Democrats have nothing to offer Americans but division; race and class warfare

"There are NO victims in America...just crybabies. " B9 #201


Hear no evil, speak no evil, & I want my mommy.
"Jeb Bush has rolled out a very comprehensive plan on taxes and regulation." TR
But does it balance the budget? Significantly pay down the debt?
Your just afraid of work.
it's fun toying with the leftardz here ;)

It's fun screwing with the ignorant who think Republicans, Libertarians, and teabaggers are for their best interest.

ur right dork; only actual evidence backs that up

Sure. In the last 45 years name one Republican, Libertarian, or teabagger that has authored or supported a bill that has helped the middle class or poor without giving the rich a bigger stake?

That whole goddam party has a major cuts for the wealthy.

Second.....start another oil war and send other people's kids to fight and die in it!
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The fact that there actually is a victim class is the problem. Thank Republicans for that.
There is no victim class. Except Democratic voters who have been victimized by Democratic Party policies over 40 years.[/QUOTE]

Such as the elimination of interest deduction (except for the home) and removing competition of healthcare insurers which has driven up costs?
Democrats offer
1. Science and strong science institutions that make America a leader.
2. A stable government that doesn't go through shutdowns...Only republicans cause those!
3. They help people in need be it layed off from work or can't work.
4. They focus on building and maintaining our infrastructure that we all use.
5. They care about educating our children
6. Regulations on businesses that keeps them from mistreating their workers and a wage to survive on.
7. Regulations protecting the environment and our health.

What do the tea party offer? Shutdowns, you're on your own and a weak America.
yep, that's the liberal mentality. Can't pay my bills but taxpayers can buy my "medical" marijuana I can get high and bitch.

It's sad that you don't realize how you've been victimized.

1) Your buying power is much reduced.
2) Your healthcare is much more expensive.
3) You're subsidizing the rich and corporate America.
Just look what the Left whines about; look what is near and dear to them. For them it is all about dividing Americans and pitting us against each other, It's all about hatred, jealousy and anger. They divide us in the name of tolerance, but that is a joke, it's all just for POWER first, for votes, and to CONTROL YOU!.

They want people who want to be rich to hate the rich, people who are poor and angry to remain poor and angry. They want people of color to despise White people who have done nothing to them at all. They want people who snuck into this country illegally to be placed in front of the line of LEGAL WOULD-BE IMMIGRANTS OF ALL races and nationalities waiting patiently in the LEGAL IMMIGRATION SYSTEM; just so they can PANDER to mostly one ethnic group..........FOR VOTES from the legal voting people in that group.

the Left has nothing to offer Americans but division, pandering and demagoguery.
Face it, your white christian party is becoming a regional party , your ilk cannot survive in a multi racial multicultural America , you loons are freaking out at the demographic shift knowing that you cannot survive as just a white christian party. It is fun watching you lash out and freaking out

This isn't about party..... any party...... It's about the direction of our country. Its the wrong way. It is clear the multi racial/cultural diversity experiment has failed miserably.

I'm not part of the Republican Party but that of the American Party

But you're right. The tide has turned and there may be no turning back

Just glad to be able to tell my kids and grandkids I lived in the best times America had to offer. I'll put it akin to the movie Soylent Green when one would give up his life for 30 minutes of video on how America,....... Used to be.......

We will all long for it someday. I hope that Americans finally rise up and stop the decent into the cesspool of social decay


Finally an Native Indian has risen up and told us who the country belongs to... When are you sending all the white europeans back?

Are the blacks allowed to stay considering they didn't come to America by choice...

Are the Hispanics allowed to stay as they owned part of the country at one stage?

You are the brave one and you can get rid of the evil white man...
Just look what the Left whines about; look what is near and dear to them. For them it is all about dividing Americans and pitting us against each other, It's all about hatred, jealousy and anger. They divide us in the name of tolerance, but that is a joke, it's all just for POWER first, for votes, and to CONTROL YOU!.

