Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Democrats: The Party of the Past
November 09, 2015


RUSH: It’s a story at "Dem[ocrat]s Search for Fountain of Youth -- Democrats lean heavily on young voters to win elections, but their leading candidates for the White House are 68-year-old Hillary Clinton and 74-year-old [dinosaur] Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). The two other Democrats who were often implored to enter the race are Vice President Biden, 72, and Sen. Elizabeth [Pocahontas] Warren (D-MA), 66. Democrats are led on Capitol Hill by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA) and Senate Minority Leader [Dingy] Harry Reid (NV) -- who are both 75.


"Pelosi's top two lieutenants are 76-year-old Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (MD) and 75-year-old Rep. James Clyburn (SC). In comparison, [Dingy Harry] expected successor as Democratic leader in the next Congress is ... Sen. Charles Schumer (NY) is [a spry] 64. The age of the Democratic Party's lynchpins is a sensitive subject as the party prepares for life after 54-year-old [Barack Hussein O]. Since Obama's election in 2008, Democrats have wracked up net losses amounting to more than [1,000] seats in state legislatures, almost 70 House seats, 13 Senate seats and 12 governors' mansions."

Democrats: The Party of the Past - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Democrats: The Party of the Past
November 09, 2015


RUSH: It’s a story at "Dem[ocrat]s Search for Fountain of Youth -- Democrats lean heavily on young voters to win elections, but their leading candidates for the White House are 68-year-old Hillary Clinton and 74-year-old [dinosaur] Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). The two other Democrats who were often implored to enter the race are Vice President Biden, 72, and Sen. Elizabeth [Pocahontas] Warren (D-MA), 66. Democrats are led on Capitol Hill by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA) and Senate Minority Leader [Dingy] Harry Reid (NV) -- who are both 75.


"Pelosi's top two lieutenants are 76-year-old Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (MD) and 75-year-old Rep. James Clyburn (SC). In comparison, [Dingy Harry] expected successor as Democratic leader in the next Congress is ... Sen. Charles Schumer (NY) is [a spry] 64. The age of the Democratic Party's lynchpins is a sensitive subject as the party prepares for life after 54-year-old [Barack Hussein O]. Since Obama's election in 2008, Democrats have wracked up net losses amounting to more than [1,000] seats in state legislatures, almost 70 House seats, 13 Senate seats and 12 governors' mansions."

Democrats: The Party of the Past - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Yep. And they expect to get the millennial vote. LOL!!
Republicans = the party of delusional wishful thinking
Democrats: The Party of the Past
November 09, 2015


RUSH: It’s a story at "Dem[ocrat]s Search for Fountain of Youth -- Democrats lean heavily on young voters to win elections, but their leading candidates for the White House are 68-year-old Hillary Clinton and 74-year-old [dinosaur] Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). The two other Democrats who were often implored to enter the race are Vice President Biden, 72, and Sen. Elizabeth [Pocahontas] Warren (D-MA), 66. Democrats are led on Capitol Hill by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA) and Senate Minority Leader [Dingy] Harry Reid (NV) -- who are both 75.


"Pelosi's top two lieutenants are 76-year-old Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (MD) and 75-year-old Rep. James Clyburn (SC). In comparison, [Dingy Harry] expected successor as Democratic leader in the next Congress is ... Sen. Charles Schumer (NY) is [a spry] 64. The age of the Democratic Party's lynchpins is a sensitive subject as the party prepares for life after 54-year-old [Barack Hussein O]. Since Obama's election in 2008, Democrats have wracked up net losses amounting to more than [1,000] seats in state legislatures, almost 70 House seats, 13 Senate seats and 12 governors' mansions."

Democrats: The Party of the Past - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Everyone of them, loopy kunts
I hear more and more young people under 22 saying they are going to vote republican. I really think they know the reality of the job situation.
I've talked to young people and they all like Trump, and I didn't need a poll to find that out. They really don't like Hitlery, and Bernie is just a complete geriatric turn off to them. O'Malley, they don't even know who he is. The dems are in huge trouble.
I think the young ones are liking Trump

BTW: Rush is a fat ass bigot hypocrite~

Not a single poll supports your thinking.

After seeing him on Saturday Night Life I am sure he looks the coolest to the younger folks, just my guess from past SNL candidates.

You'd be wrong. Rated one of the most unfunny episodes in SNL history.

Videos: Donald Trump Takes Center Stage For Worst Episode Of Saturday Night Live In Years
I hear more and more young people under 22 saying they are going to vote republican. I really think they know the reality of the job situation.
I've talked to young people and they all like Trump, and I didn't need a poll to find that out. They really don't like Hitlery, and Bernie is just a complete geriatric turn off to them. O'Malley, they don't even know who he is. The dems are in huge trouble.

40 isn't young. I know you folks "don't need polls". (Romney proved that) Votes will bear it out too, don't worry.
I hear more and more young people under 22 saying they are going to vote republican. I really think they know the reality of the job situation.
I've talked to young people and they all like Trump, and I didn't need a poll to find that out. They really don't like Hitlery, and Bernie is just a complete geriatric turn off to them. O'Malley, they don't even know who he is. The dems are in huge trouble.

40 isn't young. I know you folks "don't need polls". (Romney proved that) Votes will bear it out too, don't worry.
Did you just pull 40 out of your ass? Yup, you sure did, and my mother would beg to differ with you anyway, because she's a healthy, still drives herself to the store, 86 going to be 87 in December. She'd call a 40 year old a PUNK. But I know you're talking about little bubble headed teens and early twenty somethings that still have a water fall behind their ears, half of which are too busy partying or worrying about their BFF to vote. Nobody really gives a damn about them.
did you see what they are called. gummers. and face lifts every other week

how freaking sad is that. that just shows they won't leave until they are hauled out on a stretcher and have sucked a living off us for 50-60 years, which Congress was NEVER meant to be Career position.

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