Democrats have nothing to offer Americans but division; race and class warfare

it's not that Black people dont know what is good for them; many do, they are called conservatives.

it is more of a function of constant pandering by the Jackass Party; ANY GROUP would have reacted the same way

you can play your race card; because it is all you know; but whether or not the Democrat Party has been a good thing for black people has been debated FOR DECADES AND CONTINUES TO BE a topic IN YOUR OWN CIRCLES.

I'M NOT the one running away from facts; YOU ARE.
Ah, the Race Card Card.

what a loser you are.

just what part of that isnt true?? is it a fact or not that whether or not the Democrat Party has been good for black people has been a subject of debate for DECADES???

YOU'RE a clown; and you cant even be honest WITH YOURSELF
I see you are still butthurt over my avie. Priceless. :D
SO at his point NoNukes, Bod, tigerrd, and moon are spitting on the monitors/??


you see ALL criticism of obama by anybody lighter than he is as racist. you're simply a racist, IGNORANT clown of a Black hypocrite; and i'm laughing at you right now
There's that Race Card Card again.

nobody on these boards takes you seriously; you're far too shallow. is that the best you got? to try to spin racial left-wing politics around and project your own sins?
Gee...that sounds just like some kid on the elementary school playground..."no one here likes you..."
it's fun toying with the leftardz here ;)

It's fun screwing with the ignorant who think Republicans, Libertarians, and teabaggers are for their best interest.

Obama admits 95% of income gains gone to top 1% - Sep ...
Sep 15, 2013 - President Obama has been loud and clear about his fight against income inequality, but he admitted that the rich have fared far better than the ...
it's not that Black people dont know what is good for them; many do, they are called conservatives.

it is more of a function of constant pandering by the Jackass Party; ANY GROUP would have reacted the same way

you can play your race card; because it is all you know; but whether or not the Democrat Party has been a good thing for black people has been debated FOR DECADES AND CONTINUES TO BE a topic IN YOUR OWN CIRCLES.

I'M NOT the one running away from facts; YOU ARE.
The only smart Black is a Conervative Black. The Right White creed.

Yeah, that's why the most famous black conservative of them all, my boy, Colin Powel, endorsed Obama in 2008...LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO.....oh snap, honey, snap!!

powell is a RINO. damn you ignant! but i did agree with what you said a minute ago; of course none of the white boys on the Left here have the balls to call you out on it when you said "n*ggas" often dont bother to vote.
Knew it! As soon as a conservative black American is named, you find a way to move the goal posts. You are very predictable. :rofl:
it's not that Black people dont know what is good for them; many do, they are called conservatives.

it is more of a function of constant pandering by the Jackass Party; ANY GROUP would have reacted the same way

you can play your race card; because it is all you know; but whether or not the Democrat Party has been a good thing for black people has been debated FOR DECADES AND CONTINUES TO BE a topic IN YOUR OWN CIRCLES.

I'M NOT the one running away from facts; YOU ARE.
The only smart Black is a Conervative Black. The Right White creed.

Yeah, that's why the most famous black conservative of them all, my boy, Colin Powel, endorsed Obama in 2008...LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO.....oh snap, honey, snap!!

powell is a RINO. damn you ignant! but i did agree with what you said a minute ago; of course none of the white boys on the Left here have the balls to call you out on it when you said "n*ggas" often dont bother to vote.
Knew it! As soon as a conservative black American is named, you find a way to move the goal posts. You are very predictable. :rofl:

what is even more predictable is you proving my point. if i said what that black progressive said about Black voters you'd call me a racist....................again. yet you said nothing to her

like i say you're a joke
LIBS are losers who lie to themselves; and you can tell from the posts of racial pandering douchebags like guno that they are desperate.

