Democrats Have Abandoned Civil Liberties

Too much to unpack here but here we go. I know of no circumstance where a Democrat denied one's civil liberties to go against abortion? Do you even know what civil liberties actually means?

And the guidelines laid down by Democrat mayors and governors was for protection, not to deprive civil liberties. You do understand that door swings open both ways don't you? When you run around town without protection, you are violating my civil liberties by creating an unsafe environment. I can't get out because of your reckless behavior.

And what is your documented evidence Flynn was railroaded by the Obama administration? You don't have any do you?
and there you have it folks ..... personal liberty is up to the government only ! let me ask you this simple question ....if you are sheltering at home how is someone going to work to feed their family a threat to you? and do you scold the people working at the grocery store or the gas station? or how about the mail man ? if your bathroom sprouts a leak will you call a plumber ? if your car has a problem will you take it to the shop ? tell us please what gives you the right to tell people how to live ?
Too much to unpack here but here we go. I know of no circumstance where a Democrat denied one's civil liberties to go against abortion? Do you even know what civil liberties actually means?

And the guidelines laid down by Democrat mayors and governors was for protection, not to deprive civil liberties. You do understand that door swings open both ways don't you? When you run around town without protection, you are violating my civil liberties by creating an unsafe environment. I can't get out because of your reckless behavior.

And what is your documented evidence Flynn was railroaded by the Obama administration? You don't have any do you?

The guidelines laid down by democrat mayors and governors were to flatten the curve so hospitals would not be overrun. That was accomplished 3 weeks ago. At no time did they say we would keep everything closed until the virus is gone.
You do know this argument is a common sense argument where only one outcome is desired, and only one strategy will work. You do know that right? What is it about the Right? Do you think life is some fantasy, where you do A, and you are automatically awarded B? WTF ails you people? Seriously? Nature doesn't guarantee you anything with three week shut downs and social distancing. The virus tells you what you should be doing, not mayors and governors. You are scapegoating the mayors and governors who are trying to protect you, not rob you of your civil liberties. People, this is not that hard.
i can absolutely guarantee one thing if this economy and economies across the world collapses because of the shutdown get ready for death on a scale the world has never seen ! not thousands not millions but billions ! no economy no money no money no food no clean water no electricity no medication no fuel ect ....
Personally, I have a tough time recalling the last time the Democrats stood up for anybody's civil liberties who weren't trying to get an abortion. That's been the party's holy grail since the 70s. It always seems to be Democratic leaning states like Illinois, California, my birth state of Massachusetts, etc. that have the most draconian laws and heavy handed enforcement of those laws not to mention exorbitant taxes, fees, and licensing requirements. During the current pandemic it's the Democratic governors and mayors, with a few exceptions, who have laid down the most authoritarian measures in their states and cities depriving people of their basic civil liberties with questionably legal edicts. They claim to be doing this in the name of science and saving lives, but enough evidence is out there now to show that simply isn't true. In the case of Andrew Cuomo, his orders have literally killed people. Either they're ignorant or on a power trip. I pondered in the CA-25 election thread as to how much influence, if any, California's lockdown had in determining the outcome of that special election last Tuesday. Everybody had that race as Lean D until a few days ahead of the election when they saw the disproportionate amount of ballots being returned by Republicans.

Now, they are covering for and defending the actions of rogue FBI agents and others within the Obama administration of their railroading of General Flynn and abdication of established protocols and basic civil rights.

The Blue Party’s Trump-era Embrace of Authoritarianism Isn’t Just Wrong, it’s a Fatal Political Mistake

Too much to unpack here but here we go. I know of no circumstance where a Democrat denied one's civil liberties to go against abortion? Do you even know what civil liberties actually means?

And the guidelines laid down by Democrat mayors and governors was for protection, not to deprive civil liberties. You do understand that door swings open both ways don't you? When you run around town without protection, you are violating my civil liberties by creating an unsafe environment. I can't get out because of your reckless behavior.

And what is your documented evidence Flynn was railroaded by the Obama administration? You don't have any do you?
100% complete uninformed nonsensical bullshit
Not if you can't manufacture an intelligent argument against it. Which you can't. And thanks for playing.
There is NOTHING in the constitution outlining individual protections or freedoms from a virus. Or fear of a virus. Or local governments ability to strip us of our constitutional rights.

