Democrats have nothing to offer Americans but division; race and class warfare

it's fun toying with the leftardz here ;)

It's fun screwing with the ignorant who think Republicans, Libertarians, and teabaggers are for their best interest.

ur right dork; only actual evidence backs that up

Sure. In the last 45 years name one Republican, Libertarian, or teabagger that has authored or supported a bill that has helped the middle class or poor without giving the rich a bigger stake?

Don't hold your breath. That's all the modern Republican party stands for......SCREW THE COMMON MAN!!!!

I was a Republican for thirty years. Voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times. When Ronald Reagan changed parties because he resented paying taxes and ripped the guts out of middle America I didn't go to the polls for twenty years. I've only voted Democrat three times but one thing I declare on my Mama's grave.....I'll never vote for another one of the thieving assholes if I live to 100.
it is simply amazing how people who think they are smarter than others can come here and spout stupid shit that is so easily refuted
it's fun toying with the leftardz here ;)

It's fun screwing with the ignorant who think Republicans, Libertarians, and teabaggers are for their best interest.

ur right dork; only actual evidence backs that up

Sure. In the last 45 years name one Republican, Libertarian, or teabagger that has authored or supported a bill that has helped the middle class or poor without giving the rich a bigger stake?

Don't hold your breath. That's all the modern Republican party stands for......SCREW THE COMMON MAN!!!!

I was a Republican for thirty years. Voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times. When Ronald Reagan changed parties because he resented paying taxes and ripped the guts out of middle America I didn't go to the polls for twenty years. I've only voted Democrat three times but one thing I declare on my Mama's grave.....I'll never vote for another one of the thieving assholes if I live to 100.

the common man lost ground on Progressive's watch

bu the richest got richer on the Progressive watch
just a bunch of losers on the Left here lying to THEMSELVES
Composition of Congress by Party 1855–2017 - Infoplease › History and Government › US Government
Senate, House. Congress, Years, Total, Dems, Reps, Others, Vacant, Total, Dems, Reps, Others, Vacant. 34th, 1855– ... 40th, 1867–1869, 53, 11, 42, —, —, 193, 49, 143, —, 1. 41st, 1869– .... Democrats organized House due to Republican deaths. 3. ... 21, 1959. Source: Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives.
LOOK WHO'S RUNNING FROM FACTS; the usual left-wing losers

crying that their majority was never big ENOUGH; AND that the Republican MINORITY hurt them so badly!!

This notion from the left that the reason their followers don't have wealth is that there are some out there who took
what was supposed to be theirs.They were entitled to the big house,the fancy cars the whole nine yards.
They were supposed to get all of that and it didn't happen.

Democrats preach this all the time.....
And the race thing is pretty much the same.
Black folks do not have shit because whitey, just because he be white get's the good stuff
and the blacks get nothing because they be black.

The Democrats know which buttons to push to get their followers to fall in line and head to the polling sites and
vote Cemocrat.
Fed: Gap Between Rich, Poor Americans Widened During ...
The Wall Street Journal
Sep 4, 2014 - Fed: Gap Between Rich, Poor Americans Widened During Recovery .... After 6 years of Obama and the Federal Reserve Bank's Keynesian ... Do a little research, income inequality ALWAYS grows under progressive politics.

I guess you forgot that yesterday you were ranting about the Bush economic policies were still in effect.

the point remains the same IDIOT; if they are whose fault is that?

and why did they get WORSE ON THE PROGRESSIVE WATCH???

'Progressives' aren't in control for one thing.
Fed: Gap Between Rich, Poor Americans Widened During ...
The Wall Street Journal
Sep 4, 2014 - Fed: Gap Between Rich, Poor Americans Widened During Recovery .... After 6 years of Obama and the Federal Reserve Bank's Keynesian ... Do a little research, income inequality ALWAYS grows under progressive politics.

I guess you forgot that yesterday you were ranting about the Bush economic policies were still in effect.

the point remains the same IDIOT; if they are whose fault is that?

and why did they get WORSE ON THE PROGRESSIVE WATCH???

'Progressives' aren't in control for one thing.

of course they are. if a community organizer for ACORN isnt Progressive then who is????
Fed: Gap Between Rich, Poor Americans Widened During ...
The Wall Street Journal
Sep 4, 2014 - Fed: Gap Between Rich, Poor Americans Widened During Recovery .... After 6 years of Obama and the Federal Reserve Bank's Keynesian ... Do a little research, income inequality ALWAYS grows under progressive politics.