Dems are running 4 rich old white pandering losers each trying to outpander each other
Whoever pays you to type the same thing over and over again should demand their money back.

i get you to reply to it every time idiot
Actually, I reply on my own. It's called accepting personal responsibility for my own actions. Something the RW can't seem to get.

stop deluding yourself that you're a grown-up. if you can take responsibility for your actions then answer a very simply question i put to you a few minutes ago when you put down what i posted. is it a fact or not that whether or not the Democrat Party has been good for Black people is something that has been debated for decades???
See? you cannot deal with grown ups at all, can you? And, as I said, whoever is paying you to spam this board should ask for their money back. Especially if they thought by paying you they'd get more than sophomoric platitudes.
LIBS are losers who lie to themselves; and you can tell from the posts of racial pandering douchebags like guno that they are desperate.

Dems are running 4 rich old white pandering losers each trying to outpander each other
Whoever pays you to type the same thing over and over again should demand their money back.

i get you to reply to it every time idiot
Actually, I reply on my own. It's called accepting personal responsibility for my own actions. Something the RW can't seem to get.

stop deluding yourself that you're a grown-up. if you can take responsibility for your actions then answer a very simply question i put to you a few minutes ago when you put down what i posted. is it a fact or not that whether or not the Democrat Party has been good for Black people is something that has been debated for decades???
See? you cannot deal with grown ups at all, can you? And, as I said, whoever is paying you to spam this board should ask for their money back. Especially if they thought by paying you they'd get more than sophomoric platitudes.

like i already pointed out ur a joke with no integrity and very shallow
LIBS are losers who lie to themselves; and you can tell from the posts of racial pandering douchebags like guno that they are desperate.

Dems are running 4 rich old white pandering losers each trying to outpander each other
Whoever pays you to type the same thing over and over again should demand their money back.

i get you to reply to it every time idiot
Actually, I reply on my own. It's called accepting personal responsibility for my own actions. Something the RW can't seem to get.

stop deluding yourself that you're a grown-up. if you can take responsibility for your actions then answer a very simply question i put to you a few minutes ago when you put down what i posted. is it a fact or not that whether or not the Democrat Party has been good for Black people is something that has been debated for decades???
See? you cannot deal with grown ups at all, can you? And, as I said, whoever is paying you to spam this board should ask for their money back. Especially if they thought by paying you they'd get more than sophomoric platitudes.

and once again you miss an opportunity to back up what you posted

tsk tsk tsk
it's not that Black people dont know what is good for them; many do, they are called conservatives.

it is more of a function of constant pandering by the Jackass Party; ANY GROUP would have reacted the same way

you can play your race card; because it is all you know; but whether or not the Democrat Party has been a good thing for black people has been debated FOR DECADES AND CONTINUES TO BE a topic IN YOUR OWN CIRCLES.

I'M NOT the one running away from facts; YOU ARE.
The only smart Black is a Conervative Black. The Right White creed.

Yeah, that's why the most famous black conservative of them all, my boy, Colin Powel, endorsed Obama in 2008...LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO.....oh snap, honey, snap!!

powell is a RINO. damn you ignant! but i did agree with what you said a minute ago; of course none of the white boys on the Left here have the balls to call you out on it when you said "n*ggas" often dont bother to vote.
Knew it! As soon as a conservative black American is named, you find a way to move the goal posts. You are very predictable. :rofl:

what is even more predictable is you proving my point. if i said what that black progressive said about Black voters you'd call me a racist....................again. yet you said nothing to her

like i say you're a joke
I've not called you a racist, if you actually paid attention, you'd notice I said you are flashing the Race Card Card. Focus.....focus....
Just look what the Left whines about; look what is near and dear to them. For them it is all about dividing Americans and pitting us against each other, It's all about hatred, jealousy and anger. They divide us in the name of tolerance, but that is a joke, it's all just for POWER first, for votes, and to CONTROL YOU!.