You're a paranoid loon.

There is no vaccine. There is no cure. There is currently NOTHING available to kill this virus. Cowering in your homes is only prolonging the spread. You still have to have interpersonal contact with people unless you are living in a self contained biome. The whole point of staying at home was to slow the spread so as to allow medical facilities to be prepared and not be overwhelmed. Now we're so prepared we're shipping off excess supplies and machines and closing down facilities. Not to mention CRUSHING medical employees with layoffs.

Wrong! Excess machines and supplies were sold off because Trump did not prioritize the defense production act. He turned into a mockery, and used it as leverage for profit. Remember, Corona virus was a hoax?

If you are endangering my mode of travel by not protecting yourself from the spread, you are violating my civil liberties by restricting my movements. You are endangering me. I don't need a virus to explain that reality to me. Get it?

If I'm the "paranoid Loon", then what do you call 90,000 dead people, and 1.5 million infected? A delusion?

And since when was "cowering in our homes prolonging the spread?" Are you a scientist now?
aaaaand communists like you refuse to place any blame on china .... run on that in nov ... i've got a feeling the left is going to be shocked again.
Too much to unpack here but here we go. I know of no circumstance where a Democrat denied one's civil liberties to go against abortion? Do you even know what civil liberties actually means?

And the guidelines laid down by Democrat mayors and governors was for protection, not to deprive civil liberties. You do understand that door swings open both ways don't you? When you run around town without protection, you are violating my civil liberties by creating an unsafe environment. I can't get out because of your reckless behavior.

And what is your documented evidence Flynn was railroaded by the Obama administration? You don't have any do you?
100% complete uninformed nonsensical bullshit
Not if you can't manufacture an intelligent argument against it. Which you can't. And thanks for playing.
There is NOTHING in the constitution outlining individual protections or freedoms from a virus. Or fear of a virus. Or local governments ability to strip us of our constitutional rights.

You're a paranoid loon.

There is no vaccine. There is no cure. There is currently NOTHING available to kill this virus. Cowering in your homes is only prolonging the spread. You still have to have interpersonal contact with people unless you are living in a self contained biome. The whole point of staying at home was to slow the spread so as to allow medical facilities to be prepared and not be overwhelmed. Now we're so prepared we're shipping off excess supplies and machines and closing down facilities. Not to mention CRUSHING medical employees with layoffs.

Wrong! Excess machines and supplies were sold off because Trump did not prioritize the defense production act. He turned into a mockery, and used it as leverage for profit. Remember, Corona virus was a hoax?

If you are endangering my mode of travel by not protecting yourself from the spread, you are violating my civil liberties by restricting my movements. You are endangering me. I don't need a virus to explain that reality to me. Get it?

If I'm the "paranoid Loon", then what do you call 90,000 dead people, and 1.5 million infected? A delusion?

And since when was "cowering in our homes prolonging the spread?" Are you a scientist now?
aaaaand communists like you refuse to place any blame on china .... run on that in nov ... i've got a feeling the left is going to be shocked again.
I think the left may be in for one of the worst beat downs they've had in decades.
Too much to unpack here but here we go. I know of no circumstance where a Democrat denied one's civil liberties to go against abortion? Do you even know what civil liberties actually means?

And the guidelines laid down by Democrat mayors and governors was for protection, not to deprive civil liberties. You do understand that door swings open both ways don't you? When you run around town without protection, you are violating my civil liberties by creating an unsafe environment. I can't get out because of your reckless behavior.

And what is your documented evidence Flynn was railroaded by the Obama administration? You don't have any do you?
and there you have it folks ..... personal liberty is up to the government only ! let me ask you this simple question ....if you are sheltering at home how is someone going to work to feed their family a threat to you? and do you scold the people working at the grocery store or the gas station? or how about the mail man ? if your bathroom sprouts a leak will you call a plumber ? if your car has a problem will you take it to the shop ? tell us please what gives you the right to tell people how to live ?
That's your invention in your head, not mine. Let's make that clear.

