Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

Memes are all you got.
You fail because you're a failure.


Same reason pussified conservatives couldn't follow through with their claim to start a civil war if Democrats impeached Trump.

Well, Impeachment hasn't happened yet....

You idiots crack me up!

Calm down, bedwetter, there isn't going to be a civil war.
If your Democrat leaders in DC make the right decisions there won't. Problem is your Democrat leaders have been making a lot of stupid decisions lately.

Dumbfuck, it was your ilk threatening civil war if Democrats impeached Trump. We impeached him. And as expected, you pussies hid behind your mommy's skirt.

You did not impeach him.
You forgot the main rule: The job is not finished until the paperwork is complete. The paperwork will not be completed until it is passed down to the Senate,
With Pelosi that may never happen.

There's no such rule, ya moron.


Tell me why after hearing over and over how urgent this was, because he was a threat to National Security by God....Now, it's well, no rush....
You fail because you're a failure.


Same reason pussified conservatives couldn't follow through with their claim to start a civil war if Democrats impeached Trump.

Well, Impeachment hasn't happened yet....

You idiots crack me up!


One of your impeachment stars Noah Feldman, Harvard professor says so....I think he knows more than you....
Sounds like the little woman who made her husband beat her by not minding him. I'm not surprised that Trump supporters would look at this the same way. Their problem is that opposing Trump's childish behavior is not the same as being a small woman, and we won't just stand there and take it.

It's Dems doing the beating, Darlin'.


Pointing out Trump's unethical behavior isn't a beating.
Calm down, bedwetter, there isn't going to be a civil war.
If your Democrat leaders in DC make the right decisions there won't. Problem is your Democrat leaders have been making a lot of stupid decisions lately.

Dumbfuck, it was your ilk threatening civil war if Democrats impeached Trump. We impeached him. And as expected, you pussies hid behind your mommy's skirt.

You did not impeach him.
You forgot the main rule: The job is not finished until the paperwork is complete. The paperwork will not be completed until it is passed down to the Senate,
With Pelosi that may never happen.

There's no such rule, ya moron.


Tell me why after hearing over and over how urgent this was, because he was a threat to National Security by God....Now, it's well, no rush....
Because the Senate announced they were going to acquit Impeached Trump in the trial. So now there's no rush since they won't hold him accountable.
You fail because you're a failure.


Same reason pussified conservatives couldn't follow through with their claim to start a civil war if Democrats impeached Trump.

Well, Impeachment hasn't happened yet....

You idiots crack me up!


One of your impeachment stars Noah Feldman, Harvard professor says so....I think he knows more than you....
I'll see your Harvard professor...

"@NoahRFeldman is making a clever but wholly mistaken point when he says Trump hasn’t “really” been impeached until the Articles reach the Senate. Under Art. I, Sec. 2, Clause 5, he was impeached on Dec 18, 2019. He will forever remain impeached. Period." ~ Laurence Tribe

... and raise you a Harvard professor...

"He would withhold the trial until the Senate agreed to change its rules, or presumably until a new election put many more Democrats in the Senate. Under his proposal, there might never be a Senate trial, but the impeachment would stand as a final and permanent condemnation of President Trump." ~ Alan Dershowitz
If your Democrat leaders in DC make the right decisions there won't. Problem is your Democrat leaders have been making a lot of stupid decisions lately.

Dumbfuck, it was your ilk threatening civil war if Democrats impeached Trump. We impeached him. And as expected, you pussies hid behind your mommy's skirt.

You did not impeach him.
You forgot the main rule: The job is not finished until the paperwork is complete. The paperwork will not be completed until it is passed down to the Senate,
With Pelosi that may never happen.

There's no such rule, ya moron.


Tell me why after hearing over and over how urgent this was, because he was a threat to National Security by God....Now, it's well, no rush....
Because the Senate announced they were going to acquit Impeached Trump in the trial. So now there's no rush since they won't hold him accountable.
So there is no impeachment.
The House does not control the Senate's rules just as the Senate could not control the House rulles

Dumbfuck, it was your ilk threatening civil war if Democrats impeached Trump. We impeached him. And as expected, you pussies hid behind your mommy's skirt.

You did not impeach him.
You forgot the main rule: The job is not finished until the paperwork is complete. The paperwork will not be completed until it is passed down to the Senate,
With Pelosi that may never happen.

There's no such rule, ya moron.


Tell me why after hearing over and over how urgent this was, because he was a threat to National Security by God....Now, it's well, no rush....
Because the Senate announced they were going to acquit Impeached Trump in the trial. So now there's no rush since they won't hold him accountable.
So there is no impeachment.
The House does not control the Senate's rules just as the Senate could not control the House rulles

Uh, yeah, Impeached Trump was impeached. The House DOES control House rules and House rules state a person is impeached when the House adopts articles of impeachment --which the House did with impeached Trump on 12.18.2019.

Because the Senate announced they were going to acquit Impeached Trump in the trial. So now there's no rush since they won't hold him accountable.
How do you hold someone accountable when they did nothing wrong?
Lol. Why do you hate America? Jealous?

