Democrats Have Opposed Electoral College Last 3 Presidents...Now Oppose GOP Doing So

I guess so. Is there any indication he won't?
You accused Russia of stealing the 2016 election and blew millions of dollars in kangaroo court hearings to try and prove it.
I don't think that's an accurate way of putting it. The Mueller investigation wasn't to overturn the election. It was to investigate Russian influence and interference and that included if any Americans were involved.

Trump brought it on by firing Comey.

Then I assume that you believe that Biden should leave Durham alone?

I think the fear that Biden would dismantle his investigation was the reason for Barr to elevate him to SP....Now, that doesn't mean that Biden couldn't fire him, do you agree that there should be serious consquences if he does?
I don't know much of anything about that investigation--is it about Biden? What is he being investigated for?
List which states have had Mail-In voting where the Election Boards proactively mailed out ballots to registration lists. Don't lump in with Absentee Voting whereby the voter requests a ballot and is mailed a ballot so that they can mail back with their selection. Further, if Mail In ballots had been in place then Democrats would not have been pushing so hard for it siting COVID as the reason and justification. Absentee Ballots could have easily addressed that concern. In fact, that is how I did it myself.
Colorado, Oregon, Hawaii, Utah and Washington mail out ballots to all voters. Nevada did too in 2020 after their state legislature specifically passed a law to do so in early 2020. Trump sued over this law in mid 2020 and lost the case.

Every other state required voters to request ballots including Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Arizona.

That is a very small percentage of states doing so prior to 2020. Further, what is your sources that PA, GA, MI, and AZ required voters to request ballots? Why the requirement if it is the same format as Absentee Ballots? Interesting that all of the battleground states fall under this category in 2020.

Biden is going to be the next President. It is Mail-In balloting for future elections that needs scrutiny.

Doesn’t seem like you’ve done much research on the topic. This website is a good place to start.

The only reason this is an issue is because Trump lost and you’re looking for an excuse that isn’t the truth, that Trump is a horseshit president.

Why the need to modify if absentee voting accomplishes the same thing? Much of the argument made for Mail-In is drawn from Absentee Voting; which was already in place. The primary difference as I continue to emphasize is that Mail-In enables Election Boards to proactively mail ballots to people on voter registration lists which includes people who have died, people that no longer live in the district, and people incapacitated (collectively, people who don't request a ballot). While no voting system is completely risk-free, the Mail-In vs. Absentee system introduces more risk and the need for more controls and validation. The 2020 Election would have resulted in less uncertainty and doubt among many of the American voters had there just been Absentee Ballots whereby the only modification being the voter universally (i.e. ALL STATES) request ballots and postmark by a certain date.

Absentee Balloting as a stand-alone addresses any pandemic concerns or any other in-person voting limitations.
The only new state that mailed ballots to all registered voters was Nevada. The thing you’re complaining about is basically irrelevant.

You are stating results, not rules or policy. Where are you getting your source to back that claim? What is your understanding as per the difference between Absentee and Mail-In? Why did Democrats push for Mail-In if they are the same?
Some Democrats pushed for
You lost your argument at Mail In and Absentee to be used interchangeably. If that is the case, there is no need for Mail In or a push for Mail In by Democrats in 2020.
No, you just don’t really know what you’re talking about.
Democrats believe the President in this day and age of ease in informing oneself, that the popular vote is a better means of selecting and electing our President vs.the antiquated, and now rendered non purposeful, electoral college...

The president should be chosen by one man(woman) one vote, like all other elected figures....
So get enough people to agree with you and amend the Constitution.
List which states have had Mail-In voting where the Election Boards proactively mailed out ballots to registration lists. Don't lump in with Absentee Voting whereby the voter requests a ballot and is mailed a ballot so that they can mail back with their selection. Further, if Mail In ballots had been in place then Democrats would not have been pushing so hard for it siting COVID as the reason and justification. Absentee Ballots could have easily addressed that concern. In fact, that is how I did it myself.
Colorado, Oregon, Hawaii, Utah and Washington mail out ballots to all voters. Nevada did too in 2020 after their state legislature specifically passed a law to do so in early 2020. Trump sued over this law in mid 2020 and lost the case.

Every other state required voters to request ballots including Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Arizona.

That is a very small percentage of states doing so prior to 2020. Further, what is your sources that PA, GA, MI, and AZ required voters to request ballots? Why the requirement if it is the same format as Absentee Ballots? Interesting that all of the battleground states fall under this category in 2020.

Biden is going to be the next President. It is Mail-In balloting for future elections that needs scrutiny.

