Democrats Fully Stuck with Clinton..LOL

Ms Clinton, it was despicable to lie to the American people and the families of the victims about the reasons for the attack on Benghazi just to protect Obama's reelection chances.

Have you no shame?

Of course since you are married to Slick Willy I think we all know the answer to that question.
Ms Clinton, it was despicable to lie to the American people and the families of the victims about the reasons for the attack on Benghazi just to protect Obama's reelection chances.

Have you no shame?

Of course since you are married to Slick Willy I think we all know the answer to that question.
Poor, baby. It's gonna suck to be you when she is sworn in.
Ms Clinton, it was despicable to lie to the American people and the families of the victims about the reasons for the attack on Benghazi just to protect Obama's reelection chances.

Have you no shame?

Of course since you are married to Slick Willy I think we all know the answer to that question.

Except that there's no evidence she lied.

The premise is that 'it was an al Qaeda attack" and "It was a reaction to the video" are mutually exclusive theories.


No evidence that the American people cared that much one way or the other. Romney did not lose because of Benghazi, even because of his tasteless attempts to politicize these deaths.

I'm kind of wondering, who do you think these people were who voted for Obama based solely on his reaction to Benghazi?

Romney lost because he was a soulless corporate bloodsucker who thinks the biggest problem with the American economy is we still have some of the middle class left.
Thats it guys...keep calling women names. Nothing confirms more that the GOP War on Women continues unabated.
Kinda like liberals calling Carson a coon?

Who said that? How many posters here posted that? Lets compare the "coon" references to the litany of stuff people like you call Ms. Clinton....

Care to play?
Clinton is a proven liar. Carson is a respectable man, there is a forum on Carson being called a coon. Plenty of liberals on here agree. Liberals are despicable people.
I'm fine with that too -- Republicans are doing Hillary's work for her. By the time the GOP picks a candidate, Hillary can use all the material Republicans used to chew each other up.

She just got 11 hrs of free air/advertising time! :D

She just got 11 hrs of free air/advertising time!

Clinton originated the false narrative about a YouTube video protest

Clinton avoided responsibility for Stevens' death

Clinton likely never spoke to Stevens

lied to the families of the dead and the American people

some advertising --LOL

the peoples like that sorta shit

Didya find that smokin gun?

rarely does the target of an investigation have a gotcha moment

After 8 investigations, you'd think you'd have something. Two Republican's have come forward, admitting that this is all partisan bullshit, making a fool of your party.

one would think so but if the information is hidden

it would take all that

and how many of those are fluff jobs
Democrats are jackasses.

Hillary Clinton lied to the families of the victims of Benghazi. It was a blatant lie about the cause of the attack in order to protect Obama's reelection. After all Obama didn't want America to know that he had done nothing to stop terrorism and Clinton played along with it. That was despicable.

Democrats don't care that Clinton lied. The greedy bastards are more interested in the "free" shit Clinton is promising them than they are interested in honesty.

What free shit has she promised?

one have a willing suspension of disbelief

to believe that hillary is isnt offering free shit

Sooooooo, you can't name anything specific?

you know she is like free college tuition
So? You think it's better having 17 candidates who are tearing each other down even before the party's nomination?

Sure, why not.. survival of the fittest over a no choice coronation anytime. I find Democrats being happy with absolutely no choice kinda odd actually.
I'm fine with that too -- Republicans are doing Hillary's work for her. By the time the GOP picks a candidate, Hillary can use all the material Republicans used to chew each other up.

She just got 11 hrs of free air/advertising time! :D

She just got 11 hrs of free air/advertising time!

Clinton originated the false narrative about a YouTube video protest

Clinton avoided responsibility for Stevens' death

Clinton likely never spoke to Stevens

lied to the families of the dead and the American people

some advertising --LOL

the peoples like that sorta shit
Odd how that 11 hour hearing the other day couldn't prove what you assert here, huh?

during an investigation or hearing as you please

the "target" rarely if ever "proves" anything

it is the other witnesses and physical evidence

that does the "proving"
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Except that there's no evidence she lied.


It is responses like this that makes us call you Moon Bats "Gruberidiots" and refer to you as being delusional and simply plain stupid.

The Btich lied. That is a fact.

She told her family and a couple of world leaders that the attack on Benghazi was an Al Qaeda terrorist attack and then turned around the next day and told the American people and the families of the victims that it was a "spontaneous demonstration" to an internet video. That lie was told to support Obama's campaign narrative that he had terrorism under control.

The emails that Gowdy's committee uncovered exposed her correspondence that said she knew it was a terrorist attack. We all know what she told America and the families.

She is a blatant liar, just like her scumbag husband.

Rep. Jim Jordan vs. Hillary Clinton: Why Did You Tell Egyptians Benghazi Was a Terrorist Attack But Not The American People?