What does the word Acquitted mean, Dotard?

A House Impeachment is meaningless. It’s just an accusation.

A president isn’t actually impeached unless he is removed from office.

Bill Clinton wasn’t impeached, but he did go through the impeachment process.

You did not impeach him.
You forgot the main rule: The job is not finished until the paperwork is complete. The paperwork will not be completed until it is passed down to the Senate,
With Pelosi that may never happen.

There's no such rule, ya moron.


Tell me why after hearing over and over how urgent this was, because he was a threat to National Security by God....Now, it's well, no rush....
Because the Senate announced they were going to acquit Impeached Trump in the trial. So now there's no rush since they won't hold him accountable.
So there is no impeachment.
The House does not control the Senate's rules just as the Senate could not control the House rulles

Uh, yeah, Impeached Trump was impeached. The House DOES control House rules and House rules state a person is impeached when the House adopts articles of impeachment --which the House did with impeached Trump on 12.18.2019.

Lol. Why do you hate America? Jealous?

What does the word Acquitted mean, Dotard?

A House Impeachment is meaningless. It’s just an accusation.

A president isn’t actually impeached unless he is removed from office.

Bill Clinton wasn’t impeached, but he did go through the impeachment process.


There's no such rule, ya moron.


Tell me why after hearing over and over how urgent this was, because he was a threat to National Security by God....Now, it's well, no rush....
Because the Senate announced they were going to acquit Impeached Trump in the trial. So now there's no rush since they won't hold him accountable.
So there is no impeachment.
The House does not control the Senate's rules just as the Senate could not control the House rulles

Uh, yeah, Impeached Trump was impeached. The House DOES control House rules and House rules state a person is impeached when the House adopts articles of impeachment --which the House did with impeached Trump on 12.18.2019.

"A president isn’t actually impeached unless he is removed from office."

Yet more evidence conservatives are absolutely brain-dead. That includes Desperado for high-fiving this idiocy.

Moron, a president is impeached the moment the House adopts articles of impeachment against them, just as the highlighted text from the House rules I posted stipulates.

And they remain impeached regardless of what happens in the Senate. If the Senate votes to dismiss the trial, the president remains impeached.

If they vote to acquit, the president remains impeached.

If they vote to convict but vote to not remove the presidentfrom office, the president remains impeached.

If they vote to convict and vote to remove the presidentfrom office, the president remains impeached.

Impeached Trump is impeached and will remain impeached for all of U.S. history and there's nothing the Senate can do about it.

If you weren't such a retard, you'd know this since the Constitution states the House has "sole power" over impeachment.

But here, check this out.... you actually said...

"A president isn’t actually impeached unless he is removed from office."

... even the U.S. Senate laughs at your ignorance...

There is something pathological, almost Demon Possessed our Democrats Hatred of Jews, Christians, & Israel.

Interestingly enough, while your hero Feldman was raised in an Orthodox Jewish home, he's not exactly supportive of the Jews...................

Noah Feldman - Wikipedia

Criticism of Modern Orthodox Judaism
In a New York Times Magazine article, "Orthodox Paradox", Feldman recounted his experiences of the boundaries of inclusion and exclusion of the Modern Orthodox Jewish community in which he was raised, specifically at his high school alma mater, the Maimonides School.[9] He contended that his choice to marry a non-Jew led to ostracism by the school, in which he and his then-girlfriend were allegedly removed from the 1998 photograph of his class reunion published in the school newsletter. His marriage to a non-Jew is contrary to orthodox Jewish law, although he and his family had been active members of the Harvard Hillel Orthodox minyan. The photographer's account of an over-crowded photograph was used to accuse Feldman of misrepresenting a fundamental fact in the story, namely whether he was purposefully cropped out of the picture, as many other class members were also cropped from the newsletter photograph due to space limitations.[10] His supporters noted that Feldman's claim in the article was that he and his girlfriend were "nowhere to be found" and not that they were cropped or deleted out of the photograph. Yet others view this claim by Feldman's supporters as disingenuous, noting that elsewhere Feldman had publicly encouraged the suggestion of air-brushing. Leon Wieseltier attacked Feldman for the dishonesty of "exposing the depredations" of Orthodox Jewish law while praising sharia as "bold and noble," and called Feldman's essay a "pathetic whine."[11]

His critique of Modern Orthodox Judaism has been commented on by many, including Hillel Halkin, columnist for the New York Sun;[12] Andrew Silow-Carroll, editor of the New Jersey Jewish News;[13] Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, executive vice president of the Orthodox Union;[14] Marc B. Shapiro [15] Rabbi Shalom Carmy, tenured professor of Jewish philosophy at Yeshiva University;[16] Rabbi Norman Lamm, chancellor of Yeshiva University;[17] Rabbi Shmuley Boteach;[18] Gary Rosenblatt, editor of Jewish Week,[19] the editorial board of the Jewish Press;[20][21] Rabbis Ozer Glickman and Aharon Kahn, roshei yeshiva at Yeshiva University;[22][23] Ami Eden, executive editor of The Forward; Rabbi David M. Feldman, author of Where There's Life, There's Life;[24] and Jonathan Rosenblum, columnist for the Jerusalem Post.[25] In addition, the American Thinker published responses by Ralph M. Lieberman,[26] Richard Baehr,[27] and Thomas Lifson.[28]

