Democrats fiscally destroy Detroit~

who ruined our economy and had to hire a black man to clean up the mess?
You treat him with about as much respect as you do the shoe shine guy in the subway
who ruined our economy and had to hire a black man to clean up the mess?

Democrats hired themselves a black man to make themselves feel "progressive". Problem is that "black" man has failed as miserably as every other progressive democrat...see you stupid's not the color of his skin, it's the ideological idiocy of his leadership.

I mean just look at its adherents such as yourself for proof of the idiocy.
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who ruined our economy and had to hire a black man to clean up the mess?

This is a cut and paste from another thread on the same topic.

I believe it was Clinton's policies that were created with Democrat and Republican help... then Bush era policies that was created with Republican and then a super majority of Democrats (including Obama) help... Now it's Obama and mainly Democrats.... or is going on 5 years while running over a trillion dollars a year in deficit spending not enough time for Obama to find a bottom for the collapsing economy?

Remember TM, we still are getting injections of 40 billion a month from the FEDs. Without that not only would UE be historically high but the markets would reflect some amount of reality and look like shit. The question is how long can we build debt to float a false market.

Ahh, remember when TM used to bitch all day long about the deregulation of glass segil, and how it was Bush that caused a housing bubble.... Only to find out it was Clinton. Then TM started saying it was the Republicans in congress! But if we do that then anyone can make the case Bush was the best President in US history, it was simply all the Democrats fault in congress....
who ruined our economy and had to hire a black man to clean up the mess?

This is a cut and paste from another thread on the same topic.

I believe it was Clinton's policies that were created with Democrat and Republican help... then Bush era policies that was created with Republican and then a super majority of Democrats (including Obama) help... Now it's Obama and mainly Democrats.... or is going on 5 years while running over a trillion dollars a year in deficit spending not enough time for Obama to find a bottom for the collapsing economy?

Remember TM, we still are getting injections of 40 billion a month from the FEDs. Without that not only would UE be historically high but the markets would reflect some amount of reality and look like shit. The question is how long can we build debt to float a false market.

Ahh, remember when TM used to bitch all day long about the deregulation of glass segil, and how it was Bush that caused a housing bubble.... Only to find out it was Clinton. Then TM started saying it was the Republicans in congress! But if we do that then anyone can make the case Bush was the best President in US history, it was simply all the Democrats fault in congress....

Progressive democrats and their policies are the ruination of our country.
Even Teddy Turner knows the liberals are destroying this country with their idiotic causes and policies. Recently he received a note from his infamous liberal father after his speech in S.C. and an interview on The Factor where he said:

"Turner joked about nightmarish Thanksgiving get-togethers and called out his father for his liberal environmental views — tweaking him as a hypocrite who drives a green car only to hopscotch around the country on his CO2-spewing private plane.

“I’m like, ‘Dad, you can’t drive the Prius to the jet,” Turner said.

And in an interview with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, Turner joked that his father’s “take is that he owns a lot of trees so his carbon footprint is pretty limited.”

Turner says his relationship with his father is actually warm; any rancor between them is pretty much limited to politics. After his son ribbed him on Fox News, Ted Turner sent Teddy a note. “I saw your interview with Bill O’Reilly on Fox,” it read, “and I thought you did a great job! I’m really proud of you, and I hope you win. Best of luck. Love, Dad.”

Read more: Teddy Turner takes on Ted Turner in S.C. House race - Alex Isenstadt -
Truth matters I missed your insanity LMAO anyway yeah decades of dems have ruined every single city and state they dominate.
Truth matters I missed your insanity LMAO anyway yeah decades of dems have ruined every single city and state they dominate.

Yes, they have. Indeed, thanks to liberal policies only the rich can afford to live in the nicest cities and the nicest areas...taxes have made it too fucking expensive for the average Joe. In addition, taxes, have caused business to flee liberal controlled cities and liberal controlled states.

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