Democrat's Next Attempt To Get Trump...Commenting On Excessive Sentence Against Roger Stone

Just screwing with you corncob... You loons are getting easier and easier to mess with...

Serious question... Just when do you think another liberal democrat will occupy the Oval Office? Don't embarrass yourself in front of the class...

I expect liberal Democrats to occupy the Oval Office any day now.

Like they occupy public spaces where they want to suppress free speech.

Like they occupy the streets of sanctuary cities instead of going indoors to take a crap.


Sure - on those terms.

By election? Not in YOUR lifetime!
Oh...shit...Obama never worked.
Trump would work his lazy ass into the ground in a day.

Note to Mud:

Two things:
1) Waking up early doesn't make you a hard worker
2) Tweeting crazy shit 24/7 doesn't make you a hard worker either
Clearly you're delusional.
It took millions in free television coverage from the leftist media to cover up the fact that Obama was lazy.
It's difficult to believe you actually want to defend this position.
hhmm..I'm not saying he was an exceptional worker. Nobody really knows. Not even you. But to say that Trump is some sort of head down/arse up working machine is just BS. He's a lazy fucker. Always has been.
I question your judgment.

Because you are fr
Yup....not only are they going to try to make investigating crimes by Democrats illegal.....but commenting on abuses by prosecutors is now illegal....if your name is Donald J. Trump.

Naw, it's more like the Orange Buffoon just spouts off shit without even thinking. Then again he is a Deplorable loser...what would you expect?

Naw, it's more like the Orange Buffoon just spouts off shit without even thinking.

If he keeps that up, he'll never beat Hillary.
He already beat her.
Why wouldn't they feel better? They're mainly Deplorables and stupid. Trump just gave them some free money via a tax break you can't afford. They don't get that.

If you don't care what the world thinks then don't ask me to provide information about it.

And no, you are wrong about what Hillary said. QED indeed. Look, I get it. You Deplorables live in a sound-bite world. You don't have critical thought. You hear a sound bite and go with it. I get it. Getting to the nitty gritty and truth by actually going in depth into a subject is not part of your DNA. Nor the Orange Buffoons.
Anyway, here is the ACTUAL quote. My bold.

" could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables..."

What you don't want to understand is that it doesn't make any difference what the nuance was of what she said, it is the perception. Which half of Trump voters was she calling deplorable?
Yeah....and you're too dumb to connect the dots.

Yet you somehow feel that because Trump beat Hillary....he's guilty of colluding with Russia.

This a massive stretch....but an easy one when you hate the target.
When it comes to reality're dumb as shit......because you hate anyone who's friends with Trump.
Why wouldn't they feel better? They're mainly Deplorables and stupid. Trump just gave them some free money via a tax break you can't afford. They don't get that.

If you don't care what the world thinks then don't ask me to provide information about it.

And no, you are wrong about what Hillary said. QED indeed. Look, I get it. You Deplorables live in a sound-bite world. You don't have critical thought. You hear a sound bite and go with it. I get it. Getting to the nitty gritty and truth by actually going in depth into a subject is not part of your DNA. Nor the Orange Buffoons.
Anyway, here is the ACTUAL quote. My bold.

" could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables..."

What you don't want to understand is that it doesn't make any difference what the nuance was of what she said, it is the perception. Which half of Trump voters was she calling deplorable?

The ones that believe in him. I know it is perception. One of America's biggest problems. Starting/having perceived problems because they don't have the wherewithal to get down into the nitty gritty. I blame Atwater, Stone, Carvell, Rollins etc al.

I reckon about half of Trump's voters ticked his box because they hated Hillary and/or are GOP base voters. The other half were Deplorables - ie love and believe in Trump.
She also insisted that Stone’s affiliation with President Donald Trump would “absolutely not” color her views of the longtime Trump confidante, according to a copy of a court transcript obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.
“And when we asked what you read or heard about the defendant, you do understand that he was involved in Mr. Trump’s campaign in some way?” Jackson asked.

“Yes,” she said.

“Is there anything about that that affects your ability to judge him fairly and impartially sitting here right now in this courtroom?” Jackson queried.

“Absolutely not,” Hart answered.

Two statements about Stone...….ooooops
She lied to get on the jury and was the Foreman, as such she should be prosecuted for lying under oath...….

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