Feldman also argued pro bono in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals against the efforts of a Jewish group in Tenafly, New Jersey, the Tenafly Eruv Association, to erect an eruv. However, his arguments were rejected in 2003 and the eruv was permitted.[29]

During the Amish "beard-cutting" attacks trial of 2012, Feldman argued against applying the Federal hate-crimes law in the case. He argued in a Bloomberg View column that strife amongst co-religionists, including for example "two gangs of ultra-Orthodox Hasidic teenagers from competing sects," could be brought under the law. Any dispute that takes place in the context of a church, mosque, or synagogue would be ripe for federal intervention. Over time, a hate-crimes law designed as a shield to protect religious groups against bias could easily become a sword with which to prosecute them, he then concluded.[4] Subsequently, the sixteen Amish men and women in the 2012 case were found guilty.[30]
Why do you hate Christians, Jews & Israel?
Why do you never speak out against Democrat Radical hate speech and attacks on Synagogues and Churches and violence against Christians & Jews?

Lol. Why do you hate America? Jealous?

What does the word Acquitted mean, Dotard?

A House Impeachment is meaningless. It’s just an accusation.

A president isn’t actually impeached unless he is removed from office.

Bill Clinton wasn’t impeached, but he did go through the impeachment process.

Tell me why after hearing over and over how urgent this was, because he was a threat to National Security by God....Now, it's well, no rush....
Because the Senate announced they were going to acquit Impeached Trump in the trial. So now there's no rush since they won't hold him accountable.
So there is no impeachment.
The House does not control the Senate's rules just as the Senate could not control the House rulles

Uh, yeah, Impeached Trump was impeached. The House DOES control House rules and House rules state a person is impeached when the House adopts articles of impeachment --which the House did with impeached Trump on 12.18.2019.

"A president isn’t actually impeached unless he is removed from office."

Yet more evidence conservatives are absolutely brain-dead. That includes Desperado for high-fiving this idiocy.

Moron, a president is impeached the moment the House adopts articles of impeachment against them, just as the highlighted text from the House rules I posted stipulates.

And they remain impeached regardless of what happens in the Senate. If the Senate votes to dismiss the trial, the president remains impeached.

If they vote to acquit, the president remains impeached.

If they vote to convict but vote to not remove the presidentfrom office, the president remains impeached.

If they vote to convict and vote to remove the presidentfrom office, the president remains impeached.

Impeached Trump is impeached and will remain impeached for all of U.S. history and there's nothing the Senate can do about it.

If you weren't such a retard, you'd know this since the Constitution states the House has "sole power" over impeachment.

But here, check this out.... you actually said...

"A president isn’t actually impeached unless he is removed from office."

... even the U.S. Senate laughs at your ignorance...

View attachment 297408
Why do you hate Christians, Jews & Israel?
Why do you never speak out against Democrat Radical hate speech and attacks on Synagogues and Churches and violence against Christians & Jews?

Lol. Why do you hate America? Jealous?

What does the word Acquitted mean, Dotard?

A House Impeachment is meaningless. It’s just an accusation.

A president isn’t actually impeached unless he is removed from office.

Bill Clinton wasn’t impeached, but he did go through the impeachment process.

Because the Senate announced they were going to acquit Impeached Trump in the trial. So now there's no rush since they won't hold him accountable.
So there is no impeachment.
The House does not control the Senate's rules just as the Senate could not control the House rulles

Uh, yeah, Impeached Trump was impeached. The House DOES control House rules and House rules state a person is impeached when the House adopts articles of impeachment --which the House did with impeached Trump on 12.18.2019.

"A president isn’t actually impeached unless he is removed from office."

Yet more evidence conservatives are absolutely brain-dead. That includes Desperado for high-fiving this idiocy.

Moron, a president is impeached the moment the House adopts articles of impeachment against them, just as the highlighted text from the House rules I posted stipulates.

And they remain impeached regardless of what happens in the Senate. If the Senate votes to dismiss the trial, the president remains impeached.

If they vote to acquit, the president remains impeached.

If they vote to convict but vote to not remove the presidentfrom office, the president remains impeached.

If they vote to convict and vote to remove the presidentfrom office, the president remains impeached.

Impeached Trump is impeached and will remain impeached for all of U.S. history and there's nothing the Senate can do about it.

If you weren't such a retard, you'd know this since the Constitution states the House has "sole power" over impeachment.

But here, check this out.... you actually said...

"A president isn’t actually impeached unless he is removed from office."

... even the U.S. Senate laughs at your ignorance...

View attachment 297408
You're fucking demented. Now you're posting bullshit non-sequiturs because I showed where you idiotically said...

"A president isn’t actually impeached unless he is removed from office."

... is utter nonsense and only serves to demonstrate what an abject imbecile you are.


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