They want people who want to be rich to hate the rich, people who are poor and angry to remain poor and angry. They want people of color to despise White people who have done nothing to them at all. They want people who snuck into this country illegally to be placed in front of the line of LEGAL WOULD-BE IMMIGRANTS OF ALL races and nationalities waiting patiently in the LEGAL IMMIGRATION SYSTEM; just so they can PANDER to mostly one ethnic group..........FOR VOTES from the legal voting people in that group.

the Left has nothing to offer Americans but division, pandering and demagoguery.
Face it, your white christian party is becoming a regional party , your ilk cannot survive in a multi racial multicultural America , you loons are freaking out at the demographic shift knowing that you cannot survive as just a white christian party. It is fun watching you lash out and freaking out

This isn't about party..... any party...... It's about the direction of our country. Its the wrong way. It is clear the multi racial/cultural diversity experiment has failed miserably.

I'm not part of the Republican Party but that of the American Party

But you're right. The tide has turned and there may be no turning back

Just glad to be able to tell my kids and grandkids I lived in the best times America had to offer. I'll put it akin to the movie Soylent Green when one would give up his life for 30 minutes of video on how America,....... Used to be.......

We will all long for it someday. I hope that Americans finally rise up and stop the decent into the cesspool of social decay


Just look what the Left whines about; look what is near and dear to them. For them it is all about dividing Americans and pitting us against each other, It's all about hatred, jealousy and anger. They divide us in the name of tolerance, but that is a joke, it's all just for POWER first, for votes, and to CONTROL YOU!.

They want people who want to be rich to hate the rich, people who are poor and angry to remain poor and angry. They want people of color to despise White people who have done nothing to them at all. They want people who snuck into this country illegally to be placed in front of the line of LEGAL WOULD-BE IMMIGRANTS OF ALL races and nationalities waiting patiently in the LEGAL IMMIGRATION SYSTEM; just so they can PANDER to mostly one ethnic group..........FOR VOTES from the legal voting people in that group.

the Left has nothing to offer Americans but division, pandering and demagoguery.
Face it, your white christian party is becoming a regional party , your ilk cannot survive in a multi racial multicultural America , you loons are freaking out at the demographic shift knowing that you cannot survive as just a white christian party. It is fun watching you lash out and freaking out

This isn't about party..... any party...... It's about the direction of our country. Its the wrong way. It is clear the multi racial/cultural diversity experiment has failed miserably.

I'm not part of the Republican Party but that of the American Party

But you're right. The tide has turned and there may be no turning back

Just glad to be able to tell my kids and grandkids I lived in the best times America had to offer. I'll put it akin to the movie Soylent Green when one would give up his life for 30 minutes of video on how America,....... Used to be.......

We will all long for it someday. I hope that Americans finally rise up and stop the decent into the cesspool of social decay


Finally an Native Indian has risen up and told us who the country belongs to... When are you sending all the white europeans back?

Are the blacks allowed to stay considering they didn't come to America by choice...

Are the Hispanics allowed to stay as they owned part of the country at one stage?

You are the brave one and you can get rid of the evil white man...

Finally an Native Indian has risen up and told us who the country belongs to... When are you sending all the white europeans back?

God owns us. It's in his hands

Are the blacks allowed to stay considering they didn't come to America by choice...

Correct, the choice was made by the Africans to sell away their own people. Primitive capitalism

Are the Hispanics allowed to stay as they owned part of the country at one stage?

Of course not. They got their ass kicked in a fair fight.... so they can continue to fuck off. Deportation is the appropriate measure

You are the brave one and you can get rid of the evil white man..

And you are a typical liberal leftist. We agree to disagree. I'm down with that

Thank you for admitting you lied in your earlier post.
Jeb Bush has rolled out a very comprehensive plan on taxes and regulation.

Under Bushes plan, wouldn't VW be able to keep the deception up longer?

Bush only had one cuts for the wealthy. All the other bad shit came after he asked god what to do.
You understand that Jeb Bush was never president, right?
Jeb bush is a moron neo-con who wants to expand his brother's disaster.
Thank you for admitting you lied in your earlier post.
Jeb Bush has rolled out a very comprehensive plan on taxes and regulation.

Under Bushes plan, wouldn't VW be able to keep the deception up longer?