And your questions, as many others here who carry their confederate and Nazi flags at protests, while drinking the water that their buddy shit in upstream, never seem to understand the argument, while never really understanding their own. First off, I don't scold any essential worker, who comes to work with every possible protective gear imaginable. They are the heroes. In other words, whatever resources we have, has to go to them. They are protecting us. That is the priority. And if you are walking around town at subway shops with AR 15's and grenade launchers, you are not only threatening my civil liberties by restricting my movements, you are acting as a terrorist. You are not the priority, because you are not acting in my best interest, or the population as a whole. You and your arguments do not understand the whole civil liberty equation here. I'm sacrificing my civil liberties to be safe, and to protect others, and you are prolonging my liberties even further, by not giving a shit.
Too much to unpack here but here we go. I know of no circumstance where a Democrat denied one's civil liberties to go against abortion? Do you even know what civil liberties actually means?

And the guidelines laid down by Democrat mayors and governors was for protection, not to deprive civil liberties. You do understand that door swings open both ways don't you? When you run around town without protection, you are violating my civil liberties by creating an unsafe environment. I can't get out because of your reckless behavior.

And what is your documented evidence Flynn was railroaded by the Obama administration? You don't have any do you?
and there you have it folks ..... personal liberty is up to the government only ! let me ask you this simple question ....if you are sheltering at home how is someone going to work to feed their family a threat to you? and do you scold the people working at the grocery store or the gas station? or how about the mail man ? if your bathroom sprouts a leak will you call a plumber ? if your car has a problem will you take it to the shop ? tell us please what gives you the right to tell people how to live ?
That's your invention in your head, not mine. Let's make that clear.

And your questions, as many others here who carry their confederate and Nazi flags at protests, while drinking the water that their buddy shit in upstream, never seem to understand the argument, while never really understanding their own. First off, I don't scold any essential worker, who comes to work with every possible protective gear imaginable. They are the heroes. In other words, whatever resources we have, has to go to them. They are protecting us. That is the priority. And if you are walking around town at subway shops with AR 15's and grenade launchers, you are not only threatening my civil liberties by restricting my movements, you are acting as a terrorist. You are not the priority, because you are not acting in my best interest, or the population as a whole. You and your arguments do not understand the whole civil liberty equation here. I'm sacrificing my civil liberties to be safe, and to protect others, and you are prolonging my liberties even further, by not giving a shit.
sooooo you think we should reopen the economy then! great ! my bad i thought you were an anti capitalist socialist ! and if you stay home while others go to work to feed their families thats your right .
Too much to unpack here but here we go. I know of no circumstance where a Democrat denied one's civil liberties to go against abortion? Do you even know what civil liberties actually means?

And the guidelines laid down by Democrat mayors and governors was for protection, not to deprive civil liberties. You do understand that door swings open both ways don't you? When you run around town without protection, you are violating my civil liberties by creating an unsafe environment. I can't get out because of your reckless behavior.

And what is your documented evidence Flynn was railroaded by the Obama administration? You don't have any do you?
and there you have it folks ..... personal liberty is up to the government only ! let me ask you this simple question ....if you are sheltering at home how is someone going to work to feed their family a threat to you? and do you scold the people working at the grocery store or the gas station? or how about the mail man ? if your bathroom sprouts a leak will you call a plumber ? if your car has a problem will you take it to the shop ? tell us please what gives you the right to tell people how to live ?
That's your invention in your head, not mine. Let's make that clear.

And your questions, as many others here who carry their confederate and Nazi flags at protests, while drinking the water that their buddy shit in upstream, never seem to understand the argument, while never really understanding their own. First off, I don't scold any essential worker, who comes to work with every possible protective gear imaginable. They are the heroes. In other words, whatever resources we have, has to go to them. They are protecting us. That is the priority. And if you are walking around town at subway shops with AR 15's and grenade launchers, you are not only threatening my civil liberties by restricting my movements, you are acting as a terrorist. You are not the priority, because you are not acting in my best interest, or the population as a whole. You and your arguments do not understand the whole civil liberty equation here. I'm sacrificing my civil liberties to be safe, and to protect others, and you are prolonging my liberties even further, by not giving a shit.
when the fridge is empty and the rent is due every job is essential .
Too much to unpack here but here we go. I know of no circumstance where a Democrat denied one's civil liberties to go against abortion? Do you even know what civil liberties actually means?

And the guidelines laid down by Democrat mayors and governors was for protection, not to deprive civil liberties. You do understand that door swings open both ways don't you? When you run around town without protection, you are violating my civil liberties by creating an unsafe environment. I can't get out because of your reckless behavior.

