Democrats have nothing to offer Americans but division; race and class warfare

Liberals gotta have a victim class in order to force their Orwellian society on America. They can't stand that they live in the freest nation on earth with the most protected civil liberties and civil rights in the world. It's reached ludicrous dimensions when two guys blowing each other become a class of victims.

The fact that there actually is a victim class is the problem. Thank Republicans for that.
There are NO victims in America...just crybabies.
Democrats have plenty to offer America. The problem is that they have chosen to leverage race and class warfare to gain advantage.

Rather than using logic and reason to promote their ideas and ideals (which they certainly could), they have gone with emotion and division.

I don't get it.

There is a class war. In an economic environment of limited wealth and resources, there is always a class war.

The class war happens when on class is given advantage over another. As a one percenter, I can tell you that I and others like me have a vast advantage over the middle class in everything we do.

For instance; I fly private between my properties in California, Nevada, NYC, and South Florida. I get the benefit of deducting the cost to reduce my federal taxes, AND, I don't pay State income taxes.

you need to give more to the government voluntarily leftard. what is stopping you from refusing to take the deductions?

Wouldn't that be disrespectful to you and yours in voting for the folks that have given me the added benefits by being wealthy?
Liberals gotta have a victim class in order to force their Orwellian society on America. They can't stand that they live in the freest nation on earth with the most protected civil liberties and civil rights in the world. It's reached ludicrous dimensions when two guys blowing each other become a class of victims.

The fact that there actually is a victim class is the problem. Thank Republicans for that.
There are NO victims in America...just crybabies.

Unless you're rich, you're a victim.
Democrats get ahead by getting people fired up that someone is screwing them.
So low wage workers are being screwed by employers.
Women are being screwed by men
Gays are being screwed by Christians
Blacks are being screwed by police and by white people
Immigrants are being screwed by racists
etc etc
It's the only way they can win elections is to push this crap.

Somebody is screwing them. Employers.

planes leave hourly

That is how you lose an argument.

He has yet to present an argument, just bloviation.
Fed: Gap Between Rich, Poor Americans Widened During ...
The Wall Street Journal
Sep 4, 2014 - Fed: Gap Between Rich, Poor Americans Widened During Recovery .... After 6 years of Obama and the Federal Reserve Bank's Keynesian ... Do a little research, income inequality ALWAYS grows under progressive politics.

I guess you forgot that yesterday you were ranting about the Bush economic policies were still in effect.

the point remains the same IDIOT; if they are whose fault is that?

and why did they get WORSE ON THE PROGRESSIVE WATCH???

'Progressives' aren't in control for one thing.

The Progressive in power still holds the veto pen.

To veto what?

Any bill that he does not like.
Throughout history, Progressives have always used "Demonize, Divide and Conquer" as their Plan A. Mao, Hitler, Stalin, Fidel, Pol Pot, and Modern Progressives all said essentially the same things: Your enemies (Jews, Kulaks, Capitalists, the 1%, the Waltons) are holding you down!, Give Progressives and we'll make things better

I use facts.


Uh huh.

Do tell
There are days on this forum when I feel like a Tianhe-2 supercomputer playing Pong. Especially when I see recycled, bumper sticker intellect, pablum topic titles like this:

Democrats have nothing to offer Americans but division; race and class warfare
Liberals gotta have a victim class in order to force their Orwellian society on America. They can't stand that they live in the freest nation on earth with the most protected civil liberties and civil rights in the world. It's reached ludicrous dimensions when two guys blowing each other become a class of victims.

The fact that there actually is a victim class is the problem. Thank Republicans for that.
There is no victim class. Except Democratic voters who have been victimized by Democratic Party policies over 40 years.
Just look what the Left whines about; look what is near and dear to them. For them it is all about dividing Americans and pitting us against each other, It's all about hatred, jealousy and anger. They divide us in the name of tolerance, but that is a joke, it's all just for POWER first, for votes, and to CONTROL YOU!.

They want people who want to be rich to hate the rich, people who are poor and angry to remain poor and angry. They want people of color to despise White people who have done nothing to them at all. They want people who snuck into this country illegally to be placed in front of the line of LEGAL WOULD-BE IMMIGRANTS OF ALL races and nationalities waiting patiently in the LEGAL IMMIGRATION SYSTEM; just so they can PANDER to mostly one ethnic group..........FOR VOTES from the legal voting people in that group.

the Left has nothing to offer Americans but division, pandering and demagoguery.

