Trump To Get Schooled On Rules After District Attorney Worries He'll Use Evidence To Slam Witnesses.

I like it we can see him squirm. The Rapist and Traitor has zero impulse control. No wonder none of the D-Shyters he manages to hire don't want to put him on the witness stand. Once he starts talking, he cannot help himself.
Trumps lawyers spent a long time building a case that Trump taking classified documents to Mar-a-lago was by accident.

And then at the CNN town hall, Trump says he took the documents on purpose. And that he had a right to take under the presidential records act.

Soon after that you heard the sound of his lawyers slapping their foreheads.
It's determining, who fiddled who the most, but we have to draw the line at Biden and kids.

The level to which the whataboutery falls has no real recorded depth. This yahoo will come back with "Ivanka and Jared". Both of whom made millions of dollars while the Rapist and Traitor was in the WH. They ignore the use of private email servers as well.

I have my own theory as to how Jared got over Two Billion Dollars ($2,000,000,000.00) from the Saudi's. It involves some very compartmented, very classified material and noticeable lack patriotism on the part of the Rapist and Traitor.
Trumps lawyers spent a long time building a case that Trump taking classified documents to Mar-a-lago was by accident.

And then at the CNN town hall, Trump says he took the documents on purpose. And that he had a right to take under the presidential records act.

Soon after that you heard the sound of his lawyers slapping their foreheads.
He really shot himself in the foot on that one.
He really shot himself in the foot on that one.
I think the judges gag order is to protect both the people and Trump himself. Trump believes he can do and say anything he wants, and then hires lawyers to clean up the mess he could have avoided in the first place.
Trumps lawyers spent a long time building a case that Trump taking classified documents to Mar-a-lago was by accident.

And then at the CNN town hall, Trump says he took the documents on purpose. And that he had a right to take under the presidential records act.

Soon after that you heard the sound of his lawyers slapping their foreheads.

And I'm Jack Smith already has video of what the Rapist and Traitor said. No way the Rapist and Traitor can deny saying it either. Not only cult members in the audience heard what he said, there was a audience as well.
And I'm Jack Smith already has video of what the Rapist and Traitor said. No way the Rapist and Traitor can deny saying it either. Not only cult members in the audience heard what he said, there was a audience as well.
Jack Smith should send CNN a thank-you note.
And congress should look into Trumps lawyers telling them under oath, the opposite of what Trump just admitted to on national TV (CNN) with 3 1/2 million people watching.
Also, the thread headline is incredibly dishonest.

This shit thread ought to be in the rubber room.
You Trumptard MAGAts say these things (Trump hating) like it would be a bad thing, even if it was true.
To you MAGAts ANYONE who hasn't pledged their absolute fealty to your ridiculous, con-artist cult god is a "hater."
So in this binary, alternate reality of yours there are only two types of people in this world:
Trump lovers
Trump haters.
You sound an AWFUL lot like The Orange Cat Turd King himself!
He makes it known that he thinks this way also.
So I gotta ask you BackAgain, are you just letting your cult god do your thinking for you again just like you did on the other thread two days ago where you tried to re-title The Special Prosecutor because Trump told you to?
Why do you let this idiot trained monkey tell you how to speak BackAgain?

But back to the point.
If anybody....literally ANYBODY who rules against Trump, speaks out against Trump, sentences Trump, defeats Trump, or in any other way attempts to hold Trump accountable for his words and actions is just a "Trump hater," then what kind of people do you think SHOULD be allowed to serve on Trump trial juries?
Only MAGAt Trump cultists?
Hypocrisy at its finest.
False. There was no insurrection.

For you to claim there was is just a lie. Like all you libtards like to do. Lie. Incessantly.

Once again, another fuckin’ libtard has to be reminded that words have actual meaning.

Typical cultist response
There was an INSURRECTION and the ORANGE SHITBAG did nothing but watch it on the big screen.

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