Doesn’t seem like you’ve done much research on the topic. This website is a good place to start.

The only reason this is an issue is because Trump lost and you’re looking for an excuse that isn’t the truth, that Trump is a horseshit president.

Why the need to modify if absentee voting accomplishes the same thing? Much of the argument made for Mail-In is drawn from Absentee Voting; which was already in place. The primary difference as I continue to emphasize is that Mail-In enables Election Boards to proactively mail ballots to people on voter registration lists which includes people who have died, people that no longer live in the district, and people incapacitated (collectively, people who don't request a ballot). While no voting system is completely risk-free, the Mail-In vs. Absentee system introduces more risk and the need for more controls and validation. The 2020 Election would have resulted in less uncertainty and doubt among many of the American voters had there just been Absentee Ballots whereby the only modification being the voter universally (i.e. ALL STATES) request ballots and postmark by a certain date.

Absentee Balloting as a stand-alone addresses any pandemic concerns or any other in-person voting limitations.

And as you keep ignoring....

Five states have run their elections precisely has you describe above: Mailing ballots to every registered voter.
The number of threads you've created questioning the validity of their elections? Zero
The number of threads the board has created questioning the validity of their elections? Zero
The amount of voter fraud proven in these elections? No more or less than other states.
The amount of contested elections by the hundreds of losers this system has generated? Near zero if not zero

Given these FACTS...why are you guys all of the sudden upset about this happening in other states other than the obvious...your blob lost and you're looking for an excuse?



Why the need for Mail In?

Why not?

You don't open up 5,000 voting centers, buy 50,000 voting machines, risk power outages, glitches, etc...

Make us all laugh at you:

You are creating an election apparatus:

Do you prefer:

Option A:
Stand in line for possibly hours to cast a vote in a foreign space where you don't have a computer to research ballot initiatives, candidates that you may be unfamiliar with, and have an implied time limit to cast your ballot


Option B: You get your ballot at home without standing in line, You can do all the research you want, your time limit is possibly weeks, not minutes.

Choose wisely:

This doesn't even speak to the Tuesday where you will likely have to go to work, vote after work, get dinner, have bad weather, voter intimidation, etc....

Of course, what you'll come back with is the myth that there will be massive fraud. While I agree that the potential is always there (in person or via mail in), there has been no sizable fraud in the elections that have been held in those five states.

Absentee vs Mail In.
List which states have had Mail-In voting where the Election Boards proactively mailed out ballots to registration lists. Don't lump in with Absentee Voting whereby the voter requests a ballot and is mailed a ballot so that they can mail back with their selection. Further, if Mail In ballots had been in place then Democrats would not have been pushing so hard for it siting COVID as the reason and justification. Absentee Ballots could have easily addressed that concern. In fact, that is how I did it myself.
Colorado, Oregon, Hawaii, Utah and Washington mail out ballots to all voters. Nevada did too in 2020 after their state legislature specifically passed a law to do so in early 2020. Trump sued over this law in mid 2020 and lost the case.

Every other state required voters to request ballots including Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Arizona.

That is a very small percentage of states doing so prior to 2020. Further, what is your sources that PA, GA, MI, and AZ required voters to request ballots? Why the requirement if it is the same format as Absentee Ballots? Interesting that all of the battleground states fall under this category in 2020.

Biden is going to be the next President. It is Mail-In balloting for future elections that needs scrutiny.

Doesn’t seem like you’ve done much research on the topic. This website is a good place to start.

The only reason this is an issue is because Trump lost and you’re looking for an excuse that isn’t the truth, that Trump is a horseshit president.

Why the need to modify if absentee voting accomplishes the same thing? Much of the argument made for Mail-In is drawn from Absentee Voting; which was already in place. The primary difference as I continue to emphasize is that Mail-In enables Election Boards to proactively mail ballots to people on voter registration lists which includes people who have died, people that no longer live in the district, and people incapacitated (collectively, people who don't request a ballot). While no voting system is completely risk-free, the Mail-In vs. Absentee system introduces more risk and the need for more controls and validation. The 2020 Election would have resulted in less uncertainty and doubt among many of the American voters had there just been Absentee Ballots whereby the only modification being the voter universally (i.e. ALL STATES) request ballots and postmark by a certain date.

Absentee Balloting as a stand-alone addresses any pandemic concerns or any other in-person voting limitations.
The only new state that mailed ballots to all registered voters was Nevada. The thing you’re complaining about is basically irrelevant.

