Democrats For Romney

Democrats should vote Romney

If you consider that most Democrats are center left, Romney is the candidate that's closest to their political beliefs.

Obama definitely let them down on that hopey changy thing, has proven too far left for most Democrats, is definitely weak on economic issues and they mostly agree that Obama has the country on the wrong track.

For the good of the country Democrats should vote Romney, he's their logical choice.

Republicans should vote Obama.

If you consider that most Republicans are center-right, then Obama is just as close to their point of view as Romney is.

Or, he might be... With Romney, you have no idea what you're actually getting.

At least with Obama you know you're getting a centrist Democrat.

Yup... I love comedy...:lol:
It's just that more people are saying, "what ya gonna sucks but Obama.." had it been Huntsman getting the nomination, I think we would have a new president starting off one to blame but yourselves. We're stuck with Obama, get use to it.

No were stuck with Obama..unite and kick the twit out..

I'm with ya, from Hope and Change to Hope for a Change.
Hoping and praying here. :D
Romney is now attacking Obama for attending Harvard. Not only did Romney attend Harvard, but sent three of his sons there.
My apologies to your Mother... should I even consider you reasonable?...:lol:

I'm a very reasonable man. You call me unreasonable for not accepting your ridiculous suggestion? Seems pretty unreasonable!
No, you're unreasonable for positing the positively ridiculous (i.e. Boiking is a moderate righty) and expecting to be taken seriously. :lol:

He is. He's pretty much been taking George Bush type stances again and again, and not at all acting like the liberal he campaigns as.

Romney is now attacking Obama for attending Harvard. Not only did Romney attend Harvard, but sent three of his sons there.

But he has to play to that anti-knowledge crowd. Anti-booklearnin'!
Democrats should vote Romney

If you consider that most Democrats are center left, Romney is the candidate that's closest to their political beliefs.

Obama definitely let them down on that hopey changy thing, has proven too far left for most Democrats, is definitely weak on economic issues and they mostly agree that Obama has the country on the wrong track.

For the good of the country Democrats should vote Romney, he's their logical choice.
like Reagan many will vote for him!! goodby Obama !!:clap2::clap2:
My apologies to your Mother... should I even consider you reasonable?...:lol:

I'm a very reasonable man. You call me unreasonable for not accepting your ridiculous suggestion? Seems pretty unreasonable!
No, you're unreasonable for positing the positively ridiculous (i.e. Boiking is a moderate righty) and expecting to be taken seriously. :lol:

A moderate republican is now a ultra Liberal to you tea party people. Which of course no reasonable person takes seriously any more. You were only a pet project of the Koch Brothers and FOX news anyway. They got what they wanted out of you...2010 elections. They'll round up the sheep for their next act when it's time.
I bet many do! The economy is what people care about and he is the man for the economy!

This is totally true. Lots of people want the government to run the economy. Socialism has broad populist appeal and I think thing Romney 'gets' it.
I'm a very reasonable man. You call me unreasonable for not accepting your ridiculous suggestion? Seems pretty unreasonable!
No, you're unreasonable for positing the positively ridiculous (i.e. Boiking is a moderate righty) and expecting to be taken seriously. :lol:

A moderate republican is now a ultra Liberal to you tea party people. Which of course no reasonable person takes seriously any more. You were only a pet project of the Koch Brothers and FOX news anyway. They got what they wanted out of you...2010 elections. They'll round up the sheep for their next act when it's time.

Today's "extreme right-winger" -what socialist moonbats like you spent 8 years calling Shrubbie43- is to the left of LBJ, whose policies were virtually indistinguishable from those of Chimpola.

If there's any dope here who's prime for rounding up like a sheep, it's you, tovarich.
I'm a very reasonable man. You call me unreasonable for not accepting your ridiculous suggestion? Seems pretty unreasonable!
No, you're unreasonable for positing the positively ridiculous (i.e. Boiking is a moderate righty) and expecting to be taken seriously. :lol:

He is. He's pretty much been taking George Bush type stances again and again, and not at all acting like the liberal he campaigns as.
Yet freaks like you spent 8 years screeching about what a "right wing extremist" that Chimpola was.

You moonbats are nothing, if not endlessly amusing. :lol::lol::lol:
Democrats should vote Romney

If you consider that most Democrats are center left, Romney is the candidate that's closest to their political beliefs.

