Democrats hold four point advantage in generic poll.

Now in the same generic poll in 2020 the democrats had a five point advantage.
Yeah? Enjoy the fantasy:

"Democrats expected a blue wave down ballot, but the only confirmed flips went to Republicans."

This^ signals an unprecedented incident in our elections. Never before has the party that won by such a huge margin (supposedly), lost control of this many down-ballot races. This is the first time that "coattails were negative for the winning presidential candidate.

The scum that colluded to steal 2020 didn't have the resources to put the fix in, down-ballot. Those battleground states that ALL STOPPED COUNTING at the same time? That was because Trump hugely exceeded the expectations of your party bosses and they had to scramble to generate enough ballots in each of those states, to remove Trump. There were tens of thousands of ballots that were counted as "absentee or mail-in" with ONLY a vote for Biden. Did you know that? IF the same situation had occurred in crucial states and it led to a Trump win... what would YOU do?
Well the plot thickens. Because it's been a nine point swing in just a month.

And the gas prices are coming down fast.

Republicans are even.saying the prices are coming down too fast.
just wait until beijing xiden and the rest of the SCUM demonRATS try to make the election a complete write-in vote...that's the only way the LYING, CHEATING, TRAITORS OPERATE, and the only way the SCUM demonRATS keep the majority
if they pull that shit, here comes the civil war----bring it you SCUM demonRATS
No matter what lies they keep telling themselves, and the American public.........

No matter what frauds and illegal cons they dream up and falsely accuse everybody else of........

No matter what heinous atrocitites they do and then act like they don't know anything about what they did....

No matter what fake and phoney "insurrections" they create, or the "hearings" they waste millions of our tax dollars on............

The DementiacRats continue to project thier abominations onto others, and pump out lies and fake news into the media and the public.

Can't wait till they wake up one day, and find they are behind bars, or have been "suicided"!!
Yes, the poll is accurate.

You go this, Dems. No need to vote, you guys are going to crush it in November.


These polls are all over the place.
In generic congressional polling the Dems need at least a 6-8 point advantage to win. Most l their votes are in a few urban districts where they get 80%+ of the votes which they would never lose. The demographic changes they have long touted are backfiring on them and now they can only take female blacks for granted.

Besides, redistricting and Biden spell doom for at least a decade. It's going to be a tsunami.

These polls are all over the place.

Democrats often win the popular vote. Since the US isn't a democracy, the popular vote really doesn't matter. America is a plutocracy (rule of the rich and powerful).
I know that was my point. Trying to tie Trump to the candidate didn't work.
You realize there are no transitive properties in politics, right?

The Virginia democrats would've been better off trying to tie candidates to Liz Cheney.

What you've just done is prove that Trump was very popular. Tying a candidate to Trump actually got him elected, because Trump had an excellent economy.

on the flipside, tying a candidate to Biden, with a shitty economy...

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