Democrats Omits Israel From Platform For First Time

Democrats Undemocratically Bring Back God and Jerusalem

by Daniel Greenfield
Sep 5th, 2012

There’s nothing like trying to reinsert language about God and Jerusalem that you removed and then tried to put back to fix your broken image, only to be booed by your own delegates who clearly aren’t fans of either God or Jerusalem… to show the country what you really stand for.

The floor of the Democratic National Convention erupted Wednesday over a sudden move to restore to the platform a reference to “God” and recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital — after heavy criticism from Republicans for initially omitting them.

Democrats, though, were hardly in agreement over the reversal.

A large and loud group of delegates shouted “no” as convention chairman, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, called for the vote late Wednesday afternoon. Villaraigosa had to call for the vote three times before ruling that the “ayes” had it. Many in the crowd booed after he determined the language would be restored.---

Democrats Undemocratically Bring Back God and Jerusalem | FrontPage Magazine
Democrats Undemocratically Bring Back God and Jerusalem

by Daniel Greenfield
Sep 5th, 2012

There’s nothing like trying to reinsert language about God and Jerusalem that you removed and then tried to put back to fix your broken image, only to be booed by your own delegates who clearly aren’t fans of either God or Jerusalem… to show the country what you really stand for.

The floor of the Democratic National Convention erupted Wednesday over a sudden move to restore to the platform a reference to “God” and recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital — after heavy criticism from Republicans for initially omitting them.

Democrats, though, were hardly in agreement over the reversal.

A large and loud group of delegates shouted “no” as convention chairman, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, called for the vote late Wednesday afternoon. Villaraigosa had to call for the vote three times before ruling that the “ayes” had it. Many in the crowd booed after he determined the language would be restored.---

Democrats Undemocratically Bring Back God and Jerusalem | FrontPage Magazine
This exposes the underbelly of the Democrat party. Bunch of phony baloney's. The GOP should replay this video over and over as a campaign ad.

[ame=]DNC railroads its own delegates in the name of God & Jerusalem - YouTube[/ame]
I don't get how anyone could argue the world's Muslim Nations have Freedom & Liberty. That's just a ludicrous argument to make. In Israel's defense, they are far more free in comparison.

No one is talking about freedom or liberty, we are talking about who follows Gods law, Israel allows gays, lesbians, nudity, what else I could go on and on.
They can have freedom and liberty for Jews only btw, but they do not follow God

They? Who is they idiot? People are individuals, some more religiously strict than others. Like I said Israel is not a theocracy, get through your head. Of course in your world these sinners should be killed:cuckoo:
Democrats Undemocratically Bring Back God and Jerusalem

by Daniel Greenfield
Sep 5th, 2012

There’s nothing like trying to reinsert language about God and Jerusalem that you removed and then tried to put back to fix your broken image, only to be booed by your own delegates who clearly aren’t fans of either God or Jerusalem… to show the country what you really stand for.

The floor of the Democratic National Convention erupted Wednesday over a sudden move to restore to the platform a reference to “God” and recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital — after heavy criticism from Republicans for initially omitting them.

Democrats, though, were hardly in agreement over the reversal.

A large and loud group of delegates shouted “no” as convention chairman, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, called for the vote late Wednesday afternoon. Villaraigosa had to call for the vote three times before ruling that the “ayes” had it. Many in the crowd booed after he determined the language would be restored.---

Democrats Undemocratically Bring Back God and Jerusalem | FrontPage Magazine
This exposes the underbelly of the Democrat party. Bunch of phony baloney's. The GOP should replay this video over and over as a campaign ad.

[ame=]DNC railroads its own delegates in the name of God & Jerusalem - YouTube[/ame]

You got that right...
My God do Americans worship Israel? Is there something very special there that I don't know about? Or are these just jewish people posting?

I swear these so called Americans are all Israeli firsters and care if Israelis live a happy life, not their own people.

They've been our ally for years. Much more than we can say for the Muslim Brotherhood and their ilk. Why all the love for all things Muslim from the left?
Please point out where I said I wanted "all the Jews annihilated".

Fact is, most Jews outside Israel don't care about Israel. Israel is weird Uncle Moshe screaming about Hitler at your Bat-Mitzvah because you invited your Goyim friends.

"Uncle Moshe, you're embarrassing meeee......"

Israel's target audience now are Christian Funditards who need Israel so Jay-a-zus can come back.

You've never actually met a Jew, have you?

You get your idea of what JOOOZZZ are from the local Imam, doncha Comrade?

NOpe, no a lot of them.

And what I've noticed is that while 30 years ago, they were all up for Israel, today, most of them just don't care.

Hitler died a long time ago.
You want Israel "driven into the sea" that’s annihilation nutjob...Dismissed

That's Israel, not the Jews.. Most of the world's Jews don't live in Israel and are kind of embarrased by it. Especially when they do shit like run over peace activists will bulldozers.

And inevitably, they will be driven into the sea. Of course, most of them will resettle in Europe and the US.
Joe, stop lying to justify your fantasies. Most Jews are not ashamed of Israel, in fact they are extremely proud of Israel and what it stands for. Especially when compared to the shitholes of hatred, terror, and oppression that happen to be its Muslim neighbors.

