Democrats Have Opposed Electoral College Last 3 Presidents...Now Oppose GOP Doing So

Democrats believe the President in this day and age of ease in informing oneself, that the popular vote is a better means of selecting and electing our President vs.the antiquated, and now rendered non purposeful, electoral college...

The president should be chosen by one man(woman) one vote, like all other elected figures....
I covered this in another thread (which wasn't about this subject). 2000 was warranted. 2004 was a minor blip and the assertion that 2016 was contested is just bullshit.
warranted in your completely fucked up head. the only bullshit , comes out of that head. when it doesnt suit you retarded asswipe demonRATs, you cry foul. when it does, you idiots all back it fuckers are brain-dead asswipes, that support pedophilia and home wrecking whores.
Democrats believe the President in this day and age of ease in informing oneself, that the popular vote is a better means of selecting and electing our President vs.the antiquated, and now rendered non purposeful, electoral college...

The president should be chosen by one man(woman) one vote, like all other elected figures....
...except You continue to ignore the Founding Father's wisdom, which you Dems and snowflakes refuse to or are incapable of seeing.

1. Representative Governance is ensured by the Electoral process. Without it the majority of the nation can just sit out / not participate in elections and allow massive liberal population centers / cities to pick our presidents.

2. You rattle off all this '1 person, 1 vote' crap then seek to defend Massive Democrat election fraud consisting of hundreds of thousands of ineligible ballots / votes consisting of switched, duplicate, dead people, out of state voters etc that destroys the whole '1 person 1 vote' crap you just spewed...

The criminal hypocrisy & BS is mind-numbing...
Democrats believe the President in this day and age of ease in informing oneself, that the popular vote is a better means of selecting and electing our President vs.the antiquated, and now rendered non purposeful, electoral college...

The president should be chosen by one man(woman) one vote, like all other elected figures....
Yeah, let’s give Los Angela’s county more power than 45 states.

I covered this in another thread (which wasn't about this subject). 2000 was warranted. 2004 was a minor blip and the assertion that 2016 was contested is just bullshit.

No, it isn't. You guys accused Bush of stealing Florida in 2000. You accused Bush of stealing Ohio in 2004. You accused Russia of stealing the 2016 election and blew millions of dollars in kangaroo court hearings to try and prove it. You accused the Republicans of stealing the 2018 gubernatorial race in Georgia.

Apparently, the only fair elections are the ones that the Democrats win and then you call for unity and everyone to come together after you spent the last few years massacring your opponents with every name in the book.
I found Easy's article interesting. So there have been objections and questions of a hinky count by Dems in the past. But never to this extent, on this scale. Nowhere close. If this were a concern raised after the election, instead of one that has been in the front of Trump's mind the entire term of his presidency, you'd have a better position to argue from. But you know as well as I do that Trump has planned all along to blame the Dems with cheating if he lost. Problem is, he's got no actual evidence to prove it.

His Commission to study election security a few years ago ended the same way. Big Zero.
Democrats believe the President in this day and age of ease in informing oneself, that the popular vote is a better means of selecting and electing our President vs.the antiquated, and now rendered non purposeful, electoral college...

The president should be chosen by one man(woman) one vote, like all other elected figures....

So the left now opposes affirmative action. Who'd a thunk it?
I covered this in another thread (which wasn't about this subject). 2000 was warranted. 2004 was a minor blip and the assertion that 2016 was contested is just bullshit.

"Four years ago on January 6, 2017, Democratic House members objected to Electoral College votes for Donald Trump eleven times. Ironically, the presiding President of the Senate at those proceedings was none other than Joseph Biden, then Vice President. Biden shot down those objections on procedural grounds: objections must be filed in writing and have the signature of both a House member and a seated Senator. The 2017 challenges failed to cross that hurdle.

Accordingly, I'm sure there will be objections filed in writing by several House members and Senators this time around.
President John Adams had many words of warning to say about "the purity of our elections." If we lose this, we'll never get it back. Just ask the Venezuelans, Cuba, North Korea and Hong Kong how this works. Election fraud is not "a victimless crime." America's entire system of governance rests upon elections that are free, fair, and above suspicion. Without that, we have nothing.
It's obvious that Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats don't recognize the constitutional Republic.
Whatever PM/DSA Democrat Leftists accuse you of doing they have done and are doing constantly.
You accused Russia of stealing the 2016 election and blew millions of dollars in kangaroo court hearings to try and prove it.
I don't think that's an accurate way of putting it. The Mueller investigation wasn't to overturn the election. It was to investigate Russian influence and interference and that included if any Americans were involved.

Trump brought it on by firing Comey.
Democrats believe the President in this day and age of ease in informing oneself, that the popular vote is a better means of selecting and electing our President vs.the antiquated, and now rendered non purposeful, electoral college...

The president should be chosen by one man(woman) one vote, like all other elected figures....

So that is part of the Democratic platform?
Democrats believe the President in this day and age of ease in informing oneself, that the popular vote is a better means of selecting and electing our President vs.the antiquated, and now rendered non purposeful, electoral college...

The president should be chosen by one man(woman) one vote, like all other elected figures....

So the left now opposes affirmative action. Who'd a thunk it?

Perhaps they should be taking a look at what Thomas Jefferson commented on the Tree of Liberty.... "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants".

You accused Russia of stealing the 2016 election and blew millions of dollars in kangaroo court hearings to try and prove it.
I don't think that's an accurate way of putting it. The Mueller investigation wasn't to overturn the election. It was to investigate Russian influence and interference and that included if any Americans were involved.

Trump brought it on by firing Comey.

The position of Director of the FBI is assigned by the pleasure of the President. Comey's ethics were in question (rightly so) and his job was ended by the president....
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You accused Russia of stealing the 2016 election and blew millions of dollars in kangaroo court hearings to try and prove it.
I don't think that's an accurate way of putting it. The Mueller investigation wasn't to overturn the election. It was to investigate Russian influence and interference and that included if any Americans were involved.

Trump brought it on by firing Comey.

The Democrats in 2016 and early 2017 tried time and again to throwout the 2016 election results, they talked about impeaching Trump before he was sworn in and the Democrats did on January 6th, 2017 what they are now pissed off at Republicans are planning on doing in a few days.

It is all the same both parties, one will claim it is different but in all reality, both parties want to win at the expense of America. These two parties make me sick.

As far as Russia, the Democrats were planning all along, before the swearing in, right after the election, to investigate Trump and Russia, so spare us the spin that your are trying make.

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