You are stating results, not rules or policy. Where are you getting your source to back that claim? What is your understanding as per the difference between Absentee and Mail-In? Why did Democrats push for Mail-In if they are the same?
Some Democrats pushed for
You lost your argument at Mail In and Absentee to be used interchangeably. If that is the case, there is no need for Mail In or a push for Mail In by Democrats in 2020.
No, you just don’t really know what you’re talking about.
Show me.
List which states have had Mail-In voting where the Election Boards proactively mailed out ballots to registration lists. Don't lump in with Absentee Voting whereby the voter requests a ballot and is mailed a ballot so that they can mail back with their selection. Further, if Mail In ballots had been in place then Democrats would not have been pushing so hard for it siting COVID as the reason and justification. Absentee Ballots could have easily addressed that concern. In fact, that is how I did it myself.
Colorado, Oregon, Hawaii, Utah and Washington mail out ballots to all voters. Nevada did too in 2020 after their state legislature specifically passed a law to do so in early 2020. Trump sued over this law in mid 2020 and lost the case.

Every other state required voters to request ballots including Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Arizona.

That is a very small percentage of states doing so prior to 2020. Further, what is your sources that PA, GA, MI, and AZ required voters to request ballots? Why the requirement if it is the same format as Absentee Ballots? Interesting that all of the battleground states fall under this category in 2020.

Biden is going to be the next President. It is Mail-In balloting for future elections that needs scrutiny.

Doesn’t seem like you’ve done much research on the topic. This website is a good place to start.

The only reason this is an issue is because Trump lost and you’re looking for an excuse that isn’t the truth, that Trump is a horseshit president.

Why the need to modify if absentee voting accomplishes the same thing? Much of the argument made for Mail-In is drawn from Absentee Voting; which was already in place. The primary difference as I continue to emphasize is that Mail-In enables Election Boards to proactively mail ballots to people on voter registration lists which includes people who have died, people that no longer live in the district, and people incapacitated (collectively, people who don't request a ballot). While no voting system is completely risk-free, the Mail-In vs. Absentee system introduces more risk and the need for more controls and validation. The 2020 Election would have resulted in less uncertainty and doubt among many of the American voters had there just been Absentee Ballots whereby the only modification being the voter universally (i.e. ALL STATES) request ballots and postmark by a certain date.

Absentee Balloting as a stand-alone addresses any pandemic concerns or any other in-person voting limitations.

And as you keep ignoring....

Five states have run their elections precisely has you describe above: Mailing ballots to every registered voter.
The number of threads you've created questioning the validity of their elections? Zero
The number of threads the board has created questioning the validity of their elections? Zero
The amount of voter fraud proven in these elections? No more or less than other states.
The amount of contested elections by the hundreds of losers this system has generated? Near zero if not zero

Given these FACTS...why are you guys all of the sudden upset about this happening in other states other than the obvious...your blob lost and you're looking for an excuse?



Why the need for Mail In?

Why not?

You don't open up 5,000 voting centers, buy 50,000 voting machines, risk power outages, glitches, etc...

Make us all laugh at you:

You are creating an election apparatus:

Do you prefer:

Option A:
Stand in line for possibly hours to cast a vote in a foreign space where you don't have a computer to research ballot initiatives, candidates that you may be unfamiliar with, and have an implied time limit to cast your ballot


Option B: You get your ballot at home without standing in line, You can do all the research you want, your time limit is possibly weeks, not minutes.

Choose wisely:

This doesn't even speak to the Tuesday where you will likely have to go to work, vote after work, get dinner, have bad weather, voter intimidation, etc....

Of course, what you'll come back with is the myth that there will be massive fraud. While I agree that the potential is always there (in person or via mail in), there has been no sizable fraud in the elections that have been held in those five states.

Absentee vs Mail In.

I guess when painted into a corner like you are where you have to contort to a ridiculous stance...a non answer like the one you just gave is the best move.

I'll take my victory lap now.

You simply showed Trump’s interpretation. You have yet to build the case for maintaining Mail In when Absentee achieves the same.
List which states have had Mail-In voting where the Election Boards proactively mailed out ballots to registration lists. Don't lump in with Absentee Voting whereby the voter requests a ballot and is mailed a ballot so that they can mail back with their selection. Further, if Mail In ballots had been in place then Democrats would not have been pushing so hard for it siting COVID as the reason and justification. Absentee Ballots could have easily addressed that concern. In fact, that is how I did it myself.
Colorado, Oregon, Hawaii, Utah and Washington mail out ballots to all voters. Nevada did too in 2020 after their state legislature specifically passed a law to do so in early 2020. Trump sued over this law in mid 2020 and lost the case.

