Democrats nervous about up coming election...

No, they are just paranoid. They were SO SO shocked when the Orange clown beat the Bulldyke that they are guarding themselves against another shock. It’s human nature. But alas, they Dems will take the house and very likely gain seats in the senate. Sorry, they just will.

Based on what?


United States midterm election - Wikipedia
Midterm elections are sometimes regarded as a referendum on the sitting president's and/or incumbent party's performance.[4][5] The party of the incumbent president tends to lose ground during midterm elections: over the past 21 midterm elections, the President's party has lost an average 30 seats in the House, and an average 4 seats in the Senate; moreover, in only two of those has the President's party gained seats in both houses.

I know the History.....

History doesn’t mean much when it comes to

President Donald J. Trump…..

You Tards are in for a HISTORIC ASS WHIPPING…..

I’m not a lib. I am conservative to be sure. I voted against The Bulldyke.
They know it....TN, NV, and AZ have all been moved to (R) in RCP's "no tossups" Senate map, just in the last few days.
28 house seat races are now firmly republican... 14 others are leaning republican... They are not getting a majority if this continues.. Its looking like we may pick up seats in the house and that is a stunning development just 3 1/2 weeks before a midterm election. Keep pushing you're hate and resist mantra democrats... Its working so well for you...
Holy shit!....I just checked RCP's HoR map a few days ago, and there wasn't anywhere near that much pink & red...

They know it....TN, NV, and AZ have all been moved to (R) in RCP's "no tossups" Senate map, just in the last few days.
28 house seat races are now firmly republican... 14 others are leaning republican... They are not getting a majority if this continues.. Its looking like we may pick up seats in the house and that is a stunning development just 3 1/2 weeks before a midterm election. Keep pushing you're hate and resist mantra democrats... Its working so well for you...
Holy shit!....I just checked RCP's HoR map a few days ago, and there wasn't anywhere near that much pink & red...


Did you notice a bunch of Cali districts have changed too.. I expect more change there now that conservative judges were appointed to the districts 9th Circuit court. Lots of toss ups will change in Cali if Conservatives get out and vote..

ETA: They are using "You have a voice in your courts" and "You forgotten men and women in California have a voice, Trump is listening even if your democrat failed leadership isn't" Its going to be funny as hell if Trump dips into these areas to get people fired up...
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They know it....TN, NV, and AZ have all been moved to (R) in RCP's "no tossups" Senate map, just in the last few days.
28 house seat races are now firmly republican... 14 others are leaning republican... They are not getting a majority if this continues.. Its looking like we may pick up seats in the house and that is a stunning development just 3 1/2 weeks before a midterm election. Keep pushing you're hate and resist mantra democrats... Its working so well for you...
Holy shit!....I just checked RCP's HoR map a few days ago, and there wasn't anywhere near that much pink & red...


No, they are just paranoid. They were SO SO shocked when the Orange clown beat the Bulldyke that they are guarding themselves against another shock. It’s human nature. But alas, they Dems will take the house and very likely gain seats in the senate. Sorry, they just will.

Based on what?


United States midterm election - Wikipedia
Midterm elections are sometimes regarded as a referendum on the sitting president's and/or incumbent party's performance.[4][5] The party of the incumbent president tends to lose ground during midterm elections: over the past 21 midterm elections, the President's party has lost an average 30 seats in the House, and an average 4 seats in the Senate; moreover, in only two of those has the President's party gained seats in both houses.
That was back when both parties were sane.
If there's one thing we should've learned in 2016, it's not to trust the polls. It does look like the GOP is gaining ground in recent weeks thanks to the ugliness of the Kavanaugh confirmation perpetrated by the Dems and their calls for intimidation and all the yelling and screaming that we've seen. Which I think does not sit well with most Independents, especially women. So, right now I'd bet that the Dems will not take the Senate and in fact are likely to lose some seats there. But the House is up for grabs though, the Dems will probably pick up seats but the question is how many and will they get enough to take control.