The Right doesn't have anything to offer except a score card from Heritage Action.
Just look what the Left whines about; look what is near and dear to them. For them it is all about dividing Americans and pitting us against each other, It's all about hatred, jealousy and anger. They divide us in the name of tolerance, but that is a joke, it's all just for POWER first, for votes, and to CONTROL YOU!.

They want people who want to be rich to hate the rich, people who are poor and angry to remain poor and angry. They want people of color to despise White people who have done nothing to them at all. They want people who snuck into this country illegally to be placed in front of the line of LEGAL WOULD-BE IMMIGRANTS OF ALL races and nationalities waiting patiently in the LEGAL IMMIGRATION SYSTEM; just so they can PANDER to mostly one ethnic group..........FOR VOTES from the legal voting people in that group.

the Left has nothing to offer Americans but division, pandering and demagoguery.

The Right doesn't have anything to offer except a score card from Heritage Action.
The Right has rolled out idea after idea. You just dont want to hear it. And after 8 years of Democrat failure in both foreign and domestic policy one would think you'd want an alternative.
Just look what the Left whines about; look what is near and dear to them. For them it is all about dividing Americans and pitting us against each other, It's all about hatred, jealousy and anger. They divide us in the name of tolerance, but that is a joke, it's all just for POWER first, for votes, and to CONTROL YOU!.

They want people who want to be rich to hate the rich, people who are poor and angry to remain poor and angry. They want people of color to despise White people who have done nothing to them at all. They want people who snuck into this country illegally to be placed in front of the line of LEGAL WOULD-BE IMMIGRANTS OF ALL races and nationalities waiting patiently in the LEGAL IMMIGRATION SYSTEM; just so they can PANDER to mostly one ethnic group..........FOR VOTES from the legal voting people in that group.

the Left has nothing to offer Americans but division, pandering and demagoguery.

The Right doesn't have anything to offer except a score card from Heritage Action.
The Right has rolled out idea after idea. You just dont want to hear it. And after 8 years of Democrat failure in both foreign and domestic policy one would think you'd want an alternative.
Trump has rolled out ideas. Rubio gave a summary of a class. Rand Paul has nailed our foreign policy.
Just look what the Left whines about; look what is near and dear to them. For them it is all about dividing Americans and pitting us against each other, It's all about hatred, jealousy and anger. They divide us in the name of tolerance, but that is a joke, it's all just for POWER first, for votes, and to CONTROL YOU!.

They want people who want to be rich to hate the rich, people who are poor and angry to remain poor and angry. They want people of color to despise White people who have done nothing to them at all. They want people who snuck into this country illegally to be placed in front of the line of LEGAL WOULD-BE IMMIGRANTS OF ALL races and nationalities waiting patiently in the LEGAL IMMIGRATION SYSTEM; just so they can PANDER to mostly one ethnic group..........FOR VOTES from the legal voting people in that group.

the Left has nothing to offer Americans but division, pandering and demagoguery.

The Right doesn't have anything to offer except a score card from Heritage Action.
The Right has rolled out idea after idea. You just dont want to hear it. And after 8 years of Democrat failure in both foreign and domestic policy one would think you'd want an alternative.
Trump has rolled out ideas. Rubio gave a summary of a class. Rand Paul has nailed our foreign policy.
Thank you for admitting you lied in your earlier post.
Jeb Bush has rolled out a very comprehensive plan on taxes and regulation.
Just look what the Left whines about; look what is near and dear to them. For them it is all about dividing Americans and pitting us against each other, It's all about hatred, jealousy and anger. They divide us in the name of tolerance, but that is a joke, it's all just for POWER first, for votes, and to CONTROL YOU!.

They want people who want to be rich to hate the rich, people who are poor and angry to remain poor and angry. They want people of color to despise White people who have done nothing to them at all. They want people who snuck into this country illegally to be placed in front of the line of LEGAL WOULD-BE IMMIGRANTS OF ALL races and nationalities waiting patiently in the LEGAL IMMIGRATION SYSTEM; just so they can PANDER to mostly one ethnic group..........FOR VOTES from the legal voting people in that group.

the Left has nothing to offer Americans but division, pandering and demagoguery.