And what is your documented evidence Flynn was railroaded by the Obama administration? You don't have any do you?

The guidelines laid down by democrat mayors and governors were to flatten the curve so hospitals would not be overrun. That was accomplished 3 weeks ago. At no time did they say we would keep everything closed until the virus is gone.
You do know this argument is a common sense argument where only one outcome is desired, and only one strategy will work. You do know that right? What is it about the Right? Do you think life is some fantasy, where you do A, and you are automatically awarded B? WTF ails you people? Seriously? Nature doesn't guarantee you anything with three week shut downs and social distancing. The virus tells you what you should be doing, not mayors and governors. You are scapegoating the mayors and governors who are trying to protect you, not rob you of your civil liberties. People, this is not that hard.
i can absolutely guarantee one thing if this economy and economies across the world collapses because of the shutdown get ready for death on a scale the world has never seen ! not thousands not millions but billions ! no economy no money no money no food no clean water no electricity no medication no fuel ect ....
You are guaranteeing us that you have tunnel vision logic. If things don't proceed immediately to serve you, then everyone else can go to hell. I stand by my last post, and if you think nature gives a shit about your demands, you will most certainly lose. Economies only collapse, if we are not smart. You are not talking like a smart person.

And how are we going to be smart? Science! It's the only way out. We use nature and science to our advantage. But these Trump lunatics who are for getting the cart before the horse. They are the real losers. Stop listening to Trump with all this opening bs with no protection. This is the first lesson you need to understand.
Too much to unpack here but here we go. I know of no circumstance where a Democrat denied one's civil liberties to go against abortion? Do you even know what civil liberties actually means?

And the guidelines laid down by Democrat mayors and governors was for protection, not to deprive civil liberties. You do understand that door swings open both ways don't you? When you run around town without protection, you are violating my civil liberties by creating an unsafe environment. I can't get out because of your reckless behavior.

And what is your documented evidence Flynn was railroaded by the Obama administration? You don't have any do you?
and there you have it folks ..... personal liberty is up to the government only ! let me ask you this simple question ....if you are sheltering at home how is someone going to work to feed their family a threat to you? and do you scold the people working at the grocery store or the gas station? or how about the mail man ? if your bathroom sprouts a leak will you call a plumber ? if your car has a problem will you take it to the shop ? tell us please what gives you the right to tell people how to live ?
That's your invention in your head, not mine. Let's make that clear.

And your questions, as many others here who carry their confederate and Nazi flags at protests, while drinking the water that their buddy shit in upstream, never seem to understand the argument, while never really understanding their own. First off, I don't scold any essential worker, who comes to work with every possible protective gear imaginable. They are the heroes. In other words, whatever resources we have, has to go to them. They are protecting us. That is the priority. And if you are walking around town at subway shops with AR 15's and grenade launchers, you are not only threatening my civil liberties by restricting my movements, you are acting as a terrorist. You are not the priority, because you are not acting in my best interest, or the population as a whole. You and your arguments do not understand the whole civil liberty equation here. I'm sacrificing my civil liberties to be safe, and to protect others, and you are prolonging my liberties even further, by not giving a shit.
sooooo you think we should reopen the economy then! great ! my bad i thought you were an anti capitalist socialist ! and if you stay home while others go to work to feed their families thats your right .
Your tunnel vision logic is hampering you from critical thinking. That's too bad. Pretending to not understand is not an intelligent maneuver.
Too much to unpack here but here we go. I know of no circumstance where a Democrat denied one's civil liberties to go against abortion? Do you even know what civil liberties actually means?

And the guidelines laid down by Democrat mayors and governors was for protection, not to deprive civil liberties. You do understand that door swings open both ways don't you? When you run around town without protection, you are violating my civil liberties by creating an unsafe environment. I can't get out because of your reckless behavior.

And what is your documented evidence Flynn was railroaded by the Obama administration? You don't have any do you?
and there you have it folks ..... personal liberty is up to the government only ! let me ask you this simple question ....if you are sheltering at home how is someone going to work to feed their family a threat to you? and do you scold the people working at the grocery store or the gas station? or how about the mail man ? if your bathroom sprouts a leak will you call a plumber ? if your car has a problem will you take it to the shop ? tell us please what gives you the right to tell people how to live ?
That's your invention in your head, not mine. Let's make that clear.

