Right. One can only be compelled to testify unless one is granted immunity.
No, you are wrong (or you completely misunderstood my point.)

In short, they can take away 5th Amendment protection if they grant you immunity from prosecution. It is frequently used. If you then refuse to answer after being granted immunity, they can lock you up.

So, do you still think I am wrong?

You claimed without immunity, a person couldn't be compelled to testify at all. That's not true. They can force you to show up. They can force you to take the oath.
No they can't.
The whole concept of impeaching a president who is no longer in office is ridiculous.
Wrong. The framers did not intend a president or any other civil officer to escape an impeachment trial by running out the clock.

And on more than one occasion the senate held trial on people who were private citizens at the time the trial began.
What they intended often bares no resemblance to what the Constitution actually says.
Why would Trump waste time and tax dollars testifying in a fake trial??

I wouldn't I'd tell em all the get fucked.
They don't want him to testify. They want him forced to sit there while they lie and scream at him. No one really believes this will be a serious hearing.

Seems to me the Nazi party did the same thing to German patriots. Not surprising Dems are hosting a rigged show trial with a judge who's already stated Trump is guilty before the trial has even begun.
Ol Trumpy boy gunna spend alot of time at the defendants table in the next few years.
that would really be dragging America down to third world banana republic status
When you break the law or defame people thats what happens. You end up at the defense table. That's not banana republic that is law and order. Lol . You are hilarious
Trump didn't break any law, NAZI. Using the legal system to persecute political opponents is what banana Republics do. have any evidence of that "demand" you claim? Or did you lie again.
Heard hom call out election fraud a million times. Defamation big time he gunna be sued sued,sued
Government officials can't sue anyone, you fucking moron. If that were legal than Trump has about 1000 people he can sue.
Show me that law dumb fuck. You are hilarious. That being said Dominion will sue Trump eventually. Gunna cost him big. You do not lose your right to cort remedies by taking a government job you fucking idiot.
Name the last time a government official sued anyone for slander.
Ol Trumpy boy gunna spend alot of time at the defendants table in the next few years.
that would really be dragging America down to third world banana republic status
When you break the law or defame people thats what happens. You end up at the defense table. That's not banana republic that is law and order. Lol . You are hilarious
Trump didn't break any law, NAZI. Using the legal system to persecute political opponents is what banana Republics do.
Bla,bla,bla. Lied about election fraud over and over with no proof. He gunna get sued to hell and back. Gunna be fun to watch right along with Rudy and the krsken. Lol More bripat horse shit you are king of the loons on here but always entertaining. Tax evasion and money laundering charges will be coming out of New York in the next year. Gunna be fun.
He didn't lie and there is plenty of proof, shit for brains.

There wont' be any charges coming out of new York because the DA knows those charges are baloney.
Bla,bla,bla went to court over 50 times and Biden is still president. Lou Dobbs fired for spouting horse shit. Conservative newscasts have retracted. His own AG called it horse shit as well as Mitch McConnell. Trump and you are a laughing stock. I just like to read your drivel and laugh my ass off I have no intention of going back and forth with an idiot all night.
Democrat Reich talking points. Lies, in other words.

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