Every other state required voters to request ballots including Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Arizona.

That is a very small percentage of states doing so prior to 2020. Further, what is your sources that PA, GA, MI, and AZ required voters to request ballots? Why the requirement if it is the same format as Absentee Ballots? Interesting that all of the battleground states fall under this category in 2020.

Biden is going to be the next President. It is Mail-In balloting for future elections that needs scrutiny.

Doesn’t seem like you’ve done much research on the topic. This website is a good place to start.

The only reason this is an issue is because Trump lost and you’re looking for an excuse that isn’t the truth, that Trump is a horseshit president.

Why the need to modify if absentee voting accomplishes the same thing? Much of the argument made for Mail-In is drawn from Absentee Voting; which was already in place. The primary difference as I continue to emphasize is that Mail-In enables Election Boards to proactively mail ballots to people on voter registration lists which includes people who have died, people that no longer live in the district, and people incapacitated (collectively, people who don't request a ballot). While no voting system is completely risk-free, the Mail-In vs. Absentee system introduces more risk and the need for more controls and validation. The 2020 Election would have resulted in less uncertainty and doubt among many of the American voters had there just been Absentee Ballots whereby the only modification being the voter universally (i.e. ALL STATES) request ballots and postmark by a certain date.

Absentee Balloting as a stand-alone addresses any pandemic concerns or any other in-person voting limitations.

And as you keep ignoring....

Five states have run their elections precisely has you describe above: Mailing ballots to every registered voter.
The number of threads you've created questioning the validity of their elections? Zero
The number of threads the board has created questioning the validity of their elections? Zero
The amount of voter fraud proven in these elections? No more or less than other states.
The amount of contested elections by the hundreds of losers this system has generated? Near zero if not zero

Given these FACTS...why are you guys all of the sudden upset about this happening in other states other than the obvious...your blob lost and you're looking for an excuse?



Why the need for Mail In?

Why not?

You don't open up 5,000 voting centers, buy 50,000 voting machines, risk power outages, glitches, etc...

Make us all laugh at you:

You are creating an election apparatus:

Do you prefer:

Option A:
Stand in line for possibly hours to cast a vote in a foreign space where you don't have a computer to research ballot initiatives, candidates that you may be unfamiliar with, and have an implied time limit to cast your ballot


Option B: You get your ballot at home without standing in line, You can do all the research you want, your time limit is possibly weeks, not minutes.

Choose wisely:

This doesn't even speak to the Tuesday where you will likely have to go to work, vote after work, get dinner, have bad weather, voter intimidation, etc....

Of course, what you'll come back with is the myth that there will be massive fraud. While I agree that the potential is always there (in person or via mail in), there has been no sizable fraud in the elections that have been held in those five states.

Absentee vs Mail In.

I guess when painted into a corner like you are where you have to contort to a ridiculous stance...a non answer like the one you just gave is the best move.

I'll take my victory lap now.

Why the need for Mail In when Absentee addresses all of the issues identified in the arguments for Mail In. Keep lapping.
List which states have had Mail-In voting where the Election Boards proactively mailed out ballots to registration lists. Don't lump in with Absentee Voting whereby the voter requests a ballot and is mailed a ballot so that they can mail back with their selection. Further, if Mail In ballots had been in place then Democrats would not have been pushing so hard for it siting COVID as the reason and justification. Absentee Ballots could have easily addressed that concern. In fact, that is how I did it myself.
Colorado, Oregon, Hawaii, Utah and Washington mail out ballots to all voters. Nevada did too in 2020 after their state legislature specifically passed a law to do so in early 2020. Trump sued over this law in mid 2020 and lost the case.

Every other state required voters to request ballots including Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Arizona.

That is a very small percentage of states doing so prior to 2020. Further, what is your sources that PA, GA, MI, and AZ required voters to request ballots? Why the requirement if it is the same format as Absentee Ballots? Interesting that all of the battleground states fall under this category in 2020.

Biden is going to be the next President. It is Mail-In balloting for future elections that needs scrutiny.

Doesn’t seem like you’ve done much research on the topic. This website is a good place to start.

The only reason this is an issue is because Trump lost and you’re looking for an excuse that isn’t the truth, that Trump is a horseshit president.