And your questions, as many others here who carry their confederate and Nazi flags at protests, while drinking the water that their buddy shit in upstream, never seem to understand the argument, while never really understanding their own. First off, I don't scold any essential worker, who comes to work with every possible protective gear imaginable. They are the heroes. In other words, whatever resources we have, has to go to them. They are protecting us. That is the priority. And if you are walking around town at subway shops with AR 15's and grenade launchers, you are not only threatening my civil liberties by restricting my movements, you are acting as a terrorist. You are not the priority, because you are not acting in my best interest, or the population as a whole. You and your arguments do not understand the whole civil liberty equation here. I'm sacrificing my civil liberties to be safe, and to protect others, and you are prolonging my liberties even further, by not giving a shit.
when the fridge is empty and the rent is due every job is essential .
Not with a $3 trillion dollar stimulus that goes to the people, and not corporations to pay off Republican donors. You are losing this argument big time, because you aren't injecting any intelligent rebuttals to mine.
Too much to unpack here but here we go. I know of no circumstance where a Democrat denied one's civil liberties to go against abortion? Do you even know what civil liberties actually means?

And the guidelines laid down by Democrat mayors and governors was for protection, not to deprive civil liberties. You do understand that door swings open both ways don't you? When you run around town without protection, you are violating my civil liberties by creating an unsafe environment. I can't get out because of your reckless behavior.

And what is your documented evidence Flynn was railroaded by the Obama administration? You don't have any do you?

The guidelines laid down by democrat mayors and governors were to flatten the curve so hospitals would not be overrun. That was accomplished 3 weeks ago. At no time did they say we would keep everything closed until the virus is gone.
You do know this argument is a common sense argument where only one outcome is desired, and only one strategy will work. You do know that right? What is it about the Right? Do you think life is some fantasy, where you do A, and you are automatically awarded B? WTF ails you people? Seriously? Nature doesn't guarantee you anything with three week shut downs and social distancing. The virus tells you what you should be doing, not mayors and governors. You are scapegoating the mayors and governors who are trying to protect you, not rob you of your civil liberties. People, this is not that hard.
i can absolutely guarantee one thing if this economy and economies across the world collapses because of the shutdown get ready for death on a scale the world has never seen ! not thousands not millions but billions ! no economy no money no money no food no clean water no electricity no medication no fuel ect ....
You are guaranteeing us that you have tunnel vision logic. If things don't proceed immediately to serve you, then everyone else can go to hell. I stand by my last post, and if you think nature gives a shit about your demands, you will most certainly lose. Economies only collapse, if we are not smart. You are not talking like a smart person.

And how are we going to be smart? Science! It's the only way out. We use nature and science to our advantage. But these Trump lunatics who are for getting the cart before the horse. They are the real losers. Stop listening to Trump with all this opening bs with no protection. This is the first lesson you need to understand.
let me ask this question just how much longer do you think 90% the economy can stay shut down ? 1 month? 2 moths? 6 months? already their are many mall businesses that will not be reopening due to the loss of revenue .. sorry comrade but we are going to reopen this economy and theirs nothing you and the left or yalls chicom pals can do about it ! nobody is going to show up at your house and drag you out and make you go back to work .
Too much to unpack here but here we go. I know of no circumstance where a Democrat denied one's civil liberties to go against abortion? Do you even know what civil liberties actually means?

And the guidelines laid down by Democrat mayors and governors was for protection, not to deprive civil liberties. You do understand that door swings open both ways don't you? When you run around town without protection, you are violating my civil liberties by creating an unsafe environment. I can't get out because of your reckless behavior.

And what is your documented evidence Flynn was railroaded by the Obama administration? You don't have any do you?
and there you have it folks ..... personal liberty is up to the government only ! let me ask you this simple question ....if you are sheltering at home how is someone going to work to feed their family a threat to you? and do you scold the people working at the grocery store or the gas station? or how about the mail man ? if your bathroom sprouts a leak will you call a plumber ? if your car has a problem will you take it to the shop ? tell us please what gives you the right to tell people how to live ?
That's your invention in your head, not mine. Let's make that clear.

