Democrats Have Opposed Electoral College Last 3 Presidents...Now Oppose GOP Doing So

Why don't you show me something from 2016 about this happening.
Gee Stupidus, you and Carefornone are truly stupid. ELEVEN times Dems tried to stop certifications in Congress in 2016 alone. Google is your friend.
Can I steal that?
Always cracks me up when you undereducated morons try to twist my screen name into an insult.

You guys are so fucking stupid.

Says the absolute moron claiming there was no objection in 2016. Crawl back under your rock you uneducated moron.

I'll give you the same chance I gave whatever numb-nuts started this crap. Why don't you show me something from 2016 proving that.
Hey asshole,try Google. Oh that’s right, you won’t because you get destroyed again. Eleven objections that have been outlined in this thread moron. Learn to read Stupidus.
You aren't showing me because you can't.

And you're too stupid to even manage a decent insult.

I expect you'll be going "neener neener neener" next.
Learn to read retard. It’s all over the this thread asshole. You truly are Stupidus.
Why don't you show me something from 2016 about this happening.
Gee Stupidus, you and Carefornone are truly stupid. ELEVEN times Dems tried to stop certifications in Congress in 2016 alone. Google is your friend.
I read the article, too. They did not have a single official objection. The congress never went to chambers to consider and vote on any EC votes. It was simply people who got up and said I Object! And Joe told them to sit down and shut up.
Sorry dummy. Your lies don’t change facts. You assholes have done this multiple times. Now you can sit down and shut up while we REAL Americans put you in your place idiot.
tRumplings are about as far as you can get from "real Americans".
STFU you commie asshole. You’re just an idiot. Watch what happens in a few days. You won’t like it.
^wants to overturn election and install dictator, calls me "commie bastard".

I can't be the only one seeing the irony here.
Legal objection to fraud fuckwad. You lose again Stupidus. Commie asshole dumbfuck.
Why don't you show me something from 2016 about this happening.
Gee Stupidus, you and Carefornone are truly stupid. ELEVEN times Dems tried to stop certifications in Congress in 2016 alone. Google is your friend.
Can I steal that?
Always cracks me up when you undereducated morons try to twist my screen name into an insult.

You guys are so fucking stupid.

Says the absolute moron claiming there was no objection in 2016. Crawl back under your rock you uneducated moron.

I'll give you the same chance I gave whatever numb-nuts started this crap. Why don't you show me something from 2016 proving that.
Hey asshole,try Google. Oh that’s right, you won’t because you get destroyed again. Eleven objections that have been outlined in this thread moron. Learn to read Stupidus.
You aren't showing me because you can't.

And you're too stupid to even manage a decent insult.

I expect you'll be going "neener neener neener" next.
Learn to read retard. It’s all over the this thread asshole. You truly are Stupidus.
Prove it.
Why don't you show me something from 2016 about this happening.
Gee Stupidus, you and Carefornone are truly stupid. ELEVEN times Dems tried to stop certifications in Congress in 2016 alone. Google is your friend.
I read the article, too. They did not have a single official objection. The congress never went to chambers to consider and vote on any EC votes. It was simply people who got up and said I Object! And Joe told them to sit down and shut up.
Sorry dummy. Your lies don’t change facts. You assholes have done this multiple times. Now you can sit down and shut up while we REAL Americans put you in your place idiot.
tRumplings are about as far as you can get from "real Americans".
STFU you commie asshole. You’re just an idiot. Watch what happens in a few days. You won’t like it.
^wants to overturn election and install dictator, calls me "commie bastard".

I can't be the only one seeing the irony here.
Legal objection to fraud fuckwad. You lose again Stupidus. Commie asshole dumbfuck.
There is no fraud.

Lame excuse dismissed.
it is no different than many times in history.
No, it's not the same.

Yes it is and you will see that come Tuesday, the process will work and Biden will be approved. No different than any other election, you are playing into the drama.

No other option is out there, this group is just getting media play and will not change a damn thing. I’d bet a lifetime ban on it.
Some are, many are outright contesting the election. This Election has left many Americans with uncertainty and doubt as to its validity. The ad-hoc Mail In voting introduced in 2020 and dynamic voting regulations has a lot to do with that.
Mail in voting has been a part of our elections for over a century. The failure of the Republican leadership is why people have doubt. Not because of facts or reason, but because their leaders engender ignorance of facts and reason for personal reasons at the expense of the nation.

Factually false
I covered this in another thread (which wasn't about this subject). 2000 was warranted. 2004 was a minor blip and the assertion that 2016 was contested is just bullshit.

Yeah, like Gerrymandering, it's only cool when Progressive (Fascists) do it
Some are, many are outright contesting the election. This Election has left many Americans with uncertainty and doubt as to its validity. The ad-hoc Mail In voting introduced in 2020 and dynamic voting regulations has a lot to do with that.
Mail in voting has been a part of our elections for over a century. The failure of the Republican leadership is why people have doubt. Not because of facts or reason, but because their leaders engender ignorance of facts and reason for personal reasons at the expense of the nation.

List which states have had Mail-In voting where the Election Boards proactively mailed out ballots to registration lists. Don't lump in with Absentee Voting whereby the voter requests a ballot and is mailed a ballot so that they can mail back with their selection. Further, if Mail In ballots had been in place then Democrats would not have been pushing so hard for it siting COVID as the reason and justification. Absentee Ballots could have easily addressed that concern. In fact, that is how I did it myself.
Democrats believe the President in this day and age of ease in informing oneself, that the popular vote is a better means of selecting and electing our President vs.the antiquated, and now rendered non purposeful, electoral college...

The president should be chosen by one man(woman) one vote, like all other elected figures....