I guess you forgot that yesterday you were ranting about the Bush economic policies were still in effect.

the point remains the same IDIOT; if they are whose fault is that?

and why did they get WORSE ON THE PROGRESSIVE WATCH???

'Progressives' aren't in control for one thing.

The Progressive in power still holds the veto pen.
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Democrats have plenty to offer America. The problem is that they have chosen to leverage race and class warfare to gain advantage.

Rather than using logic and reason to promote their ideas and ideals (which they certainly could), they have gone with emotion and division.

I don't get it.
LOOK WHO'S RUNNING FROM FACTS; the usual left-wing losers

crying that their majority was never big ENOUGH; AND that the Republican MINORITY hurt them so badly!!


The rich/poor figures you posted did not take into account non-cash benefits that low income Americans receive.
Democrats have plenty to offer America. The problem is that they have chosen to leverage race and class warfare to gain advantage.

Rather than using logic and reason to promote their ideas and ideals (which they certainly could), they have gone with emotion and division.

I don't get it.

There is a class war. In an economic environment of limited wealth and resources, there is always a class war.
Throughout history, Progressives have always used "Demonize, Divide and Conquer" as their Plan A. Mao, Hitler, Stalin, Fidel, Pol Pot, and Modern Progressives all said essentially the same things: Your enemies (Jews, Kulaks, Capitalists, the 1%, the Waltons) are holding you down!, Give Progressives and we'll make things better

I use facts.
LOOK WHO'S RUNNING FROM FACTS; the usual left-wing losers

crying that their majority was never big ENOUGH; AND that the Republican MINORITY hurt them so badly!!


The rich/poor figures you posted did not take into account non-cash benefits that low income Americans receive.

well arent you clever?

you're point is the poor arent really poor because they have checks comeing from good ol Uncle Sam??

nice circular logic idiot. dont you have to be poor to receive those benefits?

and dont you idiots say they dont amount to much?
but now you are saying it makes them not poor?
Throughout history, Progressives have always used "Demonize, Divide and Conquer" as their Plan A. Mao, Hitler, Stalin, Fidel, Pol Pot, and Modern Progressives all said essentially the same things: Your enemies (Jews, Kulaks, Capitalists, the 1%, the Waltons) are holding you down!, Give Progressives and we'll make things better

I use facts.

you said Republicans were the majority in congress and they werent

stop lying to yourself dummy
Dems held the Senate from january of 2007 until January of this year

Dems held the House from January of 2007 until jan of 2010

TWO of those years they had the White House as well


Actually it was the 70's when the Democrats held the White House and a majority in the House and more than 60 seats in the Senate.
Dems held the Senate from january of 2007 until January of this year

Dems held the House from January of 2007 until jan of 2010

TWO of those years they had the White House as well


Actually it was the 70's when the Democrats held the White House and a majority in the House and more than 60 seats in the Senate.

you're moving the goalposts again idiot. you had a majority

if the standard is filibuster-proof or veto-proof majority Republicans didnt have that either

AGAIN stop lying to YOURSELF
Composition of Congress by Party 1855–2017 - Infoplease › History and Government › US Government
Senate, House. Congress, Years, Total, Dems, Reps, Others, Vacant, Total, Dems, Reps, Others, Vacant. 34th, 1855– ... 40th, 1867–1869, 53, 11, 42, —, —, 193, 49, 143, —, 1. 41st, 1869– .... Democrats organized House due to Republican deaths. 3. ... 21, 1959. Source: Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives.

You're forgetting that Republicans and Democrats changed ideology in the mid 60's.
Democrats get ahead by getting people fired up that someone is screwing them.
So low wage workers are being screwed by employers.
Women are being screwed by men
Gays are being screwed by Christians
Blacks are being screwed by police and by white people
Immigrants are being screwed by racists
etc etc
It's the only way they can win elections is to push this crap.
Composition of Congress by Party 1855–2017 - Infoplease › History and Government › US Government
Senate, House. Congress, Years, Total, Dems, Reps, Others, Vacant, Total, Dems, Reps, Others, Vacant. 34th, 1855– ... 40th, 1867–1869, 53, 11, 42, —, —, 193, 49, 143, —, 1. 41st, 1869– .... Democrats organized House due to Republican deaths. 3. ... 21, 1959. Source: Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives.

You're forgetting that Republicans and Democrats changed ideology in the mid 60's.
You're moving goalposts again.
Is this what they taught you in your "masters of business" program? LOL!

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