Democrats have nothing to offer Americans but division; race and class warfare

It's fun screwing with the ignorant who think Republicans, Libertarians, and teabaggers are for their best interest.

ur right dork; only actual evidence backs that up

Sure. In the last 45 years name one Republican, Libertarian, or teabagger that has authored or supported a bill that has helped the middle class or poor without giving the rich a bigger stake?

i did better than that IDIOT; i offered PROOF things were better for the middle class and poor when republicans ran things

you moron; why do you idiots think your "bills" are the answer?

what happened to the "shovel-ready jobs" in THAT bill?
what happened to the 3 MILLION "GREEN JOBS" OBAMA PROMISED/?? we KNOW for a FACT they DID GET BILLIONS

Answer the question! Or are you chicken.

In the last 45 years name one Republican, Libertarian, or teabagger that has authored or supported a bill that has helped the middle class or poor without giving the rich a bigger stake?

That's a question they can't answer. The conservative agenda is to widen the gap between richer and poorer,

because they object to every policy that has narrowed that gap.

that gap got wider on obama's watch

keep trying............................
it's fun toying with the leftardz here ;)

It's fun screwing with the ignorant who think Republicans, Libertarians, and teabaggers are for their best interest.

ur right dork; only actual evidence backs that up

Sure. In the last 45 years name one Republican, Libertarian, or teabagger that has authored or supported a bill that has helped the middle class or poor without giving the rich a bigger stake?
Oooooo! Toughie!

once again the poor had more and the richest actually had less when Republicans ran things

libs are losers who themselves

You've forgotten that Republicans have either had the White House or a clear majority in Congress over the last 42 of 45 years.
Just look what the Left whines about; look what is near and dear to them. For them it is all about dividing Americans and pitting us against each other, It's all about hatred, jealousy and anger. They divide us in the name of tolerance, but that is a joke, it's all just for POWER first, for votes, and to CONTROL YOU!.

They want people who want to be rich to hate the rich, people who are poor and angry to remain poor and angry. They want people of color to despise White people who have done nothing to them at all. They want people who snuck into this country illegally to be placed in front of the line of LEGAL WOULD-BE IMMIGRANTS OF ALL races and nationalities waiting patiently in the LEGAL IMMIGRATION SYSTEM; just so they can PANDER to mostly one ethnic group..........FOR VOTES from the legal voting people in that group.

the Left has nothing to offer Americans but division, pandering and demagoguery.

Conservatives don't want CONTROL? Are you retarded?

Are you saying that conservatives do NOT want to hold the presidency and a filibuster proof majority in Congress,

so they can CONTROL the agenda? Tell us which conservatives say that?

i'm not talking about control of just Congress you mindless moron. go drool somewhere

Jeez I'm on the board 5 minutes and already I've got some child throwing a tantrum.

You want to talk about issues of CONTROL?

1. Conservatives want a constitutional amendment to take away all abortion rights.

2. Conservatives want to give 'Christians' the right to veto US law.

3. Conservatives want a constitutional amendment to take away the right to same sex marriage.

There are three excellent examples of how the conservative CONTROL agenda manifests itself.
Just look what the Left whines about; look what is near and dear to them. For them it is all about dividing Americans and pitting us against each other, It's all about hatred, jealousy and anger. They divide us in the name of tolerance, but that is a joke, it's all just for POWER first, for votes, and to CONTROL YOU!.

They want people who want to be rich to hate the rich, people who are poor and angry to remain poor and angry. They want people of color to despise White people who have done nothing to them at all. They want people who snuck into this country illegally to be placed in front of the line of LEGAL WOULD-BE IMMIGRANTS OF ALL races and nationalities waiting patiently in the LEGAL IMMIGRATION SYSTEM; just so they can PANDER to mostly one ethnic group..........FOR VOTES from the legal voting people in that group.

the Left has nothing to offer Americans but division, pandering and demagoguery.

Conservatives don't want CONTROL? Are you retarded?

Are you saying that conservatives do NOT want to hold the presidency and a filibuster proof majority in Congress,

so they can CONTROL the agenda? Tell us which conservatives say that?

The GOP doesn't want the White House. They can do their middle class screwing just fine in Congress.
Fed: Gap Between Rich, Poor Americans Widened During ...
The Wall Street Journal
Sep 4, 2014 - Fed: Gap Between Rich, Poor Americans Widened During Recovery .... After 6 years of Obama and the Federal Reserve Bank's Keynesian ... Do a little research, income inequality ALWAYS grows under progressive politics.

I guess you forgot that yesterday you were ranting about the Bush economic policies were still in effect.
It's fun screwing with the ignorant who think Republicans, Libertarians, and teabaggers are for their best interest.

ur right dork; only actual evidence backs that up

Sure. In the last 45 years name one Republican, Libertarian, or teabagger that has authored or supported a bill that has helped the middle class or poor without giving the rich a bigger stake?
Oooooo! Toughie!

once again the poor had more and the richest actually had less when Republicans ran things

libs are losers who themselves

You've forgotten that Republicans have either had the White House or a clear majority in Congress over the last 42 of 45 years.


from january of 2007 until JANUARY OF THIS YEAR Demcorats held either ALL 3 PARTS OF THE GOVERNING PROCESS OR 2/3 OF THE PROCESS

stop lying to YOURSELF making pathetic excuses for PROGRESIVE FAILURE

what a loser!!
Fed: Gap Between Rich, Poor Americans Widened During ...
The Wall Street Journal
Sep 4, 2014 - Fed: Gap Between Rich, Poor Americans Widened During Recovery .... After 6 years of Obama and the Federal Reserve Bank's Keynesian ... Do a little research, income inequality ALWAYS grows under progressive politics.