EXCERPT: Why the American Jewish Romance With Israel Is Coming to an End, By Norman Finkelstein

My book was conceived in the mid-2000s and largely completed by 2008. Although its publication was unavoidably delayed, I did manage to lecture widely on its thrust that a tipping point had been reached: large sectors of the significantly liberal American Jewish community now knew too much of the truth about the Israel-Palestine conflict to continue lending Israel blind support. The argument was skeptically received by audiences and experts alike back then, but just a few years later, as these lines are being written, it has practically passed into conventional wisdom.

Although disagreements persist on exactly why American Jews are “distancing” themselves from Israel, it is largely accepted that in recent years a divide has opened up. Indeed, the poll data sampled in this book probably underestimate the depth of this estrangement because of the traditional reticence of Jews to “air dirty laundry in public,” and because of their reluctance to acknowledge that Israel no longer touches them as it once did.

The truth- Zionists are like abused children who've gotten big enough to beat on someone else. They really don't get a lot of sympathy at that point.
The USA must borrow money to give billions in aid to other nations that are NOT broke, meanwhile while our own government will imposing an AUSTERITY budget on its own people.

And, even more ironic, many of the very same people who are losing their minds about the NATIONAL DEBT and the wasteful UG government, support the continued AID to Isreal, despite they fact that the object to the way the USA pisses away money.

Their cognitive disssonance must be somewhat difficult to ignore at time like these.
Yeah Joe, it's a sad thing when the oppressed people of the world stand up and speak for themselves and then the world brands them as bullies. So many lies, so much hate, so little real education. Too few people really want to invest themselves in learning the truth and are willing to believe any nonsense that comes out of the press. I've found that so few people really exercise that muscle in their head. The sit and watch TV and believe any atrocious BS that's presented there.

Who is it we're beating on these days? Oh - could that possibly be those people who keep shooting missiles at our children's schools and civilian businesses in southern Israel? hmm - yeah - that's certainly makes us the bully. Try exercising your brain and learning something about what's really going on.. rather than just reading someone else's opinion.
Yeah Joe, it's a sad thing when the oppressed people of the world stand up and speak for themselves and then the world brands them as bullies. So many lies, so much hate, so little real education. Too few people really want to invest themselves in learning the truth and are willing to believe any nonsense that comes out of the press. I've found that so few people really exercise that muscle in their head. The sit and watch TV and believe any atrocious BS that's presented there.

Who is it we're beating on these days? Oh - could that possibly be those people who keep shooting missiles at our children's schools and civilian businesses in southern Israel? hmm - yeah - that's certainly makes us the bully. Try exercising your brain and learning something about what's really going on.. rather than just reading someone else's opinion.

The Truth.

That was Arab land for thousands of years. For better or worse, the Jews became a European people after the Romans drove them out of the Levant.

And they are doing exactly what any other people would do to an invading force.

now, me, if I lived in a place where my neighbors announced their intent to kill me, where they were strapping bombs onto their own kids in attempts to pick me off, I would find somewhere else to live.

Oh, but wait. Yahweh promised us this land. And Allah promised it to the Arabs. My imaginary friend in the sky has a bigger dick than your imaginary friend in the sky.

Now, if you all want to get killed over a cosmic dick-measuring contest, knock yourselves out.

But I'm pretty sick of my country subsidizing it and getting stuck in the middle and occassionally having to deploy our military to take care of whoever you are afraid of this year.
Stop U.S. aid to Israel (almost $4 billion/year) and let it stand on its own.

Lakahola, Don't forget Egypt, Pakistan and all these

List of countries by foreign aid received
List of countries by foreign aid received - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

u ssob :clap2:

That doesn't bother the hater they aren't "Zionists" Jews

What bothers me is that we are paying these countries to play nice with the Zionists.

Our aid to Egypt is essentially 30 years of bribes to not renounce Camp David, which most Egyptians hate with a passion. They even shot Sadat for his troubles.

same with Pakistan. Only reason we are dumping billions into Pakistan is so that they half-heartedly support our war on "terrorism". (That is when they aren't hiding the guy who masterminded 9/11.)

What foriegn aid should be for is to help poor people in developing countries develop their technology and agriculture to improve their lot in life...

Not to prop up a silly religious fantasy and then pay everyone who might object to it bribes not to kill them.
Lakahola, Don't forget Egypt, Pakistan and all these

List of countries by foreign aid received
List of countries by foreign aid received - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

u ssob :clap2:

That doesn't bother the hater they aren't "Zionists" Jews

What bothers me is that we are paying these countries to play nice with the Zionists.

Our aid to Egypt is essentially 30 years of bribes to not renounce Camp David, which most Egyptians hate with a passion. They even shot Sadat for his troubles.

same with Pakistan. Only reason we are dumping billions into Pakistan is so that they half-heartedly support our war on "terrorism". (That is when they aren't hiding the guy who masterminded 9/11.)

What foriegn aid should be for is to help poor people in developing countries develop their technology and agriculture to improve their lot in life...

Not to prop up a silly religious fantasy and then pay everyone who might object to it bribes not to kill them.

It's the Jews!:badgrin:
Didn't say anything about "Jews" guy.

Judaism will be around long after the Zionist Entity is pushed into the sea, and they'll all admit it was a horrible idea.

So you hate religion (except muslims) now you like Judaism?:lol: Don't bother me with your bull boy. Keep wishing for the annihilation of the Jews in Israel that’s where you live

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