Democrats forgot what Democracy means.

Don't you have a pan and an egg?
Not until breakfast?
Democrats believe that democracy means majority rule. As long as they have 50% plus one then they believe they can and should do whatever they think is best and if the minority doesn't like it then fuck 'em. The minority is too stupid to know what's best anyway. And they don't give shit about the Constitution, it means or should mean whatever they want it to and they will do whatever it takes to change the makeup of the justices on that court so they get their way. They are hell-bent on creating a one-party gov't that history tells us usually leads to a totalitarian state. Some of them will deny it of course, but that is the path they are on.
When that party pushes sanctuary cities without vox populi, when they legalize drugs and decriminalize theft and defund the police... What IS democracy then? What is the democratic party?

What bothers you more? That the voters don’t vote the Democrats out? Or that the fact that you are in the radical minority is becoming undeniable?
Just doing what you want as long as it goes against established social norms and morals is the dem's version of democracy.

Think that's BS?

One only has to reflect on what they support on a daily basis.
We are a contitutional Republic

Which is one of the many forms of democracy.

Does this sound like our system or not?

a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
When that party pushes sanctuary cities without vox populi, when they legalize drugs and decriminalize theft and defund the police... What IS democracy then? What is the democratic party?
Worse the statist left has no idea that America is a Democratic REPUBLIC!!! Once groupthink(hive mentality) sets in it's all over as there remains no avenue back.
We are Constitutional Republic
They didn't forget.

Their very name was conceived in the notion of deception.

They abhor democracy, it is antithetical to every authoritarian aspiration they hold dear.
Does it get any dumber than this? Like we haven’t heard it a million times! At what point does it become SPAM?
When that party pushes sanctuary cities without vox populi, when they legalize drugs and decriminalize theft and defund the police... What IS democracy then? What is the democratic party?

They know what it means, they choose to ignore that because democracy gets in the way of their fascism.
There are (at least) two different concepts of "democracy," and the Democrats have historically chosen the wrong one.

One concept that that while every American citizen has the "right" to vote, there should be a few very basic requirements that screen out the ignorant, uninvolved, and clueless. These requirements might be, (a) you have to register in advance to vote and have a home address; (b) you must have - and present - a valid, current photo ID card, issued by the State (which will be provided free-of-charge, if necessary); (c) unless you have a legitimate reason not to, you must show up ON ELECTION DAY, while the polls are open, to vote. If you CANNOT show up on Election Day, you can use an Absentee Ballot, for which reasonable security requirements apply.

It would be entirely reasonable under this concept to require newly-registering voters to pass the SAME CIVICS TEST that immigrants must pass in order to be naturalized. The point of this entire concept is to make it likely that every voter is, shall we say, a competent U.S. citizen.

Under this concept, one does not fret about "voter turnout." It is presumed that everyone voting is a competent citizen and has voted (or not voted) after careful thought. Those who cannot or choose not to vote have expressed their views just as clearly as those who voted; their view is that they don't care enough about the issues or candidates to bother with voting.

Another concept is that every American citizen has a RIGHT to vote, and that the "best" elections are elections that have the highest voter turnout. So proponents of this concept of "democracy" are constantly pushing initiatives that get people registered and voting, regardless of their competence or desires. They wish to allow such things as same-day voter registration, automatic registration when you apply for a vehicle registration, mail-in balloting and voting in Ballot Boxes that are spread around the various voting districts, vote harvesting by both volunteers and paid staffers, an election SEASON, rather than Election Day, and so on.

Being cynical for a moment, the proponents of this second view hope to benefit from the addition of the marginal voters - generally ignorant, incompetent, uninformed voters - who would not bother to vote if the former concept were in play.

And this is of course how Joe Biden won the election in 2020, and it is WHY the Democrat Congress, as their first order of business when they took office in 2021, was to try to make permanent and universal the loose and perverse rules that were prompted by the Pandemic, because they worked to their benefit. Fortunately, this unconstitutional initiative failed, but we still have the tension over the two concepts of democracy, which are inevitably being implemented in the states where one party has a clear majority...Republicans going for the former concept and Democrats pushing the latter one.

These are both concepts of "democracy," but one is clearly better than the other.
There are (at least) two different concepts of "democracy," and the Democrats have historically chosen the wrong one.

One concept that that while every American citizen has the "right" to vote, there should be a few very basic requirements that screen out the ignorant, uninvolved, and clueless. These requirements might be, (a) you have to register in advance to vote and have a home address; (b) you must have - and present - a valid, current photo ID card, issued by the State (which will be provided free-of-charge, if necessary); (c) unless you have a legitimate reason not to, you must show up ON ELECTION DAY, while the polls are open, to vote. If you CANNOT show up on Election Day, you can use an Absentee Ballot, for which reasonable security requirements apply.

It would be entirely reasonable under this concept to require newly-registering voters to pass the SAME CIVICS TEST that immigrants must pass in order to be naturalized. The point of this entire concept is to make it likely that every voter is, shall we say, a competent U.S. citizen.

Under this concept, one does not fret about "voter turnout." It is presumed that everyone voting is a competent citizen and has voted (or not voted) after careful thought. Those who cannot or choose not to vote have expressed their views just as clearly as those who voted; their view is that they don't care enough about the issues or candidates to bother with voting.

Another concept is that every American citizen has a RIGHT to vote, and that the "best" elections are elections that have the highest voter turnout. So proponents of this concept of "democracy" are constantly pushing initiatives that get people registered and voting, regardless of their competence or desires. They wish to allow such things as same-day voter registration, automatic registration when you apply for a vehicle registration, mail-in balloting and voting in Ballot Boxes that are spread around the various voting districts, vote harvesting by both volunteers and paid staffers, an election SEASON, rather than Election Day, and so on.

Being cynical for a moment, the proponents of this second view hope to benefit from the addition of the marginal voters - generally ignorant, incompetent, uninformed voters - who would not bother to vote if the former concept were in play.

And this is of course how Joe Biden won the election in 2020, and it is WHY the Democrat Congress, as their first order of business when they took office in 2021, was to try to make permanent and universal the loose and perverse rules that were prompted by the Pandemic, because they worked to their benefit. Fortunately, this unconstitutional initiative failed, but we still have the tension over the two concepts of democracy, which are inevitably being implemented in the states where one party has a clear majority...Republicans going for the former concept and Democrats pushing the latter one.

These are both concepts of "democracy," but one is clearly better than the other.
Hitler atoms deluxe.

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