Why the need to modify if absentee voting accomplishes the same thing? Much of the argument made for Mail-In is drawn from Absentee Voting; which was already in place. The primary difference as I continue to emphasize is that Mail-In enables Election Boards to proactively mail ballots to people on voter registration lists which includes people who have died, people that no longer live in the district, and people incapacitated (collectively, people who don't request a ballot). While no voting system is completely risk-free, the Mail-In vs. Absentee system introduces more risk and the need for more controls and validation. The 2020 Election would have resulted in less uncertainty and doubt among many of the American voters had there just been Absentee Ballots whereby the only modification being the voter universally (i.e. ALL STATES) request ballots and postmark by a certain date.

Absentee Balloting as a stand-alone addresses any pandemic concerns or any other in-person voting limitations.

And as you keep ignoring....

Five states have run their elections precisely has you describe above: Mailing ballots to every registered voter.
The number of threads you've created questioning the validity of their elections? Zero
The number of threads the board has created questioning the validity of their elections? Zero
The amount of voter fraud proven in these elections? No more or less than other states.
The amount of contested elections by the hundreds of losers this system has generated? Near zero if not zero

Given these FACTS...why are you guys all of the sudden upset about this happening in other states other than the obvious...your blob lost and you're looking for an excuse?



Why the need for Mail In?

Why not?

You don't open up 5,000 voting centers, buy 50,000 voting machines, risk power outages, glitches, etc...

Make us all laugh at you:

You are creating an election apparatus:

Do you prefer:

Option A:
Stand in line for possibly hours to cast a vote in a foreign space where you don't have a computer to research ballot initiatives, candidates that you may be unfamiliar with, and have an implied time limit to cast your ballot


Option B: You get your ballot at home without standing in line, You can do all the research you want, your time limit is possibly weeks, not minutes.

Choose wisely:

This doesn't even speak to the Tuesday where you will likely have to go to work, vote after work, get dinner, have bad weather, voter intimidation, etc....

Of course, what you'll come back with is the myth that there will be massive fraud. While I agree that the potential is always there (in person or via mail in), there has been no sizable fraud in the elections that have been held in those five states.

Absentee vs Mail In.

I guess when painted into a corner like you are where you have to contort to a ridiculous stance...a non answer like the one you just gave is the best move.

I'll take my victory lap now.

Why the need for Mail In when Absentee addresses all of the issues identified in the arguments for Mail In. Keep lapping.

Why absentee when mail-in addresses all of the issues identified in the arguments for absentee? Plus compulsory vote by mail is cost effective, gets higher participation, has been show to work, has been show to have just as little fraud as in-person voting, is more convenient, and allows for better choices by the electorate.
I swear this is how the leftist media works.

*Every single President before Trump pardons a Turkey for Thanksgiving.. no issue.

Donald Trump pardons a turkey..


No context, everything that Trump does is a shocking unique maneuver, even if it's status quo.
Democrats believe the President in this day and age of ease in informing oneself, that the popular vote is a better means of selecting and electing our President vs.the antiquated, and now rendered non purposeful, electoral college...

The president should be chosen by one man(woman) one vote, like all other elected figures....
I disagree. In five years my oldest will be able to vote. Her vote will be equal to mine yet she certainly won’t be my equal in world experience, taxes paid, etc. both systems are bad but we are the United States so we go by our constitution and that means the EC.

You are such a dolt.
How far Did you have to reach up your ass to come up with as a source.?

please note the date of this tweet by the biggest loser.


Democrats have opposed the Electoral College the last 3 Presidents. Your opinionated, irrational, hate-driven rant did nothing to disprove just demonstrated how much of a emotionally unbalanced child you are and how easily you can be triggered by the truth into a tantrum.
We’ve written about the hypocrisy of the Democrats for attacking Republicans who have said they will object to the electoral count on Jan. 6.

As we observed, Democrats have voiced objections to the count against the three last Republican presidents. Of course, when they did it it was ‘protecting Democracy.’ Now that the Republicans are raising objections, suddenly, doing so is ‘sedition’ and ‘treason’ to the Democrats.

Democrats in 2000 & 2004 elections *OBJECT* to counting votes in the Electoral College.
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) January 2, 2021

Its 'interesting' to watch Democrats, their Fake News surrogates, and sheep attempting re-write history, spin, distract, and flat-out lie when their hypocrisy is undeniably exposed.

Case in point: 3...2...1...
They can do that, but the voters would have to be morons to throw away their votes like that.
National popular vote doesn't throw anyone's votes away, unlike the electoral college.

If they do it by the compact, it throws away the vote of anyone in a State that flips due to the compact.

It's unconstitutional anyway, so the point is moot.

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