The question for me is, what happens if they do not take either chamber of Congress? I'm thinking there'll be a lot of shall we call it civil disobedience, I just hope it doesn't escalate into violence enough to get somebody killed. Demonstrations are one thing, riots are another.

Lastly, do not bury the Democratic Party too soon. The best thing they have going for themselves is that the GOP sucks at governing, although Trump is doing a pretty decent job at most things. Too bad he can't keep his big mouth shut. Will the Dems continue on the course they're on now, towards socialist policies and all the screaming and shouting?
This is my favorite daily part of this forum, polls.

For more than a year all the Trump folks talked about was how fake polls were, they are all dishonest and fake.

Now, all the Trump folks can talk about is "look at this poll, the Dems are in trouble"...

The Dems for more than a year defend polls and said they were not that bad, now polls are not so reliable!

Just some funny shit to watch play out almost daily on here now.
If there's one thing we should've learned in 2016, it's not to trust the polls. It does look like the GOP is gaining ground in recent weeks thanks to the ugliness of the Kavanaugh confirmation perpetrated by the Dems and their calls for intimidation and all the yelling and screaming that we've seen. Which I think does not sit well with most Independents, especially women. So, right now I'd bet that the Dems will not take the Senate and in fact are likely to lose some seats there. But the House is up for grabs though, the Dems will probably pick up seats but the question is how many and will they get enough to take control.

The question for me is, what happens if they do not take either chamber of Congress? I'm thinking there'll be a lot of shall we call it civil disobedience, I just hope it doesn't escalate into violence enough to get somebody killed. Demonstrations are one thing, riots are another.

Lastly, do not bury the Democratic Party too soon. The best thing they have going for themselves is that the GOP sucks at governing, although Trump is doing a pretty decent job at most things. Too bad he can't keep his big mouth shut. Will the Dems continue on the course they're on now, towards socialist policies and all the screaming and shouting?
I don't think there's near as much ground gaining as it is that all the polls need to start reflecting actual reality, in order to save what precious few tatters of credibility they have left.
This is my favorite daily part of this forum, polls.

For more than a year all the Trump folks talked about was how fake polls were, they are all dishonest and fake.

Now, all the Trump folks can talk about is "look at this poll, the Dems are in trouble"...

The Dems for more than a year defend polls and said they were not that bad, now polls are not so reliable!

Just some funny shit to watch play out almost daily on here now.
RCP and Rasmussen are as close to what's really going on as you get...And even RCP doesn't even start reflecting reality until a couple weeks before elections.

In any event, polls taken any closer than a few weeks before any given election are more geared toward giving "journalists" something to write about, than they are at representing whats really going on.
If there's one thing we should've learned in 2016, it's not to trust the polls. It does look like the GOP is gaining ground in recent weeks thanks to the ugliness of the Kavanaugh confirmation perpetrated by the Dems and their calls for intimidation and all the yelling and screaming that we've seen. Which I think does not sit well with most Independents, especially women. So, right now I'd bet that the Dems will not take the Senate and in fact are likely to lose some seats there. But the House is up for grabs though, the Dems will probably pick up seats but the question is how many and will they get enough to take control.

The question for me is, what happens if they do not take either chamber of Congress? I'm thinking there'll be a lot of shall we call it civil disobedience, I just hope it doesn't escalate into violence enough to get somebody killed. Demonstrations are one thing, riots are another.

Lastly, do not bury the Democratic Party too soon. The best thing they have going for themselves is that the GOP sucks at governing, although Trump is doing a pretty decent job at most things. Too bad he can't keep his big mouth shut. Will the Dems continue on the course they're on now, towards socialist policies and all the screaming and shouting?
If they still gain seats in the House they will just keep going more and more insane and then it really will be the end of them.
They will just chalk up the Senate loss to the electoral map and try again in 2020(which will be much much worse for Democrats with Trump running and a lunatic running for the Democrats who the Republicans can target).

If they don't gain any seats in the House or lose seats then the party might start to kick out its leaders and opt to go less crazy.