I guess you forgot that yesterday you were ranting about the Bush economic policies were still in effect.

the point remains the same IDIOT; if they are whose fault is that?

and why did they get WORSE ON THE PROGRESSIVE WATCH???

The GOP has proven over and over that it cannot govern. They're ready to shut the government down (yet again). Each time they do, the opposition party grows in favorable ratings. Their so called "deep bench" is leaving the Presidential contest before the contest even begins. It's being lead by a man who 120 days ago was considered a liberal by nearly every conventional standard.

The OP is a political dilettante.

You people keep blaming Government Shutdowns on the GOP. In 2013 Government Shutdown, Democrats blamed the GOP. It didn't work. A year later, the American People handed the keys to Capitol Hill over to the GOP because they were sick of the Democrats' shit. Another shut down is coming. Go ahead.....bring it on and blame the GOP. This time, as a result, the American People will hand over 1600 Pennsylvania Ave to the GOP. Mind you, this is not so much because the GOP is a better choice as much as Democrats are a tired bad choice.
Income Gap Wider in Blue States - Kara Jones - Townhall
Jun 9, 2014 - Raise taxes on the rich, increase the minimum wage, expand ... According to recent studies, however, we see the divide between the rich and poor is generally wider in states ... Growth Have A Wider Gap Between Lower And Higher Incomes. ... The results reveal that red states tend to have a more thriving ...
It's fun screwing with the ignorant who think Republicans, Libertarians, and teabaggers are for their best interest.

ur right dork; only actual evidence backs that up

Sure. In the last 45 years name one Republican, Libertarian, or teabagger that has authored or supported a bill that has helped the middle class or poor without giving the rich a bigger stake?

i did better than that IDIOT; i offered PROOF things were better for the middle class and poor when republicans ran things

you moron; why do you idiots think your "bills" are the answer?

what happened to the "shovel-ready jobs" in THAT bill?
what happened to the 3 MILLION "GREEN JOBS" OBAMA PROMISED/?? we KNOW for a FACT they DID GET BILLIONS

Answer the question! Or are you chicken.

In the last 45 years name one Republican, Libertarian, or teabagger that has authored or supported a bill that has helped the middle class or poor without giving the rich a bigger stake?

i answered your question idiot. it's a false narrative. bills dont necessarily help people. dems have passed plenty of bills..........................POVERTY REACHED A FIFTY YEAR HIGH ON THE PROGRESSIVE WATCH

you're just too much of an intellectual coward to admit your question WAS answered

You mean poverty reached a 50 year high when Republicans had control over the last 42 of 45 years.
look at all the butthurt Progs LYING TO THEMSELVES!!!

ur right dork; only actual evidence backs that up

Sure. In the last 45 years name one Republican, Libertarian, or teabagger that has authored or supported a bill that has helped the middle class or poor without giving the rich a bigger stake?

i did better than that IDIOT; i offered PROOF things were better for the middle class and poor when republicans ran things

you moron; why do you idiots think your "bills" are the answer?

what happened to the "shovel-ready jobs" in THAT bill?
what happened to the 3 MILLION "GREEN JOBS" OBAMA PROMISED/?? we KNOW for a FACT they DID GET BILLIONS

Answer the question! Or are you chicken.

In the last 45 years name one Republican, Libertarian, or teabagger that has authored or supported a bill that has helped the middle class or poor without giving the rich a bigger stake?

That's a question they can't answer. The conservative agenda is to widen the gap between richer and poorer,

because they object to every policy that has narrowed that gap.

that gap got wider on obama's watch

keep trying............................

Actually it was from 2000 until today.
ur right dork; only actual evidence backs that up

Sure. In the last 45 years name one Republican, Libertarian, or teabagger that has authored or supported a bill that has helped the middle class or poor without giving the rich a bigger stake?

i did better than that IDIOT; i offered PROOF things were better for the middle class and poor when republicans ran things

you moron; why do you idiots think your "bills" are the answer?

what happened to the "shovel-ready jobs" in THAT bill?
what happened to the 3 MILLION "GREEN JOBS" OBAMA PROMISED/?? we KNOW for a FACT they DID GET BILLIONS

Answer the question! Or are you chicken.

In the last 45 years name one Republican, Libertarian, or teabagger that has authored or supported a bill that has helped the middle class or poor without giving the rich a bigger stake?

i answered your question idiot. it's a false narrative. bills dont necessarily help people. dems have passed plenty of bills..........................POVERTY REACHED A FIFTY YEAR HIGH ON THE PROGRESSIVE WATCH

you're just too much of an intellectual coward to admit your question WAS answered

You mean poverty reached a 50 year high when Republicans had control over the last 42 of 45 years.


ur lying to yourself
Throughout history, Progressives have always used "Demonize, Divide and Conquer" as their Plan A. Mao, Hitler, Stalin, Fidel, Pol Pot, and Modern Progressives all said essentially the same things: Your enemies (Jews, Kulaks, Capitalists, the 1%, the Waltons) are holding you down!, Give Progressives and we'll make things better
Dems held the Senate from january of 2007 until January of this year

Dems held the House from January of 2007 until jan of 2010

TWO of those years they had the White House as well

Dems actually had a FORTY-YEAR UNBROKEN stretch in charge of the House that ended in the Clinton years

libs are losers who lie TO THEMSELVES

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