And your questions, as many others here who carry their confederate and Nazi flags at protests, while drinking the water that their buddy shit in upstream, never seem to understand the argument, while never really understanding their own. First off, I don't scold any essential worker, who comes to work with every possible protective gear imaginable. They are the heroes. In other words, whatever resources we have, has to go to them. They are protecting us. That is the priority. And if you are walking around town at subway shops with AR 15's and grenade launchers, you are not only threatening my civil liberties by restricting my movements, you are acting as a terrorist. You are not the priority, because you are not acting in my best interest, or the population as a whole. You and your arguments do not understand the whole civil liberty equation here. I'm sacrificing my civil liberties to be safe, and to protect others, and you are prolonging my liberties even further, by not giving a shit.
when the fridge is empty and the rent is due every job is essential .
Not with a $3 trillion dollar stimulus that goes to the people, and not corporations to pay off Republican donors. You are losing this argument big time, because you aren't injecting any intelligent rebuttals to mine.
the well is running dry bud ...... we just spent over 2 trillion ....should we spend 2 or 3 trillion every 30 to 40 days ?
Too much to unpack here but here we go. I know of no circumstance where a Democrat denied one's civil liberties to go against abortion? Do you even know what civil liberties actually means?

And the guidelines laid down by Democrat mayors and governors was for protection, not to deprive civil liberties. You do understand that door swings open both ways don't you? When you run around town without protection, you are violating my civil liberties by creating an unsafe environment. I can't get out because of your reckless behavior.

And what is your documented evidence Flynn was railroaded by the Obama administration? You don't have any do you?

The guidelines laid down by democrat mayors and governors were to flatten the curve so hospitals would not be overrun. That was accomplished 3 weeks ago. At no time did they say we would keep everything closed until the virus is gone.
You do know this argument is a common sense argument where only one outcome is desired, and only one strategy will work. You do know that right? What is it about the Right? Do you think life is some fantasy, where you do A, and you are automatically awarded B? WTF ails you people? Seriously? Nature doesn't guarantee you anything with three week shut downs and social distancing. The virus tells you what you should be doing, not mayors and governors. You are scapegoating the mayors and governors who are trying to protect you, not rob you of your civil liberties. People, this is not that hard.
i can absolutely guarantee one thing if this economy and economies across the world collapses because of the shutdown get ready for death on a scale the world has never seen ! not thousands not millions but billions ! no economy no money no money no food no clean water no electricity no medication no fuel ect ....
You are guaranteeing us that you have tunnel vision logic. If things don't proceed immediately to serve you, then everyone else can go to hell. I stand by my last post, and if you think nature gives a shit about your demands, you will most certainly lose. Economies only collapse, if we are not smart. You are not talking like a smart person.

And how are we going to be smart? Science! It's the only way out. We use nature and science to our advantage. But these Trump lunatics who are for getting the cart before the horse. They are the real losers. Stop listening to Trump with all this opening bs with no protection. This is the first lesson you need to understand.
let me ask this question just how much longer do you think 90% the economy can stay shut down ? 1 month? 2 moths? 6 months? already their are many mall businesses that will not be reopening due to the loss of revenue .. sorry comrade but we are going to reopen this economy and theirs nothing you and the left or yalls chicom pals can do about it ! nobody is going to show up at your house and drag you out and make you go back to work .
Where are your statistics that say it is 90%? That's the first question you need to answer.

And, "you can reopen the economy" and many lives will be lost, while you don't give a shit, while you rob my civil liberties, and here's the best part. You will essentially be taking us back to where we started.

And by the way, remember what I said, you don't have to worry about me and the Left doing something about it. We won't be the one's. Nature will do something about it. Stay tuned. We will be over 100,000 dead by the end of May.
Too much to unpack here but here we go. I know of no circumstance where a Democrat denied one's civil liberties to go against abortion? Do you even know what civil liberties actually means?

And the guidelines laid down by Democrat mayors and governors was for protection, not to deprive civil liberties. You do understand that door swings open both ways don't you? When you run around town without protection, you are violating my civil liberties by creating an unsafe environment. I can't get out because of your reckless behavior.

And what is your documented evidence Flynn was railroaded by the Obama administration? You don't have any do you?
and there you have it folks ..... personal liberty is up to the government only ! let me ask you this simple question ....if you are sheltering at home how is someone going to work to feed their family a threat to you? and do you scold the people working at the grocery store or the gas station? or how about the mail man ? if your bathroom sprouts a leak will you call a plumber ? if your car has a problem will you take it to the shop ? tell us please what gives you the right to tell people how to live ?
That's your invention in your head, not mine. Let's make that clear.

