Democrats first resolution NOOOOOOOPE

The Kavanaugh false accusers...
The Russia hoax...
The shampeachment witch trial...

Characterizes the banana republic party. Thankfully, America is still mostly populated by first world Americans. And Trump brings us hope that we will remain so. The anti-Americans will be defeated again.
It characterizes what a bunch of stupid fucks that the Trumpettes are.

1) Our intel agencies all agreed that the Russians inferred in the 2016 election
2) Why wouod a well know professor lie about a man with the reputation of being a sloppy drunk in college?
3) Republicans were there & could ask all the questions they wanted.
Yeah. I did too. They got rid of a corrupt prosecutor in a country we were helping financially.

Now, the question is what Trump was doing. You don’t want to know. Scared of what you’ll find?

Are you STILL crying because you morons rushed and didn’t do your job? Tough shit. Why didn’t you do a legitimate investigation? Oh that’s right. There’s nothing to find because you have nothing.

For someone with nothing to hide, y’all are sure desperate to prevent anything from being found.

Allow me to introduce you to American justice. You are innocent until proven guilty. It's on you and your ilk to prove Trump guilty. To date, that hasn't happened. Accusations and innuendo isn't proof. You are going to need more than general claims of abuse of power. If that's the best you've got, why didn't you impeach Obama when he admitted that his DACA ruling was unconstitutional?

It hasn’t happened because Trump is allowed to conceal the truth.

If one of us ignored all subpoenas in an investigation, we’d be in jail.
Again......let me introduce you to the American justice system. You have a right not to incriminate yourself. It is up to the prosecution to prove their case, not the defendant to prove his innocence. You're not very good at this. Have you spent much time in our great nation?

So, the only thing Trump could testify to would incriminate him.
I love how you guys celebrate ignorance.

be proud.
Your the ignorant one, you should
Have evidence before you go
To trial
Lol moron

They’re treating you like an idiot. Telling you that you don’t need to know what your government is doing with your tax dollars in your name.

And you’re happy to be treated that way.
No we heard joe Biden tell us what he did with our money, and Obama

Yeah. I did too. They got rid of a corrupt prosecutor in a country we were helping financially.

Now, the question is what Trump was doing. You don’t want to know. Scared of what you’ll find?
Through bribery.

The got rid of a prosecutor that was standing in the way of the Bidens getting even richer.

Fuck off. That lie has been debunked a gazillion times.

If Biden did something wrong, investigate him

Quit using it as an excuse for your fat assed orange buddy to break the law.
The Kavanaugh false accusers...
The Russia hoax...
The shampeachment witch trial...

Characterizes the banana republic party. Thankfully, America is still mostly populated by first world Americans. And Trump brings us hope that we will remain so. The anti-Americans will be defeated again.
It characterizes what a bunch of stupid fucks that the Trumpettes are.

1) Our intel agencies all agreed that the Russians inferred in the 2016 election
2) Why wouod a well know professor lie about a man with the reputation of being a sloppy drunk in college?
3) Republicans were there & could ask all the questions they wanted.

Trump was completely acquitted of any charges after you spend 30 million of tax payer money chasing after ghosts.

Same with Kavanaugh, absolutely no evidence he had done anything.

And now, as you will soon see, Trump is again shown to be innocent of all charges.

Maybe in some banana republic your banana republic tactics would work. I recommend a plane ticket, make it one way.
So, this proves there are no documents in the White House that would clear Trump.
why didn't schitt's go to court and find out? it's his impeachment proceedings that you all are now saying failed. I agree. bigly in fact.
They have evidence.

I guess the decision will be based on all the already gathered evidence from all those witness who had testified that Trump did it.
who was that? if they have what they need, why do they need witnesses? you all are a fking lunafk group. truly, one can't make up your kind of nuts.
Wow Adam shit head looks pissed
Elections have consequences

Republicans 1
Democrats 0

I love how you guys celebrate ignorance.

be proud.
Your the ignorant one, you should
Have evidence before you go
To trial
Lol moron
They have evidence.

