Democrats Disgrace Themselves Interrogating Trump's CIA Nominee


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I watched it and couldn't agree more. The actions of the Dim Senators were so out of line one could only grimace in disgust. And trembly Susan Collins of Maine was not better.

Anyone who watched the confirmation hearings of Gina Haspel should be astonished at the way most of the Democrats treated her. KSM, the mastermind of the 9-11 attacks, and the Senate intelligence panel"s Democrats both agree that they are against the nomination of Gina Haspel to lead the CIA. He has written a letter to them giving information about Haspel, who in 2002 was a chief of base at a black-site prison in Thailand, where detainees were subjected to enhanced interrogation. Waterboarding was a big issue, but none thought to mention that it happened to only three terrorists. Maybe the Democrats should call KSM as a witness, since they appear to be singing the same tune of Kumbaya.

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[Appears that enough Dems are stepping up to support her]
Anyone who watched the confirmation hearings of Gina Haspel should be astonished at the way most of the Democrats treated her.

It is the new Democratic Norm. They have nothing to run on for themselves other than to build up this mythos about how bad (read: Evil) the GOP and Trump Administration is. Why, they look upon Charles Manson, Jack The Ripper, Adolf Hitler and Uday Hussein with far greater affection.
Anyone who watched the confirmation hearings of Gina Haspel should be astonished at the way most of the Democrats treated her.

It is the new Democratic Norm. They have nothing to run on for themselves other than to build up this mythos about how bad (read: Evil) the GOP and Trump Administration is. Why, they look upon Charles Manson, Jack The Ripper, Adolf Hitler and Uday Hussein with far greater affection.
Obstructions a bitch ain’t it? I wouldn’t say it’s just a deomocrat thing though
Anyone who watched the confirmation hearings of Gina Haspel should be astonished at the way most of the Democrats treated her.

It is the new Democratic Norm. They have nothing to run on for themselves other than to build up this mythos about how bad (read: Evil) the GOP and Trump Administration is. Why, they look upon Charles Manson, Jack The Ripper, Adolf Hitler and Uday Hussein with far greater affection.
Obstructions a bitch ain’t it? I wouldn’t say it’s just a deomocrat thing though

No, it's TREASON, and should be dealt with accordingly. Little by little, your party is forcing the rest of us to slowly come to grips with the fact that the DNC is no longer a party of political differences and alternatives but has devolved into a faction of enemy combatants who oppose anything and everything just to oppose it and is working against the interests of our own nation as a terrorist organization from within usurping the rule of law with the clearly stated intent to overthrow our constitution and rule of law and at some point, will have to be dealt with accordingly.
She directly facilitated torture and helped destroy evidence of it after being ordered by the courts to keep it. Not my idea of law and order.
Nice thread title. Oh the irony !

Congress “interrogation “ is nothing compared to how she interrogated people.
Anyone who watched the confirmation hearings of Gina Haspel should be astonished at the way most of the Democrats treated her.

It is the new Democratic Norm. They have nothing to run on for themselves other than to build up this mythos about how bad (read: Evil) the GOP and Trump Administration is. Why, they look upon Charles Manson, Jack The Ripper, Adolf Hitler and Uday Hussein with far greater affection.
Obstructions a bitch ain’t it? I wouldn’t say it’s just a deomocrat thing though

No, it's TREASON, and should be dealt with accordingly. Little by little, your party is forcing the rest of us to slowly come to grips with the fact that the DNC is no longer a party of political differences and alternatives but has devolved into a faction of enemy combatants who oppose anything and everything just to oppose it and is working against the interests of our own nation as a terrorist organization from within usurping the rule of law with the clearly stated intent to overthrow our constitution and rule of law and at some point, will have to be dealt with accordingly.
First of, it’s not my party... second, were you paying attention at all over the past 8 years? When congress slide to a halt as repiblicans made it their mission to block everything Obama wanted to do? This is a tit for tat game and I don’t see how it gets better unless we have a leader that can unify.

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