Rep. Jim Jordan vs. Hillary Clinton: Why Did You Tell Egyptians Benghazi Was a Terrorist Attack But Not The American People?

REP. JIM JORDAN (R-OH): You just gave a long answer, Madam Secretary, to Ms. Sanchez about what you heard that night, what you're doing. But nowhere in there did you mention a video. You didn't mention a video because there was never a video-inspired protest in Benghazi. There was in Cairo but not in Benghazi.

Victoria Nuland, your spokesperson at the State Department, hours after the attacks said this, "Benghazi has been attacked by militants. In Cairo, police have removed demonstrators."

Benghazi, you got weapons and explosions. Cairo, you got spray paint and rocks.

One hour before the attack in Benghazi, Chris Stevens walks a diplomat to the front gate. The ambassador didn't report a demonstration. He didn't report it because it never happened. An eyewitness in the command center that night on the ground said no protest, no demonstration; two intelligence reports that day, no protest, no demonstration.

The attack starts at 3:42 Eastern time, ends at approximately 11:40 pm that night.

At 4:06, an ops alert goes out across the State Department.

It says this, "Mission under attack, armed men, shots fired, explosions heard."

No mention of video, no mention of a protest, no mention of a demonstration.

But the best evidence is Greg Hicks, the number two guy in Libya, the guy who worked side by side with Ambassador Stevens. He was asked, if there had been a protest, would the ambassador have reported it?

Mr. Hicks's response, "Absolutely."

For there to have been a demonstration on Chris Stevens' front door and him not to have reported it is unbelievable, Mr. Hicks.

He said, secondly, if it had been reported, he would have been out the back door within minutes and there was a back gate.

Everything points to a terrorist attack. We just heard from Mr. Pompeo about the long history of terrorist incidents, terrorist violence in the country.

And yet five days later Susan Rice goes on five TV shows and she says this, "Benghazi was a spontaneous reaction as a consequence of a video," a statement we all know is false. But don't take my word for it. Here's what others have said.

"Rice was off the reservation," off the reservation on five networks, White House worried about the politics. Republicans didn't make those statements. They were made by the people who worked for you in the Near Eastern Affairs bureau, the actual experts on Libya in the State Department.

So if there's no evidence for a video-inspired protest, then where did the false narrative start?

It started with you, Madam Secretary.
She just got 11 hrs of free air/advertising time! :D

She just got 11 hrs of free air/advertising time!

Clinton originated the false narrative about a YouTube video protest

Clinton avoided responsibility for Stevens' death

Clinton likely never spoke to Stevens

lied to the families of the dead and the American people

some advertising --LOL

the peoples like that sorta shit

Didya find that smokin gun?

rarely does the target of an investigation have a gotcha moment

After 8 investigations, you'd think you'd have something. Two Republican's have come forward, admitting that this is all partisan bullshit, making a fool of your party.

one would think so but if the information is hidden

it would take all that

and how many of those are fluff jobs

Only in your "Republican" bubble is information hidden.
She just got 11 hrs of free air/advertising time!

Clinton originated the false narrative about a YouTube video protest

Clinton avoided responsibility for Stevens' death

Clinton likely never spoke to Stevens

lied to the families of the dead and the American people

some advertising --LOL

the peoples like that sorta shit

Didya find that smokin gun?

rarely does the target of an investigation have a gotcha moment

After 8 investigations, you'd think you'd have something. Two Republican's have come forward, admitting that this is all partisan bullshit, making a fool of your party.

one would think so but if the information is hidden

it would take all that

and how many of those are fluff jobs

Only in your "Republican" bubble is information hidden.

there still is missing information

which of course is still hidden

but it is coming out slowly bit by bit
Thats it guys...keep calling women names. Nothing confirms more that the GOP War on Women continues unabated.
Kinda like liberals calling Carson a coon?

Who said that? How many posters here posted that? Lets compare the "coon" references to the litany of stuff people like you call Ms. Clinton....

Care to play?
Clinton is a proven liar. Carson is a respectable man, there is a forum on Carson being called a coon. Plenty of liberals on here agree. Liberals are despicable people.
There are Conservatives who call blacks, "coons." By your broad brush, Conservatives are despicable people.
Thats it guys...keep calling women names. Nothing confirms more that the GOP War on Women continues unabated.
Kinda like liberals calling Carson a coon?

Who said that? How many posters here posted that? Lets compare the "coon" references to the litany of stuff people like you call Ms. Clinton....

Care to play?
Clinton is a proven liar. Carson is a respectable man, there is a forum on Carson being called a coon. Plenty of liberals on here agree. Liberals are despicable people.
There are Conservatives who call blacks, "coons." By your broad brush, Conservatives are despicable people.
There are liberals here agree with Carson being called a coon.
Thats it guys...keep calling women names. Nothing confirms more that the GOP War on Women continues unabated.
Kinda like liberals calling Carson a coon?