The Right doesn't have anything to offer except a score card from Heritage Action.
The Right has rolled out idea after idea. You just dont want to hear it. And after 8 years of Democrat failure in both foreign and domestic policy one would think you'd want an alternative.
Trump has rolled out ideas. Rubio gave a summary of a class. Rand Paul has nailed our foreign policy.
Thank you for admitting you lied in your earlier post.
Jeb Bush has rolled out a very comprehensive plan on taxes and regulation.
Tax cuts for the rich again? Seriously? Roll back regulations for Wall Street? Again? Seriously? Every day is a brand new day for you, Hoss.
Just look what the Left whines about; look what is near and dear to them. For them it is all about dividing Americans and pitting us against each other, It's all about hatred, jealousy and anger. They divide us in the name of tolerance, but that is a joke, it's all just for POWER first, for votes, and to CONTROL YOU!.

They want people who want to be rich to hate the rich, people who are poor and angry to remain poor and angry. They want people of color to despise White people who have done nothing to them at all. They want people who snuck into this country illegally to be placed in front of the line of LEGAL WOULD-BE IMMIGRANTS OF ALL races and nationalities waiting patiently in the LEGAL IMMIGRATION SYSTEM; just so they can PANDER to mostly one ethnic group..........FOR VOTES from the legal voting people in that group.

the Left has nothing to offer Americans but division, pandering and demagoguery.

The Right doesn't have anything to offer except a score card from Heritage Action.
The Right has rolled out idea after idea. You just dont want to hear it. And after 8 years of Democrat failure in both foreign and domestic policy one would think you'd want an alternative.
Trump has rolled out ideas. Rubio gave a summary of a class. Rand Paul has nailed our foreign policy.
Thank you for admitting you lied in your earlier post.
Jeb Bush has rolled out a very comprehensive plan on taxes and regulation.
Tax cuts for the rich again? Seriously? Roll back regulations for Wall Street? Again? Seriously? Every day is a brand new day for you, Hoss.
Thank you for admitting you havent read Jeb's proposals and have no interest in finding out. That makes you a classic partisan hack moron shithead. Not that I expected anything else.
"There are NO victims in America...just crybabies. " B9 #201


Hear no evil, speak no evil, & I want my mommy.
"Jeb Bush has rolled out a very comprehensive plan on taxes and regulation." TR
But does it balance the budget? Significantly pay down the debt?
The Right doesn't have anything to offer except a score card from Heritage Action.
The Right has rolled out idea after idea. You just dont want to hear it. And after 8 years of Democrat failure in both foreign and domestic policy one would think you'd want an alternative.
Trump has rolled out ideas. Rubio gave a summary of a class. Rand Paul has nailed our foreign policy.
Thank you for admitting you lied in your earlier post.
Jeb Bush has rolled out a very comprehensive plan on taxes and regulation.
Tax cuts for the rich again? Seriously? Roll back regulations for Wall Street? Again? Seriously? Every day is a brand new day for you, Hoss.
Thank you for admitting you havent read Jeb's proposals and have no interest in finding out. That makes you a classic partisan hack moron shithead. Not that I expected anything else.

Another dumbass swayed by graphs. Thanks for admitting you're simply a corporate tool. Again. Nothing to offer.
Just look what the Left whines about; look what is near and dear to them. For them it is all about dividing Americans and pitting us against each other, It's all about hatred, jealousy and anger. They divide us in the name of tolerance, but that is a joke, it's all just for POWER first, for votes, and to CONTROL YOU!.

They want people who want to be rich to hate the rich, people who are poor and angry to remain poor and angry. They want people of color to despise White people who have done nothing to them at all. They want people who snuck into this country illegally to be placed in front of the line of LEGAL WOULD-BE IMMIGRANTS OF ALL races and nationalities waiting patiently in the LEGAL IMMIGRATION SYSTEM; just so they can PANDER to mostly one ethnic group..........FOR VOTES from the legal voting people in that group.

the Left has nothing to offer Americans but division, pandering and demagoguery.
But they're so good at it! You at least have to give them credit for that.
Liberals gotta have a victim class in order to force their Orwellian society on America. They can't stand that they live in the freest nation on earth with the most protected civil liberties and civil rights in the world. It's reached ludicrous dimensions when two guys blowing each other become a class of victims.

The fact that there actually is a victim class is the problem. Thank Republicans for that.
There are NO victims in America...just crybabies.

Unless you're rich, you're a victim.
yep, that's the liberal mentality. Can't pay my bills but taxpayers can buy my "medical" marijuana I can get high and bitch.

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