Obama definitely let them down on that hopey changy thing, has proven too far left for most Democrats, is definitely weak on economic issues and they mostly agree that Obama has the country on the wrong track.

For the good of the country Democrats should vote Romney, he's their logical choice.

Don't think so.. :lol:

So you like the country moving in the wrong direction and in turmoil.. correct?

It will only continue moving in the wrong direction if we keep the Republicans in congress.
Democrats should vote Romney

If you consider that most Democrats are center left, Romney is the candidate that's closest to their political beliefs.

Obama definitely let them down on that hopey changy thing, has proven too far left for most Democrats, is definitely weak on economic issues and they mostly agree that Obama has the country on the wrong track.

For the good of the country Democrats should vote Romney, he's their logical choice.

Democrats won't for Romney for the same reason most Republicans still aren't.

You can't trust the guy. You can't trust anything he says. He's Mitt Two-Face.

Mitt Romney balanced his state budget without raising taxes.
it went from a 3 billion deficit to a 720 million surplus at the end of his term in 2006.
When Gov. Deval Patrick ( a Dem) was elected after Mitt Romney the state budget had a 307.1 million deficit in 2007.
Obama wanted to borrow another trillion dollars for 2013. He does not want to pay down the deficit.
Think about this when you vote in Nov.

This is true.
Mitt Romney balanced his state budget without raising taxes.
it went from a 3 billion deficit to a 720 million surplus at the end of his term in 2006.
When Gov. Deval Patrick ( a Dem) was elected after Mitt Romney the state budget had a 307.1 million deficit in 2007.
Obama wanted to borrow another trillion dollars for 2013. He does not want to pay down the deficit.
Think about this when you vote in Nov.

If the romney back then were the romney of today, I'd sure be taking a good look at him. In fact, before he went all tea party on us, I was interested in him as well as John Huntsman.

I hate to sound like a broken record but how did he go "all tea party" on us? Specifically that is.
Anything Romney could say that would get a democrat to vote for him, would alienate so much of what we have to rely on for voters in the Republican party, he would lose anyway.

Romney is the Kobiyashi Maru candidate.
Anything Romney could say that would get a democrat to vote for him, would alienate so much of what we have to rely on for voters in the Republican party, he would lose anyway.

Romney is the Kobiyashi Maru candidate.

Lots of Democrats have already voted for him in my very liberal state of MA, even in the primary this year!
Democrats should vote Romney

If you consider that most Democrats are center left, Romney is the candidate that's closest to their political beliefs.

Obama definitely let them down on that hopey changy thing, has proven too far left for most Democrats, is definitely weak on economic issues and they mostly agree that Obama has the country on the wrong track.

For the good of the country Democrats should vote Romney, he's their logical choice.
Americans are more alike than they are different, at least if they didn't go through the hate-America political science world that tends to dominate academia.

Oh man, for a minute there I thought you were going to be up front and call out rw radio and FOX. Just more demonizing of education from the right, yawn...
You mean, a direct kick to the balls of hatemongering good-is-bad and bad-is-good professateurs? I had a big brother who taught me what to do if necessary, bless his pointy head. :)
Democrats should vote Romney

If you consider that most Democrats are center left, Romney is the candidate that's closest to their political beliefs.

Obama definitely let them down on that hopey changy thing, has proven too far left for most Democrats, is definitely weak on economic issues and they mostly agree that Obama has the country on the wrong track.

For the good of the country Democrats should vote Romney, he's their logical choice.
Americans are more alike than they are different, at least if they didn't go through the hate-America political science world that tends to dominate academia.

Oh man, for a minute there I thought you were going to be up front and call out rw radio and FOX. Just more demonizing of education from the right, yawn...

Who was demonizing education? She was just giving an opinion of our academia and an accurate opinion at that.
Republicans should vote Obama.

If you consider that most Republicans are center-right, then Obama is just as close to their point of view as Romney is.

Or, he might be... With Romney, you have no idea what you're actually getting.

At least with Obama you know you're getting a centrist Democrat.

Yup... I love comedy...:lol:

Nothing but truth in that statement.

If you find the truth funny, well then I'm glad I made you happy.

Still doesn't affect the fact that it's a perfectly factual statement.

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