Democrats now the Party of the Vaxxed Supremacists

Since the group with the largest percentage of unvaxxed individuals is the black population, it's refreshing to finally see you put your overt racism on full display....

But you're a Liberal, so your racism is hardly surprising, is it????
How fucking stupid are you... I am finished saying ye are just ignorant... Keep yourself ignorant is stupid and for that you are fucking stupid...

White Republicans are the highest unvaxxed individuals...
That's correct and whilever fools refuse they will become the minority and should be kept away from society. The disease spreading vermin must be controlled like wild horses. They are nothing.
This is affecting families also. You are not trusted. Never again.
I mean, the definition fits them perfectly, doesn’t it?

vaxxed supremacist

  1. a person who believes that vaccinated people constitute a superior class and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other status groups, in particular unvaccinated or people who won’t share their medical records.
    "an avowed vaxxed supremacist"
  1. supporting the belief that vaxxed people constitute a superior class and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other status groups, in particular unvaccinated or people who won’t share their medical records.
    "they were members of a vaxxed supremacist group"

It is the vaccinated who will rue the day they ruled up their sleeves. We allow no one who has been vaccinated to enter our home. The risk is too high they're shedding this biological weapon. How's that for flipping the narrative?
^^ another prime example of an idiot who thinks the virus kills the majority of people it infects.

Over 99% of people under 65 who get it recover just fine, and have real immunity. Especially now that we know of more drugs and treatments to help prevent the severity of it.
About 200 million of US population is over 15 and under 65..

1% of the population of US is about 2.0 million people... That is how many dead...
5% of that population of US is about 10.0 million people... Need Hospital care including ICU beds.. Since this means that we will run out of ICU beds fast, people will just die from healthcare system being overrun..
10% of that population of US is about 20.0 million people... Get Long Covid, this would be lung scaring, unable to return to workforce, compromised immune system... 20m is about 13% of the workforce....

So please suggest the Trumper Party run on this... What will the platform be? I want to destroy the Economy, Kill your Grandma, Break the Healthcare system and increase health insurance for everyone...
About 200 million of US population is over 15 and under 65..

1% of the population of US is about 2.0 million people... That is how many dead...
5% of that population of US is about 10.0 million people... Need Hospital care including ICU beds.. Since this means that we will run out of ICU beds fast, people will just die from healthcare system being overrun..
10% of that population of US is about 20.0 million people... Get Long Covid, this would be lung scaring, unable to return to workforce, compromised immune system... 20m is about 13% of the workforce....

So please suggest the Trumper Party run on this... What will the platform be? I want to destroy the Economy, Kill your Grandma, Break the Healthcare system and increase health insurance for everyone...
White women do not reproduce in the numbers needed as they were sold out by extreme feminism. And because of extreme feminism they are angered against the perceived oppressive system towards them.
What are you afraid of shrew? Is your god the vaccine not protecting you from the heathens? C'mon, give us a big, wet kiss.
I'd actually rather she keep her vaxxed ass a good distance from us since vaxxed are super spreaders of nasty spike proteins.

1 spike fragments toxic p1.PNG
1 spike fragments toxic p2.PNG
1 spike fragments toxic p3.PNG
1 spike fragments toxic p4.PNG
1 spike fragments toxic p5.PNG
They are vermin and need to have tattoos on their foreheads so that we can avoid getting too close to them.

Well I'm not an insane vaccine lover and I don't act like one, so I don't think this is a great idea. This is what the vaccine cult says
White Republicans are the highest unvaxxed individuals...
It doesn't matter.

This is the Trumpsters' characteristically ham-handed way of trying to turn a term that stings them (white supremacy) around to use as a weapon within another context. We've also seen the term "cult" used in this thread. That's another example that we see here often now.

I'll bet that, in the alternate universe, this would be considered very creative and effective. It is what it is.
About 200 million of US population is over 15 and under 65..

1% of the population of US is about 2.0 million people... That is how many dead...
5% of that population of US is about 10.0 million people... Need Hospital care including ICU beds.. Since this means that we will run out of ICU beds fast, people will just die from healthcare system being overrun..
10% of that population of US is about 20.0 million people... Get Long Covid, this would be lung scaring, unable to return to workforce, compromised immune system... 20m is about 13% of the workforce....

So please suggest the Trumper Party run on this... What will the platform be? I want to destroy the Economy, Kill your Grandma, Break the Healthcare system and increase health insurance for everyone...
Ahh the old “we’re running out of ICU beds” trope. Yea sure, we are so short staffed we are firing nurses who refuse the poke.....because....they might infect WuFlu patients?

We’ve already seen huge increases in cases in the most vaccinated countries. As the vaccines continue to destroy people’s immune systems, more and more “vaccinated” will start dying.

Then of course there are the huge increases in “non-COVID” hospitalizations and deaths starting to happen in the most vaccinated countries. Heart issues, blood clots, strokes, are rising way above normal levels. So those hospitals will be filling up with vaxxed sheep due to long term side effect issues.
The solution to the problem is freedom. If paranoid, vaccinated people are afraid of catching COVID from the unmasked and unvaccinated, then just stay home and surrender to the disease. Timid people like this don't contribute much to society anyway. Let the doers, do.
The solution to the problem is freedom. If paranoid, vaccinated people are afraid of catching COVID from the unmasked and unvaccinated, then just stay home and surrender to the disease. Timid people like this don't contribute much to society anyway. Let the doers, do.
Very well said.
Why would blacks take notice of some white guy that flogged his ancestors?
You're a fucking idiot, you Democratic party of slavery and Jim Crow laws apologist.

You're a racist piece of shit.

Why do you continue to support the party of slavery?

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