Democrats Have Opposed Electoral College Last 3 Presidents...Now Oppose GOP Doing So

I covered this in another thread (which wasn't about this subject). 2000 was warranted. 2004 was a minor blip and the assertion that 2016 was contested is just bullshit.

I agree with you. Except, I think the democrats should just shut up and let the GOP object. It's their right after all.

But seriously...All of this should have happened in the 2nd week of December. That it takes 2 months to get envelopes to Congress in the year 2021 is wholesale stupidity.
Democrats believe the President in this day and age of ease in informing oneself, that the popular vote is a better means of selecting and electing our President vs.the antiquated, and now rendered non purposeful, electoral college...

The president should be chosen by one man(woman) one vote, like all other elected figures....
At least you’re admitting you don’t believe in the Constitution.

If you want to elect the President with a popular vote, move to a country that does so.
Democrats believe the President in this day and age of ease in informing oneself, that the popular vote is a better means of selecting and electing our President vs.the antiquated, and now rendered non purposeful, electoral college...

The president should be chosen by one man(woman) one vote, like all other elected figures....
At least you’re admitting you don’t believe in the Constitution.

If you want to elect the President with a popular vote, move to a country that does so.
I was giving the view of Democrats who support the popular vote, and why. THAT is called DEBATING the issue!

Of course an amendment would need to pass to change the constitution on this....which is totally constitutional.... :)
Democrats believe the President in this day and age of ease in informing oneself, that the popular vote is a better means of selecting and electing our President vs.the antiquated, and now rendered non purposeful, electoral college...

The president should be chosen by one man(woman) one vote, like all other elected figures....

So that is part of the Democratic platform?
I said no such thing.

I simply explained the view of the Democrats who do support the popular vote over the electoral college, and why they support it.

I was against such a rule before this election..... now watching this scam and abuse by Trump going to legislatures to over turn the electoral college with their friendly alternative electors, before the election even took place, let alone afterwards, and his court cases and his abuse of his power to convince republican congressmen to interfere and discard the electors of the people, and that there were 8 fricking MILLION more votes for Biden than Trump .....and we are fighting about who won the fricking election for the USA all because of a cheater n chief and a handful of states and just a couple of thousands of votes making the decision for the 80 some million and more other Biden voters.....

I am not so certain changing to a popular vote may not be our only choice....

So “Democrats believe the President in this day and age of ease in informing oneself, that the popular vote is a better means of selecting and electing our President vs.the antiquated, and now rendered non purposeful, electoral college...”

That is what you claimed, where is a link to support your assertion?

As far as what Trump is trying to do is no different than what Democrats tried in 2016. ‘It Is Over’: Democrats’ Efforts to Deny Trump Presidency Fail (Published 2017)

The difference between 2016 and 2020 is the media is just hyping what Trump wants to do and downplayed 2016 because it would not absolutely work. This is nothing but a media driven drama, come Tuesday, Biden will be declared the winner, the Electoral College will have worked as it always has.

You can change the Electoral College, good luck.

Enjoy the fake drama and come Tuesday it will make no difference, the media will jump on the next drama story.
I covered this in another thread (which wasn't about this subject). 2000 was warranted. 2004 was a minor blip and the assertion that 2016 was contested is just bullshit.

Factually speaking, Democrats over the last 20 years have contested Presidential Elections, Yes or No?
Why don't you show me something from 2016 about this happening.
Gee Stupidus, you and Carefornone are truly stupid. ELEVEN times Dems tried to stop certifications in Congress in 2016 alone. Google is your friend.
I read the article, too. They did not have a single official objection. The congress never went to chambers to consider and vote on any EC votes. It was simply people who got up and said I Object! And Joe told them to sit down and shut up.

Even if they have an objection, it is no different than many times in history. This whole event is media driven and nothing more. In the end Pence will confirm the College’s vote and it is all over.

I find it hysterical how all worried the Democrats are claiming to be, and they all know this is a done deal. This is just the Democrats highlighting how unhinged the Republicans are and four years ago no one cared how unhinged the Democrats were.

You all act like this has never been attempted before. Lol!
I covered this in another thread (which wasn't about this subject). 2000 was warranted. 2004 was a minor blip and the assertion that 2016 was contested is just bullshit.

Factually speaking, Democrats over the last 20 years have contested Presidential Elections, Yes or No?

Once. 2000. The others....weren’t really contested. Just right wing teeth knashing.

What's hilarious, is YOU using pjmedia as a source:

  • Overall, we rate PJ Media to be Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies as well as numerous failed fact checks.

