Democrat's Next Attempt To Get Trump...Commenting On Excessive Sentence Against Roger Stone

Here we go again...I wonder if they have it in them to do it all again....the first one failed and has guaranteed a Trump win....

No.... They'll have to get rid of Pelosi first.
I'm sure they're already fighting behind the scenes about how the first one turned out.
They basically twisted her arm to do it. I don't think it'll work twice.

He won't shut bugs you libs too much...he can't resist....

Nah. He was a Big Mouthed Twat long before he got into politics....
And now he is the leader of the free world...and damn good at it....

Er no. He is the leader of America. America's decline started some time ago. He's just making it happen faster. The 21st century is the Asian Century. America will end up an isolationist backwater in about 40-50 years. Not that you wingnuts will mind. You guys long for the days of the wild west. Well, it might be coming to fruition!

I seriously doubt that. There is no Asia there is only China. Their economic model is catastrophically flawed. They can't even hold out for another five years unless they make some huge changes.

I can see it coming......not even a week after their last attempt to impeach Trump failed.....they're trying to invent another one.

In Twitter rampage, Trump attacks federal judge set to sentence Roger Stone

They tried to impeach him over a friggen phone those SOBs will try to impeach Trump over a Tweet.
And in both cases Trump had every right to speak his mind.

The Censorious Left will lose again make themselves even a bigger laughing stock and drive his poll numbers even higher.

Not a one of these folks had any problem with Obama criticizing judges during the SOTU nor did they claim that it constituted any sort of threat to the judiciary or our system of government.

Trump gives courts the respect they deserve when the administration complies, as it invariably has, with court decisions.

Criticizing a branch of government or its members is not the same thing as viewing it as less than coequal. The executive and legislative branches are coequal and they attack each other all the time.

To exempt the judiciary branch from criticism would be to signal that it is greater than, not coequal to, the other branches. That would be a much bigger threat to our system.

Federal judges have life tenure to protect them against retaliation by the executive and (except in extraordinary circumstances) the legislature. This is sufficient to prevent them from being swayed by criticism from the president.
Yeah....Trump specializes in turning liberals and their biased media into screaming morons.
Sometimes I hear Trump and all I want him to do is STFU......but it's only because I know what his critics will do, not because what he's saying is horrible or wrong. It's because I know how predictable his critics have become. And I also know that anyone in the Trump Administration that shows disagreement with him in public will be touted as a purveyor of absolute gospel. The left's mortal enemies become golden prophets overnight just by saying one sentence in disagreement with Trump.
Oh...shit...Obama never worked.
Trump would work his lazy ass into the ground in a day.

Note to Mud:

Two things:
1) Waking up early doesn't make you a hard worker
2) Tweeting crazy shit 24/7 doesn't make you a hard worker either
Clearly you're delusional.
It took millions in free television coverage from the leftist media to cover up the fact that Obama was lazy.
It's difficult to believe you actually want to defend this position.
hhmm..I'm not saying he was an exceptional worker. Nobody really knows. Not even you. But to say that Trump is some sort of head down/arse up working machine is just BS. He's a lazy fucker. Always has been.
I question your judgment.

Because your hatred overrules common-sense.
If he keeps that up, he'll never beat Hillary.

He didn't. Your dumbarse electoral system did. 3 million more Americans wanted her in charge. Fact.

He didn't.

Beat the shit out of her.....304-227.

Not even close.

I stand corrected.
He beat her to become president. Fact
More people voted for her to be president: Fact

President Donald Trump WON IN A LANDSLIDE. Suck it up and deal with it!

2016 Election Results Businessman Donald Trump (R) defeated former New York Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (D) for the presidency on November 8, 2016. Trump received 304 electoral votes to Clinton’s 227 electoral votes.

Dunno if I would call it a landslide. Ronnie Raygun vs Mondale was a landslide. Tricky Dickey vs McGovern was a landslide.
As for the rest of your diatribe, er, that is what I said in my post you were answering.

I swear I couldn't make this shit up. Is being dumb and Deplorable contagious? I mean you guys are pretty stupid to begin with, but it's like you become a special kind of dumb when two or more of you are around....hhhmmm...

And yet, in spite of being "dumb and Deplorable, pretty stupid, and a special kind of dumb, WE WON WITH A GREAT CANDIDATE and you lost, bigly!

I can see it coming......not even a week after their last attempt to impeach Trump failed.....they're trying to invent another one.

In Twitter rampage, Trump attacks federal judge set to sentence Roger Stone

They tried to impeach him over a friggen phone those SOBs will try to impeach Trump over a Tweet.

Hey Donald! How about just shutting the fuck up....

Maybe you won't get impeached....again..

LOL...wouldn't that be a hoot. The first president to get impeached twice!! Couldn't happen to a nicer fuckwit...
Trump has the same right to speak as anyone else. The last impeachment ended with Nancy Pelosi committing a felony before a live national audience and drove Trump's approval rating to his highest ever. By all means, impeach him again!

Did Roger Stone do anything wrong?

Stone was the last domino to fall as part of special counsel Dirty Bob Robert Mueller’s baseless Witch Hunt into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia — of which Mueller, of course, found none. The famously CNN tipped early morning FBI raid at Stone’s house to arrest him was even more evidence that he was part of a political dog-and-pony show rather than a legitimate criminal target.

Stone’s "crimes" essentially amounted to exaggerating about his own contacts with Wikileaks. The crux of the prosecution’s case is that Stone lied by naming Randy Credico — who? — as his intermediary to Wikileaks.

Prosecutors in Stone’s case claimed the sentence was deserved because foreign election interference is the most deadly adversary of republican government, but failed to mention that Stone was never found guilty of conspiring with Russia or Wikileaks. They also pointed to aggressive messages Stone sent to Credico, downplaying the fact that Credico said he never believed Stone intended to carry out any threats and recommended probation rather than jail time for his former friend.