Who said that? How many posters here posted that? Lets compare the "coon" references to the litany of stuff people like you call Ms. Clinton....

Care to play?
Clinton is a proven liar. Carson is a respectable man, there is a forum on Carson being called a coon. Plenty of liberals on here agree. Liberals are despicable people.
There are Conservatives who call blacks, "coons." By your broad brush, Conservatives are despicable people.
There are liberals here agree with Carson being called a coon.
And there are Conservatives who call blacks, "coons."
It is responses like this that makes us call you Moon Bats "Gruberidiots" and refer to you as being delusional and simply plain stupid.

The Btich lied. That is a fact.

She told her family and a couple of world leaders that the attack on Benghazi was an Al Qaeda terrorist attack and then turned around the next day and told the American people and the families of the victims that it was a "spontaneous demonstration" to an internet video. That lie was told to support Obama's campaign narrative that he had terrorism under control.

Those two statements aren't mutually exclusive. This is the logic problem you guys can't seem to comprehend. The thing could have been planned (they were going to hit the consulate at some point) and spontaneous (now seems as good a time as any, given we have riots in the street as a distraction.)

I know this logic escapes you.

The thing is, even the guy who STAGED the attack said it was a reaction to the video.

As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.

In an interview a few days later, he pointedly declined to say whether an offensive online video might indeed warrant the destruction of the diplomatic mission or the killing of the ambassador. “From a religious point of view, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad,” he said.

Several witnesses to the attack later said that Mr. Abu Khattala’s presence and leadership were conspicuous from the start. He initially hung back, standing near the crowd at Venezia Road, several witnesses said. But a procession of fighters hurried to him out of the smoke and gunfire, addressed him as “sheikh,” and then gave him reports or took his orders before plunging back into the compound.
Thats it guys...keep calling women names. Nothing confirms more that the GOP War on Women continues unabated.
Kinda like liberals calling Carson a coon?

Who said that? How many posters here posted that? Lets compare the "coon" references to the litany of stuff people like you call Ms. Clinton....

Care to play?
Clinton is a proven liar. Carson is a respectable man, there is a forum on Carson being called a coon. Plenty of liberals on here agree. Liberals are despicable people.
There are Conservatives who call blacks, "coons." By your broad brush, Conservatives are despicable people.
..desperation row, Democrats using that race splitting race card for votes.

How are Blacks better off after 7 years of an Obama/Democrat regime .. answer, they're far far worse off..yes indeed,,
Thats it guys...keep calling women names. Nothing confirms more that the GOP War on Women continues unabated.
Kinda like liberals calling Carson a coon?

Who said that? How many posters here posted that? Lets compare the "coon" references to the litany of stuff people like you call Ms. Clinton....

Care to play?
Clinton is a proven liar. Carson is a respectable man, there is a forum on Carson being called a coon. Plenty of liberals on here agree. Liberals are despicable people.
There are Conservatives who call blacks, "coons." By your broad brush, Conservatives are despicable people.
..desperation row, Democrats using that race splitting race card for votes.

How are Blacks better off after 7 years of an Obama/Democrat regime .. answer, they're far far worse off..yes indeed,,
So it's valid for Conservatives to call blacks, "coons," but not for Liberals? :eusa_doh: To me, it's equally disgusting for either side to call any blacks that. I am pointing out to the poster who thinks Liberals are despicable because a few did so; that conservatives are then just as despicable for the same reason.

How are blacks better off? Here's one way... unemployment rate...

01/2009: 12.7%
09/2015: 9.2%

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Kinda like liberals calling Carson a coon?

Who said that? How many posters here posted that? Lets compare the "coon" references to the litany of stuff people like you call Ms. Clinton....

Care to play?
Clinton is a proven liar. Carson is a respectable man, there is a forum on Carson being called a coon. Plenty of liberals on here agree. Liberals are despicable people.
There are Conservatives who call blacks, "coons." By your broad brush, Conservatives are despicable people.
..desperation row, Democrats using that race splitting race card for votes.

How are Blacks better off after 7 years of an Obama/Democrat regime .. answer, they're far far worse off..yes indeed,,
So it's valid for Conservatives to call blacks, "coons," but not for Liberals? :eusa_doh: To me, it's equally disgusting for either side to call any blacks that. I am pointing out to the poster who thinks Liberals are despicable because a few did so; that conservatives are then just as despicable for the same reason.

How are blacks better off? Here's one way... unemployment rate...

01/2009: 12.7%
09/2015: 9.2%

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
You should really study up on the Labor Participation Rates for a more realistic appraisal of employment, millions of Americans have been forgotten, including minorities. It's not that your figures are wrong but they are grossly deceptive.

Record 94,031,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Stuck at 38-Year Low for 3rd Straight Month

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