And your questions, as many others here who carry their confederate and Nazi flags at protests, while drinking the water that their buddy shit in upstream, never seem to understand the argument, while never really understanding their own. First off, I don't scold any essential worker, who comes to work with every possible protective gear imaginable. They are the heroes. In other words, whatever resources we have, has to go to them. They are protecting us. That is the priority. And if you are walking around town at subway shops with AR 15's and grenade launchers, you are not only threatening my civil liberties by restricting my movements, you are acting as a terrorist. You are not the priority, because you are not acting in my best interest, or the population as a whole. You and your arguments do not understand the whole civil liberty equation here. I'm sacrificing my civil liberties to be safe, and to protect others, and you are prolonging my liberties even further, by not giving a shit.
when the fridge is empty and the rent is due every job is essential .
Not with a $3 trillion dollar stimulus that goes to the people, and not corporations to pay off Republican donors. You are losing this argument big time, because you aren't injecting any intelligent rebuttals to mine.
the well is running dry bud ...... we just spent over 2 trillion ....should we spend 2 or 3 trillion every 30 to 40 days ?
No, we didn't spend $2 trillion. Republicans in the senate spent it on their corporate buddies. "WE" got very little.
Too much to unpack here but here we go. I know of no circumstance where a Democrat denied one's civil liberties to go against abortion? Do you even know what civil liberties actually means?

And the guidelines laid down by Democrat mayors and governors was for protection, not to deprive civil liberties. You do understand that door swings open both ways don't you? When you run around town without protection, you are violating my civil liberties by creating an unsafe environment. I can't get out because of your reckless behavior.

And what is your documented evidence Flynn was railroaded by the Obama administration? You don't have any do you?
and there you have it folks ..... personal liberty is up to the government only ! let me ask you this simple question ....if you are sheltering at home how is someone going to work to feed their family a threat to you? and do you scold the people working at the grocery store or the gas station? or how about the mail man ? if your bathroom sprouts a leak will you call a plumber ? if your car has a problem will you take it to the shop ? tell us please what gives you the right to tell people how to live ?
That's your invention in your head, not mine. Let's make that clear.

And your questions, as many others here who carry their confederate and Nazi flags at protests, while drinking the water that their buddy shit in upstream, never seem to understand the argument, while never really understanding their own. First off, I don't scold any essential worker, who comes to work with every possible protective gear imaginable. They are the heroes. In other words, whatever resources we have, has to go to them. They are protecting us. That is the priority. And if you are walking around town at subway shops with AR 15's and grenade launchers, you are not only threatening my civil liberties by restricting my movements, you are acting as a terrorist. You are not the priority, because you are not acting in my best interest, or the population as a whole. You and your arguments do not understand the whole civil liberty equation here. I'm sacrificing my civil liberties to be safe, and to protect others, and you are prolonging my liberties even further, by not giving a shit.
when the fridge is empty and the rent is due every job is essential .
Not with a $3 trillion dollar stimulus that goes to the people, and not corporations to pay off Republican donors. You are losing this argument big time, because you aren't injecting any intelligent rebuttals to mine.
the well is running dry bud ...... we just spent over 2 trillion ....should we spend 2 or 3 trillion every 30 to 40 days ?
No, we didn't spend $2 trillion. Republicans in the senate spent it on their corporate buddies. "WE" got very little.
in corporate buddies you mean businesses ? soooo you think letting them go out of business because of a lack of money is a good thing ?
and if the 1 hundred int enough how much do you think you personally should get ? 2 or 3 or maybe 10 thousand dollars ?
Too much to unpack here but here we go. I know of no circumstance where a Democrat denied one's civil liberties to go against abortion? Do you even know what civil liberties actually means?

And the guidelines laid down by Democrat mayors and governors was for protection, not to deprive civil liberties. You do understand that door swings open both ways don't you? When you run around town without protection, you are violating my civil liberties by creating an unsafe environment. I can't get out because of your reckless behavior.

And what is your documented evidence Flynn was railroaded by the Obama administration? You don't have any do you?
and there you have it folks ..... personal liberty is up to the government only ! let me ask you this simple question ....if you are sheltering at home how is someone going to work to feed their family a threat to you? and do you scold the people working at the grocery store or the gas station? or how about the mail man ? if your bathroom sprouts a leak will you call a plumber ? if your car has a problem will you take it to the shop ? tell us please what gives you the right to tell people how to live ?
That's your invention in your head, not mine. Let's make that clear.