Bush only had one cuts for the wealthy. All the other bad shit came after he asked god what to do.
You understand that Jeb Bush was never president, right?
Jeb bush is a moron neo-con who wants to expand his brother's disaster.
And we hear the voice of ignorance and stupidity once more.
Thank you for admitting you lied in your earlier post.
Jeb Bush has rolled out a very comprehensive plan on taxes and regulation.

Under Bushes plan, wouldn't VW be able to keep the deception up longer?

Bush only had one cuts for the wealthy. All the other bad shit came after he asked god what to do.
You understand that Jeb Bush was never president, right?
Jeb bush is a moron neo-con who wants to expand his brother's disaster.
And we hear the voice of ignorance and stupidity once more.
Under Bushes plan, wouldn't VW be able to keep the deception up longer?

Bush only had one cuts for the wealthy. All the other bad shit came after he asked god what to do.
You understand that Jeb Bush was never president, right?
Jeb bush is a moron neo-con who wants to expand his brother's disaster.
And we hear the voice of ignorance and stupidity once more.
A version of this article appears in print on September 11, 2015, on page A19 of the New York edition with the headline: Bush’s Plan Gives to the Poor and the Rich]
Pwned again.
Bush only had one cuts for the wealthy. All the other bad shit came after he asked god what to do.
You understand that Jeb Bush was never president, right?
Jeb bush is a moron neo-con who wants to expand his brother's disaster.
And we hear the voice of ignorance and stupidity once more.
A version of this article appears in print on September 11, 2015, on page A19 of the New York edition with the headline: Bush’s Plan Gives to the Poor and the Rich]
Pwned again.
LOL. Sure it does.
A tax plan that disproportionately favors the wealthy and would cause their to have to be gutted social services to pay off the rich and their tax breaks.
You understand that Jeb Bush was never president, right?
Jeb bush is a moron neo-con who wants to expand his brother's disaster.
And we hear the voice of ignorance and stupidity once more.
A version of this article appears in print on September 11, 2015, on page A19 of the New York edition with the headline: Bush’s Plan Gives to the Poor and the Rich]
Pwned again.
LOL. Sure it does.
A tax plan that disproportionately favors the wealthy and would cause their to have to be gutted social services to pay off the rich and their tax breaks.
That wasnt even coherent.
Since the top 40% of taxpayers pay virtually all income tax it is no surprise that a cut in income taxes would benefit them.
We need to raise taxes on the bottom 40% so they actually pay something.
Jeb bush is a moron neo-con who wants to expand his brother's disaster.
And we hear the voice of ignorance and stupidity once more.
A version of this article appears in print on September 11, 2015, on page A19 of the New York edition with the headline: Bush’s Plan Gives to the Poor and the Rich]
Pwned again.
LOL. Sure it does.
A tax plan that disproportionately favors the wealthy and would cause their to have to be gutted social services to pay off the rich and their tax breaks.
That wasnt even coherent.
Since the top 40% of taxpayers pay virtually all income tax it is no surprise that a cut in income taxes would benefit them.
We need to raise taxes on the bottom 40% so they actually pay something.
LOL. How much taxable income do you think the bottom 40% takes in? How much wealth do you think they own? Making the bottom 40% pay more taxes is spitting on them for no reason, and it wouldn't make a difference at all. :finger3:
A version of this article appears in print on September 11, 2015, on page A19 of the New York edition with the headline: Bush’s Plan Gives to the Poor and the Rich]
Pwned again.
LOL. Sure it does.
A tax plan that disproportionately favors the wealthy and would cause their to have to be gutted social services to pay off the rich and their tax breaks.
That wasnt even coherent.
Since the top 40% of taxpayers pay virtually all income tax it is no surprise that a cut in income taxes would benefit them.
We need to raise taxes on the bottom 40% so they actually pay something.
LOL. How much taxable income do you think the bottom 40% takes in? How much wealth do you think they own? Making the bottom 40% pay more taxes is spitting on them for no reason, and it wouldn't make a difference at all. :finger3:
They have lots of taxable income, dumbshit. Because there are lots of them. Again you confuse income and wealth, because you're an ignoramus. They dont pay ANY taxes. In fact they get back more than they pay in. If they're going to benefit from this country and all it offers shouldnt they be paying something? You scream about big corporations not paying their fair share, what about the freeloading bottom 40% of wage earners?

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