Go start your own country, one that does not share a border with us

I covered this in another thread (which wasn't about this subject). 2000 was warranted. 2004 was a minor blip and the assertion that 2016 was contested is just bullshit.

I agree with you. Except, I think the democrats should just shut up and let the GOP object. It's their right after all.

But seriously...All of this should have happened in the 2nd week of December. That it takes 2 months to get envelopes to Congress in the year 2021 is wholesale stupidity.

Although it became quite obvious that there was voter fraud in the states of mention, PA, AZ, WI, MN, & GA.... It takes time to collect evidence, especially when there's resistance by the opposition.
Even when there's been video and solid evidence of improprieties in the counting of the votes Judges have refused set adjudication in motion to pass judgement.
it is no different than many times in history.
No, it's not the same.

Yes it is and you will see that come Tuesday, the process will work and Biden will be approved. No different than any other election, you are playing into the drama.

No other option is out there, this group is just getting media play and will not change a damn thing. I’d bet a lifetime ban on it.
That's a given. Putting this thing under the nose of every American for two months was a GOP idea, the President's idea, and it IS a big deal because the GOP made it that way. You can't pass this one off on the media.

In 70 years, there have been two official objections to the EC vote, and you want to say this is just SOP? The dog and pony shows by Rudy and GOP legislators televised live, 60-some lawsuits, all rejected. Sure the media is milking the drama for all it's worth; I see that. Surprised Pelosi hasn't announced that People Are Going To Die. Or maybe she has. But there is nothing "normal" about what just happened, is still happening. It is very different from other times in history.
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it is no different than many times in history.
No, it's not the same.

Yes it is and you will see that come Tuesday, the process will work and Biden will be approved. No different than any other election, you are playing into the drama.

No other option is out there, this group is just getting media play and will not change a damn thing. I’d bet a lifetime ban on it.
That's a given. Putting this thing under the nose of every American for two months was a GOP idea, the President's idea, and it IS a big deal because the GOP made it that way. You can't pass this one off on the media.

In 70 years, there have been two official objections to the EC vote, and you want to say this is just SOP? The dog and pony shows by Rudy and GOP legislators televised live, 60-some lawsuits, all rejected. Sure the media is milking the drama for all it's worth; I see that. Surprised Pelosi hasn't announced that People Are Going To Die. Or maybe she has. But there is nothing "normal" about what just happened, is still happening. It is very different from other times in history.
Sorry doesn’t move a needle for me, since they called the election, Biden was going to be sworn in. Let me know how all the objections go, wait, I don’t care because I know what will happen. Like I said I’ll bet that come Tuesday Biden will pass this hurdle easily. If you want to take the bet fine by me.
List which states have had Mail-In voting where the Election Boards proactively mailed out ballots to registration lists. Don't lump in with Absentee Voting whereby the voter requests a ballot and is mailed a ballot so that they can mail back with their selection. Further, if Mail In ballots had been in place then Democrats would not have been pushing so hard for it siting COVID as the reason and justification. Absentee Ballots could have easily addressed that concern. In fact, that is how I did it myself.
Colorado, Oregon, Hawaii, Utah and Washington mail out ballots to all voters. Nevada did too in 2020 after their state legislature specifically passed a law to do so in early 2020. Trump sued over this law in mid 2020 and lost the case.

Every other state required voters to request ballots including Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Arizona.
Some are, many are outright contesting the election. This Election has left many Americans with uncertainty and doubt as to its validity. The ad-hoc Mail In voting introduced in 2020 and dynamic voting regulations has a lot to do with that.
Mail in voting has been a part of our elections for over a century. The failure of the Republican leadership is why people have doubt. Not because of facts or reason, but because their leaders engender ignorance of facts and reason for personal reasons at the expense of the nation.

Factually false
Did you guys every figure out what was on that server that the Delta Forces seized in Frankfurt?

I covered this in another thread (which wasn't about this subject). 2000 was warranted. 2004 was a minor blip and the assertion that 2016 was contested is just bullshit.

I agree with you. Except, I think the democrats should just shut up and let the GOP object. It's their right after all.

But seriously...All of this should have happened in the 2nd week of December. That it takes 2 months to get envelopes to Congress in the year 2021 is wholesale stupidity.

Although it became quite obvious that there was voter fraud in the states of mention, PA, AZ, WI, MN, & GA.... It takes time to collect evidence, especially when there's resistance by the opposition.
Even when there's been video and solid evidence of improprieties in the counting of the votes Judges have refused set adjudication in motion to pass judgement.

Deny, deny, deny
Never admit.
The Democrat Media controls the Democrat party, and the elections- for now.
List which states have had Mail-In voting where the Election Boards proactively mailed out ballots to registration lists. Don't lump in with Absentee Voting whereby the voter requests a ballot and is mailed a ballot so that they can mail back with their selection. Further, if Mail In ballots had been in place then Democrats would not have been pushing so hard for it siting COVID as the reason and justification. Absentee Ballots could have easily addressed that concern. In fact, that is how I did it myself.
Colorado, Oregon, Hawaii, Utah and Washington mail out ballots to all voters. Nevada did too in 2020 after their state legislature specifically passed a law to do so in early 2020. Trump sued over this law in mid 2020 and lost the case.

Every other state required voters to request ballots including Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Arizona.

That is a very small percentage of states doing so prior to 2020. Further, what is your sources that PA, GA, MI, and AZ required voters to request ballots? Why the requirement if it is the same format as Absentee Ballots? Interesting that all of the battleground states fall under this category in 2020.

Biden is going to be the next President. It is Mail-In balloting for future elections that needs scrutiny.

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