And your questions, as many others here who carry their confederate and Nazi flags at protests, while drinking the water that their buddy shit in upstream, never seem to understand the argument, while never really understanding their own. First off, I don't scold any essential worker, who comes to work with every possible protective gear imaginable. They are the heroes. In other words, whatever resources we have, has to go to them. They are protecting us. That is the priority. And if you are walking around town at subway shops with AR 15's and grenade launchers, you are not only threatening my civil liberties by restricting my movements, you are acting as a terrorist. You are not the priority, because you are not acting in my best interest, or the population as a whole. You and your arguments do not understand the whole civil liberty equation here. I'm sacrificing my civil liberties to be safe, and to protect others, and you are prolonging my liberties even further, by not giving a shit.
Soleimani was a terrorist ....tell us how many people were hurt by your so called terrorists ? how much property damage ? was it ass violent as leftist demonstrations from groups like blm or antifa ?? was there a lot of garbage left behind ?
Too much to unpack here but here we go. I know of no circumstance where a Democrat denied one's civil liberties to go against abortion? Do you even know what civil liberties actually means?

And the guidelines laid down by Democrat mayors and governors was for protection, not to deprive civil liberties. You do understand that door swings open both ways don't you? When you run around town without protection, you are violating my civil liberties by creating an unsafe environment. I can't get out because of your reckless behavior.

And what is your documented evidence Flynn was railroaded by the Obama administration? You don't have any do you?

The guidelines laid down by democrat mayors and governors were to flatten the curve so hospitals would not be overrun. That was accomplished 3 weeks ago. At no time did they say we would keep everything closed until the virus is gone.
You do know this argument is a common sense argument where only one outcome is desired, and only one strategy will work. You do know that right? What is it about the Right? Do you think life is some fantasy, where you do A, and you are automatically awarded B? WTF ails you people? Seriously? Nature doesn't guarantee you anything with three week shut downs and social distancing. The virus tells you what you should be doing, not mayors and governors. You are scapegoating the mayors and governors who are trying to protect you, not rob you of your civil liberties. People, this is not that hard.

Here's your problem. If they told the American people they were going to shut down the economy four 2 months and people would be out of work for 2 months or longer nobody would have agreed to it.
The scientists and medical experts have been wrong many times throughout the shutdown. Now the politicians are playing their political power games and real Americans have had enough.
Personally, I have a tough time recalling the last time the Democrats stood up for anybody's civil liberties who weren't trying to get an abortion. That's been the party's holy grail since the 70s. It always seems to be Democratic leaning states like Illinois, California, my birth state of Massachusetts, etc. that have the most draconian laws and heavy handed enforcement of those laws not to mention exorbitant taxes, fees, and licensing requirements. During the current pandemic it's the Democratic governors and mayors, with a few exceptions, who have laid down the most authoritarian measures in their states and cities depriving people of their basic civil liberties with questionably legal edicts. They claim to be doing this in the name of science and saving lives, but enough evidence is out there now to show that simply isn't true. In the case of Andrew Cuomo, his orders have literally killed people. Either they're ignorant or on a power trip. I pondered in the CA-25 election thread as to how much influence, if any, California's lockdown had in determining the outcome of that special election last Tuesday. Everybody had that race as Lean D until a few days ahead of the election when they saw the disproportionate amount of ballots being returned by Republicans.

Now, they are covering for and defending the actions of rogue FBI agents and others within the Obama administration of their railroading of General Flynn and abdication of established protocols and basic civil rights.

The Blue Party’s Trump-era Embrace of Authoritarianism Isn’t Just Wrong, it’s a Fatal Political Mistake

Strawman fallacy, cherry-picking fallacy.

Matt Taibbi is clearly ignorant of the law; but he’s at liberty to contrive whatever ridiculous fantasy he likes.

There are no ‘violations’ of civil liberties concerning Flynn’s case.

And the other ‘misdeeds’ and ‘nefarious assaults’ on the Constitution Taibbi alleges Democrats have committed are all perfectly within the scope of First, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendment case law – no Constitutional rights ‘violated,’ no civil liberties ‘abandoned.’


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