Factually speaking, Democrats over the last 20 years have contested Presidential Elections, Yes or No?
In 2004, Barbara Boxer and Stephanie Tubbs Jones objected to the electors from Ohio. They made it quite clear they were not trying to overturn the election but to use the mandatory debate time to bring attention to the issue of voter suppression. Kerry released a statement indicated he did not support the effort whatsoever because he didn't think that he won Ohio.

This is in stark contrast to the Republicans who have been scheming for weeks to try to overrule the will of the people and their respective states.
For the record, I don't really care that Republicans are going to object. It's political theatre. What I think is funny are the Trump supporters who think this is going to have any effect, and there does not seem to be any shortage of those.

Objecting to the electors is not sedition, or a coup or any of the other labels the hyperventilating media gives them. It's a constitutional process, so it cannot, by definition be seditious or a coup. (I said the same about people who labeled impeachment last year as a coup).
The DNC can NEVER legitimately say again there is no such thing as election fraud and attempts to affect the outcome of elections illegally.

From Barry's failed Russian and foreign spy-aided coup attempt to Pa violating both Federal and State election laws and their own Constitution in the MIDDLE of an election, the Democrats were proven to be criminals and traitors.

Instead of crying and running out to the streets to scream at the sky over an election loss as they did in 2016, in 2020 they are screaming about a Republican doing the something Gore did in 2000.

The reason they want so desperately for Trump and those challenging the election results to STOP is even they know this was not a fair legal election, that Trump won, and they fear the steal could be overturned. They know this...but will never admit it.

The Democrats finally got their coup...

I find it hysterical how all worried the Democrats are claiming to be,
Worried? We've been laughing at you kids.

You haven’t been reading your fellow Democrats posts have you? They seriously think that the election can be overturned? How stupid does one have to be?

I have been laughing at the whole system and how easy it is for the media to minipulate the entire US population. The mere fact that anyone is worried about Tuesday’s results is just moronic stupidity at it’s best. Come January 20th, your buddy Trump will be out and Biden will be in. I laugh at you idiots thinking it will be different.
For the record, I don't really care that Republicans are going to object. It's political theatre. What I think is funny are the Trump supporters who think this is going to have any effect, and there does not seem to be any shortage of those.

Objecting to the electors is not sedition, or a coup or any of the other labels the hyperventilating media gives them. It's a constitutional process, so it cannot, by definition be seditious or a coup. (I said the same about people who labeled impeachment last year as a coup).

I agree, this is over, they can object but this is just a formality, just as it has been in every election and in spite of objections over the centuries.
I find it hysterical how all worried the Democrats are claiming to be,
Worried? We've been laughing at you kids.

You haven’t been reading your fellow Democrats posts have you? They seriously think that the election can be overturned? How stupid does one have to be?

I have been laughing at the whole system and how easy it is for the media to minipulate the entire US population. The mere fact that anyone is worried about Tuesday’s results is just moronic stupidity at it’s best. Come January 20th, your buddy Trump will be out and Biden will be in. I laugh at you idiots thinking it will be different.
I haven't read a single thing from Democrats that's implies the elections could really be overturned.

I think you're seeing what you want to see instead if what's actually there.
I covered this in another thread (which wasn't about this subject). 2000 was warranted. 2004 was a minor blip and the assertion that 2016 was contested is just bullshit.

Factually speaking, Democrats over the last 20 years have contested Presidential Elections, Yes or No?

Once. 2000. The others....weren’t really contested. Just right wing teeth knashing.

How and why were the “others” not contested? You’ve only provided opinion, not fact. If you want to leave it as opinion, so be it. Don’t bullshit it as fact.
Factually speaking, Democrats over the last 20 years have contested Presidential Elections, Yes or No?
In 2004, Barbara Boxer and Stephanie Tubbs Jones objected to the electors from Ohio. They made it quite clear they were not trying to overturn the election but to use the mandatory debate time to bring attention to the issue of voter suppression. Kerry released a statement indicated he did not support the effort whatsoever because he didn't think that he won Ohio.

This is in stark contrast to the Republicans who have been scheming for weeks to try to overrule the will of the people and their respective states.

You are splitting hairs. The Election was contested.
Why don't you show me something from 2016 about this happening.
Gee Stupidus, you and Carefornone are truly stupid. ELEVEN times Dems tried to stop certifications in Congress in 2016 alone. Google is your friend.
Can I steal that?
Always cracks me up when you undereducated morons try to twist my screen name into an insult.

You guys are so fucking stupid.


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