It doesn't help the Democrats that Hillary is back saying insane shit again.
No, they are just paranoid. They were SO SO shocked when the Orange clown beat the Bulldyke that they are guarding themselves against another shock. It’s human nature. But alas, they Dems will take the house and very likely gain seats in the senate. Sorry, they just will.

Based on what?

If Midterms Are About Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats Are In Deep Trouble, Says CNN’s Senior Political Analyst
And Trump just sent three conservatives judges to the 9th circus court without the regions senators approval... They are screaming at the sky and becoming violent again.. This will push California Conservatives to get out and vote as someone is now representing them in the judicial system..

With Trump We May Rule For A Thousand Years:auiqs.jpg:

and what good would that do if liberals, gays, atheists and democrats are free to exercise the same rights as you?
No, they are just paranoid. They were SO SO shocked when the Orange clown beat the Bulldyke that they are guarding themselves against another shock. It’s human nature. But alas, they Dems will take the house and very likely gain seats in the senate. Sorry, they just will.

Based on what?

If Midterms Are About Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats Are In Deep Trouble, Says CNN’s Senior Political Analyst
And Trump just sent three conservatives judges to the 9th circus court without the regions senators approval... They are screaming at the sky and becoming violent again.. This will push California Conservatives to get out and vote as someone is now representing them in the judicial system..

With Trump We May Rule For A Thousand Years:auiqs.jpg:

and what good would that do if liberals, gays, atheists and democrats are free to exercise the same rights as you?

That's all fine with me...…

I just don't want you libtards controlling my life.
Minnesota Dems worry about Ellison allegations as state AG race tightens

Now WHY in the world would the Democrats be worried about Ellison?

Didn't they do their own internal investigation and declared Ellison did not slap his ex ... and one or two others ... around?!

Perhaps they are afraid someone might come forward and demand ELLISON insist that the FBI investigate the accusations against him, that if HE does not demand the FBI investigate the claims then he is obviously GUILTY?!

After all, I hear in cases like the the burden of proof usually falls on the accused, that the accused is always GUILTY until proven innocent, and that unless the FBI does the investigation there really hasn't been an investigation...
No, they are just paranoid. They were SO SO shocked when the Orange clown beat the Bulldyke that they are guarding themselves against another shock. It’s human nature. But alas, they Dems will take the house and very likely gain seats in the senate. Sorry, they just will.

Based on what?


United States midterm election - Wikipedia
Midterm elections are sometimes regarded as a referendum on the sitting president's and/or incumbent party's performance.[4][5] The party of the incumbent president tends to lose ground during midterm elections: over the past 21 midterm elections, the President's party has lost an average 30 seats in the House, and an average 4 seats in the Senate; moreover, in only two of those has the President's party gained seats in both houses.

Uh huh. And how many times in history has the opposition party acted like a ravening band of savages?
No, they are just paranoid. They were SO SO shocked when the Orange clown beat the Bulldyke that they are guarding themselves against another shock. It’s human nature. But alas, they Dems will take the house and very likely gain seats in the senate. Sorry, they just will.

Based on what?


United States midterm election - Wikipedia
Midterm elections are sometimes regarded as a referendum on the sitting president's and/or incumbent party's performance.[4][5] The party of the incumbent president tends to lose ground during midterm elections: over the past 21 midterm elections, the President's party has lost an average 30 seats in the House, and an average 4 seats in the Senate; moreover, in only two of those has the President's party gained seats in both houses.

Uh huh. And how many times in history has the opposition party acted like a ravening band of savages?
Democrats are in BIG trouble now.

Just a little bit more craziness and Republicans are guaranteed to gain a bunch of Senate seats and keep the House.
No, they are just paranoid. They were SO SO shocked when the Orange clown beat the Bulldyke that they are guarding themselves against another shock. It’s human nature. But alas, they Dems will take the house and very likely gain seats in the senate. Sorry, they just will.

Nope. The silent majority will show up on election day. Dems will go down in massive numbers.

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