They know now Trump has no real defense. If he had proof, he would have wanted it submitted.
real defense against what? name a crime. shit we have been waiting. still nothing. defendants don't bring stuff to a trial when there are no charges. what is it you feel they have? Now go ask schitt's why he didn't request the documents in a court proceedings?
Your fat assed orange hero withheld federal aid to the Ukraine unless the President of Ukraine announced an investigation into Joe Biden, Trump's political rival..
I understand you fucking Trumpettes are dumber than shit but that is obviously a crime.
it is obvious huh? then name the statute. it's obvious you know?
Wow Adam shit head looks pissed
Elections have consequences

Republicans 1
Democrats 0

I love how you guys celebrate ignorance.

be proud.
Your the ignorant one, you should
Have evidence before you go
To trial
Lol moron
They have evidence.

They know now Trump has no real defense. If he had proof, he would have wanted it submitted.
real defense against what? name a crime. shit we have been waiting. still nothing. defendants don't bring stuff to a trial when there are no charges. what is it you feel they have? Now go ask schitt's why he didn't request the documents in a court proceedings?
Your fat assed orange hero withheld federal aid to the Ukraine unless the President of Ukraine announced an investigation into Joe Biden, Trump's political rival..
I understand you fucking Trumpettes are dumber than shit but that is obviously a crime.
Trump ran on holding foreign aid .. are you retarted?
So, this proves there are no documents in the White House that would clear Trump.
why didn't schitt's go to court and find out? it's his impeachment proceedings that you all are now saying failed. I agree. bigly in fact.
They have evidence.

I guess the decision will be based on all the already gathered evidence from all those witness who had testified that Trump did it.
Yessssss……..and Schitt's going to show you any day now just like he was over the last few years. Oh, and Schitt promises not to cum in our mouth. He'll also respect you in the morning. Rube.
Crow is the military guy! Lol so funny
He is so worried Ukrainian didn’t get the aid.. BUT THEY DID! Lol
If mitt Romney sides with democrats after sitting through this for 3 days he’s a red coat! Benedict Arnold
Are you STILL crying because you morons rushed and didn’t do your job? Tough shit. Why didn’t you do a legitimate investigation? Oh that’s right. There’s nothing to find because you have nothing.

For someone with nothing to hide, y’all are sure desperate to prevent anything from being found.

Allow me to introduce you to American justice. You are innocent until proven guilty. It's on you and your ilk to prove Trump guilty. To date, that hasn't happened. Accusations and innuendo isn't proof. You are going to need more than general claims of abuse of power. If that's the best you've got, why didn't you impeach Obama when he admitted that his DACA ruling was unconstitutional?

It hasn’t happened because Trump is allowed to conceal the truth.

If one of us ignored all subpoenas in an investigation, we’d be in jail.
Again......let me introduce you to the American justice system. You have a right not to incriminate yourself. It is up to the prosecution to prove their case, not the defendant to prove his innocence. You're not very good at this. Have you spent much time in our great nation?

So, the only thing Trump could testify to would incriminate him.
Does it physically hurt to be THAT stoopid? Every time you type a post, you put your ignorance on display. Go back to junior high and take a civics class. I realize you guys admire socialism and communism, but our justice system operates differently than that. No one is required to testify against themselves. Moron.
I love how you guys celebrate ignorance.

be proud.
Your the ignorant one, you should
Have evidence before you go
To trial
Lol moron
They have evidence.

They know now Trump has no real defense. If he had proof, he would have wanted it submitted.
real defense against what? name a crime. shit we have been waiting. still nothing. defendants don't bring stuff to a trial when there are no charges. what is it you feel they have? Now go ask schitt's why he didn't request the documents in a court proceedings?
Your fat assed orange hero withheld federal aid to the Ukraine unless the President of Ukraine announced an investigation into Joe Biden, Trump's political rival..
I understand you fucking Trumpettes are dumber than shit but that is obviously a crime.
Trump ran on holding foreign aid .. are you retarted?
Read the fucking Constitution. If the Congress says they get aid, they get aid.
For someone with nothing to hide, y’all are sure desperate to prevent anything from being found.