They want people who want to be rich to hate the rich, people who are poor and angry to remain poor and angry. They want people of color to despise White people who have done nothing to them at all. They want people who snuck into this country illegally to be placed in front of the line of LEGAL WOULD-BE IMMIGRANTS OF ALL races and nationalities waiting patiently in the LEGAL IMMIGRATION SYSTEM; just so they can PANDER to mostly one ethnic group..........FOR VOTES from the legal voting people in that group.

the Left has nothing to offer Americans but division, pandering and demagoguery.
This is funny and absolutely ridiculous. It is the conservatives who have created division and class warfare. It is conservatives who perpetuate racism. :rolleyes-41:
Lol, in the past few years I have been called a homophobe, a racist, a bigot. I have started a war on women all stated by liberals. I bet by next year liberals will be calling me a pedophobe. You are pathetic.
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The only smart Black is a Conervative Black. The Right White creed.

Yeah, that's why the most famous black conservative of them all, my boy, Colin Powel, endorsed Obama in 2008...LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO.....oh snap, honey, snap!!

powell is a RINO. damn you ignant! but i did agree with what you said a minute ago; of course none of the white boys on the Left here have the balls to call you out on it when you said "n*ggas" often dont bother to vote.
Knew it! As soon as a conservative black American is named, you find a way to move the goal posts. You are very predictable. :rofl:

what is even more predictable is you proving my point. if i said what that black progressive said about Black voters you'd call me a racist....................again. yet you said nothing to her

like i say you're a joke
I've not called you a racist, if you actually paid attention, you'd notice I said you are flashing the Race Card Card. Focus.....focus....

you're deflecting; how pathetic. the point was she said something with at least a bit of truth; but that is something you would accuse somebody else of making a racist statement if it came from anybody not on your side

ur a joke
Just look what the Left whines about; look what is near and dear to them. For them it is all about dividing Americans and pitting us against each other, It's all about hatred, jealousy and anger. They divide us in the name of tolerance, but that is a joke, it's all just for POWER first, for votes, and to CONTROL YOU!.

They want people who want to be rich to hate the rich, people who are poor and angry to remain poor and angry. They want people of color to despise White people who have done nothing to them at all. They want people who snuck into this country illegally to be placed in front of the line of LEGAL WOULD-BE IMMIGRANTS OF ALL races and nationalities waiting patiently in the LEGAL IMMIGRATION SYSTEM; just so they can PANDER to mostly one ethnic group..........FOR VOTES from the legal voting people in that group.

the Left has nothing to offer Americans but division, pandering and demagoguery.
The left gives the country a skeptical self-examination. The right are of the My Country Right or Wrong ilk. Which is better for the country?

it is nothing short of laughable that many on the Left see their self-hatred of their own country as healthy self-examination

You shy away from the truth with laughter.

the actual truth is you cant hold on to the minority vote forever. pandering will only take you so far. the actual truth is your "immigration reform" proposals are about pandering to one group at the expense of others waiting in the legal immigration system

laugh that away

There's no "pandering".

"Minorities" have no buy in with a white nationalist party.

Until that changes, "minorities" will vote Democrat.
Just look what the Left whines about; look what is near and dear to them. For them it is all about dividing Americans and pitting us against each other, It's all about hatred, jealousy and anger. They divide us in the name of tolerance, but that is a joke, it's all just for POWER first, for votes, and to CONTROL YOU!.

They want people who want to be rich to hate the rich, people who are poor and angry to remain poor and angry. They want people of color to despise White people who have done nothing to them at all. They want people who snuck into this country illegally to be placed in front of the line of LEGAL WOULD-BE IMMIGRANTS OF ALL races and nationalities waiting patiently in the LEGAL IMMIGRATION SYSTEM; just so they can PANDER to mostly one ethnic group..........FOR VOTES from the legal voting people in that group.

the Left has nothing to offer Americans but division, pandering and demagoguery.
This is funny and absolutely ridiculous. It is the conservatives who have created division and class warfare. It is conservatives who perpetuate racism. :rolleyes-41:
Lol, in the past few years I have been called a homophone, a racist, a bigot. I have started a war on women all stated by liberals. I bet by next year liberals will be calling me a pedophobe. You are pathetic.
You've been called a homophone? Interesting.

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