Nonetheless, some would rather see the government lock him up and throw away the key for the sole reason that he is an ally of President Donald Trump.

The average rapist in America serves just four years in prison. Anthony Weiner, a Democrat, was sentenced to just 21 months for sending photos of his penis to a minor.

Stone was not even granted a fair trial. The lead juror in his case, Tomeka Hart, was a Democratic candidate for Congress in 2012, routinely followed the Russian collusion investigation via social media, and had posted numerous negative stories about Trump, including calling him the ‘#KlanPresident’. In January 2019, Hart retweeted a CNN analyst admonishing people who took issue with the FBI raid on Stone’s home after his indictment.

Are we really supposed to believe, as Hart claimed in court, that she did not ‘pay that close attention’ to the Russia probe and that her views of Trump wouldn’t affect her opinion of Stone? Judge Amy Berman Jackson, an Obama appointee responsible for putting Paul Manafort in solitary confinement, has denied Stone a new trial based on allegations that Hart was a biased juror. Jackson also implemented a rather unusual full gag order on Stone during the trial, preventing him from speaking about any aspects of the case.

Stone is being railroaded over his political inclinations.

President Trump has since weighed in on the sentencing recommendations, calling it ‘a phony Mueller Witch Hunt disgrace.’ This has lead people who can’t defend the sentencing recommendations to instead cry foul on the president’s involvement in the case, accusing him of putting his finger on the scale of justice.

The president’s comments are unlikely to have affected the Department of Justice at all. The DOJ had already planned on revising the sentencing guidelines before he ever tweeted, as the department was ‘shocked’ at the up to 9 years suggestion. AG Barr has never spoken personally to the president about the case.

‘The Department finds seven to nine years extreme, excessive and grossly disproportionate to Mr. Stone’s offenses,’ an official told Fox News.

For now, at least, it seems the DOJ will right this miscarriage of justice. If not, the president can and should step in.
I remember when Obama weighed in on the Travon Martin case calling him "the son I never had"...........didn't hear a peep out of anyone. Trump comments about the sentencing in a case and you'd think (according to the Democrats and their MSM) that Trump is some kind of evil monster.

Also, remember when Obama called law enforcement a bunch of Keystone cops? His 'beer summit' somehow absolved him of all guilt....
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Hey Donald! How about just shutting the fuck up....

Maybe you won't get impeached....again..

LOL...wouldn't that be a hoot. The first president to get impeached twice!! Couldn't happen to a nicer fuckwit...
And the first to get reelected afterwards.

Trump shoots his mouth off.

Democrats shoot themselves in the face with a shotgun.
I seriously doubt that. There is no Asia there is only China. Their economic model is catastrophically flawed. They can't even hold out for another five years unless they make some huge changes.


How is it flawed? America's isn't exactly going that well...
And there is South Korea and Japan and Taiwan and Hong Kong....then there is Indonesia coming up too
Oh...shit...Obama never worked.
Trump would work his lazy ass into the ground in a day.

Note to Mud:

Two things:
1) Waking up early doesn't make you a hard worker
2) Tweeting crazy shit 24/7 doesn't make you a hard worker either
Clearly you're delusional.
It took millions in free television coverage from the leftist media to cover up the fact that Obama was lazy.
It's difficult to believe you actually want to defend this position.
hhmm..I'm not saying he was an exceptional worker. Nobody really knows. Not even you. But to say that Trump is some sort of head down/arse up working machine is just BS. He's a lazy fucker. Always has been.
I question your judgment.

Because your hatred overrules common-sense.

What common sense is being overuled?
I remember when Obama weighed in on the Travon Martin case calling him "the son I never had"...........didn't hear a peep out of anyone. Trump comments about the sentencing in a case and you'd think (according to the Democrats and their MSM) that Trump is some kind of evil monster.

Also, remember when Obama called law enforcement a bunch of Keystone cops? His 'beer summit' somehow absolved him of all guilt....

Let me get this straight - you are comparing a kid being killed after buying something at a convenience store to Roger Stone, a person who tampered with witnesses (plus six other charges?). You guys are nuts.
I remember when Obama weighed in on the Travon Martin case calling him "the son I never had"...........didn't hear a peep out of anyone. Trump comments about the sentencing in a case and you'd think (according to the Democrats and their MSM) that Trump is some kind of evil monster.

Also, remember when Obama called law enforcement a bunch of Keystone cops? His 'beer summit' somehow absolved him of all guilt....

Let me get this straight - you are comparing a kid being killed after buying something at a convenience store to Roger Stone, a person who tampered with witnesses (plus six other charges?). You guys are nuts.
No Grumpy, I am comparing 2 Presidents commenting on on going court cases and how the MSM reacted. I thought I made that pretty clear. Now you’re attempting to change the subject.
I remember when Obama weighed in on the Travon Martin case calling him "the son I never had"...........didn't hear a peep out of anyone. Trump comments about the sentencing in a case and you'd think (according to the Democrats and their MSM) that Trump is some kind of evil monster.

Also, remember when Obama called law enforcement a bunch of Keystone cops? His 'beer summit' somehow absolved him of all guilt....

Let me get this straight - you are comparing a kid being killed after buying something at a convenience store to Roger Stone, a person who tampered with witnesses (plus six other charges?). You guys are nuts.
No Grumpy, I am comparing 2 Presidents commenting on on going court cases and how the MSM reacted. I thought I made that pretty clear. Now you’re attempting to change the subject.

Ah, that's right. Wingnuts don't do nuance. I forgot that you are naive that way...

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