Allow me to introduce you to American justice. You are innocent until proven guilty. It's on you and your ilk to prove Trump guilty. To date, that hasn't happened. Accusations and innuendo isn't proof. You are going to need more than general claims of abuse of power. If that's the best you've got, why didn't you impeach Obama when he admitted that his DACA ruling was unconstitutional?

It hasn’t happened because Trump is allowed to conceal the truth.

If one of us ignored all subpoenas in an investigation, we’d be in jail.
Again......let me introduce you to the American justice system. You have a right not to incriminate yourself. It is up to the prosecution to prove their case, not the defendant to prove his innocence. You're not very good at this. Have you spent much time in our great nation?

So, the only thing Trump could testify to would incriminate him.
Does it physically hurt to be THAT stoopid? Every time you type a post, you put your ignorance on display. Go back to junior high and take a civics class. I realize you guys admire socialism and communism, but our justice system operates differently than that. No one is required to testify against themselves. Moron.

If Trump has evidence that he is innocent, why would he hide it?

If you admired our country & the Constitution, you would not be here supporting Trump.
Your the ignorant one, you should
Have evidence before you go
To trial
Lol moron
They have evidence.

They know now Trump has no real defense. If he had proof, he would have wanted it submitted.
real defense against what? name a crime. shit we have been waiting. still nothing. defendants don't bring stuff to a trial when there are no charges. what is it you feel they have? Now go ask schitt's why he didn't request the documents in a court proceedings?
Your fat assed orange hero withheld federal aid to the Ukraine unless the President of Ukraine announced an investigation into Joe Biden, Trump's political rival..
I understand you fucking Trumpettes are dumber than shit but that is obviously a crime.
Trump ran on holding foreign aid .. are you retarted?
Read the fucking Constitution. If the Congress says they get aid, they get aid.
They got aid,, trump is looking out for our tax money .. FOREIGN AID IS VERY UNPOPULAR.. you want to run on that?
They have evidence.

They know now Trump has no real defense. If he had proof, he would have wanted it submitted.
real defense against what? name a crime. shit we have been waiting. still nothing. defendants don't bring stuff to a trial when there are no charges. what is it you feel they have? Now go ask schitt's why he didn't request the documents in a court proceedings?
Your fat assed orange hero withheld federal aid to the Ukraine unless the President of Ukraine announced an investigation into Joe Biden, Trump's political rival..
I understand you fucking Trumpettes are dumber than shit but that is obviously a crime.
Trump ran on holding foreign aid .. are you retarted?
Read the fucking Constitution. If the Congress says they get aid, they get aid.
They got aid,, trump is looking out for our tax money .. FOREIGN AID IS VERY UNPOPULAR.. you want to run on that?
Unpopular only to the ignorant. End all foreign aid & Russia & China will take our plsce & get all the good trade deal & access to their raw materials, etc.

You assfucks are dumber than shit
I love how you guys celebrate ignorance.

be proud.
Your the ignorant one, you should
Have evidence before you go
To trial
Lol moron
They have evidence.

They know now Trump has no real defense. If he had proof, he would have wanted it submitted.
real defense against what? name a crime. shit we have been waiting. still nothing. defendants don't bring stuff to a trial when there are no charges. what is it you feel they have? Now go ask schitt's why he didn't request the documents in a court proceedings?
Your fat assed orange hero withheld federal aid to the Ukraine unless the President of Ukraine announced an investigation into Joe Biden, Trump's political rival..
I understand you fucking Trumpettes are dumber than shit but that is obviously a crime.
it is obvious huh? then name the statute. it's obvious you know?
So you think the President can use federal funs for personal political gain?

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